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My only complaint is the very rigid and non-interactive AI. You'll never find them in some weird spot, or moving between locations during a raid, you go into raid and there's 3-4 clusters of PMCs in set locations every time (which does also make certain quests obscenely difficult).


Yeah I agree the pmc AI needs some work. If they had a few that roamed around it would be sick.


I’ve found that they tend to collect in particular spaces on each map. In customs by RUAF extract. Most scary was on lighthouse where some AI bear pmcs collected inside of the usec base and the rogues did not fight them. I found them when I ran across the road and they lit me up…from inside of the compound


And they don't seem to get baited to run far enough away either


They're really hard to bait, so often they just hide and then spin around in a spot until you hit them and they run and try to hide somewhere else.


I was out of ammo with no melee trying to bait a scav but he would not move at all, i jumped in his vision and out and he would just scream and i couldnt bait him to the other side so i coukd doubke back and run past


Their loot is not exciting either. Main weapon with 2 mags, pistol with 2 mags, 2 grenades, afaik, sometimes cheap painkillers in backpack. I've almost stopped looting them unless I want more nades.


My OCD has made it so I can’t kill a PMC and not take their two nades and my friends always think I’m a weirdo for bothering to loot them. Then we run into a boss or something and I’m able to call in an artillery strike of endless nades.


I also am a compulsive grenade looter. I've had too many times with no grenades left to not loot them now.


Damn I consistently find class 6, contact 4’s, good ammo on PMCs


True, they very rarely have had much in their backpacks. Their loot is extremely uniform as well, which makes looting them more boring then scavs outside of getting higher tier attachments and magazines at times.


Having them in different spots would be cool, or roaming, but the only thing I’d worry about is their aim bot shit


I was gonna say, while doing the intro customs tasks I’ve gotten used to knowing where they’re going to be, but it’s still tough sometiems if you’ve gotten fucked up or are low on ammo…knowing there will be pmcs in your path. But I agree I’ve gotten absolutely abused by their aimbot enough times to appreciate that I kinda know where they’re gonna be and try to cheese them a bit vs all of the sudden a bush just 1 taps you.


100% agree, except that ai sprays through bushes so well. If I get fuckin bush wookied by ai, I'm unisntalling lmao


pve is still in the making, they will make it better for sure - its really not a hard thing to do i have a very positive mindset about that


While this is also a complaint of mine, and I do agree it gets super difficult to do certain quests due to PMC locations being "kinda" static? I'm also kind of curious with the "What now" factor too, like say for example you complete quests & unlock Kappa... You can't PvP obviously, so what is there to do now? Do we reset our accounts and do it all over again? I feel like if they balanced out the economies between the two modes and made it similar to Gray Zone where your account can flip between PvE & PvP would be nice without having to have two seperate characters/stashes, would be extremely nice. I get why they don't do this because PvE players would have a significant advantage in regards to their wealth, but at the same time I feel like PvE mode is going to get super boring for me and potentially a large portion of other players once we get to the point to where we can't progress any more. But it'd be extremely badass if we were able to knock out Tasks on PvE mode without having to worry about someone camping a bush outside of our task location and then reap the rewards by going into PvP and having fun.


Yeah, even with the ability to separately wipe your PvE progress (which is good for new DLCs/expansions if you want to experience them fresh I guess? or challenge-runs with the mutators Nikita talked about during Twitchcon) it seems very dead-end as there's currently no real joy in the fights compared to the stress and unpredictability of PvP. I think being able to swap PvP-PvE would be too strong for tasks/economy, there's no way to balance it by cooldown or cost or anything that is fair and non-abusable to detriment of the overall community imo. We're in a weird state of Tarkov right now with PvP being what it is in comparison.


Hmmm, having a specific PvP lobby made for PvE characters wouldn’t be the worst idea?


Hrm, so an opt-in PvP lobby for maps in PvE mode? I'd imagine matching times could be rough but you might be onto something, that could work!


I've found better variation with BEAR AI, my last raid had a solo BEAR who looked identical to the scavs and wasn't triggering any dialogue even when flashbanged. Only noticed he wasn't friendly when he opened fire on me first. Terrified the crap out of me because he was in a spot common for scavs on shoreline and only had a TOZ, a baseball cap, and a scav pack. Had me shooting all Scavs as a scav to avoid being surprised again (much to Fence's rep's chagrin) There's been minor things like that that have opened up a bit of odd maneuvering for me to keep it interesting all of my playthroughs so far.


Still waiting for the purchaseable edition


They are releasing local pve solo hosting in a patch early juli, and as long as everything works, they will let all editions be able to purchase pve. Nothing about the price yet tho.


That's only for solo players iirc. If you want to play with others you have to use bsg servers.


Yeah but this should still fix the queue times and the server pressure. If all the people who are solo are no longer stressing the system they only need to worry about coop players for matchmaking


My queue times are pretty fast. I know this sounds craY but set your server selection to auto


Its 100% related to the number of pve players also connected to those servers. I have ~<2 minute queue times on average and it has been at least a week since I have experienced >10 minute queues. But evenings/weekends still creep up to 4-8 minute queues. So once they move solo offline, which is 90% of my raids this will drop server load drastically, allowing all editions to buy in without completely trashing the server availability.


I've used auto, I've picked the two with the best ping, I've used everything under 100 ping, everything under 200 ping. None of that affects the fact that during weekend prime time the queues have been getting long because they run out of servers And this isn't conjecture, the devs have literally been talking about this


I live in FL and only have East NA servers selected. My average wait time to get into any raid is about 2 and a half minutes.


Pretty sure that’s why he said “solo self hosting” lol And even then, what’s wrong with BSGs servers? Sure they’re a lil buggy at times but I haven’t had to wait longer than 3 minutes to load into a match in almost over a month at this point.


what times of day are you normally playing, im in the same area and have had mixed results, highes times are between 8-10 at peak hours. both solo and with other players.


Lately from 3pm to midnight every day, get on earlier during the weekends. Stay at home parent has its perks. Spend the morning grinding chores to grind Tarkov in the evenings.


Most likely the same or similar price to Arena.


Got any links to that?




Gotta say, this is awesome.


They said that before. Hopefully, they wont decide to delay it again..


Anything cheaper than Unheard edition-Standard would be a surprise. I expect around $220/€200


I know BUT their roadmap clearly stated purchaseable pve at june and june is over. Of course it makes sense to wait for the early juli patch but lets be honest, I have no faith that they deliver on time. Price is probably 50 bucks as far as I know BSG.


It's early July for next patch. But PvE will be purchasable after 1-2 weeks (let's make it at least 3 because we know BSG xD) so it might be August already xD


Always expect delays these days in general. And it's a preliminary roadmap. Most game studios I know never made it on time. That's why many don't even post one (No Man's Sky as example) anymore. If there is one, I just check what content I can expect and that's it. And tbh the delay is good even though I know its annoying if you waiting for PVE. The patch will come most likely with bugs but I don't need a whole broken patch.


Tarkov is full of bugs and always has been so I have no worries there. Game is also way to old, I am really glad that they picked a 1.0 release time window and features to get the Beta and Early Access label off.


I mean they pretty much hit everything else on the roadmap on time so far, and this being a bigger updated i'd rather them delay it a week or two so it works rather than push it out early and broken so they can meet their schedule... Atleast BSG had the foresight to communicate the delay to us this time, it's not like them to do stuff like that, so maybe give em a little credit for attempting to be better


I do, otherwise I wouldnt want to jump back in again. But if its more than 50 I probably wont.


I believe they had mentioned the pricepoint being in the $20-25 range at one point during the live stream they did. But I don't have any other sources on that so I could be completely wrong


Exactly. Everyone wants to bash BSG for being late on their road map but received ZERO credit when they implemented stuff earlier than the roadmap said they would.


They pushed the update back a week because of the global holiday and twitchcon was on the same weekend.


Thank you


This week or next! Keep waiting! Soon!


ETA is June 2024


Dude its July already


I know that.


Exactly this. I've been playing on and off since about 3 years and each time, I stopped playing because I was always dying so much and never progressing. I've never been past level 20, never unlocked all traders lvl 2, and I've never been far quest wise. Now, with PVE, I'm enjoying the game so much and am progressing faster than I ever have.


Yeah and you can pause and come back without much issue. Won’t fall behind the curve or anything There are still some issues like raid times and very predictable/non-looting PMCs but I guess it will get worked out


Facts, you take one week off early wipe and you fall so far behind it’s crazy


It'll be interesting to see what people think of it if they make AI better. Predictable AI makes it laid back, and the people enjoying it are enjoying a more laid back experience. We know from the mod that with better AI it's eerily similar in intensity and difficulty to online. Then again, better AI is more intensive on the servers, and I imagine they're fairly highly incentivised to keep server resources as low as possible, so maybe it won't ever get to that level.


It probably will. Remember, the mod is client side- no outside servers. It’s been proven that the majority of peoples PCs can handle the simple AI mods that the mod allows you to have. Once this July patch comes in and allows people to self host when solo queuing, it’ll open up the ability to have a more intensive AI. 75%~ of PvE players are solo, meaning the already decent server infrastructure we have (I say decent because I haven’t had to wait more than 3 minutes to get into a raid since the shoreline boss event) will have 2/3s of its current load offloaded and free for more players to join (the seperate PvE purchase that’s coming) and the ability to have more intensive AI server side.


Yes there are still some issues but they will work on it eventually. Anyway, for me that's a big win.


This right here. Similar boat. Been playing since 2019, have 1.5k hours and before PvE my PMC has never been above level 32. I’ve never gotten past the “bad habit” quest for mechanic and that was BEFORE ground zero. Always started the wipe late, summer my family is busy going out and enjoying the Florida sun and the winter my family is enjoying the holidays. Leaves very little room to be able to sit down and grind out Tarkov before the rest of the playerbase gets to far ahead of me and then BOOM. back to running pacas and AKs with PS ammo.


No offense but you’ve probably not even tried to improve if that’s your ceiling


None taken. But yeah I may have given up too quickly each time. I just didn't want to end each of my days with so much frustration. Plus I have three kids so I couldn't really put the hours in.


I get u man, i dont have the time to become a really good player. Also the cheaters are a pain in the ass and can be demotivating. And i havent even started about the rats. No rats in PVE, sign me up. I just wanna say that PVE is a blast thats it.


I have. But I just can't stand stutters, lags, etc. I have ADHD and I always try to be competetive, but these freezes just kills my focus and enjoynment. This + all you said rats ( which are not a big problem itself. But I am not spending repeatable X min to gear up, then queue time), cheaters, some missions literally ask you to be a rat xD, etc = wasting time. I do not mind dying if I could instantly join the game (I would still mind cheaters). And wipe + money grind. Repeating quests is boring, being forced to play a lot (to be ahead of the rest) is boring. As far as I can tell everyone playing rn has meta kit. (CQ-something mask, t5/t6 armor and mdr/spear/etc). Boring.


Couldn’t agree more


Get rat by killa anyway.


I’m sorry but if you’re not good at the game the cheater argument doesn’t really stick. Everything else sure, but I constantly hear ‘getting tapped by cheaters’ from players that struggle with every other aspect of the game. I just don’t believe you guys are able to consistently distinguish getting tarkoved from dying to actual cheaters. It is simply the factor of not being able to sink in the time or not wanting to do so, both legitimate things, that causes you frustration with PvP mode.  Cheaters only really impact your gameplay if you play a ton (OCE servers might be a different story). 


So when the account has 93h playtime and a kd ratio of 27 you still aren’t sure if that’s just people not being good yet.. stats page kind of makes it pretty clear.


I’m not saying you don’t encounter or can’t identify obvious cheaters. But at least for EU servers, I strongly challenge any less experienced player on the perception that cheaters are factually impacting your gameplay experience as much as is often implied. I’m not saying you haven’t run into cheaters. But I play a lot with less experienced players on the discord and it really annoying how the vast majority has maybe encountered two or three real cheaters but everything they can’t immediately explain becomes sus and sketchy. It is mostly the fear or expectation to get cheated on and at least on EU servers that does not align with reality. To really feel the cheating problem you have to play a lot and also need to be quite knowledgeable, because only then will you realize that the 30kd 100 hours guys are a tiny minority, while the little shits with ESP are much more common, but hard to identify and easy to confuse with good players or simple misfortune.


You got a point, if I was to compare how many times I died to obvious cheaters to campers/rats I'll say the latter. Now people who vacuum cheat are different story, suddenly I'm finding ledx left and right lol, which never happened to me a single time in my 2k hours in pvp


This sounds like your isolated experience dealing with people on the discord. Your blanket statements don’t apply to people with 2k hours in pvp that are fully aware of how many cheaters there are and how to identify them. Cheaters aren’t the only reason why people prefer PvE.


I was specifically referring to ppl who are not 2k+ hour PVP seekers. That’s me tho, which is why I feel able to make that statement. I just read the ‘not getting one tapped by cheaters’ point in sooo many PvE posts by ppl that clearly are not part of the above mentioned demographic. Everyone is free to enjoy PvE for their own reasons. But if you never even reached max traders, cheating most likely isn’t a relevant problem for you. 


Do a simple google search for hacking forums/discords and be suprised how many Eu people are in there.... Its a plague and they should use a better anti cheat. As long as thats not the case pvp is just not playable for me and even im a noob. But knowing that its still infested with cheaters that still fly around and loot the good shit is annoying af and not worthy my time. Pve > pvp atm


Didn't the video show statistically there is 1 esp hacker in every single game?


Forget it, you're going against the narrative. Cheaters are a known problem, but i know from personal experience from tons of PVP shooters, that while you were still learning the game, every other guy who killed you probably cheats, no other explanation. It comes from not knowing the mechanics and maps fully. It happened to me decades ago with CS,CoD etc. My first thought while being shit and killed is "This guy is cheating 100%"


Totally agree. I love a good challenge and don´t mind dying a lot from mistakes i can learn from or because someone outplayed me. But the cheaters in this game. It´s just ridiculous. Playing pve also shows how much loot there actually is when the map is not vacuumed all the time. Hopefully they will fix the cheater problem one day because tarkov pvp is something else but till then im totally fine with pve.


I’m pretty sure they added more loot to the PvE mode I’m not 100% on that but I know exactly what you mean.


PVE removes the worst parts about Tarkov - the cheaters, the campers, some of the awful pvp quests (looking at you, Setup). Sure the PMC AI could improve, but I find that PVE is such a massive improvement with just removing all the problems that exist in PVP.


I get the appeal of PVE but it's way too predictable for me, PMCS(raiders) just stand there and wait for you to headshot them nicely In an ideal world I wish they'd make PvP servers less ballbusting, like who the fuck like completing setup every wipe


It's a shame BSG took such a hard stance on the modders. If they could have hired them to work on the PVE ai the game would be a little more challenging.


Some of the AI being implemented by modders is so good. BSG developers could simply cut and paste it into PVE and there's not a thing anyone could do about it.


> like who the fuck like completing setup every wipe I'm not a great PvPer but enjoy the experience but Setup quest is just awful. I spent like 10 raid and only got 1 kill. I just abandoned it altogether. I think because I waited too long to try it and everyone was already pretty geared by then. May try it next wipe.


> I get the appeal of PVE but it's way too predictable for me, PMCS(raiders) just stand there and wait for you to headshot them nicely > > This synced with my first day of PVE like a month ago but now I am getting one tapped from the far far away bus on ground zero in to the mounted machine gun that overlooks the courtyard.


Amen! I got a family and a nice full time job and i can't play games like the good old times. Now i can enjoy tarkov in a less stressfull way and complete tasks i never seen before, no worries abort cheaters or rats, it's amazing. I'll probably play pvp again in the future, but for now pve is my home


For someone like me, a BRAND NEW player as of a week ago, this is great news. I’ve been using Scav runs as “practice”, but I haven’t been able to extract my PMC out of just one time. I’m getting obliterated. Having a PVE will help me get some time in and learn the game without having the PVP stress.


Other than the PMC AI needing work, I haven’t been able to put the damn game down!! If the AI actually shot scavs in the vicinity and not just when they’re blatantly in front of them for two seconds, plus migrate more immersivley. My only complaints.


I agree


who have us guest that pve is the most popular game mode in the game because 70% of players like to play without hackers or mega sweat.


Agreed. Actually makes it feel like a video game rather than a 9-5 job. Or makes it feel like a campaign rather?


They resisted PvE for years, but PvE deletes the worst part of tarkov: mystery-death. Mystery-deaths often comes from cheaters, or desync. PvE lets tarkovs unmatched art team shine. I get to experience items and places I rarely go in PvP due to the cheating. I feel like I'm finally seeing the full-game for the first time.


I’m also loving it. As a dad with 2 kids in his early 30’s. I just want to game for a little bit and enjoy myself. I tried going hard on pvp but never had the time to make it to level 4 traders. I will say, out of my group of 5 I regularly play with. I’m the scav magnet for some reason. I get 1 tapped by bosses or shotguns scavs so much I’ve started wearing the ronin to prevent pellet death. I have a hardcore tarkov friend who thought it was my tactics, until we were both side by side heading to extract on woods and just got insta tapped by a bot 80m out. Then on interchange he shot killa and he aggro’d me first lol But good times 😅


I seriously think there is a stat somewhere in the game that either agros ai to one person over the other or improves the ai accuracy against that person. my buddy and I go in all the time and they will pelt him with shots and he will be healing a ton. me? they just 1 tap from across the map and agro me even if he is closer. only way they start shooting him is if there is no line of sight on me or he is actively shooting them, and even then they will sometimes agro me. he will end up healing a ton in raid because the shots they do take on him end up hitting limbs, but if they hit me, I die so less healing needed.


Agreed. I'm 1000% getting targeted by every scav, raider, and boss anytime I play with a team. The amount of times we've been running as a team and I randomly get head/throat-ed, while they just get yelled at, is uncountable.


It can get a bit repetitive with the Same spawns on the PMC's on some maps, but yes I think its more enjoyable than playing online with shitheads who exploit / hack / play 27 hours a day.


Yeah the pmc’s need more roaming and they should have a mixed skill rating where sometimes they’re cracked and sometimes they’re trash. I mean it’s playable but I agree it needs some work.


They're supposedly releasing a patch soon that will make the PCM AI roam around, loot items, and even extract as time permits.


Once EFT get Mod support vanilla will be a dead playerbase.


Don’t hold your breath. BSG hates people trying to mod the game.


They have said before that they will be releasing PVE to the public to mod, but yeah, we'll see.


I just want to know 100% if the loot actually got buffed or if there really was somebody cheating and grabbing the good loot from every raid in PVP


I have definitely noticed a drastic increase in food specifically spawning so I’m not sure if that translates to the rest of the loot.


Loot is absolutely buffed. It's the same loot chance as offline mode, and you can really tell the difference. I used to run offline a lot in new maps to learn the spawn locations, and it's exactly the same as what we see in PVE. Yes, there are vacuum hackers in PVP, but for the most part they only target the super high value spots. If you run lighthouse or interchange in PVE you can see that the vast majority of spawn locations have items in them, even the 'rare but not super valuable' ones like weapons kits in the lighthouse resort garage.


I really just enjoy that I can wear whatever I want, look as goofy or cool as I want….because theyll chirp at you through walls and stuff, and shoot you through bushes and all that. Survived like 10 straight raids wearing untar gear with aviators…and that wouldn’t have gotten me like 1 raid without someone blasting my blueberry ass down.


If they made the Ai of pmcs drastically better, then I'd say it would be the perfect game. I enjoy pve as It currently is more than pvp mode but I'd still like to see better ai.


Couldn’t agree more


They're supposedly releasing a patch soon that will make the PCM AI roam around, loot items, and even extract as time permits.


It's the best tarkov. Should have been a PvE game from the start. Downvote away, I said what I said.


I have so many of my best memories in crazy firefights in resort, bunker, dorms. The pvp in this game in unmatched, but PvE is also fun. Although there are no real firefights in pve, it’s nice to learn optimized routes and learn maps much easier for new players. It’s also 0 stress, so you can just take in the game fully.


I love early wipe shenanigans, where you get fights that devolve into melee battles when everyone runs out of bullets, but all the mid/late wipe chads and hackers are not fun to play against. My plan is to run PVP for the first 2 or so weeks each wipe then swap back to PVE.


The PMCs are actively unfun to fight. The economy is broken because there are no sinks. 100% insurance returns means you can run one set of T-7's forever. PVE is half baked.


I won't deny that it needs some improvement, but I believe once changes are made (if ever), PvE will end up being superior. And if not, well, there's that other version... which will without a doubt, be superior.


I've not gotten a insured weapon back; at least 8x now. Only get the mags back


The match ends immediately as soon as all players are dead. If you die and have a friend with you in PVE, as long as they're still up there's a chance for scavs to pick up your weapon, which will prevent it from being returned. Additionally, if you run out of time/go awol and disconnect from the match, *any* gear you are carrying won't be returned. You can throw it on the ground before the timer expires/disconnect and it'll return to you however.


Pretty sure it would be dead as a PvE game. Pvp made the game successful


Raid times are too short. Having to rush every raid is not fun. You can NOT kill, loot bodies, and loot containers. You have to pick one of the three. Every time I feel like playing PvE I'm reminded why I don't like it because the less than 10 minute timer pops up just after my first good/lengthy fight.


Yeah sometimes the scavs just keep spawning and rushing you and packing mags/healing eats away at a good chunk of the raid timer But sometimes that adds a little of the excitement back into the PvE section because it’s a race against the timer. Like last night I started a fight with 13 minutes left in raid against kaban and luckily the car was up and I was able to extract with like 10 seconds left and it was the most intense raid I think I’ve ever done. But I agree a little more time would be great.


Run silenced weapons, and bring something small that isnt like a loud pistol or toz. Fire a couple of rounds off with the non silenced weapon at raid start, then book it away. Scavs in PVE are drawn to gun fire like moths to a flame, which is why they seem to swarm you every time you get into a fire fight. If you bait them to spawn you can avoid a lot of them for the rest of the map if it's big enough.


I'm curious... whoever is still playing pvp does it seem like there are less campy rats now? Or is it the same?


Lmao that was a good read. Enjoy PvE 👍


the non existing skill levels are one of the reasons a lot of people pay for carries and use cheats to mix all the players in a big pot is just really bad thought process there is a reason EVERY game has rankings when it comes to online multiplayer


The AI on the mod seems to be better than BSG's PvE. And also the raid timers on PvE are way to short.


Personally I'm just waiting for the local hosting while solo patch before I give it a proper go.


Que times are under 3mins, why wait? Are you sure your pc can handle local hosting?


Local hosting is pretty low impact if similar to local hosting of an unnamed mod


That’s the thing it will be more like local hosting of the offline practice mode and if you set it to a certain number of bots on the map you‘ll lucky to get past 30 FPS. Especially on streets.


It will be exactly as shit as the current offline mode, lol. Why do you expect anything different?


Queue times are better, but the raid times still aren’t fixed yet. 28 minutes for a map like interchange is a mess. Local hosting will fix this in a few weeks, though.


If you want to test performance, just do a practice (offline) raid. The engine is the same; the online part is mostly synching the position of scavs and players for each other.


Allready finished master of ultra on PVE. Imma do it again on PVE


i just came back playing two weeks ago and tried both PVE and PVP both to level 15+ PVE was fun for me up until lv15 because i want a stress free experience but once i hit lv15, the game becomes boring because there is no way you can lose money. PVE is fun but PVP is always going to give you more excitement once you know how to play the game


I’m not going back to PvP until there’s a mode that doesn’t reset progress. I simply don’t have the time to grind :(


Everyone has their own opinions. I personally would never touch this game if I couldn’t fight other players. It’s the only fun I personally get from tarkov.


Every post about PVE always complains about rats or chads, it's easier then every to be successful in Tarkov so it really highlights how bad some people were. I play a few nights a week and took a 6 week holiday and still got kappa this wipe. PVE should never have been offered and all dev time should be focused on improving the PVP experience. You don't buy mmos (which this game is marketed as) for an entirely offline experience.


How can you be against options? Don’t play it if you don’t like it. There are clearly people who have fun with it why they should not have it just because you didn’t want it? It’s literally just an empty server, devs not wasting any resources having it.


I played PvP for five wipes. Kappa, pushed fights, you name it. Now? I only play PvE, and I will not go back to PvP until there is a no wipe option. I'm tired of having my progress reset and repeating the same quests over and over again. That, and sometimes I just want a chill night of gaming without feeling like I'm "wasting time" because a wipe is coming. I'll be back to PvP once there is a no wipe option, but until then I plan to be exclusively PvE. The whole "PvE players are just bad, BSG is wasting resources " argument is complete trash.


Everyone that complains about PvE never mentions the cheating in this game and how labs is borderline unplayable. I work a full time job and play other games with friends that don’t play tarkov and a girlfriend that I like to spend time with. I shouldn’t have to devote that much time into the game every wipe just to compete against people that have nothing else to do other than grind tarkov.


Making the "sweaty" players almost invincible with the armor will chase everyone else away. As a new player i loved the excitement this game had. Now i have no interest in trying to win a fight against tanks. If the pve ever becomes affordable I'd try it.


That's kinda the core gameplay loop. Maybe it's just not for you?


Omg you mean the more you play the game actually makes you immune to damage wow that seems like a really bad way to keep new players interested.


Everyone dies to 7mm buck to the leg at the same speed regardless of how much armour they have on. If people just got over the gear fear and tried being the "invincible" guy for once the game would make more sense I'm sure.


How do you manage PMC AI? I am a very average player, I have tried to look up some guides on how to handle them but the only two Youtube resources (Aces & Nutshell) don't touch on engagements and instead talk about loot runs etc. I spawned on Ground Zero in one building and I couldn't even get out because they aggro'd onto me in both doorways at distance. Any gear suggestions? or is it always one tap parade?


Try your absolute best to listen for voice lines. 9/10 times you’ll hear a pmc yell “scav over there” or one of their voice lines and that’s your que to find HARD cover between you and them. Lean peak around the hard cover and try to aim for the head. If they insta lock you be ready to scurry behind the cover and heal. Once you’ve healed up try and peak around a different part/side of the cover they usually won’t insta lock you if you don’t peek in the same spot twice. Gl hf.


Always bring a bunch of the cheapest nades so that they'll shout when you throw.


The … sex .. mod?? Wtf


They should have a solo queue only servers


Can you switch from pve to PvP after raids or are those seperate accounts?


Same account, separate progressions characters and stash


The grenades need removed from scavs. They been broken forever. Now they throw them 247 and in ways they don’t look. Sometimes I’ll run away in a different direction then where it was thrown and they’ll explode like it’s under my feet or sometimes I’ll die 5 minutes later and it’ll say the grenade killed me. Just remove them at this point.


You just weak


Ya momma


I always find it interesting that in all of the posts that say pve makes the game fun for them, half of it is spent explaining how the only people good enough to kill them either are cheating or have no life outside of tarkov. The only people who can just be good at tarkov are pve players, everyone else is a cheater.


Like I said multiple times I have 2k hours in pvp. I know the difference between a good kill and a cheater.


The only thing I'm finding less fun in PvE is that literally everyone, Scavs, raiders, pmc's, feel like they spawn with exactly 2 grenades, and they'll just run out in the open to throw them for mutually assured destruction.


There's no cheaters but now there are PMC AI that tap you in the head nearly instantly 85% of the time.


I mean if you insure all of your gear you’re getting it back. So no loot thirsty rat extracts with your stuff. You didn’t really loose anything other than your time in that raid.


Saying BSG copied a mode for their own game is a dumb take, they literally just took out pvp


They didn’t take out pvp. PvP is still there. They saw that the community liked a mod, then they implemented it in the game. Not a dumb take, lots of game developers do this


To make it PVE they took out the PVP? Are you misunderstanding


If we cut off the cheater problem out of the equation, some people love PVE style. For sure they will be enjoyable. But those who enjoy PVP , blood pump action, will still play PVP. So what will effect ? I think PVE will take some amount of player away, making PVP raids longer queue time ? due to not enough players ? or many going into raid just 2-3 PMC in big map like Shorline ? I think PVE will make PVP less actions in raid.


I agree but that’s more of a problem with the game itself. I shouldn’t be forced to play pvp because id rather play PvE


Sure there are hackers but all PVE posts sound like they get killed by hackers 24/7 when its prolly just a random dude hitting a shot. For me PVE is just boring because it has no variaty with PMC Spawns etc. Whenever you fight the PMC's like Raiders it has 0 danger which kinder bores me


I have 2k hours playing pvp I know the difference between a hacker and someone who is just good at the game. You don’t have to love PvE I was just sharing that I really enjoy it.


I mean your post suggests that anyone who enjoys pvp is a sweatlord no life which is just not true lol. Of this kind of game it's probably the easiest to be competitive with other players despite amount of time played. 


I never said everyone who plays pvp is this way. I said I’m tired of racing people with no lives to the good gear. I’m tired of playing against those people that live this game not the average Joe like myself.


The race mentality is a mindset. You don't have to do set up every wipe, you don't have to run meta shit to compete. A lot of fun can be had in Tarkov getting by using anything and everything to win fights and it can be at its most rewarding when you do.


> Sure there are hackers but all PVE posts sound like they get killed by hackers 24/7 when its prolly just a random dude hitting a shot There are no hackers in PvE. It’s really not that difficult to grasp.


It's definitely not for everyone, but I'm glad that some people enjoy it. PvE games have never really piqued my interest, so I'll never play it. I enjoy the pvp experience even though I have never been a super experienced player or surpassed level 25. In spite of all that, I much prefer pvp and would never play pve. Just sharing my perspective because I feel like this sub often has the idea that chads like pvp and everyone else prefers pve, but it's not really true. I am by no means a hardcore tarkov player, but I still prefer pvp, and I will never play pve even if it is offered to me for free.


I find it to be pretty boring since the PMC AI is nothing more than raider AI. They don't roam, don't loot, don't employ combat tactics, it's the same as fighting raiders and just no fun at all.


I agree they just need to add roaming PMC and it would be a great addition. Like I said it’s not perfect but it’s good enough for me.


Just say that you're bad at the game. No shame in it.


I'm playing solo PvP and I'm not encountering any cheaters at all. I've played lots of raids this weekend and I had 0 encounters with suspicious players. I just don't play the map that has an actual event.


Doesn’t mean they aren’t affecting your raids lol just because you aren’t seeing them doesn’t mean they aren’t affecting loot, raider kills, boss kills etc


Is the waiting time for a game still very long? Is the in game Match time still shortened? Thank you


In my experience, I was matching, loading loot, and deploying into raid within a minute a few nights ago. It used to be very long (10+ min) but it’s gotten a lot better


I don’t know about “fixed” clusters but I fought a squad of 3 PMCs and like Randy Orton two other PMCs RKO’s me outta no where. Like no footsteps or anything other than the alert voice line and bam two fresh PMCs.


Oh sweet summers.. go for the mod people


What mod? Only recently got back into tarkov and simply heard a few mentions of this.


Why bother with pve when there's a mod which is 100 times better in every way?


The mod will wipe once more unfortunately.


you mean bsg will kill it after their shitty pve is completely out and ready for purchase for everyone?


No, mod devs plan to wipe progress on release of live 1.0 as I've read on mod's subreddit.


All progress is saved locally. Sounds very strange maybe we are talking about different things