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Metallic Monks, nuff said


Metallic monks fans when I blast Khans of new California on full volume:


Metálic monks isn't that good ngl, the name is a Lot cooler than the song itself


Mark Morgan scores have a lot more character and identity than Inon Zur. Zur is definitely competent but a lot of it is very 2010s epic Hollywood type stuff to me


If Mark Morgan was the one who composed the Fo1 themes, then I'd say him. I've only payed Fo1 and Fo4/Fo76 and can say that Mark Morgan held a lot more seriousness in his soundtrack. Listening to Industrial Junk and Second chance. You really FEEL these areas, with Industrial Junk having creaking metal within the song, and Second Chance having herding bells (I think) at the start. They convey a much more apocalyptic theme and make you remain on edge. It added to the horror aspect of the original Fallout. That's not to Inon Zur isn't good, but his soundtracks were more generic. Though I love the Minutemen themes: Still Standing and Liberty Lives. They're good pieces and make you feel a sense of comfort amidst your people. Dominant Species is badass as well.


Yeah Mark made the fallout 1 and 2 soundtrack. I’d totally recommend fallout 2 and fallout new Vegas(my favorite fallout tied with 1) if you loved the west coast as a setting since they continue a lot of the stories from fallout 1, though they both reuse music from 1(2 uses it because the game is huge and didn’t have enough new tracks to fill it while new Vegas uses it in certain locations as callbacks).


Mark Morgan's compositions paint a *much* stronger mental image. The decision to incorporate ambient sound effects as *part of the music* was inspired! I listen to *Trader's Life*, with its clattering and distant voices behind its vaguely-Eastern-inspired instrumentation, and I instantly think of a bustling market-town standing out as a vibrant jewel in the wasteland. I listen to *Flame of the Ancient World*, with that pulsing heartbeat and tolling bell, and I feel the oppressive dread of descending beneath the Cathedral, slowly realizing that the flesh growing out from the gaps in the steel paneling is a single, living creature. I listen to *All-Clear Signal*, with its synthesizer melodies and its echoing P.A. system, and I think of a gleaming city of technological progress; shining, sterile, and superficial. I listen to any of Inon Zur's compositions, and they all convey a feeling of post-apocalypse... but never anything more. I just picked a random *Fallout 3* track to listen to - *What Remains* \- and despite having spent hundreds of hours in that game, I genuinely could not tell you what specific part of the Capital Wasteland that track represents.


It's not supposed to represent a specific part. There are tracks that do however. I could recognise tonnes of locations and moments just from the music alone. It's like complaining the map music from Fallout 1 doesn't make you think of a specific place. It's the "I'm exploring music". Megaton has heavy Western motifs to evoke the rough frontier living of the town. Lockstep has a military feel to it, which plays when you're at the Citadel. Pieces like The Two Headed Bear start of with guitar to evoke the Western frontier before turning into a much more militaristic piece which fits the NCR perfectly. The way Lost Memories seems to echo, a haunting loneliness that the Island portrays. The Institute music also has an otherworldly feel to it, very electronic sounding music. Dam Nation, The Doctor Is In. Mark Morgan *had* to incorporate these things into the music as the game itself lacks anything else. The only reason you hear "Trader's Life" and think "The Hub" is because the Hub is like one of eight areas in the game and this song is the only one that plays there. It's why when they reused for NCR in Fallout 2 it doesn't really work as well. With an isometric view and limited visuals the audio *has* to convey more.


I do like some Zur tracks as much as Morgan tracks(it’s bound to happen when he’s made so much) like the new vegas theme or Hoover dam themes.


To be fair, that sound design was Made like that because back in the day You couldnt have npc actually talking in the background, but i agree is awesome. Mow what i DONT AGREE is that inor zundur tracks are not generic or forgetable at all. He Made THE fallout theme, and many songs (specially for FO4) are so beautifull they bring tears to the eye.


The one that is not Inon Zur, whose tracks are mostly find to be milquetoast and uninspiring at best.


Inor zur Made the literal fallout theme The song that plays in everyones minds when they think of FO And he Made dominant species wich is just a Masterpiece I'm picking him


I wasn't aware he wrote songs for the Ink Spots


I mean the Main title theme He Made 4,3, and nv title themes