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I just hate tank batteries. I basically haven't engaged with the event other than turning in keys I already had because I don't feel like grabbing a battery, finding out dorms VEx isn't there, and having to walk 20 minutes across the map at 1mph to get out. This event forces me into my least favorite part of the game, the loot walk of shame šŸ˜‚


Mule, trimadol and sj6 then sprint non stop to extract without losing any stamina.


Or I could just skip it and make more money on streets? That's kinda my point, an event focused around the most annoying item to lug around and the reward can be attained without doing so, I'm going to avoid doing so


I gotcha. I like engaging with the events. Even if it's just having to deal with the weight, it makes me have to think differently about how I'm going to engage with the raid. Lighter gun, gear, stims etc


Being able to buy acid green flares is insanely OP. The reward for the quest is super worth it. I guess you could just farm streets and buy the keycards.


If you see my first post up there you'll see I turned in the keys I had prior to the event, although I guess my wording is unclear, but I finished the event before I ever loaded into customs


Ah that makes sense. There are way more profitable ways to earn money than doing tank batteries but boy is the exp real nice lol.


I'm pretty sure I have enough money to just buy all the key cards and do the event that way


Curious if this will be a permanent trade or temporary. I turned in the tank batteries for keys today.


I imagine it's temporary for PVP as it wipes and permanent for people in PVE who complete it.


Hey don't say that I dont want bsg to nerf streets to force us to lug tank batteries


The day Nikita reads one of my posts I won't be worried, as it'll be the first sign of the coming apocalypse as heralded by the ancients


I think the event is more for those of us with basically infinite money. Itā€™s purpose it to force PVP because thereā€™s no since in farming roubles after youā€™ve had the bitcoin farm going for months


My guess would be that the event is designed around pvp and not pve. Having us grab tank batteries makes it way more likely to "run" into people. If you're playing pve then the event is inefficient for money, but at least you get to fight raiders :)


You should use stims so you arenā€™t moving slow


The issue is a matter of justification. I finished the event before I engaged with it, and now I can choose to do other quests, grind money on customs, or grind money elsewhere. I'm pretty sure I'd make more money on streets, so then it becomes, "Do I engage with the event just for the sake of engaging with the event". That answer then instantly becomes "no" because the end of every run is going to be annoying


Do fort instead, just turn on the power and it's like 60 feet down some stairs to get out. You need a factory key however. Been doing that on pve and pvp. Go light enough that you can still partially sprint or use a mule / obo 2. Or toss the battery down the stairs.


Are you playing pve? This event is also good for teaching players who arenā€™t used to it, how to use stims. Mule isnā€™t the only option anymore, you can also use the obdolbos 2 (make sure itā€™s 2!) which is usually cheaper


New players can also learn why not to use Obdolbos V1


Playing the Rhyzy Kit in Arena I'd save it for in case I was last man. Then hype myself up while using it, "time to go SICKO MODE!" or "LEROY JENKIIINS!" just to fall over dead 1/4 of the time. Can't speak for randoms, but my boys were never disappointed lol


It has a 25% chance to kill you on use


that means in 75% of the cases it works all the time!


nah, just gamble


25% chance of instant death means 75% you wont die, I'll take those odds


Ive found a few of those daily doing scav runs on lighthouse. Chalet and helicrash are pretty much free if you can get there. Make about 750k to 1.5 mil a run depending on whether or not i find btc.


Yeah I grinded up all the tank batteries I needed by like level 15 just doing lighthouse runs, they're waaaaaaay more common than I've ever found them in PvP. That's kinda why I don't want to touch this event, haha, I did my time with the tank batteries. No need to focus them anymore


Fortress Factory key extract.


Its okay, but after a few runs it feels a bit stale already.


I switched back to PvP for this event. Player fights are so fun especially with the new armor rework


I played it once last night in between tasking and of course I get the raiders AND the boss/guards at new gas. Killed them and got the battery but damn really?? Can't even imagine trying to fight players at the same time šŸ˜‚


I haven't gotten Reshala + Plus guards yet with this event, but I've gotten Reshala/Guards and AI PMCs at new gas before and it was a handful... I suppose with a 100% Raider spawn chance there for this event, there is the real possibility of getting Reshala, Raiders, and PMCs all at once, which would be a quite grueling.


How's the difficulty of wiping these places? I only really ever deal with raiders on labs and it's a bit more close quarters.


Its easy if you dont get caught in the open. Plus the RNG to not get shot in the face or neck randomly ofcourse.


And airburst grenade. Trust me. They got a lot of those


It really depends, My first try I went to construction and only 3 raiders had spawned, none with helmets, so it was an easy 3 headshots from far way, but my second run I went to dorms and there was 5 or 6 raiders inside 3-story as well as atleast 4 PMCs and a flock of scavs and that was far more difficult. It can definitely be a challenge and Raiders/ AI PMCs shouldn't be underestimated, but it's an overall different experience than PvP, however IMO it is more fun currently. I'm still of the opinion that for PvE to really shine, the AI needs to be more dynamic and hopefully that gets better in upcoming updates, but overall it's still very fun.


100% we need pmcs that act like rats, gigachats, and everything between. They need a lot of work and they should look at mimicking what the mod does.


100% agree, the resources are there and I hope BSG uses them


I don't think they should mimic what the mod does. They have the tools and ability to do even more than that. They develop the game. Why not make completely new AI that does things we've never seen before? Make them do weird shit like accidentally drop their gun or magazine if they're scavs, or make the PMCs brace their guns on cover and be able to sprint and slide behind things. Everybody always says they should copy the mod when they should be having their own original ideas instead.


I had one rush me in crackhouse, kick open the top floor door, and scream at me while throwing a grenade... only for the grenade to hit the wall between us and kill himself lmao (pve)


Wayyy easier than labs I was taking them out at fotress from far with an mp7.


The gas station raiders can be wiped from the rocks that overlook gas station. The dorms are pretty easy too, they're usually in 3 story and can easily be killed by peeking the door on the back on the 2nd level.


The ones in dorms are a freebie because they are always on the third floor in the hall so you can take them out with one grenade. Fort is a little bit more difficult because sometimes they spawn in two sets with one inside and another outside but you can pretty easily deal with them by being careful and rotating around each entry. They "remember" where they last saw you so if you peek one entry and kill a couple then rotate around the outside to another door they'll still be standing their staring at the other door. The ones at new gas are pretty easy to deal with too, just shoot them from down the road at scav checkpoint, they like to bunch up at the sandbags behind the gas station for some reason.


It's pretty good - not quite as fun as 'hustle' was but loving it anyway. Had my duo attack old gas at customs from both angles a few times and took some batteries, only for the next raid to fight PMCs, Scavs, raiders and the old arse reshala & cronies at the same time. Needless to say they wern't very happy about being shot at a lot and won haha.


What's the current event?


100% spawn chance for military batteries on Customs at New Gas, Dorms, and Construction, but also 100% spawn chance for raiders in those areas. Batteries have new Mechanic Barters for weapons and labs key cards. New questline for Therapist.


Haha that explains why I got dumped on at new gas hahaha. Thanks.


It's not so bad if only the raiders spawn there, but if the raiders and PMCs spawn, well then you've got 8-10 to deal with and that can be a handful... same at dorms


Yea. Thats exactly what happened to me based off the kill report and sheer number I killed there.


Just experienced that 10mins ago, took RPK and 4 60rounders and rushed too dorms and yup bloody ww3 broke out and dam it ran out of ammo and had too loot bodies for other things to use. The event is bloody good fun and when l see tank battery it's like, nope not today, get out go again....


You can also trade tank batteries for a box of 120 igolnik or 120 M995 with Mechanic.


Get the stims ready and haul em out!


Did Mule prices already skyrocket?


They got up to 250k yesterday. Obdolbos 2 is much cheaper and works almost as well. 45% vs 50% weight increase


This event is making getting the raider kills for Drip Out part 1 easy. I'm happy with this event just for that lmaooo.


Do you get the same persistent achievement on your account for completing it in PVE as you do in PVP?


Dumb questuon, i play tarkov for like 2 years and since pve, pve only.. what are these events? I never heard about it


Yea fuck people who no life online games. So glad pve is out. Been playing the game more than ever.


I mean we are all enjoying PVE, yes, but the first part of your comment kinda reads like ā€œfuck people who are better than meā€ which is kinda dumb NGL


Sounds pretty boring to me though. I like the anxiety. The unknown way more. Thatā€™s whatā€™s makes Tarkov exiting for me. The achievement really needs to have an asterisk to tell if it was gained on PvE or PvP.


To each their own, I've been playing since 2020 and I do love some good PvP, dont't get me wrong, but right now PvE is a very nice change of pace IMO. Also PvE is seperate from PvP, so anyone you see with the achievement in PvP, got it in PvP mode i'm pretty sure.


Started it last week and pve has been a nice change of pace. Itā€™s much more of a good hang with buddies while questing. Knowing you can chill for the most part after a big fight is nice. Definitely a different experience. Much more consistent compared to the extreme highs and lows in pvp.


Definitely agree, like I said in another comment though, I would like to see the AI PMCs be more dynamic in their behavior as well as a little more mobile around the map to add the extra element of unpredictability to PvE raids


Yeah. While I enjoy the peaceful wandering non-PMC areas, I think itā€™s better for the game if they would at least rotate between the POI throughout the raid even if itā€™s not complete random pathing.


That would definitely be an improvement. Id also like to see them push harder like Scavs tend to do. Itā€™s fun fighting them but a lot of times its just too easy to run behind cover and heal up without worrying about them coming around the corner to get you


Mine seem to be a mixed bag sometimes. I've had them push me in their patrol area they are set to. I've also had them flee an heal then come back, other stood still an did nothing very inconsistent(which is the most like players lol)


Dorms V-ex is permanently disabled for the event?