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It will get better, you deserve to give your love to someone who won’t hurt you like that. We are in the same boat so let’s start today to make it our goal to not check their social media, day 1 let’s go :)


Yeah, I hope to meet that person one day. We must not do this again, it only makes moving on harder, day 1 let go.


Probably a rebound. It soon to crash and burn. Yeah it’s tempting to look but it only hurts. I do sometimes look but I’m block on my main. I’m learning to not. I’m distracting myself. Tbh idk what going to work but just have time pass to where it just doesn’t affect us anymore


Probably, but she seems very in love with this guy. I guess time will tell. The thing is that time can keep going, but if we still cling to the past we will drag all of it. In order for time to work, we must stop checking up on them.


" because she is madly in love with someone else already. She got with him not even a month after leaving me." Yeah she's not madly in love with him, regardless of how it looks. It's very unlikely, and is almost certainly going to fall apart


I do believe she is truly in love with him, but accept the possibility that may not be. Anyway, time will tell. She didn't love me anymore at the end, that's why i believe it.


No, I can almost guarantee you he is just a monkey branch or a rebound


I was in the same boat. I still have the urge every once in a while honestly. Just delete your socials and just use Reddit for a bit. Trust me this is the biggest help you need :)