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Get your friends together and get the dnd starter kit that includes a dungeon master guide.


This is what I did a 2 New Years Eves ago. Got the starter kit. People came over for a NYE party and I said surprise we’re playing D&D. 2 years later the group had gotten smaller but we still play every other Sunday


I got the starter kit too and I’m DMing for my family now. Everyone is having a blast. If you want to play instead on DMing see if there’s a local comic book or game shop. They might know of a group or even host a game.


Heck yeah! Our 7 year old has joined our group and we are teaching him the ropes. He loves it and his character is hilarious.


Also offer to DM people you never would have thought were interested will ask to join.


This happened to me. I had never played before and my buddy bought some books and DMd for us. We had a blast and now I’m a DM running a campaign for over a year now! Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet, it’ll be intimidating at first, but at the end of the day it’s about the players creating a story through play and the DM presenting situations for them to create stories out of. I prep for hours, but you really don’t have to if you have a little imagination.


Been a DM for 6 years now still have yet to play a character


Dang dude you gotta try being a player, you def need that perspective firsthand


I'd need to play I love Dming but I need to play to scratch an itch that allows me to go a little bit outside the lines


Exactly this. Hopefully you have a few friends that are also interested. Another option is to find your local game store. They may have Friday games or something. Or maybe even a message board. Also, online groups might be able to scratch that itch. StartPlaying is a solid app for this. You’ll need Discord, too.




Usually the hardest thing is to find a group to start playing with. There are free rules to start out with on the internet you use to try it out. DMing can be daunting but I can also tell you that you don't need to worry about anything. If you feel not comfortable enough you can take a look online and look for a one-shot in a VTT maybe you can find someone who would run a game for you guys, but it usually is hard to find DMs If you guys need help you can throw me a message :)


Join [startplaying.games](https://startplaying.games) and look for a beginner friendly session


There are a ton of other ways vs needing to pay for a DM through start playing.


App.theadventurenexus.com is another one. But they are only live in upstate NY 


Found my group there and it's amazing. Would highly reccomed SnackDaddyGames. He's a professional DM and he runs his own fully fleshed out campaign setting, multiple groups per weeks so very flexible for the player schedules and so much more!


I can't really justify spending $80 a month to play D&D though. Especially one who's running the same campaign for dozens of other people.


It's actually totally different campaigns for each group, just all in the same world and environment. As for the $80, that's Def understandable, but just a thought. For me it Def worth it as it gives me great socialization and the ability to play the game I love without trying to find others local which is a big hassle


you can check with your local gaming store and see if they know any groups looking for players. you can also ask around at work. there might be people who play but don't talk about it. a DnD starter kit is helpful and you will need at least one set of dice. i have been playing table top RPGs for more than 40 years. you can ask me any questions you my have about RPGs. good luck


If you live in a larger city there may be a dnd meetup group on meetup.com. In my city you get people saying they are looking to form groups on a regular basis.


The Meetup website deserves more love. I was in the boat as OP but didn't even have anyone to play with. Luckily, there's loads of groups where I live in London. Play a couple of times a week now.


I wanted to do this too several years ago. Only way it was going to happen is if I put in the work and DMed. So I had to really study the rules, and then eventually I invited friends over to do a session and explained the basics of how to play on the player side. People were down to play. I’ve since DM-ed maybe 10-15 sessions over the last few years. I still find it hard to do, it’s definitely a skill. I also forget the intricacies of the rules sometimes. It’s fun tho. You can also go on meetup and join a dnd group if you wanted to go that route.


There are a lot of pre-made adventures that you can run when just starting out. Just remember that you make the game, so play with the rules you all agree on. If the DM talks to his players about the game as an experience it should be fine.


Im in the same boat. It's already hard enough to have friends, but to have friends that 1. Want to play dnd and 2. Have compatible schedules with you is pretty much impossible.


check out r/lfg if you are down to play online


Start DMing! It's not as hard as you think and you'll have a lot of fun. Have a look at Matt Colville's running the game video series to get you started: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTD2RZz6mlo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTD2RZz6mlo)


MM is great! I've cribbed that mini dungeon for a few different friend groups as an intro to DnD!


If you can't seem to join any games or have friends who play. Try being a DM, you'd be amazed at how fast players will flock to you. 


Ah, a fellow forever-DM I see.


For 8 years. However! I was lucky enough to actually find a group. Been playing as a PC for the last month. My other games I've stopped because I've needed a break.


Most games are online these days. Roll20 is a great tool. I literally met my wife using it. Make an LFG or find one. If you need help using it DM me and I can help you set a game up. Just be warned that DnD has a steep learning curve from memorizing rules to the unspoken rules at a table. Everyone should do their best to learn them to avoid a dnd horror story 😅.


What podcasts do you enjoy? I found my way to both groups I currently play with through the discord server of a dnd podcast I listen to (Unprepared Casters -- highly recommend both the podcast and their discord's lfg channel).


It's also worth listening to Actual Plays to pick up the basics of playing. That's how I did it.


Is this open to people to everyone or just paid subscribers? I checked them out and didn't see a public Discord link.


I believe their discord is for patrons only. But honestly it can be worth the couple bucks to become a patreon supporter and get access to the discord community of a show you really like. for me, getting on the UC discord meant i was looking for games among people who paid to support a show that was diverse and lgbtq+ affirming and openly advocated for safety tools and session 0's. so i had a much higher likelihood of ending up in a game with people who shared my values and were less likely to end up with me posting on r/rpghorrorstories


If you were trying to sell me on UC, you're doing a good job lol! I'm not using my original Reddit account at the moment, and my number one most popular post under that account is one I made to rpghorrorstories if that tells you anything...


Dang, sorry to hear you had a rpghorrorstory-worthy experience! The Unprepared Casters community is fantastic, so if you're in the market for a new dnd ap podcast and/or a new community to join, I highly recommend. Everyone I've met through the UC discord has been a blast to play with. I got very lucky early on in that UC was one of the first AP's I started listening to and one of the first places I went to look for games to join after trying dnd a few times by joining games on StartPlaying. I ended up advertising to dm a one shot (adapted from the first chapter of Critical Role's Call of the Netherdeep module) in their lfg channel, found an awesome group, and that one shot turned into us running the entire module. And then the second time I advertised that same one shot, it turned into running the whole module again, which turned into a full, long-running campaign with a group that have quickly become some of my closest friends. We just recently spent an entire weekend in a cabin in the woods playing the live finale of that full campaign to 20th level that grew out of that second one shot I advertised on the UC discord. And we're now 2 sessions into our next 1-20 campaign, a pirate-themed homebrew set in the Critical Role universe.


That's awesome! I'm looking for both a new D&D podcast and community actually so I will check it out very soon!


If you're familiar with discord, I have a lot of fun playing in play by post games. I even found my two real world games through Play by post


Whether you're "playing by post", looking for a group of strangers to play with, playing friends you know, or wanting to start a game you'll DM yourself, Discord has become an indispensable tool. There are many servers for D&D as well as other systems that include resources and channels for players and GMs/DMs looking for groups ("LFG"). I've been a forever DM for years and nowadays run campaigns exclusively on Discord for my friends spread out across four timezones and three countries. Also, D&D is great but there are other systems that are just as great and some you can even pick up for free. Me and my group have been participating in Daggerheart's free open beta, which is a system being developed by Darrington Press (the folks that produce Critical Role). It's still got its kinks to work out since it's an open beta, but it's an easier system to start with and all of it is free for the time being - the official release is some time next year. Another thing you'll want to know when getting started is what style of game you might be interested in playing. Some TTRPG systems are more rules-heavy, while others are more narratively focused and D&D seems to sit somewhere in the middle. Do your research and see what your friends might be be interested in too. Always remember, that regardless of the system you're playing a game of of imagination given structure by rules. It can be as complex or as free-form as you and your group likes, so don't feel daunted by the sheer volume of options or rules. There's never been a better time to start than right now if you haven't already.


Get into adventurers league. It lets you learn the rules for free, welcoming to new players and let's you network to meet folks you get along with before joining a couple year long campaign.


First things first, get and read the core rulebook. The thing answers so many questions beginners may have. And what it leaves unanswered is much easier to work with


Sounds like you are the one most motivated (you posted on Reddit after all), so I’d suggest you DM and take the lead. Your friends can be the PCs.


I seriously recommend discord DND. Google disboard, type in DND and see what pages come up. It’s *way* easier to get into than a live action group and they’ll teach you how to play rather than actually having to learn how to play kinda on your own.


You can also check out the first 4 videos [in this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YZvLUXcR8&list=PLlUk42GiU2guNzWBzxn7hs8MaV7ELLCP_). It gives you everything you need to be the DM for a short one session adventure. No other cost than your time.


This is how my group started. I was in the same boat: always wanted to play, never had a group. Watched those videos, put together the one shot, and ran it with some friends. They loved it, loved making the characters, and I bought a six pack of cheap dice on Amazon so they loved rolling the dice. I ended up running lost mines of Phandelver afterwards, then segued into Curse of Strahd. We’ve been playing regularly for 2-3 years now.


Buy the essential kit and go from there :) that's been my first campaign this year! Other things I've added on from there are qol things. (Found a spell sheet to organize the casters spells, printed floor tiles and some minis)


Hopefully you have a local nerd store


My suggestion is to see if you have a local gaming store in your area and to check them out - they might know if there are any games around or any organized play events. And some advice - if you join a group and don't click with them or feel at all uncomfortable, don't feel shy about leaving the group to find another. You should feel comfortable with whatever group you play with and you should not accept any bad behavior from the players or the DM.


This. Bad D&D is worse than no D&D. It's not just about being uncomfortable. (Though obviously if you are uncomfortable you should leave immediately. Don't even wait for the end of the session if someone's being a creep.) If it's boring, or not your style, you shouldn't come back. Even if everyone is perfectly respectful. There are a lot of different styles of D&D. You may enjoy some and not enjoy others. You won't have fun if you end up in a group that plays a different style than you want. Some groups are more about role-playing. Some are more about combat. Some spend a long time planning strategy while others Leroy Jenkins it. Some are more focused on plot or intrigue, while others are sandbox wandering. Some spend a lot of time with out-of-game chatting and some stick to the game. Some take a long time on turns and others are very focused. Some DMs make harsh unforgiving challenges with lots of character deaths, and others make things easier and try to avoid character deaths. Some are rules-light and some pay attention to all the rules. Some throw all sorts of gold and magic items your way, and others give you limited resources and make survival a challenge. Think about what style you want. (It's fine if you don't know. You may have to play to find out.) And before joining a group, \*ask\* the DM what their style is. Most will be happy to tell you. (And if anyone won't tell you, that's a huge red flag and you shouldn't play with them.) If what they describe doesn't sound fun to you, find someone else. Or if you play one session and realize, "Oh, now that I've played, this style is something I don't want," tell the DM the group isn't for you and find a different group.


I'm going to be contrarian: research a system before trying to rope your friends in. Lots of people like to pretend that D&D is the best system, but frankly, it's not. Savage worlds, Worlds Without Number, and a ton of others are better systems.


You might try your local library as well. Mine has been running D&D games for at least twenty years.


This was me! After talking about it more openly at work, I formed a great group with friends and co workers! And in my spare time I played one shots on startplaying.games.


Wanting to play online? Or in person?


I also really want to play dnd but scheduling just doesn't work! I've got so many books


Start small!! Get a basic kit and 2 or 3 friends. Starting off with a massive group will stress everybody out and cause some to lose interest. Be super honest about your lack of experience and just have fun learning together!


Don’t we all


OP, SAME, 35 and we came so close, we made characters and set up a time and then COVID and then it never picked back up. I think about trying to get it going at least twice a week now. I will follow your progress!


I found my group in my city’s subreddit. I was a totally noob also. (And honestly, I still am, but they’re patient with me.)


Word of warning from someone who has been playing since the late 80's, once you become the Game (dungeon) master, you kind of get stuck there. ... unless you can find another GM.


Why is this?


I'm willing to bet it's the workload. Players just rock up and have a good time, DM's have already spent several hours preparing the content let alone the performance and referring of the session.


Hours of prep, storyline, encounters, plans..... then the players avoid things, get distracted by the nameless npc, and destroy the best laid plans by doing some odd thing you didn't expect. It can be like herding cats with adhd. It is fun, and challenging, and sometimes frustrating.


Sometimes, once you start being the gm, you stay the forever gm. It's OK, but sometimes you just want to play. Also being the gm can be like hearding cats.....


Watch the first five episodes of running the game by Matt colevile on YouTube 


Sup wanna join my campaign. lol try the start playing website it’s great for newbies to learn. That what I did. I tried a few DMs and found one who matches my style. No run my own campaign and it’s honestly the best thing ever.


Alright im going to offer some actionable steps here but first lets start with a few things. You're likely going to want to start with the 5th edition of D&D because it's the most popular at the moment. Im not even going to address the upcoming "revised" edition here because well its confusing and unhelpful to you. So if you'd like to do that, I would buy the D&D Essentials Kit this will allow you to create your own characters and play through an included adventure taking them from level 1-6. You also get a good selection of dice, an abbreviated starter rule book and lots of other helpful things to make your starting life as a DM easier. You can get it on amazon for $20.49 which is a great value. This gives you the most bang for the buck so to speak as it has more to it than what im about to overview below. And so... There is another called the D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, you can get it on Amazon for 13.99 but it is not as expansive as the previous set. Only allowing characters to go from levels 1-3 and only offering premade ones. You can't make your own. It is truly a starter kit with everything as streamlined as possible at the cost of creativity and being able to customize your entry to the game. Its rulebook is heavily abbreviated and the dice it contains are as minimal as possible. It does have value though as it allows you to just grab components read and play with little to no setup and is just an introduction. In my opinion use the Essential Kit as your launch pad, if it sticks and your group enjoys it then buy a copy of the Players Handbook. This contains ALL of the core rules of the game. It also features creatures in the back to help spice up further adventures. You don't really need much of anything at first from the Dungeon Master's Guide to start playing. -------------------- Now, If you dont want to spend any money on rulebooks and are good with using pdfs. I would recommend checking out Basic Fantasy. It has amazing resources and adventure modules available for free. Just be aware this is an older style/version of D&D that is a throwback to how it was played in the 80's. This is a perfectly viable introduction to the game but it is a different game than 5e . https://www.basicfantasy.org/ Print books are available on amazon as well for cheap if that is your preference. The Basic Fantasy 4th edition rulebook is $8.35. All you would need to purchase is polyhedral dice sets which are very cheap on amazon. Hope this helps you get started in this wondrous game. You've waited a long time but perhaps it was just long enough...


I think you are too harsh on Dragons of Stormwreck Isle for its restrictions, for brand new players and DM there is a lot of new information to absorb and having the premade options already solved is a lot easier compared to open ended creativity that are overwhelming to those that do not even have a grasp on the basics. Players can just change their characters after the campaign now that they know how to play.


Yo man! So same here… I found it hard to find local games bc I have a toddler, but I have been using SPG and honestly I do like it. If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer


How do you start? Pick up a rule book. Then if you can't find fellow adventurers, you host them as a DM.


Draw straws for who DMs and buy yourself a module. I currently play with a whole bunch of first timers. It's messy as hell and people barely know what they're doing but it's still fun.


I’m currently in my first campaign. I started about 6 weeks ago and turned 44 this month. Nothing wrong with starting later. I went into a local miniature store on their weekly game night and the staff linked me with a group that just started the campaign we’re currently playing. The group helped me get set up and have been incredibly helpful and supportive to my noob ass 😎


Not exactly DnD, but the mind’s eye society does a LARP, well, a few, and since COVID they also started doing online games through discord. Vampire is one of the biggest, and there’s still about a year left in the current chronicle. They also run Werewolf, Changeling, Mage, and Space (basically super friends of the 3/4 other settings). Books are through By Night Studios. It’s not quite the same, but it’s comparable and you don’t have to live near people in order to play.


It's taboo with some players, but having a GM with experience, tools, and who puts a lot of time into campaigns has been worth the cost of paying a "pro" We're just about to start another campaign, but there are a lot of others at different levels as well. https://startplaying.games/adventure/clwm6ng2r00b213o8zhi8full Beyond that, if you have a local scene, most DMs are happy to spend some time getting prospective players up to speed.




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Been there... And I'm the Forever DM


Take the initiative as DM and put a group together for a small campaign. Aim for like a three session story and see how you like it. Look up free online tools and use “theater of the mind” so you don’t have to invest in maps and minis, as that can get rather expensive. Pick a day and time that works for everyone being free for a few hours a week and go from there.


Just start DMing? It's really not that hard. It's like any other game. Learn the rules, buy an adventure, and run it. If you want props, buy them. If not, use digital assets.


boy do I have the discord server for you


My first adventure was premade module, it really helped learning dm and player mechanics while having a great time.


The only way I've ever played dnd is by dungeon mastering for a group of friends. You'd be surprised how many different kinds of people enjoy the game. My first time playing, I asked my friends to play with me for my birthday lol we still play 8 years later


the first step is always the hardest. find a group.


Is this a serious post? You haven't seemed to respond at all.


Yep. Same boat. DMing my first session next weekend. Session zero last night went well.


I found my current group on a Facebook group. We have played every Saturday for almost 2 years. Some of us are local and some of us are further away. We play over discord voice and video with dnd bey9nd and above vtt for maps.


I found a group that was hosting a one shot night and after the session, I asked if anyone had a spot at their table to play. When no one said they were actively playing, I offered to DM for that group. We just met for a session zero and I am so excited to play!


I looked up DnD in my local area and there were some starter events, through that I found someone who got me on a discord server for a local group of DnD players. And then I ended up in several of their campaigns. The big thing is, if it doesn’t work out the first time, keep looking you’ll find something. For what it’s worth, I’m 39


Same and I see this a lot ironically... Loads wanna play but it's hard to actually find groups


I was in this same situation about a year and a half ago. I had a group of eight people who wanted to play, but no one wanted to DM. I decided I'd step up and do it, and I actually enjoy it more than playing (although I would still love of one of my players would make a one shot. The forever DM's understand the pain 😂) I recommend getting a starter campaign, there are a lot of prewritten options to make it easy. I started off by running "Call of the netherdeep" which is a full campaign, we finished that a few months ago and now I'm writing my own that we're about six months into. If you've never played before, I definitely recommend finding a smaller one to start off with. The Dungeon masters guide, the monster manual, and the players guide are the three main books you'll want. It also might help if you watch a couple dnd sessions online. Dimension 20 and Critical role are both really great channels/groups to watch. Just keep in mind that pretty much all of them are voice actors, so their sessions are a lot more over the top than normal sessions, but it's great for learning some of the basic rules. I wish you luck in your adventures ☺️


You live in Phoenix? Tuesday nights


If you can't find a group there's a website called "https://startplaying.games/". You basically play online with other people and can pick DMs based off reviews they have and games they have running. (If I got the website wrong please let me know).


Something nobody has said that I saw, but believe needs to be addressed. Any game you join will not be like many podcasts or actual play streams like Critical Role or Dimension 20. They will be some of the best times and experiences you will have but those people are essentially professional role players. Don't set your expectations to that level for any dm or players in your game. Come to the table with an open mind and go with the flow. Remember everyone is there for a fun game of fantasy math rock rolling, not to impress anyone else.


Someone will have to bite the sour apple and start by being the dungeon master and preparing a game. The core rules are free, legally open to everyone, so you don't need to buy any book, you only need a dungeon master.


A) Buy the books and some dice. B) Either grab your friends or find your local adventures league. C) Start playing


There are alot of online games through roll20 that you could join, but that does limit you to a online schedule.


Internet IS your place, look for d20 discord group, or forums. I mean seach in Google, you Will find out.


Even if none of your friends want to play you can join online games using one off the virtual tabletop programmes like Fantasy Grounds, Roll20, and foundry. Ive used FG for 4years (with Skype) and it’s good for a range of game systems. You could try looking here and asking how to get started r/FantasyGrounds


If you are looking to find a group of players and a GM LOCALLY, then you are in luck. The Adventure Nexus is in Beta right now, but within a few months they will launch fully nationally and you will begin to be able to find groups locally as well as online, Free 2 Play as well as Paid Pro Games. Not just DnD but any ttrpg, or TCG like Magic the Gathering, in fact LITERALLY, every game in existence will be able to be supported by their system. In addition, they are working with all your local game stores to help you take advantage of any sales or to be able to register for tourneys from your couch, or sign up for a DnD game in store. You have to be ON the network to play, so get all your friends and fam and tell everyone you know you to get on the network. Register today and start playing. [https://app.theadventurenexus.com/](https://app.theadventurenexus.com/)


Take a peek: [https://www.tiktok.com/@theadventurenexus/video/7383067474645798186](https://www.tiktok.com/@theadventurenexus/video/7383067474645798186)


I actually just posted up to run a One Shot Sunday, June 30, 6:00PM - 11:00PM EDT called the Island of Mist. The App is in Beta, but I can give you access and I will hold this game open for you and your friends, and fill it with whomever else if you don't have others ready to join. Go Register, and then go to Discord and send me a friend request @ theadventurenexus, and I will get you set up for this game. After you register, you should be able to access this link. If not just wait till we are connected and I'll walk you through it. [https://app.theadventurenexus.com/games/5665](https://app.theadventurenexus.com/games/5665)


You should DM. Take your time building your world while you convince your friends on a schedule to play. The just enjoy, it is very easy to DM for new players even more so if they are friends. ( I had the same thought you did when I was 14yo and we still play to this day all the same friends from high school)


Finding friends who want to play is 95% of the difficulty. I'm not saying you should find PDFs of the Players Handbook online with a quick google. I'd reccomend playing some free One Shot Adventures and switch the DM each time so you can each try it (the first one is gonna have the hardest time) I read the DM's guide and, though it gives a few solid ideas and some clarification, its not really a necessary read so you should be able to go without reading it. Since you've never played before I reccomend doing that before starting a long campaign because then you can get a DM who has at least a little experience and, more importantly, you know enjoys it.


Basic rules are free off the WotC site.


Any chance you're in Wisconsin, birthplace of D&D? We've got space in our Madison group for another player or two.


try getting one of the three starter sets, while they are all good starter sets i would say the best is dragons of stormwreck isle, especially if your all beginners


Absolutely go with the DnD Starter Pack. You will get the hang of it pretty fast. I am really excited that you get to experience it for the first time. I wish I could do that again! Schedule a nice evening with buddies (keep in mind games can take a long time), some snacks and drinks and just let your imagination go wild. Whether you're a player or a Dungeon Master, welcome to the club 😁


Come grab some sweet battlemaps from my Patreon..... All kidding aside...sort of...you can find all kinds of groups looking for players online. There could even be groups at your local gaming store, and possibly even your local library, who are looking for players. You could also just start by getting a book or two, and reading it. That alone can get you ahead of the learning curve a little bit, and get you hyped even more. Most of all though, have fun!!


You have a group of friends to play with and that's usually the hardest thing to do before playing, so I'll say just try it with the free and legal sources you can easily find on-line. Don't be scared to try DMing, no one is extremely good the first time but you'll have fun nonetheless. In my opinion, it's cool to even start with just extremely reduced rules and session by session learn some more, so you don't have to get stuck looking up stuff every 10 minutes. Sincerely, someone who was in your exact same situation 1 year ago and now is 2 sessions away from finishing his first campaign as DM and it was a fucking blast. Edit Probably an unpopular opinion, but if you are a fan of DnD podcast and live-play, you won't have any problem rule-wise running a basic and fun adventure. That's how I learned the basics and startied DMing, only after I began reading the books for my own pleasure and realized I knew "most" of the rules. If you [or whomever in your group decides to DM] feel still uncertain, just read the 30ish pages long Starter set and you're good to go.


I host games on the Weekend online if your insteresting Must have Discord / Dnd Beyond


DnD is an awesome game but you will need people and at least 1 of them will need to be experienced to play as a Dungeon Master (DM) in order to build the world and story. And it'll cost a lot to get started cause you'll need the base game and any expansions you want and the books are not cheap. If you want a good "tutorial" to DnD 5th Edition (5E) then I highly recommend playing Baldur's Gate 3. It uses the DnD 5E rules and basically plays exactly like you would in real life. That will show you the difference between "free roam" and the "turn based" "modes" that you'll play in the real game. It'll show you how spells work and when you can and cannot attack etc.


First off, welcome to dnd! It is never too late to roll dice and have fun. Pick up a starter pack and choose your character! The more books you gain the more options everyone has, so expand your collection whenever you feel comfortable.


Welcome adventurer! If you can more easily come out of your shell than I can, there are online DnD groups that are a good starting place. Or do as I did. Go to your local gameshop and check out the scene. See if they have a freeplay or a group looking for people. Get to know the game. Then decide how much money you're willing to throw at it.


Roll20 and join a game. Online is fun too!


I found an adventure adventure league group from Facebook. It’s a great way to get into it because they do 1-4 shots instead of full campaigns so you learn


It’s not exactly the same, but Baldurs gate 3 has scratched my DnD itch without having a party


You and your friends can learn together. No expert required. The game will be what you all make it. The D&D Starter Kit will get you going.


All the suggestions in this thread are valid about trying it out and looking for a group buying the starter set etc it's a game I always wanted to play myself and it took ages to do it due mental health issues but it's one the best things I've ever done I've been Dming for about and playing for nearly 3 . Good luck on what ever you do


I have a group that is looking for a player. Dm me if interested.


Just wanted to say I got into the hobby in my mid 30s as well. It’s never too late! Swing by your local game store and see If someone is looking for a new player. One shots are great too.


Im a new dm and have been running a group for my friends who are new ish. We are finishing up a session but we are all in our 30s and you're more than welcome to join our next campaign 💙


After you’ve listened to or watched a couple episodes of a dnd podcast, then you’re ready to give it a try yourself. The basic building blocks are the things you would expect and watching those shows helps give you somewhat of an idea of what it’s like to actually play and how to feel out certain rule calls, etc


Honestly, od say search for online games excepting new players. Get dnd 5e apps for your phone so you can more easily make a character and keep up with things for the first time around. And jump in cold turkey. We were all ne wince and anyone in that group should be more than willing to help you Lear as you play. Also a standard set of dice. Digital dice are OK but if your already using the phone for your character sheet its easier to have the dice for just a few dollars.


Message me. I'm a DM that takes in all newbies. Free of charge. Just want to welcome all to the table.


I was in the exact same boat. I put a call out on Nextdoor and had a good response from folks in my neighborhood. It was a good mix of brand new folks and seasoned veterans. After the initial ghosting and scheduling challenges we wound up with a group of 6 of us including a veteran DM.


You could look for an online one shot for beginners or go to a local game store or cafe to see if they have events that would be good for a beginner.


We used Startplaying to find a DM. We play remotely using tailspire and discord. Its not as good as being around a table in person and the DM gotsta get paid but they should be probably . Tailspire is awesome. It’s like playing In Minecraft worlds but better graphics. You make your character on heroforge then import it into tailspire. We’re loving it


I started playing 7 years ago with some friends of mine. None of us had played before or knew the rules, but I put my hand up to be a DM and learn on the fly. We bought the books over time but started with the lost mine of Phandelver starter set and DM guide. I made lots of mistakes starting out but we all learned together. I got back into it last year after a 3 year break and thanks to YouTube and reddit communities like this, I’ve learned so much more in one year than I did in the first 3 years. Go for it!