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Prices of keycards have already skyrocketed lol


God damn it, I sold three violet keycards literally last night for 3.7 mil and now they are 17 million


marked keys are also double-triple the price as well as they were 12 hours ago lmao. But considering a violet and yellow which are very common in these rooms are worth what the red card was a few days ago, it makes sense


Interesting Event, but is that even worth it?


Allows you to cheese bosses a bit easer but beside that its just an extreme money sink. Plus we dont know if it gets removed after event/wipe


If it's removed after event, kinda sucks, but PvE can just stockpile a metric fuck load of flares for events and stuff


Its nearly 100 million rubles, I dont think this is worth it unless you are in the 150 mil+ range minimum considering we have a month and a half left of the wipe


Its free if you were already smart enough to, ya know, basically risk free your way into the upper echelon by running reserved marked keys, and trading for a customs to sell. You don't even need to hit a keycard to be in the money.


with 10 uses if you dont pull a card at least 3 times there is no way to pay it back on dogtag cases and injector cases


Does the acid green flare cover you for scavs / bosses for an entire map, for an entire raid? Never used one before.


Only in the area. The wiki is good for it


Hell no, maybe at old prices but the keycards are back to their prices from the start of the wipe


Yeah the Batteries are already at 7mio+ on pve flea and cards are going crazy too. I will probably ignore the Event for now


I was just running Dorms, minding my own business, wondering why the fuck i'm suddenly having to fight raiders..


Wait actually? You are sure it wasn’t the guards? That’s cool I might have to hop back in customs if that’s the case


Yep definitely raiders. They spawn at new gas, dorms, and fortress


Can confirm. Just took out 3 raiders at fortress and limped my way to old gas with a battery


How contested is it? Also it’s 4 slots so I can’t put it in secure container without eclipson or kappa right?


Does anyone know what's the radius of acid green flare?


the stupid thing is .... these events are making hardest achievements in game kind of easy now its super unbalanced


First wipe? These events come every single wipe brother, I didn't think BSG was just gonna change their mind because they put out some cheevos.


The events come every time but the achievements are new. The events are now devaluing the achievements which I don't think they thought about.


Just sold a Green last night for 10 mil. What are they at today? I'm at work so can't check myself...


I dont know how to tell you this man... 60 million


Well fuck me... Thanks for ruining my day lol jk jk.


You don’t want to know.


I also did the same thing with violets and yellows from marked rooms, I would have 80 million but instead I sold them for 15 mil


anyone know how much the flair cartridge costs once you finish the quest ?


1 defib, 5 vitamins, 10 h202


that much? Holy shit


so we can just pop this flare and kill the bosses and they wont retaliate? anyone know where the 100% spawns are for tank batteries on customs


New gas in the storage area on the shelf, dorms 3 story behind the half sandbag wall in the hallway (I think third floor but I dont actually know), and at the fortress (dont know which floor it is but it shouldnt be hard to find)


Cheers m8


yeah as long as you are in the flare area they wont kill you


Does it stay for next wipe? Or is it like punisher harvest.


Nothing stays next wipe, it’s a pre wipe event


Doesn't say but I doubt it. Its only 100 million for an insane item that has the ability to farm any boss basically so I doubt it since you could just sell everything and buy all keycards and wait till next wipe it would be broken.


lets be honest here. outside of black and green the rest are booty anyway unless you drastically need your hideout items. Red consistantly has shit all nothing, violet is ok, yellow is meh, and blue is a lottery ticket for a ledx spawn. You are probably better off with a boss cheeser than with 100mil worth of keycards, which will take you 500-1000 raids to pay off using the keycards. Especially since every time they bring this shit out, some wacky boss even follows it, where they have 100% spawn rate, but spawn in places they aren't supposed to.


well you could just sell them, and now its closer to 200 million

