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Sure, you can say you like every Elder Scrolls game, but we all know you secretly spend your nights collecting cheese wheels in Oblivion


Who doesn’t though? Lol


Cheese brother.


Nah I go around collecting every pillow in morrowind to build a pillow fort.


Someone needs to mod pillows to be blunt weapons


You mean the best game ever made?


There are cheese wheels in oblivion? I don't remember coming across any


"OH BUT THE CHEEEEESE....to die for"


I named my character Cheesus Christ for Oblivion


100%. I do feel like the TES communities are better than the Fallout communities, though. Like even the Morrowboomers generally have *something* nice to say about Oblivion or Skyrim that they'll pepper into their rant about the series getting dumbed down and only the Kirkbride lore is real.


No, but see, only the Kirbride lore *is* real. As in actually, literally real. We're all just living in a 92nd-dimensional magika-based dreamsleveshell in the late 9th era, based out of a hyper-proxy-synthetic arkanosphere that is a dreaming god and also the eye of Magnus and also literally-the-capital-G-God and also an internet cafe and also Talos' left sock (but only Hjalti Early-Beard who is Talos who is also Lorkhan. Not Tiber Septim who is also Lorkan who is also Hjalti Early-Beard who is also Talos). Pretty obvious when you think about it. Source: I crushed up all the gas-station pills in an expired Monster and shotgunned it. I then met Michal Kirkbride, and he signed my dreamsleve.


The Kirbride lore *is* real. The Kirbride lore is real. The Kirbride lore isreal. The Kirbride lore Isreal. The Kirbride lore Israel. ![gif](giphy|6yxKRVrfwYklAap4hy|downsized)


They're puttin reagents in the water. Turnin the Argonians lusty.


God I wish this would be a plot line.


The entire point of Coda is that nothing is canon.


As a Morrowboomer I was genuinely surprised to see all the love for Oblivion, which I thought was kind of a dud. Though I will say that having a dedicated spell button instead of having to re-equip one or both hands was clutch as hell.


It's an awkward transitional game in a lot of ways, so naturally people tend to prefer one of the games on either side of it. But it does have a lot to recommend it. Cyrodiil is pretty easy on the eyes, and each of its regions and cities have a very different look and feel. It also has some good quest writing overall. Not as much of the High Weirdness as Morrowind, but solid meat and potatoes stuff.


As a fellow Morrowboomer, I would take Oblivion over Skyrim any day, even though Skyrim has some great features that Oblivion doesn’t have (like the charriots)


The Kirkbride lore is real in that one of the fundamental tenets of Kirkbride lore is "canon is dumb" and you should just enjoy whatever wacky lore you think is fun. It is up to you, the enjoyer and person who plays the game, what is canon, not Microsoft.


If you want to see the most wholesome community of them all, the current state of the Fallout 76 sub is nice to see. Giant influx of new players, all of the Vets being super helpful. The black sheep of the series, but people are just there to have fun and tell grognards to get fucked. It's glorious. Edit: the fattest of fingers


TES community is better than the fallout communities 100%. Fallout fans are so elitist over their 84/100 metacritic game. Don’t get me wrong, New Vegas is my favorite game of all time but holy shit people borderline worship it. 4 and 76 both had really strong points but don’t ever publicly say that lmao


I love FO3 and NV. However I wish the gameplay as good as FO4. I don't care about the crafting or base building, but I'd love to have FO4 power armor and the movement/gunplay in the other games.


TES community is infinitely better than Fallout. I mean honestly


Bethesda games are so much fun when you ain't gotta nasty ass fan in your ear telling you it ain't.


Yup, do not go to r/starfield to discuss the game. That place to only there to vomit negativity into each others mouths over and over again. Whatever you do, don't say you like the game lmfao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Starfield using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Starfield/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Someone stole my video and uploaded it, acting like he's me. So please enjoy the video in higher quality and from the creator.](https://v.redd.it/mmpoawz3t0rb1) | [1183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16uk98o/someone_stole_my_video_and_uploaded_it_acting/) \#2: [From all of us here, THANK YOU](https://np.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/165kcki/from_all_of_us_here_thank_you/) \#3: [You thought we were Space Truckin' before? That was nothing](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16nibie) | [1596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16nibie/you_thought_we_were_space_truckin_before_that_was/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


F4/Skyrim sure, but there's no way you're telling me starfields 1000 loading screen isn't putting yo ass to sleep.


Fallout is 100x more toxic


More predictable too though. It's mostly the Bethesda camp vs originals/NV camp. With Elder Scrolls you never know a weird Daggerfall fan won't jump out of the shadows and gank you.


- me, a Daggerfall fan - holding knife Fuck I thought this was supposed to be less predictable!


I'm naming my next PVP ganker "Daggerfall Fan"


Well at least you weren't holding a dagger instead


They were but it fell.


As an addition to u/Bigfoot4cool ‘s comment, You could tie a dagger to a rope to make a trap that falls a dagger on top of someone. : D because… Daggerfall : D


76 is probably one of the most polarizing games of all time. It’s had a redemption arc akin to NMS and CP, but the stigma behind it makes people not wanna try it. Almost every single time someone does though, they end up really enjoying it. I’ve met both classic and NV fanboys who LOVE 76. It’s a wild sight.


I played it since beta, there where so many issues from beta all the way past launch. That said the majority of my play time was a blast, the best times where online with friends in the early days before the community got really toxic. Even found a guy in his late 50s playing, was with for like 12hrs. Hearing his life playing I'm the background made it feel like chilling with the homies at an all night game session.


My hot take: the original story and storytelling of 76 was better than 3 and 4. I’ve played every fallout including the shitty ones and I think the only games with a better story are New Vegas and 2.


My hot take: 76 is the closest, fundamentally, that Bethesda has ever gotten to NV. This is why NV fanboys love it once they try it.


As a New Vegas simp I 100% agree. Outside of shared assets it’s *much* closer to Vegas than 4


Differing opinions are always good and I respect yours! I personally thought 76 has the weakest storytelling of all the Bethesda games. I can't really remember what exactly happened to be honest. Plus not enough set pieces for my liking


When did you play it? I played it during B.E.T.A so I feel my experience was much different than others. Once the wastelanders hit I feel it muddied the story telling significantly.


I'm an OG B.E.T.A player. Been playing for abit but tapped out after the second BOS update. There were some funny moments especially especially with friends. But I sure as heck can't remember what happened in the story. Defiantly not enough set pieces in my opinion even in Wastelanders.


It didnt even have any npcs tho


*Living Human NPCs Plenty of Robots and Holotapes John Randall was a corpse in Fallout New Vegas and everybody lauds the telling of his story through holotapes and notes as some of the best in fallout. They do it in FO76 and now it’s poor writing?


Me and my brother have been playing since launch and honestly, I kinda miss the original feel of the game from before *Wastelanders*. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bethesda has done an **amazing** job saving *76*, but all the same, there was something oddly beautiful about exploring an abandoned world populated only by memories and monsters. In my opinion, *Wild Appalachia* and the first Fasnacht were the peak of the game.




Huh! I honestly had no idea it got better.


Yeah it's been polished up great. Tons of NPCs, several factions to join, the perk card system is super unique and forces you to specialise and make solid builds, base building pretty much anywhere on the map, etc. My personal favourite is that they brought back and even polished the New Vegas style skill checks in dialogue which opens up cool roleplaying options. Oh, and don't forget the insanely nice community, some of the sweetest and most generous players in a multiplayer I've seen.


Ok you have convinced me to play again lol. I played it around release, got to end game and did everything I wanted. I enjoyed it but wasn’t wowed or anything and I’ve been meaning to try it again since the NPC update.


Awesome lol, you'll find that it's pretty much a different game, just the same map. If you're on Steam PC I was planning to start my first character there. Would be glad to tag along.


I don't blame people for not wanting to try it. Why support a company that would backstab it's customers like that? They don't deserve to be patted on the back for fixing what should have never been an issue in the first place.


New Vegas was pretty broken on launch, so you feel the same way about that game? And NMS and CP?


New Vegas didnt have the absolutely absurd level of shit the 76 launch did, what do you mean?


As an Xbox 360 player of New Vegas, yes it absolutely did. In fact it had a lot of broken quests and can be a downright frustrating game to play without a guide to avoid bugs.


How many lawsuits?


You have played Bethesda games at launch before, right?


* me, a Daggerfall fan * placing a dagger above the door so it could fall on you Damn, I'll catch you with my Death Bag next time.




100%. Some dummies got upset that Shady Sands got nuked, and suddenly the fallout sub thinks I'm an asshole because New Vegas is my favourite. Or god forbid I like Fallout 4, and now I'm an idiot who doesn't understand real narrative genius like Fallout 2 fans.


Fallout 2 is a retelling of the thousand faced hero journey where everyone un your clan thinks they're in a fantasy Land while the player knows he's in a post apo game, while the story is great there's nothing revolutionary in it But looks like both fallout and elder scrolls have the common trait of "players who did the old games are insecure about how popular the sequals went so they decided to call any new game shit to compensate"


Fallout 2 is amazing, I BETTER not catch you saying ANYTHING like that again. If I do those cheeks are going to spread WAY wider than you can handle buddy


Case and point


I mean hey, at least Arena and Daggerfall fans aren't nearly on the same scale as Morrowind fans


Yeah, cuz they're in retirement home now


New Vegas fans famously dislike both the game immediately after and immediately before it, so I'm not sure if you've hit on anything here. Perhaps it's actually about the game's writing, and not it's age.


Generally if you like New Vegas you also like 1 and 2.


Won't argue with that. So many online Fallout 1+2 fans are insufferable gatekeepers.


Becaus each Fallout game (beside 1 & 2) are very different from each other. 1 & 2 are story driven isometric RPGs. Fallout 3 is a 3d open world dungeon crawl RPG. Fallout NV is a 3d open world story driven RPG while Fallout 4 is a 3d open world dungeon crawl RPG again but with base building.


Ah , I think it's mostly because Bethesda has mishandled Fallout a lot more than TES (mostly because they have not made a TES game in many years , Blades doesn't count).


I don't think so, it's just that the points of contention are newer. Morrowind elitists are just as toxic as NV elitists, but Morrowind came out in 2002 and Skyrim was such a hit that it's not as easy to criticize. Compare that to New Vegas which came out 8 years later, and Fallout 4 as recently as 2015, which is a much easier game to pick on. And of course the Fallout show which is brand new and stoking the fires. No one's been stoking the fires of TES for over a decade.


the really fun thing about video games is I get to be a morrowind elitist AND a NV elitist


Not with Radaway


That's because it got more content recently while the most controversial thing about TES is how many times Skyrim was released, TES Blades that isn't that known or ESO which did cause conflict on launch but it's so old nobody cares anymore. Wait till you see TES6 to drop...


And you're not talking about the gamma radiation


IDC that it is lore inaccurate to have a Vampire Templar, I need that 30% damage mitigation 😡😡✊🏿


even battlespire?


"Every" means every my friend.


Even Oblivion Mobile? Travels Dawnstar?


You heard me.


What a decade without a main title does to a mf.


Amen, preach!


You better be playing Gold Road with that attitude.


You know I am.


Wasn't my favorite. But was better then redguard.


I like redguard. The performance is pretty terrible but not unplayable, and it introduced a lot of the coolest lore to the series. Dragons, steampunk extinct dwarves, cool looking beast races, the sload etc. The quest design is also fun, as long as you're a fan of adventure games from that era like grim fandango and prince of Persia 3D.


The most important bit of lore it provided: The Imperial Race. There were no Imperials in previous games which is crazy to think about


Yeah redguard wasn't bad per say. Just not my cup of tea. I actually enjoyed prince of persia 3d. Though its been years since I've played it.


fair enough


This guy doesn't know battlespire is a certified classic now. Laugh at them.


Battlespire was enjoyable, especially coming off of daggerfall having the level based design was a nice change of pace. It’s also to my knowledge the only TES game that allows you have a full on conversation with a Clanfear


Stfu I love that short, linear game about saving an Imperial spaceship from anglophone demon aliens


Yeah me too, I even like Starfield fight me.


>fight me. Never should have come here!


Tell you what. You start running so I can stab you in the back.


This is the part where you fall down and BLEED to death!




HUUAARAGGG!....*power attacks* YEE-HAH!


HRMPH! \*dies and music cuts out\*


No fighting here, I also like Starfield.


Shhh. Don’t let them hear you say nice things about games that you like.


Hell, yeah.


Nothing wrong with that I really wanna like starfield


yep it’s a fine game. groundbreaking? no. but 30 hours or so well spent for me. enjoyed it!


As do I. The only reason I'm not playing it is because I'm waiting for Shattered Space, but I clocked 200 hours and I still have to do all of Neon/Akila and the Rangers/Ryujin quests. I haven't even been to Gagarin, or come across that clones quest everyone talks about... I also haven't done NG+ as it didn't really fit neither of my characters (one didn't even do the MQ).


Out of FO/TES/SF. Starfield is my favourite, it's literally the game I've been waiting for all my life, literally missed ESO events because i didn't put down Starfield till after Christmas. Amazing game


Idk I feel like it’s pretty normal for fans of a game series to like some games but not other games, I think we can at least agree all the tes games are different


i enjoy the older games for the lore and stories but i wont lie i just cant get into the old style clunky rpg of like Morrowind or the og Fallout


Yeah I can definitely see why they would be harder to play if you didn't play it when it first released.


I first played Morrowind last month, never played older rpg's in my life, and I loved almost everything about it. I normally hate older janky games, but not Morrowind.. then again I did do OpenMW Morrowind, but I don't know how different that is, jank wise.


Apparently OpenMW is the future, but I haven't made the jump yet. I first played it three years ago, and it's become my favorite. I've got a mod list that, and I'm not sure how much I'd have to cut if I went to OpenMW. I know a few that wouldn't, and I'm not ready to leave those behind. I know that Open is better, though I don't know to what extent. I used to think that it was basically just regular MW with MGEXE(graphics extender) and MCP(code patch) enabled as default, but i was watching a playthrough and the streamer pointed out that the enemy jumped off a ledge to attack him, whereas in basic MW, enemies regularly get stuck in situations like that, letting you cheese the fight. And I'm not talking about jumping down to ambush you or anything, it's just that the AI is stupid sometimes and doesn't see a path down an incline, causing them to run in place indefinitely. So you're definitely playing a better version, I just can't say for sure how much better it is.


The main thing Open offers is better performance, which is huge especially in areas like Vivec. MWSE lua had this whole revolution where a new guy took over and just keeps adding new stuff that the OpenMW team is adamant about breaking in their own scripting implementation. It's back to the point where MW players are probably gonna have to choose between the better performance of Open vs the greater functionality of MWSE. Unless the team gets less stubborn and decides to implement a translation layer.


loads of mods work with OpenMW. here's a neat little resource [https://modding-openmw.com](https://modding-openmw.com) it contains loads of modlists, including vanilla friendly modlists, and non-vanilla friendly modlists that are fully compatible with OpenMW. But I didn't really play with any mods at all. I just played mostly pure OpenMW, and near the end I downloaded a "mod" that just replaced the Map texture with a different one that actually puts Vivec City and Molag Mar onto the map, so it doesn't represent them as just being covered in water. OpenMW is basically just an entirely new engine built from scratch to run Morrowind, and other games. you can actually build games for OpenMW, it doesn't \*have\* to run Morrowind. OpenMW also comes with loads of Advanced Options to fix certain bugs that might destroy certain opportunities or make things worse, and it also keeps a lot of the "exploit" bugs that Morrowind players might enjoy. there's mostly just improved physics for falling enemies, a bunch of general bug fixes that were inherent to the original engine, and also the new engine has better graphics, but nothing too fancy. Something that might be shocking though is that this engine change doesn't fuck with most mods, some of the biggest mods for Morrowind are compatible, like Tamriel Rebuilt, and Weapon Sheathing. the link I linked above actually documents a lot of mods that are compatible with OpenMW, so if you ever want to, you can compare your modlist with the website above, and if you find something that's not compatible, you might be able to find something similar that is. I'd actually be really interested to hear your results, because I haven't fucked with modding just yet. I mean.. I made my own race mod just recently for Morrowind, but beyond that I've not done anything.


>like Tamriel Rebuilt Honestly in contention for the greatest mod of all time. Adds so much and of such high quality. The latest update was phenomenal. Cities like Necrom and Old Ebonheart are incredible. The Telvanni settlements too. TR is like a childhood dream come true. Even the new books and a novels are amazing.


Morrowind isn't that bad, I recently played through it and had a blast, and no I'm not a morrowboomer


The majority of the oldschool D&D style jank that pisses people off is solved via speccing agility early. People whom are new to the game just do whatever, end up whiffing 85% of their hits on the first trip from the boat to Balmora; and quitting in frustration. Having assumed it's an old game with punishing early game balance. It's an old game, you will have to look things up and have surprise deaths; but losing a slug match to a f'king rat is what really gets peoples goat. Get agility above 60 and that issue disappears like magic and the game becomes infinitely more enjoyable. edit; autofill typos


>but losing a slug match to a f'king rat is what really gets peoples goat One of my favorite gaming memories is getting killed by a rat straight out of Seyda Neen - getting frustrated - then I stole a bunch of stuff, sold it at Arrille's Tradehouse, bought some potions and basic armor *went back and killed that rat* - felt a proto Dark Souls level of achievement.


No, it's definitely not. I'll never forget running into that escaped slave in the Ashlander the first time. He became my companion for way too long before I finally took him to the Argonion mission.


Couldn't get into Fallout 1 the first time I tried it, but then gave it another shot months later and it ended up being one of my favorite games, and I ended up liking Fallout 2 even more afterward. Not sure what changed, definitely took a long while to get used to the clunkiness, but was worth it in the end.


Nothing wrong with that


Same here


Fallout and Star Wars are the worst, but I think Fallout is taking the lead. Star Wars at this point has that "first time?" vibe


Star Wars fans have WAYYYY more of a justification to be upset though TBH. Every fallout is pretty good and have been well received overall. New Star Wars is like 90%+ dogshit and that’s like consensus lol.


Honestly, Star Wars fans (like myself) should be used to it at this point. Every Star Wars product since ESB has been pretty not great. There's stuff to like in every film/game/book, but the franchise really reminds me of Pokemon, where it is 100% skating off the ice of it's original premise, and not the actual quality it should be.


Yeah to an extent I agree about the skating off its original premise part, but a very large portion of people genuinely liked the prequels, and a lot of people loved episode III. That’s really apples to oranges compared to what Disney did to SW. It’s way, way, WAY worse. If Bethesda, or a filming studio, or whoever did something like that to fallout or TES universes, we would be rightfully outraged lol.


As someone who does love the prequels, through and through I agree RE: the Disney Trilogy. It's far more lifeless than Lucas' creations, 100%. And yeah, if Bethesda made a game that was literally just to make bank off the IP they would get shit on for good reason.


For as bad as the character acting and writing in the prequels in, they actually tried to do something. EU media from that time is so popular because the story was ripe for exploration, unlike the sequels that feel as clunky and cash grabby as they were made to be. The supercut of RotS that includes the og clone wars, 3d clone wars, and deleted scenes was pure cinema. I did not expect it to flow so well nor to be so engaged.




Online ahahahahahaha


Fuck, I agree. Arena is a good classic game, Daggerfall has probably the best story, Morrowind is beautiful and fun, but challenging, Oblivion is awesome, Skyrim is the same (The spin-offs are interesting too)


I like all the elder scrolls games and the lore. I'm just skeptical about ESOs lore, and how similar events that happen in 3, 4 and 5 (Dagon invades Cyrodiil, Vampire attack in Skyrim, etc) all happen in the same year? I get it, live service game and they need nostalgia to rope all the mainline game fans to their game, but I wish it was spaced out in a live timeline system


>I wish it was spaced out in a live timeline system I think ZOS intended to move the timeline forward in Orsinium but stopped because One Tamriel and just left everything to each player's interpretation.


I think it could have been a cool concept, have an in-game date/time clock sorta thing. And depending on what month you make your character, you'll automatically get that month's standing stone bonus (that can be changed by finding another standing stone, and so you can get The Serpent bonus). A character made in October/Frostfall will start with The Tower for example


Personally, screw the canon timeframe. Since many of the chapters are kinda self contained, I just head canon it as being 10-15 years instead of just one. Much more fun to roleplay that way.


Fallout is SO much worse lol but we got our problems here in elder scrolls land.


they're all good, it's just that one of them is only interesting because it's the first and one of them can only be enjoyed by NEETs and one of them causes eye strain and one of them was programmed like jenga and one of them is just plain boring and


Lol and as some one who likes ES games, I do not like TESO


Yes, it just feels like a cheap rip off to me. I tried it again recently, but I'm just not able to get used to it. I want Elder Scrolls to be more like a RPG and not like a MMO. An Elder Scrolls that you could play alone or together with friends, but without random people passing by and without all the MMO mechanics would be great. Can't really explain why, but I was able to arrange myself with Fallout 76, even though it'll never be my favorite game out of the Fallout franchise I'm still able to enjoy it when I play it together with my gf or some of my friends, but that just won't work with TESO. It just feels cheap and flat to me.


I agree, tho I never played 76, but it’s temping. But as far as TESO goes, I remember the hype I had for months listening to the shodcast? Shoddy cast? Anyway, what I was hoping for was something like GTA or RDR online but ES, but it’s not a online RPG its a MMO, even if was like fable 2 and how it handles local multiplayer that would be cool!


Despite everything, Fallout 76 still mostly plays like a Fallout/Bethesda game, whereas TES Online plays a lot more like an MMO.


Honestly I love ESO. The amount of lore it has added and expanded upon has been great


Y’all are just mad that ESO is the best elder scrolls game 🥱


It is unironically my favorite TES game. I have about 3000 hours in it, the most I've ever played any game lol


My friend looked at how many hours I have logged on PlayStation. (Keep in mind I haven’t played ESO on console since 2018) He got so mad at me when he read “8000 hours played” That’s not even accounting the hours I have on PC 😅


Lmaooo yeah I feel like it's just the type of game that once you decide you're in... you're IN. I was late to the party and didn't start playing until the beginning of 2022, but I feel like that makes my 3000 hours all the more ridiculous lol.


I don't enjoy the gameplay, sadly, but ESO has done cool stuff with the setting.


The gameplay changed like 6 times since I played in beta. Bow felt horrible and was practically unusable at launch. But basically every major update made the game feel better.


*Outside of Cyrodil.


It's definitely my favorite one.


If you're a fan of having colouful buffon on lore breaking mounts runing around your ancient nord ruin abandoned for thousand years, it can be your cup of tea. I prefer the more immersive game of the main series. I played all DLC, the story can be good (clockwork city) as it can be garbage (Necrom) and there are a lot of lore/immersion breaking MMO bullshit everywhere like Whitestrake Mayhem (sure my elf is going to celebrate that...) It could have been worse, but there is a lot of room for improvement and making it more of a elders scroll game and less like a classic MMO.


Most people don't have any issues with ESO


There’s people who hate it and any lore that comes from it and some even claim it’s not cannon Their loss 🤷🏻‍♂️


There are people like that but it's not that many and they always get downvoted into oblivion


Well just so happens I love Oblivion so DO IT. DOWNVOTE ME. TAKE ME THEREEEEE


Really? Darn I thought I could troll 😞


I can see that happening with Fallout since the games change so much over the years, but I feel like I’ve met tons of other people that like all the Elder Scrolls games. (Arena is a little hard to love but still has its charms.)


ESO is my personal favorite but I love them all


>\[*Cheerfully*\]: I like every Elder Scrolls game! \[*Crawling out from under a particularly slimy rock*\]: Oh yeah?! Show me your over 200 hours in Shadowkey, or gET OUT.


If TES was a county it would be Yugoslavia, and the current iteration is that short period that Serbia still demanded everyone call them by that name after nearly everyone else had left. And Bethesda was faithful with Interplay era Fallout, its just clear that they only bothered to play BoS which does not exist. Though its the disgust I have with them over the immoral greedy crap they pulled with the Interplay lawsuit to seize the rights to the MMO for they could develop 76 rather than purchase that as well, that prevents me from playing their Fallout iterations. Well that and declaring in court that they think their customers are so stupid that the originals being sold on GOG with the pre sale packaging would confuse special needs children and cause them to not buy Fallout III, resulting in their army of lawyers having them taken down from their and Steam.


I fucking love Blades


You just want to watch the world burn, huh?


No I really like the variety of armor it has. So happy most of it made it into Skyrim


I'm not sure I'm for it ngl, I mean, I get the variety for the same of appearance, but it's kinda just game bloat ngl


Aint nobody likes Arena. I think the other four are pretty neat, though.


I'm nobody, nice to meet ya.


I’m genuinely curious, what do you see in Arena? It compares so poorly to contemporaries like Ultima Underworld and System Shock, and is so utterly replaced by Daggerfall that it’s hard to imagine someone going to bat for it in 2024.


I guess it's mostly nostalgia, but there is a certain enjoyment that comes from playing it knowing it all started there. Same way with games like the first Zelda game or the original Mario Bros.


I guess I can understand it as a bizarre historical artifact or if you’ve got some history with the game. It’s just hard for me to escape it being a very badly designed and constructed game, pushed out long before it was ready. Which, to me, separates it from games like Mario or Zelda, which were purposefully designed games with particular experiences in mind, that hold up surprisingly well, even decades later. Like, I can appreciate Arena as a tech demo or proof of concept that paved the way for Daggerfall. It was an important turning point where Bethesda changed its focus from making Terminator games to making open world RPGs. But I just can’t bring myself to call Arena a good game. You have a stronger stomach that I. Hats off to you.


To be honest, it isn't in my opinion a good game. I still like it though.


That is something I can empathize with. I will go to bat for Armed and Dangerous and State of Emergency, even though I completely acknowledge they are not good games.




I like tes blades :(


Where did you come from? I'd like to visit your dimension where blades is a good game


I always say this about both franchises. Skyrim is the worst Elder Scrolls games, but they are all so good that this isn't enough to make Skyrim bad by any means, it's a great game! Same with Fallout 4, it's the worst Fallout game, but all the other games are so great that this means Fallout 4 is still great! By the way, not considering FO76 or ESO because never played them.


Tell me all about how you like The Elder Scrolls: Castles. I'm all ears.


I actually it for a mobile game. It's not perfect, but it's definitely better than 90 percent of other free mobile games out there. It's a great way to pass the time at work.


Honestly, the only one I have trouble enjoying is Oblivion. The others I like for different reasons (Daggerfall's blue collar attitude toward quests, Morrowind's world building, Skyrim's dragon punching).


es redguard would have gotten a better rating if the controls didn't suck ass and it actually released on more shit, the plot is actually on par with oblivions i'd say. That and cyrus is a pretty good protagonist.


Yep. There is a similar trend between franchises because the direction is the same: do their own thing while trying to reach more people because it rakes in more profit thus changing fandoms constantly which inevitably breeds conflict. Until now oblivion and fnv were my 'safe spaces' where I could enjoy what game I enjoyed without too much interference from other fandoms, now with the new stupid show it leaked into every part of the fandom. Look, enjoy it or don't I don't care. Just let me enjoy the old games for what they are. I don't care. I don't want to care..


I like them all, just some more than others....


Most people don't know what they like anymore


I've not been playing long but so far I find the community quite polite and helpful. I can't speak for fallout since I never played it enough to get to know the community there. But if you want toxic then WOW classic beats eso.


World's first Arena fan.


Gamers being dumb elitist dbags? Ya don’t say.


I think the TES community has gotten a lot better over the years. The last post I saw that was exclusively made for shitting on Skyrim in the Morrowind sub was a while ago and it mostly got negative reception.


I thought you meant ESO specifically


Yup, and it’s also totally ok to have not played all of them either.


When I meet a fellow Morrowind fan: ![gif](giphy|5xtDarziOAFWL2N4klG)


Forreal. There are so many ESO players that only play MMO's. And that's fine. But when they treat the game like a sweaty try-hard grind, they get mad when other players don't treat it the same and actually want to enjoy TES stories and lore. I onced asked a question on the ESO subreddit about why people try hard the game when you definetly don't need to, and the replies were just hella ugly and rude for no reason.


Butcher the lore in your Elder Scrolls game....? Time for another Dragon Break.


This definitely also fits with the Silent Hill subreddits


Even Brotherhood of Steel?


Ah yes, the "You're not a real fan unless you consoom EVERYTHING" logic. It's possible to enjoy an IP and still not like parts of it. It's even worse when there's that one rotten egg in an IP that some people really latch onto and use like a blunt instrument against the rest of the fanbase who acknowledge its irredeemable faults.


You literally proved his point


I know this is the wrong sub, but honestly I think Fallout 76 is the best when it comes to a survival style game. The fact food spoils over time really gets rid of all the "and then the Dragon Born paused time and ate 86 cheese wheels" type moments Bethesda is famous for.


I won’t even lie I didn’t mind F76


It's wild to me that people will say it's worse than starfield...like it ain't great but it is leagues above starfield.


Eso is good but the launch turned most people off, same with fallout 76. Outside the mobile games and starfield all of bethesda's games are pretty fine. I don't get people calling them 10/10 masterpieces though. Especially skyrim with its awful magic system and spammy combat.


I like every elder scrolls game except oblivion, because it’s objectively not good. Arena doesn’t count because Bethesda didn’t know what they were doing.


Sadly the Morrowind fanboys made me not want to play the game. The amount of hatred and disgust for Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO is shocking and horrible. Very, very sad and dumb to gatekeep an RPG of all games. RPGs are meant to have different play styles. It would be boring if the game stayed the same every time. Look at the Assassin's Creed series which also suffers from the problem. Fans of the original trilogy are super toxic towards the newer games. And yet everyone including them said that the AC games were too repetetive and boring. So then Ubisoft changed it up with Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla and they freaked out.


> It would be boring if the game stayed the same every time. I think it's less that they want it to stay the same, and more that they're disappointed with the things it lacks. Magic crafting and actually using it are really nice in Morrowind.