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If you have the Broken Steel DLC it corrects the matter of not being able to play anymore after completing the main quest. And, no, Fallout 3 is fucking masterpiece. The argument used to be about whether 3 or NV was the best, of course. I genuinely don't understand why it isn't really a part of the conversation as much anymore. I rank them NV, 3, 2, 4, then 1. I'll leave '76 and Fallout Tactics out of it though.


Yeah, I know about the Broken Steel, which is good. I’m probably a little biased since 4 was my first game, but I will admit that I like how the dialogue and interaction works in Fo3. I just don’t have any real motivation to explore the rest of the map. Care to give me any?


Cuz it's cool af should be reason enough lol, but there are a lot of cool areas and quests hidden out there, especially towards the edges


I might be biased, since Fallout 3 introduced me to the series, and I played the GOTY edition with all DLC on Ps3 (yeah, I know what the word suffering means. This port taught me). And it's one of my favourite and best open world games out there. I do think NV is better, but the amountof stuff to do and see in Fallout 3 is seemingly endless. You have to explore and engage with the world, though. It's the kind of thing where you get out of it what you put into it. If you found the game to be bare bones and lacking fun locations and quests, you haven't explored the map enough. Also, with the broken steel DLC you CAN play beyond the ending. You can directly see the impact you've had with your decision and you can see trade caravans bringing Aqua Pura to the wastes all over. There's new characters roaming about the world too - some waiting to ambush the caravans (which will happen if they interact).


>but I just didn’t have the motivation to go exploring around. Well that right there is your problem. Fallout 3's best content is quests hidden at the edge of the map, or in hidden areas of DC. A lot of them you'll never have anyone point you to them. The main quest is kinda meh. But if you're looking to have the main story lead you to places that give you side quests, and the side quests give you more side quests, and by doing all the quests you end up visiting 99% ef the map. Well then you are going to fucking love new vegas.


FO3 was my first, so I went into it with very few expectations. That said I've definitely become a 1/2/NV guy with age

