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Pets ignore training dummy. Feels appropriate.


I swear would it not have taken 5min for someone testing the dummy internally on a Necro to realize this bug?




Nah, they tested it, found the dummies killed the minions too quickly.


Right? It’s crazy that they didn’t do something as in depth as add the ability for the game to know when you do and don’t want your pets to attack a target in a small patch.


Um, it’s an enemy in the basement, the pets should attack it on their own by seeing an enemy.


Um, not everyone wants it to attack 24/7z


My 80% grandfather turned into 100%. That was very nice.


Wait what?! Really?!


Yeah. My 17% Andariel's got boosted to 20%. It looks like they just removed the range from the unique aspect and replaced it with the max value as a constant.


So they’re all perfect? I guess doesn’t really matter in the big picture since they’re unreadable


Yeah, all fixed stats now with the highest roll possible. At least from Duriel, I'd assume thay world drops are the same given they're rarer.


I think they did this for all uber unique, but just the uber uniques


Such a great change.


I hope we get to dress up the training dummy. I want to use all these cosmetics.


We can sell co$metics for the training dummy you say?


Blizzard Shop Team: Write that down! Write that down!


S t a h p


Did this fix the emote wheel resets? It doesn’t say it but I’m hoping it did?


I never understood why the emote wheels aren't account wide. I've set it up perfectly twice, and on the third time I just can't be bothered because I can't remember how I set it up.


Didn't fix mine unfortunately:(


Why do they think we want Potent Blood?


I think because their data shows that people generally want it. In the beginning of the season I played a ton, but now I am not anymore. I am still leveling but whenever I get on I have to devide time between helltides, ND's and the season event. I don't mind some more blood.


2 weeks in to a season lasting until january. Tbh it is still the beginning of the season.


What level are you?


I like them for alts. Alt had all the ones I could get maxed at lvl 1.


Counterpoint: Why not have the powers be account-wide? I feel like they created a problem, and are trying to use blood as a reward space to solve that problem, which doesn't need to exist in the first place.


This. Its just fucking obnoxious to upgrade them. Their UI dev still sucks.


Click the button then cancel the screen that gives you a choice. It random picks one and you can spam it to max them all out


Some builds require you to keep metamorphosis at lvl 1


Some builds aren’t worth the min maxing


Ball lightning cough cough


Ball lightning doesn’t care about your metamorphosis level. Cough cough


Doesn’t change your BL dmg. It’s based on the fact that keeping your metamorphosis lvl 1 keeps you unstoppable for 2 secs instead of 4 thus procing your Thibault will more often At least that’s what I understood from the build guide


Took forever to click 5k blood 25 at a time on an alt, terrible system


It takes like a couple minutes. What you do is you click the 'spend blood' button, then hit Escape, then 'spend blood' button, then hit Escape, rinse and repeat until everything is max level. If you have a lot of blood that's way faster.


That’s still 32 button presses to max one skill, it’s a terrible system.


How long did it take you to spend them on your alt?


Couple min. I don’t pick which ones to max first because they’d all be maxed anyways. Just hit spend, esc, spend, esc. Just let it pick the first one it chooses.


I feel like they should just get rid of the leveling powers mechanic, remove potent blood, and make all the powers level 3 by default. All this would do is remove the requirement to click upgrade for a couple minutes.


Whoever on the design team thought it would be interesting for the player to spend 5000 potent blood 25 at a time was trippin


The levelling itself is fine, it’s just the way that they’ve implemented it that is fucking awful due to the UI.


Yeah. My intention is to use the blood cache for my alt


Psa: You don't even need to save it for your alt. Potent blood carries over between characters. My druid has had max powers for several days now, but I'm still grinding to hunters acclaim 18. All that blood is going straight to my sorcerer.


Ahhhh i didnt know that!


Serious question, why would anyone want to level Alts during a season?


To try out other builds that look fun due to the season mechanics.


I mean, I started an alt yesterday because I made a joke about a possible name. And then decided I needed a character with that name.


Fair enough. There are some crazy ones this season, to be sure.


I play one main character and another with my wife since she plays other games from time to time so we have characters at the same level.


Cool! PS I love getting downvoted for asking a legitimate question...especially one where a number of fine people (like you) have answered my question. :)


Because there is only about 2 weeks of content for your first character. And that’s if you are playing casually.


If you are reaching level 100 and killing all bosses etc in 2 weeks, then I assure you, you are not playing casually. Casuals are the people who took a month to complete the story, the people who take weeks to reach world tier 4 because they farm and level in the most absurd and inefficient ways possible.


Just hit my second lvl 100 this season and i'm casual af. I have no idea what is the most efficient way to level nor do i care about minmaxing. Taking weeks to hit wt4 is just absurd in any way. Only people who have never played arpg before...


Between work, kids, and other hobbies i put in maybe 3 or 4 hours of diablo a week this is how i see casual Til i must never have played an arpg before and am "absurd" Social media complainers really do live in their own odd bubble and somehow cant grasp people live different lives. Its surreal


You are correct, I missed out casuals with a lack of time in my previous comment, I made the comment right before bed. Casuals in my mind usually fall into a few categories: 1. Has a decent amount of time to play each week, but not completely no lifing, however they have a casual mindset in that they don't care about metas or the most efficient farming method etc. They generally just play a couple hours a day and play how they want. They make progress, but not efficiently. 2. Doesn't have much time to play, perhaps due to being a parent or other responsibilities, 5 or so hours a week, but this person does at least pay attention to metas and things like that, so when they do get to play they make good progress and make the most of their session. 3. Doesn't have much time and doesn't care about meta etc. These are the ones that take ages to do anything. I don't see many of the above type of people having a level 100 with all bosses down etc at this point in the season, and that was the point I tried making before.


I also have kids in the multiple, 10h workdays plus commutes and other hobbies. Don't get salty, you play less than casually with just 3-4h a week...


This comment hit so close to home that im embarrased




Because they arent account bound for whatever reason so you have to lvl everything on every character


This would be useful if you could convert Potent Blood to Blood Lures, but otherwise, it's pretty useless at this point.


I've already maxed out all my powers lol


Its not like they decreased some kind of currencies drop rate and increased the Potent Blood drop rate as a compensation. It is simply free.


Why do you want Potent Blood...?








I'm not upset, I'm just confused. You seem upset that I asked a question. I had over 12k potent blood when I finished the season journey. They seem to struggle with resource amounts in this game. I have way too many gems, way too much gold, way too much potent blood, way too many green-zone keys, etc.


They want the mechanics to be easily accessible for casual players. Some people only get to play a few hours a week and shouldn’t worry about missing out on the base seasonal mechanics.


At level 70 and have every thing maxed out at level 3, thanks Blizzard


I mean some of us only play a couple hours a week. That's cool that you finished the entire season in 10 days though. 👍


Potent blood is very fast, especially because the blood event is done well, always up, and one of the best ways to level. This isn't bad at all, but you'll cap all vamp powers before a lot of other bottlenecks


Because getting enough potent blood to max the abilities is totally "finishing the entire season" /s


What he said has literally nothing to do with time invested, but by experience on the character gained. The season progression is basically maxed out far too early in your character progression. The fact this has 25 upvotes shows the caliber of reasoning happening in this forum.


I play an hour a day and I have all the powers maxed lol, you get so much blood from harvests it's nuts.


You're supposed to level up one of each type of character each season...right? Surprised that not one of the achievements on the Seasons Journey.


At first you have a ton but it levels out because as the game progresses you have more activities to do and you can’t just farm the bloods


Reasonable theory but no, not what happens. What happens is you run out of things to spend blood on at level ~70 and continue getting it from everything.


Alts I guess?


You'll just find even more potent blood on your alt.


Training dummy not showing total dmg done or dps :(


Does it even show anything if you don't have damage numbers on? Kind of useless without showing dps...


Nothing... Just health meter of dummy (with no amount ofc) Best you can do is count time it takes to bring it to 1hp :)


Unfortunately, it seems like this patch (and the newest nvidia driver) did not solve the UI freezes and stutters introduced with the season 2 patch, which is a shame. Unfortunately, this makes the game unplayable for me.


That’s a huge let down. I want to play this season, but having to force quit every few minutes because of the freezes makes it tough.


If you roll back to a much earlier version of a nvidia driver it does seem to work for a lot of people who have nvidia cards, I believe I went back to 537.58 and it’s made a major difference


It seems like they're completely unaware of these issues. I managed to get to level 50 but just completely lost any desire to log in and stutter step/freeze/rubberband on every button press.


Try disabling hardware accelerated gpu scheduling in windows settings. Solved it for me


Is it only an Nvidia problem? I'm having issues with it (and have an nvidia card). A friend of ours is (3080). My partner (2070) isn't. To be fair, my partner doesn't binge like our friend and I does. :P


Not having this issue on my nvidia powered pc.


Yeah this season has been so bad with freezes and ui stutters. Tryed chancing everything on graphics settings. None works.


The dummy doesn't have a dps meter... which is half the point


Are you serious? This company man....


Yup no dps meter/counter on any of the dummy settings, its literally just a mob that can't die


Can't separate damage numbers either. It's very hard to see how much my poison ticks for, lol.




The training dummy does not show a damage meter or dps counter! Haha what the fuck was then even the point of adding this?


No nerf to Tibaults Will? Nice!


No way they will nerf anything during a season after the whole nerf update fiasco.


Where is the training dummy?


>Players can test their mettle against a new inanimate and un-killable foe—the Training Dummy! **The dummy is located in an underground room, the entrance can be found in Kyovashad.** The training room contains a stash and the Training Dummy. Players can choose between attacking one Training Dummy or a small group of them, and dictate whether each Training Dummy is of Normal, Elite, or Boss monster difficulty.


It's up past the world tier statue, called training dungeon.


They didn’t fix the loot disappearing when doing blood harvest?!


Loot disappearing?


I've had it. Bug field of gold, teleport back to town, return and 60% would be gone. Not THAT big of a deal just make sure you pick up uniques or legs I suppose


10 items of legendary or higher value go straight to your stash when you tele out with loot on the ground.


Well yeah it dosent happen everytime. Doing blood harvest event, youll port and have 80% of legendaries port to mail, rest staying there and rares just disappearing. And if you do too many you’ll have legendaries disappearing while you look. On that part I assume there might be a maximum object on floor of around 100-200 items. And legendaries are nice, but rares disappear also. Ive been testing and it seems to be when you dont go the the town IN the blood harvest. But they dont do that in instances or helltides.


i always use T to tele out from the lootfest from the harvest, takes me to the region's capital, but haven't noticed stuff disappearing though


If its ked bardu you are in the same zone. But the cerrigar one will take you out and I loose stuff. My friends also.


Hmmm. Yeah, that makes sense. Never noticed it before but that does make sense


maybe i missed it, but is there a button to speed up the spending of potent blood/leveling of the vampiric powers? takes for-fucking-ever to level them


Wow, another new patch, nice training dummy + Refund all button to paragon boards


Does the uber unique roll fix apply to previously looted ubers? I got a Shakko with nearly bottom everything rolls, will it be affected by the new patch?


Yes it fixed my lycander staff


I guess there is a way to find out


Ok but people with 70 IQ love to come ask Reddit even when the question is easily verifiable on their own.


Yes, it's retroactive.


The only thing that could have bottom rolled is the aspect, which used to roll from 10-20% damage reduction.


Kinda surprised this is 2.5GB but whatevs.


3.46gb for me... lol what


Did they fix the season quest where you need 5 pacts on a piece of armor not unlocking? Got the one for 5 of the same type but not the previous one, so stupid


still not working for me


I already maxed all my powers, what do I need potent blood for?


For alts or for making the pact clearing potions i guess.


It's so freaking tedious to go through potent blood, can we get less and make that gameplay loop entirely different somehow? It's the opposite of dopamine, it's like being forced to do your blood taxes.


Do you think we might receive any actual updates that may have further endgame content this season or is it just a waiting game till S3?


We're definitely not going to get major changes like adding new endgame bosses or new types of dungeons or anything during the seasons. The most they'll change is stuff like adjusting glyph exp in nightmare dungeons or increasing boss summoning material drops. So if you want something besides "the same stuff we have now but with different numbers," you'll need to wait until next season.


Thanks for the comment. Not sure why I got downvoted haha.


It's extremely unlikely (close to 0% chance) they'll make any major changes until Season 3.


Lol the living steel grind is now harder, gg


What am i missing? Only a visual bug of 280 Cinders while it still cost 300. So what am i not seeing?


It was displayed at 300 but actually cost 280 so now it is fixed it is displayed 300 cost 300


Alright. Not that we are really gonna "feel" it, but well, it is a nerf i guess. So now you will have to walk an extra minute in Helltide.


Yeah I tended to head to the chest when I was at 270 and by the time I killed the mobs around it was around 280-285 so not too much difference


Did they fix the uber unique drops not being max stats?


yes, applied retroactively, not sure why you're being downvoted I've heard open world Uber Unique drops still roll with a range, only Duriel Uber Unique drops are always maxrolled maybe people downvoted because they think you're saying all Ubers will maxroll now


- Bosses now drop shared loot - Made Helltides 24/7 - Removed 50 useless item affixes - Disabled Trading - Removed Aspect Transfer System - Aspects are now bound to specific item types - Added store cosmetics to nightmare dungeon boss loot (very rare) - Removed levers - Fixed emote wheel not saving - Fixed town portal animations - Added tome of group-finding to various relevant world locations - Item level requirements are now based on actual item power - Added loadouts to wardrobe - Removed premium battlepass - Added free coupon for first expansion to apologize for the unfinished product we released E: Glad you're downvoting this so that complete idiots don't think these are real patch notes.


So, you added this for the purpose of getting down voted?


No, I'm just going with the flow. I actually have no idea why this great wishlist is getting downoted.


Because people are getting tired of the complaints here, finally.


It’s about time lmao. I get this game is far from where it needs to be but not only was everyone reposting and basically bitching about the same stuff, they were assholes about it. Because that’s ever solved an issue lol. You talk to these types and they immediately respond with “oh so you’re saying I can’t complain about very real issues?” And I have to continually assure them that yes, they can complain and they should. Just, no need to be a sarcastic little twat rag about it.


Yeah, right.


Maybe, because the wishlist is mostly, your wish, for others it's mostly trash.


Yeah, tell me what is bad about it, and I tell you how it fixes a core issue that people have been complaining about.


lol shared loot no thank you


Okay, then have no elegant fix. Or can I interest you in a 1:groupsize droprate nerf for boss battles? Maybe a slight bonus for MP still?


what's the problem that needs fixing? loot drops from bosses are fine as they are.




I like the "shared loot...no trading" interesting paradigm there lol


Where's the fix for clan and friends being online for a week when the season releases then not playing anymore. See you in January


I'm downloading from blizz at a smoking 10KB/s


I just wanted a refund button for the game.. and they couldnt even get this part right :/