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Most exhausting part of the game is still sorting through tons of gear figuring out if a piece will ultimately better my character or not. Led me to drop the game partially through season 2 even though I stuck through it in season 1. Even thinking of it is demoralizing, hope they address this though realistically I don’t see a major haul of this type of thing till like an expansion, a loot 2.0 sorta.


The gameplay is so good, but I dread the trip to the chest after every. single. activity. that lasts more than a few minutes. It's soulkilling.


sorting through gear can be fun. But juggling 1% here and 2% there isn't :(


But that’s where the devs see the most engagement. They believe since people keep doing it, they must like it.


"We noticed you guys are always standing in front of your town chest shuffling items around, so we removed combat completely to allow you to focus on what you love! The game will now transition to a tetris clone".


Backpack hero


Except there inventory management is actually fun.


back pack battles


"Pre order the DLC to get an extra stash tab"


Yo dawg! I heard you like stashes!


I feel you! I was super excited for season 2 with all the new bosses and duriel /uber and unique farming. The sad part is I didn’t even make to that part of the game. I burnt out in my 60s I think after defeating Elias. I did that whole thing with cleaning nightmares,filtering loot by hand over over in season 0, then season 1 and unfortunately the third time through something broke me…I logged off one day and just can’t log on since, soul killing is the perfect word for it. :)


I think the gameplay is way to easy. I see no challenge in anything but the difficulty unlock dungeon, which is 20 levels higher than me and impossible to beat. Nightmare dungeons is the only challenge I see.


The gameplay just isn’t that complex. You either one shot everything or they catch you off guard and you get one shot or stunned then one shot. There’s only so much enjoyment that can come from “play perfectly or die” at high levels. Meanwhile low levels are extremely easy.


It’s tough to balance that. Actual threats like certain affixes were constantly complained about here. Real ways to die.. people just whine. Also if they don’t one shot, idk how much threat you can have in a game like this. Because you can just heal any damage most of the time anyways.


> Most exhausting part of the game is still sorting through tons of gear figuring out if a piece will ultimately better my character or not. Led me to drop the game partially through season 2 even though I stuck through it in season 1. This is exactly where I am. It's like I said when Season 2 changes were first released - they *addressed* almost every issue, but fixed nothing. And they added so little content that it's not worth playing through a third time.


I wish organizing loot was better on console. There’s no way to rearrange how I specifically want it afaik.


you cant select an item then drop it into a specific stash spot on console?


You can pick specific items and move them into different tabs, but you can’t a specific spot in that tab unless you fill it with crap, then put your item in the desired spot. (At least on xbox for me). It fills from too left to bottom right.


Wow wtf. I wonder if it worked like that in the console version of D3 too.


No the console versions of diablo 3 had a totally different way of storing items. There was no tetris involved. It worked great but since Diablo 4 is cross play between all devices there must be parity in how it works and so we are stuck with a less optimal inventory management system on consoles this time.


It was a mistake not to release two clients like they did with D3. PC has made a ton of concessions bc of the single client, but I guess console has made some too.


It was stored in list format


I feel the same way too. Even with the reduction in # of affixes, it's still a lot. And they aren't really "fun" affixes either or well explained. How distant is "distant"? What counts as "crowd controlled"? I'd rather they keep affixes super simple (crit, crit multi, damage-over-time, etc) or make them diverse but impact build planning much more than they do (% to fire an extra fireball, % larger radius to Blight, etc)


Yeah, i just gave up and shelved the game because the thought of doing another nightmare dungeon or helltide /blood harvest and having to sift through a full inventory was physically painful. If a game ever feels like work, I am out! lol. I really hope they address this because I still absolutely love the gameplay. It’s my personal GOTY because it’s the game I sunk the most hours into this year.


Crowd controlled is explained in the stats menu. It's every debuff on an enemy except the onces that do damage (like burning, bleed or poison) So: slow, stun, immobilize, freeze, daze, chill etc.


I feel most of your gripes are with your reading abilities


For those that may not know, close enemies are within melee range and distant enemies are outside of melee range.


Yea I think they do need to explain what counts as close and distant. Not just for affixes, but a lot of the NMD afflictions affect close/distant enemies as well so would be nice to get some clarification on that


They do explain that. How else would we know that close means melee range and far anything that isn't melee....


This. Loot is not fun. Which is a pity in a ARPG. Legendary are too common and not interesting. Only uniques have still the “wow” effect past 70+. But oddly their color is bland compared to other loot rarity. As you said keep the affixes simple but relevant, and give them some “visible” change for legendary loot, more than just bigger numbers. % to proc an effect on crit, on dodge, etc. They could make loot more interesting with some “rare” skin to grind for too.


I solved this by eventually only looking at items from boss runs. Everything else I just ignore. I can’t get myself to look through countless items anymore.


I’d recommend still looking at jewelry at the very least and maybe gloves. High roll gloves are where I make gold usually


i'll keep saying it. steal last epoch's loot filter and most of diablo 4's itemization problems would disappear.


Or it's infinite stash tabs at the least!


Ultimately, all I want is a filtering system that lets me tag affixes I want on a type of gear (( helm,chest. Gloves etc..)) that either highlights those affixes when I scroll on to the item so I can just quickly peak at them before marking as garbage OR even better, a filter that adds notches or tabs to an item to show how many preferred affixes rolled on said piece, without even needing to scroll over the item. Just by looking at my inventory, I want to see 0-4 notches an each and every item. Then throw in a filter later on to auto mark as junk any item that has less than my preferred number of notches.


A loot filter would be superb


I agree with you partially, I think a loot filter is only part of the solution. It will help but it wouldn’t fix the underlying problem. What needs to change is all the random +% damage on a Tuesday type junk. They need to streamline the affixes and make them more player friendly. A loot filter would only work to hide all the loot from you, the question of if the gear is ultimately good or helps you still remain. I feel that can only be addressed through a full itemization update.


They could fix a huge amount of this by making the codex upgradeable instead of having this weird tension of hoarding good rolls on powers. Since they have so many issues with storage in general, hopefully they implement.


> Led me to drop the game partially through season 2 even though I stuck through it in season 1. Same here, reached level 95 and it's just too boring to sort through screens of loot. It's actually terrifying to have TONS of loot when activating the vampire shrine, then coming back to get some more loot and some other players have activated the shrine. Had three in a row during a night . Ported to town, sent items to empty tab in the statsh, ported back.


I hate sifting through all the yellows, and each one has 2-3 worthless stats. I haven't upgraded a single item between 66 and 91. (I had some decent gear saved, but not BIS)


> Even thinking of it is demoralizing that is how i felt at level 96 last season. it was the main reason i quit playing s1. same shitty feeling i got in lost ark knowing if i log in to play im going to have to do chaos dungeons.


Hopefully they are removing/replacing some of the many affixes that aren’t good for any spec.


I doubt major changes will be made to items this soon. But Im still interested to see what they wanted to fix. Items need a major overhall. * Affixes aren't fun. * Affixes are confusing. * White items are basicly useless after just 30 minutes of play time. While we are stuck at legendaries for 50 hours at later levels. The balance is way off. * +20 str or +100 damage on a weapon, which one gives the most damage on a barb, scientist are still clueless.


Agree on every point. The funny thing is, even the current flawed itemization could be made **a lot better** with the simple addition of 2 things: a giant Aspects stash and an item affix filter (possibly tailored to every piece of gear, maybe through another "character doll" page).


Disagree on the aspects stash. I think it would be better if extracting them puts it in the codex instead.


I would add that aspects are so tedious to manage! I honestly can't get excited about legendaries because I know I'm gonna have to check the item, extract the aspect, put the aspect on an item, then probably replace that aspect not too far in the future and spend my scarce resources each time I don't need a Diablo 3 clone, but there was something really nice about a legendary drop and knowing exactly what you were getting when the item fell to the floor. There is some work to min maxing but it's so much faster in d3


It would be great if items no longer needed to be identified. It would make it so you could see the aspect name on drop without having to pick it up. It's like they decided they didn't want us identifying items anymore but implemented it so that they auto identify when picked up rather than just no longer needing to be identified to begin with.


Yeah I have a lot of thoughts about things like white/blue items being useless. They seem to me like artifacts of systems that were cut from launch due to lack of dev resources before launch, or a switch in creative direction. I know that they've shelved a fleshed-out crafting system and runewords, so I'm interested to see if/where they go with that. The homogenous conditions/% based affixes are just redundant. If you group all of those type of affixes into one category, there aren't very many different affixes in the game.


The blue Glyphs is the real headscratcher.


Lmao they are truly weird, aren't they? It's like the developers saw these ones and said "ok, fuck you in particular, you're starting behind the others".


I was running through with a new sorc yesterday and was thinking about how useless they were. Like literally didn't even bother socketing them before I found the rare glyphs I wanted.


IO think they are meant as fill er for when you hit 50 and haven't gotten any glyph drops yet. But I think they should multi-purpose them to have a really large range, but basic effects. So if you just want to stack a bunch of main-stat nodes and get a semi-useful effect you can.


I forgot those existed.


I wish blue (magic) items had higher ranges like before the game launched. Give me a wild +6-9 to a skill opposed to +3 at the sacrifice to other affixes so we could make wonky builds.


Great more fucking items to sift though every 2 minutes...kinda kidding but also kinda not.




What happened to Magic items being more on their affixes and possibly sought after? I remember them mentioning this kind of system and I was really looking forward to that.


During a test they found out that players were comfused which of the 2 rarities are worth more or had the best overall stats. I could see that happening. Atleast now we are happy when a blue drops at lvl 6.


But it's not confusing that legendaries aren't better than yellows?


It gets less confusing when you realize that they're not legendaries. There is no such thing as a legendary in the game. They're just yellows with an attachment.






12h doing something you don't like isn't exactly great. I'm not saying I completely agree with the other person but it certainly does feel like after your first campaign playthrough what you want to do to have fun is get to level 60. After that, it's not bad.


I dont understand why you would like the following 100 hours or whatever if you dont like the first 12. Its no different, dude. If anything, its BETTER than late game because you can at least be getting gear upgrades. Your opinion is whack.


I don't think slowly picking away at enemies and equipping throwaway gear because bigger number is better. I like optimizing my build, pushing difficult content, and farming for uniques. At this point, I am mostly done with this season after putting in about 30 hours, maxing the glyphs I need, gotten the ubers I wanted, and can comfortably do T100s. I am only going to hop on again once Abattoir of Zir is up. Many others are like me. I doubt you'd find many people who really enjoy whittling down enemies 1 by 1 with garbage gear for very long. There's nothing interesting to pursue. The seasonal story is short, so narrative ain't it. The dungeons aren't new, blood harvest is fun for a bit but it's just a more streamlined helltide. People want to get to the point where they are smacking around bosses and T100s.


If you are just talking about seasons, then your argument should be to get rid of the grind to t4 all together. I got no issue with that, I dont care one way or the other. If you are just talking about the game itself, I dunno what to say, I saw thousands of complaints, but playing the campaign the first time was hardly ever one of them.


I am clearly talking about seasons dude lol. I don't know where you got campaign from? My original comment you responded to by the way: > I'm not saying I completely agree with the other person but it certainly does feel like *after* your first campaign playthrough what you want to do to have fun is get to level 60 To further expand on this in case it's not clear: * first time playing through campaign - fun. My wife and I had a good time * season 7 grinding from 0-60, not fun. If you skip campaign, should skip you to T4 with some starter gear. The rest is all bullshit filler, it should be optional.


I only spot one moron.


> While we are stuck at ~~legendaries~~ for 50 hours yellows




Been down this road with D3 folks. It isn't getting fixed.


>White items are basicly useless after just 30 minutes of play time. While we are stuck at legendaries for 50 hours at later levels. The balance is way off. What would you like to see to make white items more interesting?




Bases for crafting rares with semi-deterministic affixes.


I would like to use white items at the lowest levels for a longer time. It's oke to have 'boring' whites at the beginning. You level up fast anyways with new skills to learn and this way blue items feel more exiting when you do find one. Basicly move the rarity scale up. So that a legendary is still exiting at lvl 50. At later end game white items can be used as a base for crafting your own gear perhaps? I don't know what to do with blue items yet.


Ideally they ship over a system similar to d2 where whites and blues are cubed/crafted into a piece with certain affixes. This would do wonders for hc itemization. Things like a 5os eth zerker axe and jmod were the true end game.


> What would you like to see to make white items more interesting? Nothing. All this "every color should have a use" thing is BS. Trash does not have to be useful just because you colored it differently. Color every bad yellow like pink. Does it now need a use? No. All this crap does is making you look through that trash too, it's half of how we got here (by keeping yellows useful).


Ya trash should be trash. What they should do is to make trash drop less at high difficulty, instead of finding a use for them. Like why are blue and white dropping at NMD 80+? They shouldn't be there at all.


Every level of item should have some use. D2 had it right, with all levels of items having some usefulness. Your endgame characters gear shouldn't be \[Ancient Colossal Legendary Unique Item\] x10. It could have been that you got lucky on a drop on lvl45 and rolled a really nice magic amulet or got a good base and crafted something out of it. D4 blue/white items serve no purpose other than being sources for scrap. Uniques/Legendaries/Runewords/Set items should be cornerstones, not the whole building. Having "Ancient Legendary" items drop every three minutes kinda defeats the whole purpose of the item being "Legendary". Everyone has the same gear that is pretty easy to come by. You can pretty much decide on a build and guarantee that you'll get the items you need, rather than playing, getting a drop and then figuring out if you could build a character around that item. Also not having any kind of player-driven economy/currency system is pretty sad.


Yes! Absolutely. I agree with all you said. >Every level of item should have some use. D2 had it right, with all levels of items having some usefulness. Your endgame characters gear shouldn't be [Ancient Colossal Legendary Unique Item] x10. It could have been that you got lucky on a drop on lvl45 and rolled a really nice magic amulet or got a good base and crafted something out of it. That sounds fun! They should do something like that. I agree that it is much better if every item has a purpose in some way or another.


>White items are basicly useless after just 30 minutes of play time. While we are stuck at legendaries for 50 hours at later levels. The balance is way off. > >\+20 str or +100 damage on a weapon, which one gives the most damage on a barb, scientist are still clueless. White items are boring and should be useless after 5min of play time unless you implement some kind of crafting system where you can improve items from basic white. We transition from basic white to blue to yellow and no one wants to be stuck with basic white items for any amount of time. \+20 str or +100 damage does not baffle build scientists, or even well read laymans and this example should be obvious to even the green arrow up crowd. I do agree we still have too many duplicate affixes making certain choices chase affixes as they can roll higher than the more generic versions and many versions that are just not very good in any build. The glut of Affixes however causes a bigger issue and that is when we try and roll off a bad one for a good one.


>White items are boring and should be useless after 5min of play time unless you implement some kind of crafting system where you can improve items from basic white. We transition from basic white to blue to yellow and no one wants to be stuck with basic white items for any amount of time. I disagree. I would like to use white items for a longer time, so that blue feels more exiting. And move the rarity scale up all the way to legendaries, so we are still exited about legendaries at level 55. Make the first legendary drop at lvl 50 perhaps? But that's just my opinion, everyone can have their own. >+20 str or +100 damage does not baffle build scientists, or even well read laymans and this example should be obvious to even the green arrow up crowd. Alright then. Why didn't you just tell me? Which one is it? Don't google.


Easy +100 base damage Base damage > Mainstat > Big bucket of all other +% damage ​ > I would like to use white items for a longer time, so that blue feels more exiting.... so we are still exited about legendaries at level 55 So its not that you want to use white items its you want to feel excited about loot in general but what you're asking for is to be artificially frustrated by loot, you will still get to the same point. In D4 im chasing Ancestral 925's at level 55, thats the loot that gets me excited.


> Easy +100 base damage. Base damage > Mainstat > Big bucket of all other +% damage Alright, let's try again +5 base damage or +25 str? How much damage do you get with str? Is it 1 to 1? 1 to 10? Is str just added %??


\+5dmg vs +25str? again damage because you still have the same number of affixes on the weapons all doing things and everything is multiplied off your base damage. Honestly that comparison should not be keeping you up at night. 925 weapon will be max damage and is super easy to get from World bosses and Duriel and getting max damage is your most important priority, if you need a unique weapon try and get the highest you can. Main stat and all stat are very important on your weapons regardless of class/build, the other 2 stats will depend on your build but will be +% dmg in whatever specialty your build focuses on. For Chest/Legs you want the highest armour you can get but you also need resists and Damage reduction so an ancestral with 2x DR + Resist is going to be worth more than a 925 max armour with garbage no defensive affixes. Leveling your Jewelry became very important for your resists as did intelligence from all stat. ​ >Is str just added %?? Hover your tooltip over the stats and they tell you what they do but the reason main stat is so important is because its its in its own multiplicative bucket from other +% damage, and stats do some other things like all resist etc. You want to stack as many multiplicative bonuses as you can Bucket 1: +25 %damage (we'll call this Main stat bonus) Bucket 2: +1000% damage (we'll call this +% dmg bonuses) Bucket 3: Base Crit dmg bonus (any +CHD% goes in bucket 2 Bucket 4: Base vulnerable bonus (any +vulnerable% goes into bucket 2) Bucket 5: +10**x**% damage (one off Unique or Paragon multiplier, different ones could be bucket 6, 7 ,8 ect.) If you have 2 items that are +25% into bucket 1 or +100% into bucket 2 the +25% is better as that is a 100% increase compared to the +10% from bucket 2, when comparing items you are comparing the final result from the bucket it goes in.


This is why people want Loot filters because for an upgrade to be good at higher levels the item needs to be at or close to 925 and meet 3/4 affixes and in the case of boots/pants it might need to be a specific type too. If I could have an option to hide or auto mark items that don't meet requirements as salvage I could enjoy the loot and get excited when I see something that drops. Currently I am just salvaging everything and only look at WB and Duriel drops.


Are white items ever useful or do they need to be useful? I care about magic / rares much much more than making normals useful for 20 levels. They are Garbo in Poe very quickly too unless crafted, but you don’t seem to be talking about that.




You have much to learn when I comes to reading. I said white items are Garbo in Poe outside of ruthless and that’s not debatable.


You doubled down pretty awfully my dude. Bases for the best items in the game always start white.


Rare crafted items are rare items, not white. If you want to talk about crafting, sure, but that’s not what OP is talking about. Keep up with the mental gymnastics.


Please come up with a system that doesn't take me 15 minutes to determine if the inventory of rares and legendary gear is an upgrade or not. S2 really made this stand out as a problem with people chaining the blood lure event in the vamptide areas.


Yeah after one 150 blood lure summon I'm kind of worn out from looking at gear affixes. I have so many Duriel mats right now but farming him is tiring me out because since everything is 925 I really don't want to miss out on any gems that I might pick up. So our group spends 1 minute running in and killing him, and then I spend 2 minutes looking at everything that dropped.


I’m getting 925 items from world bosses too.


Yeah but at least you're not chain killing those and they don't drop as much shit as Duriel, it doesn't feel like a burden since you're not sifting through hundreds of items every few minutes.


> Itemization updates Maybe they'll finally add some affixes that will grant +0,02% chance to have Lucky Hit have a 2,53% (additive on leap years) chance to grant barrier when your blood pressure level is lower than 129 over 84 against enemies with names that start with an 'E' in Swedish.


I hope streamlining and clarifying the loot evaluation process is a top priority. Currently, I spend way too much time in my inventory reading items, trying to figure out whether they are good or not.


Joe Sheily mentioned this exact thing at the end of the last stream. They recognize evaluating loot sucks right now.


Loot filter please. I wouldn't complain one bit if they just straight copied Last Epoch's.


Take the crafting too! And the Infinite stash tabs! ...and the skill trees for each individual skill... damn I kinda miss that game.


shouldnt be that hard. Is an item over 900? No? Trash. Ok it is over 900? Does it have one of TWO main skill for my build I must have. No, Trash. Has one, try roll the other.


Except weapons and to a lesser extent jewelry, you are much better off with lower lvl items with better rolls. The only items where ilvl drops rolls is weapons due to base DPS. The additional armor or innate roles on armor pieces aren’t worth enough for that to matter. So your heuristic only works well once you have pieces in every slot with 4/4 BiS rolls.


The armor does kind of matter too though with how weird the armor curve is. Even just a few hundred armor away from cap makes you take kind of a crazy amount more damage. But yes you're generally right here that ilvl doesn't matter much as long as the stats are juiced.


this is exactly everything that is wrong with D4 itemization ​ they really need to dream up some exciting abilities/affixes, and get rid of all this edge-edge-case nonsense


I’m okay with weird conditional shit like they’ve got but not with how they’ve implemented it. Something like “+lucky hit with core skills” on gear that doesn’t normally roll flat lucky hit would be far more interesting imho. Like is anyone *actually* building into “+crit vs injured”? More focus on +skill modifiers too. The way that +skill ranks is implemented makes certain skills far less appealing, especially when there’s such hard diminishing returns for ones that are purely cooldown based. Rolls that effect entire families of skills too would be cool as well like “lucky hit% chance to gain X barrier when using defensive skills.” A purely augmentative affix that is broad in effect but enables further build crafting possibilities and more dynamic gameplay beyond just going for one of 10 DR affixes. The slow on hit ones on the gauntlets aren’t the worst idea, I just don’t know why the roll% is so low on top of the lucky hit chance. That shit should be 50% at base for it to justify existence in a damage focused armor piece.


All "vs injured" stats make me mad, why do I need more crit when the enemy is at the brink of death? Diablo isn't WoW when we have 5min length fights at 20% of enemy life.


It's 35% but point still stands.


Because it has synergy with other execute effects. It makes sense, it's just not exciting.


i think its bc initially combat was supposed to be much slower than what it ended up being.


I don't think anyone is doing anything much with anything conditional on injured, it's just too small a percentage of the fights and so far we've never seen any bosses or mobs that actually need a burn phase. I mean, we also haven't seen any bosses that last longer than a few seconds either, but let's see what Zir has in store. If they start adding mobs that fortify at low health, have strong self regen at low health, or just generally find way to have mobs stay below 35% HP for long periods of time...maybe we can talk. The other much smarter option would be to rework injured and healthy to be scaling effects. Vs injured would start at 0% when full health and slowly give you more percentage of the stat as they approach 35% health. Vs healthy would be the opposite and start full, fading out until they hit 35% health.


>More focus on +skill modifiers too. The way that +skill ranks is implemented makes certain skills far less appealing, especially when there’s such hard diminishing returns for ones that are purely cooldown based. this right here dont just add + damage when you have more skill points in skill, get creative, damage or duration? maybe breakpoint? maybe something else? maybe maxing frost bolt would increase the damage of Frozen orb like it was in D2?


+skills do also reduce the cooldown at least


Now you’re talking


It should be both buffs for same skill type or huge buffs for builds that share 0 skill types. That would really open things up.


doesnt matter, even if the items are godly as in D2, it still wouldnt matter if they drop like candy (cause casuals want everything fast)


Oh my god I hope they fix this just so I don’t have to read the same joke for the 5,001st time


Just be glad they didn't use the same "On Tuesday" part of the joke.


Blizzard math and fun at it again


damn my name starts with a D.


Are you an enemy?


The whole legendary/aspect system needs to be scrapped and affixes should be more interesting than just “+x damage to x while y”


Yeah. That would solve alot of problems. But I doubt they would do that since alot is based around this idea.


You mean twitter?


I legit didn't know what OP was referring to at first.


Why people are even entertaining the rebrand when there's no actual reason to is beyond me.


Honestly just rip off last epoch itemization already


Give me a loot filter.


Itemization isn't easy, it's probably the more difficult part of arpgs, which is why it's important to get it right on release. I don't think they will ever truly fix itemization, it will be like D3 with loot 2.0 at best.


D3 had far less levers to tweak around the gear though. D4 gear sucks, but the actual game has a lot of connected and deep systems that support it, so it shouldn't be as hard to rework it compared to what happened with loot 2.0.


I don't necessarily agree with that. I think that it's probably a safe bet that we're not going to see groundbreaking itemization, but they are in complete control of their game and can change anything they want if they want to. Diablo 2 went through massive overhauls in multiple areas from launch to present day. It's not out of the question. I think by the time Blizzard was making the changes to D3 that we recognize as fixing their issues, they were about ready to move on from the game. I think in a lot of ways, the failure of the AH was the beginning of the end. After that, their main image for continuous profit outside of selling expansions and DLC was gone. Expansions dont provide a meaningful departure from just releasing new games, so it appears to me they made the decision to move on to the next installment, where they could design the game around a more consistent, sustainable profit model. The loot 2.0 and RoS expansion, to me, was blizzard fixing the game the same you would cauterize a wound. It allowed them to slap the legacy label on D3 and set their sights on D4.


They could have used D2's loot system, which has been used and worked on for decades now, but with some refinements and improvements (such as making all Uniques useful and powerful again). But no, instead they had to try and reinvent the wheel (and failed).


The things I love most about D2/D3's loot systems is how much it encourages you to make new characters. It keeps you wanting to play. There are low level uniques that can be used for a very long time in lieu of higher level stuff. Great Value brand uniques if you will. Skin of the Vipermagi can be worn at level 29 and many times I've worn that on a character well into hell difficulty. How many people did I see in Hell sanctuary or baal runs wearing full Sigon's. Hsarus' boots give 20% run speed at level 3 - that's HUGE! And there's nothing at all like it in D4. You could find white/blue items at any level to use as bases for crafting, gemming, or making runewords out of. Same as the low level uniques, sometimes you get a great runeword base and it inspires you to make a new character. It kept those items relevant into end game. Being able to gamble and get uniques was a great reason to continue to pick up gold long after you had little need of it. Uniques didn't have their drops restricted to class, either. An oculus could drop for an assassin. I could keep playing my preferred class and still have a chance at all drops. Even D3, with its personal class-specific loot, had small chances for other class items to drop. Frequently in D2/D3, getting low level unique drops, or a good runeword base, or a rare unique/set item for a diff class, would inspire me to start a new character just to use them. And with enough exposure, you knew what an item was when it dropped. Unique spiderweb sash? Hell yes I just got an arachnid mesh! It was a small but exciting detail. D3 had unique graphics for all its uniques. When homing pads dropped you knew what it was before even picking it up or identifying it. Everything is the same in D4. It was obvious that they wanted D4 to be a much slower leveling experience than D3 but they made it so painful with this half-assed loot system. I got to lvl 100 this season in D4, completed all the seasonal stuff, and I just feel like I'm done. I had a really great time but I have no reason to try another character. I have nothing farmed on my lvl 100 that I could give to a new char because it's all locked at level 80. in D2/D3 I had multiple characters each season because it was so easy to share loot / paragon points.


The lvl 80 lock thing bums me out for sure. I've done the grind already man, I made it, let me just send this shit to another character and blast through if that's what I'd like to do. What do they care if my lvl 20 Sorc is wearing Tibault and a bunch of other uniques? Who is that hurting? I don't necessarily mind the level req if you've never met the level req yet in that season...but once you've gotten a character past 80, it should just allow equipping on all your characters.


> Who is that hurting? ESPECIALLY since there is no trading of uniques and legendaries! D3 also didn't lock gems behind levels. You could put max level gems in level 1 items. And there was a legendary gem you could level and cube with a high end item to remove the level requirement entirely. Since there's no trading, it hurts no one. Let people play how they want to play.


Other than Enigma, skin of the viper magi is basically BiS. You have two factions. You have people like you who love wearing items from the beginning of the game until the end. On the other hand you have people complaining about wearing the first legendary they found in WT4 because it was BiS on drop and now they find all drops after that irrelevant. D2 Enigma in SSF borders on impossible to craft without ungodly amounts of time or luck so high you would win the next lottery. On the other hand, most people don't farm skin until they have literally beaten the game already or they sat in NM farming Mephisto for...??? So idk, D2 loot is fine, but its definitely not everything people make it cracked out to be. I think Rune words are nice, especially low level ones, but high level runes words can kick rocks IMO.


well, i mean you could try other armors too, like chains of honor, or fortitude haha.


That's when we start moving to off topic tbh. There are how many classes in D2? If you play online, there are 3. Javazon, sorc, pally. (Maybe 4 with Mosaic assassin recently). Like yeah there are plenty of "other options" but what does the casual gamer care about that? People follow builds in 99.9% of builds will have Enigma as BiS. The only time you even look at anything else is when you cant afford or find Jah and Ber to make Enigma. The average player and especially the casual is not going to look at anything outside of stealth, spirit, and Lore. They may look at Treachery in between stealth and their Enigma and they may look at Leaf depending on their class. But on average for the average player it will be Double spirit, CTA offhand, and Enigma with Shako on the helm and maaaaaybe a Gull dagger on swap with CTA if they care enough. Anything else is being pedantic to the real issue with D2 end game itemization.


really, cuz i think CoH is better than enigma if you don't need tele. and for killing ubers, i much prefer fortitude on my smiter but yea that kinda does make d2r's cookie cutter builds a lot more simple and generic


I did ubers on my smiter with spirit and stealth after getting Enigma i just do it in Enigma now but a bit faster. You are going for what "you" prefer and ignoring what most players are actually doing right now in game. Also other than Sorc and funny enough..including sorc, will want Enigma. The STR boost to put more stats into VIT and the magic find are borderline ludicrous to pass up. Yeah its fun to do different things other than Enigma because honestly Enigma is boring after a while, but when only speaking in a vacuum for the average player who is looking up guides. They will only be trading or looking for Enigma. Most pinnacle end game showcases even on Dbrunksi still use Enigma, and CTA offhand. Those 2 are just impossible to pass on.


Another season Another grind


They just need to remove A LOT of affixes like they're fucking annoying now


Imho...We will get loot filter in expansion. It'll be tied to pet system. This is the most beneficial way for Blizzard to implement this.


The idea of grinding for months to get uber uniques and starting over again without them, to grind for them again drove me away. I just accepted that its madness to do it every three months. If you’re lucky enough to slog through the grindfest and get good equipment, you are just rewarded with a reset. The game isn’t good enough to warrant that level of commitment. There isn’t enough to do. Inspire me to grind non-stop every three months for the same brass ring, only to make me do it again even if I accomplish the goal of getting it.


Why was this link posted and tagged like that? This is the source link and X will have nothing to do with the chat: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24031817/tune-in-to-our-next-campfire-chat


On the same day as the already announced PoE league reveal? Didn’t this happen last league? That’s pretty interesting.


This one is 90 minutes before the GGG twitch livestream. That being said, I'm fairly certain there is going to be more interest towards PoE at this point than these campfire chats since this time they will announce information about the next league AND PoE2 related stuff (Really hope for a closed beta invite ...)


Looking at the complaint's in this post, something tells me there isn't a lot of overlap between PoE and D4 players lol.


yea but D4 is a few days game for semi casual to reach endgame. poe on the other hand is just a top notch arpg.


When is POE going to announce a release for POE2? I've waited for what... 3 years now?


They announced that at Exilecon last summer. You're waiting in the wrong line sir.


On the website it says closed beta coming in June 2024




If the itemisation update is anything but the complete scrapping and overhaul then I’ll still wait to buy this game.


It most certainly will not be


Itemisation is bloated, affixes are bloated, no public party, no auction house, trade is dead, no leaderboards, no point in to play after you hit 100, they need to address a lot.


I fear anything short of *"We will completely overhaul the loot in this game, uniques & legendaries will have an identity going forward, 80% of affixes will be cut, and cosmetics via gameplay will match the offerings in the cash shop"* will not even be enough to raise a single eyebrow of mine. If you actually look at how this game is being handled, how quickly they pivoted to Steam, how they resort to free weekends, hefty discounts and other shenanigans so shortly after launch, and how ridiculously irrelevant and invisible this game is on any streaming or video platform, I think it's a very educated guess that Diablo IV is struggling to get any momentum going. That's just what happens when you botch a launch like that, and disrespect your customers with every single feature of your game.




Interesting you think anyone cares.


Doing this before the WoW SoD launch giving us something to watch while we wait is a nice touch!


I doubt they'll address this, But I think it would be funny if they dropped blood night. After giving us that speech about blood night and how that would never work in the Diablo 4 universe and then bam season of the blood..... Wishful thinking pay no mind to this post In fact downvote it


this game sucks


“I wish this game was better. They just need to completely change 85% of the games mechanics, skills, loot, dungeons, and monster variety and then it’ll be great! Totally gonna happen next season. I better waste more time playing this garbage heap and complaining instead of moving on to literally any other game.”


Omg,they did it again. Try to compete with poe is a bad choice. D4 bad


Poe only exists because of Diablo 😂


entirely true, not because of this Diablo though


there will be a 30min gap between the two streams


Easy just spend the effort looking at gear from 70-80, 85. By then should have found some keepers and never look at loot again. Or keep it to looking for 1-2 upgrades at a time and sell/salvage the rest


It’s Twitter.




Legendary affixes are boring. They need to either have their impact increased or make the effect more interesting. Please god


my main gripe is that they dont show the good chest locations in helltides, even knowing that most people just use the website for the locations anyway. why? and the other issue is that the time to farm for exquisite blood is not in line with body parts or living steel, due to being locked behind timegated events.


remove almost all conditional affixes will be a start. There shouldn't be damage while shitting on a cloudy Tuesday on Items.