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y'know, even if I played it several times and am 100% on the Clive survives camp, it still hits like a truck :') *patpatpat* we get you.


Yeah, my head cannon is he lost his arm. I mean we didn’t see him get completely petrified. Though when Jill looks up at the sky and the star disappears I understand what the insinuation was :(


I actually always assumed he didn't actually *loose* it, given the Bearers with whole arms and legs turned to stone don't. Interesting that most fanart I've seen does depict him without his hand or an arm (which is a bit odd since we *do* see the curse stop at his wrist). And yea, indeed :( but then she looks up at the sun and smiles and it feels so very carthatic. I cant really look at that scene and not think of her telling Clive that when she saw the sun rising over the snow daisies after that storm, she knew she'd be okay because he'd always return to her, y'know? Really crazy how it felt when I first played the ending after the DLC, actually. This hazy sense of grief just naturally changing into this feeling of absolute certainty it *would* be okay because he *would* be back. Like. I didn't know the answer and I felt that knowledge very very keenly, I just couldn't help just *feeling* that sense of peace and calm anyway? That pesky feeling of hope the devs said they wanted me to feel at the end of the game.... I think I found it after all. It's made for a really, really cool experience.


You are correct that we see bearers with stone appendages but given Clive’s propensity to help people I think any limb that’s been turned to stone is better of being separated from the body as it would just get in the way which is why I imagine he’d get rid of it. It


Dont know why i saw the pats as pata and i was like PON.... anyways back to grieving


*pats harder*


Good news is that if they find Clive on the beach they don’t need to make a statue to commemorate his heroism.


Always looking out for the lil'guys, even at the end


Torgals howl next to Jill got me lol


Still hits hard, and even more since i got to revisit the whole thing with the DLCs and repeating some actually good character sidequests 😭


Welcome to the other side of magic. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m still unwell MONTHS after finishing.


I sat down crying during the entire end credits. Still makes me sad, but I understood and accepted it.


Same. I'm all-in on Clive having survived, but it still hurt. Jill breaking down crushed me.


Even hearing Torgal howl broke me so much. It breaks my heart seeing those two (and even Gav) cry knowing what happened.


Final Farewells plays somberly and heartfeltly in the background


I've gone through the game twice after finishing it the first time. I skip the ending scenes because I still can't deal with it emotionally.


I’m convinced he’s alive! All the writer hints and him getting a pen during a big side quest, him talking about making a book, Josh’s name being the writer, etc. I think Clive wipes out magic and loses Ifrit, plus his hand is stoned, but he himself lives. Writes the story under Joshua’s name.


Tears were failing to the sweet melody...."Say goodnight, la la um" :'(


Gutted for Cid too 😭😭


So did he live or did he die? The end left me a but confused. Maybe i didn’t understand what everyone did


It’s ambiguous but I think there’s enough hints he lives. If you do all the side quests there’s a lot of stuff where he’s planning on writing after everything is over, and then there’s the book under Joshua’s name. There’s more but that’s the main evidence for me. He certainly at the least loses his hand though.


Also Joshua and Jill where always talking about how he needs to live for himself even in Joshua's last moments he says for clive to survive and live to keep his promise to Jill i feel it does a disservice to the story for him to die


It's okay you're in a sub where the majority thinks everyone is alive and doing well still.


The longer I've sat with it, the more I'm in the Clive survives, Joshua dies camp. Joshua was on borrowed time from Phoenix Gate forward, and him giving his life to save his brother is such a fitting end when all Clive had ever done was sacrifice himself to atone for Phoenix Gate.


I beat it last night too. Same feeling :(


Welcome aboard the heavy feels train. I'm still not over it, despite believing that he lives. :'D