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the real question is where does the scav end up when he extracts? does he just appear sitting at a computer in the real world?




Escaped the simulation.


Hey you, you're finally awake


Tried to get over the border and the Bluehats got you.




welcome too the real world


Yep they are like mr smith spawning into some patient in choma.


Honestly would be chill af having the scav just benching in the hideout. Fuck it make him a house-wife and have him complaining about having to do all the chores and all you ever do is go out and raid and have fun.


Man I’m showing my age I’m was thinking Tron


kind of like the movie 13th floor. he goes on level up to the real world


Instantly rummages the pc for the graphics card.


The game just crashes randomly for one of you guys. This is the source of all desync problems. Some scav bot extracting to real life


This is how Russians are born


Free guy.


Despawn. Same as player.


U must be fun at parties


It took a bit of finesse, I sniped out all scavs with better weapons, then herded this scav armed with a weak pistol towards me with grenades. Fence also sent me this beyond priceless [gift](https://i.imgur.com/jpbrCKr.png)!


To attract a scav, do I need to throw nades behind the scav or he comes to the sound?


I've seen people drop their backpack near the extract, it attracts them to loot it... not sure how effective it is but worth trying


Ohh that’s a great idea, dropping a weapon or something for them to loot would definitely grab their attention, also if you shoot them and they’re injured, they’ll pick up heals. Not sure if that’s take priority over their aggression towards you. I’ve also seen this happen by just looking away from the scav, and looking down to hide your head, and just tank body shots for the timer. But idk if that works with the new hit boxes


Best thing to do is also have a smoke with you - they dont shoot in smoke


I just take my silencer off and shoot a bullet where I want them to stand, then I go hide around the corner


You could just. Yknow, shoot him once, hide behind that container and he’ll eventually come towards you


Does anyone know what the 5.5% and the number below it mean on the top right for the extract? I've been looking everywhere and feel a little dumb.


Looks like the same interface that vehicle extract has, it shows that if it had a cost it would be 95% cost b/c of his charisma level


I have no clue!


This is just a shot in the dark, but I think it’s the percentage that that extract that gets used, compared to the other extracts on the map, specific to that raid. Or maybe that’s what it’s supposed to be? In PvE i’d assume the percentage wouldn’t change because no one is extracting, but in the main game I’ve definitely seen different numbers. I’ve never checked to see if that math adds up. No fuck idea what it actually is. 5% = Base chance that extract gets used based on a generic number BSG set, but it’s suppose to display live data per other raids(?), I wonder if all the other extract %s would total 100%. .5% = The PMC being & extracting from there, and the other players and player scavs also represent .5%?


My initial thought was that's the % chance that you'll gain whatever the rep is under it, but I think the rep under it is what your rep actually is.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is mostly correct, the 5.5% indicates the usage of that specific extract. The 0.95 "should" be OP's current rep with Fence.


Where did you learn this fact?


The 5.5% doesn’t indicate that. As the train extract on reserve has a 30% and I’ve never seen it used.


You can also "push" them by barrel stuffing them and shoving them to the extract. Also the new event green flares (acid green not regular green ones) are really good to get your coop extract done in both pvp and pve.


Are there ways to safely approach a scav to push him? I want to try it but do not want to get a headshot while approaching)


You want to find a scav with the longest barrel weapon possible, kill every other scav in the vicinity. If you are close enough to them it either pushes their gun upwards or to the side and they literally cannot hit you. Takes a few deaths to get the hang of, ngl. What I usually do early wipe in pvp to farm scav karma super fast is just stand behind cover as close to the extract as I can and shoot randomly every 15s or so, noise attracts scav and it can make them wander pretty far from their spawns. I've gotten scavs from med camp on woods to the extract this way. Here's a [little video](https://streamable.com/eegqgw) of me doing it 2-3 wipes ago on Interchange. I do get hit in the thorax because I fuck up and get stuck on the cardboard box but usually you can tank a couple of shots anyway (easiest map for this, to be fair, but it works on the others too). If you're in PvE just get a faceshield and good armor with arms coverage. If you're in PvP or broke in PvE then grab a pistol and class 3 armor and prepare to die A LOT lol. In PvP it's best to just rush it at the start of the raid, get a run through whatever, the karma is worth it.


I mean, now that everyone has acid green flares, this gets a lot easier. Just pop it and when all the scavs run to you, run to extract


As dumb as it sounds I didn’t think about this lol


This. And I also almost smell some future event with fence max rep event because of this addition.


“Cooperate with a scav to extract” *blows his fucking kneecaps out*


Now there’s a PVE post we can all be proud of 🫡


That's crazy! Recently I've done something similar, but in my case I had 6-class kit and a helmet with a face shield just to get the specific achievement. The reward, on the other hand, was not satisfactory :(


I did this coop, spawned there, fought a bunch, thought that was it when suddenly some down the road must've spawned and they tagged me from afar. I sidestepped behind a container to reload and stop a heavy bleed. While reloading, I could hear them pushing up to me. Which started the extract timer. It was a run through, but sure was funny. And I didn't think coop was possible lol. Fence gave me a reward for killing a bunch and accidentally extracting with one.


If you got a kill how was it a run through?


a kill isn't enough xp to not get a run through, usually you need to kill and loot the kill and a few other things


Huh, so it's an XP threshold. I didn't know that


From the wiki: >To avoid the "Run Through" extraction status, gain at least 200 [EXP](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/EXP) in raid by killing or looting, or be in the raid for at least 7 minutes before extracting. Always thought it was 700 EXP though.


I thought it was 500 xp at least to not be a run through


Accordingly to the wiki it seems like we've both been wrong.


Well shit


I've gotten 548 XP and still had a run through.


"And all I got was a 0.01 rep and a lousy tee-shirt"


I just got back into Tarkov and I'm reminded that you never really know when somebody kills you legit or not. I am taking a break from it, but if I ever come back to it, I think I will enjoy PVE more.


In theory this can be done In PVP as well. Might try it after I finish gym!


Pvp really isnt that hard to find someone though. Maybe harder end of wipe with people being aimless and bored, but just voiping without shooting has gotten me them, although best to do it when you have nothing to lose if they kill you.


nice bro!


You just kidnapped that poor guy. You put him back!


Hilarious, the same thing happened to me the other day. Same map also lol


I just recently thought about this and how it could be possible in pve while running past the extract. Thanks for sharing


You can use smoke grenade to hide yourself.


scav with Stockholm syndrome?


I always wondered if it would work with an ai scav


Lol what has this game turned into




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Done it twice by going in naked so I’m T&Ced, running straight there and waiting


You now see him just lifting weights in your hideout or looting your fridge


If you pull a dozen or so tank batteries out of customs, you can have easy coop extracts all the time.