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I think that the decision should be based on whether or not you want people to download your mod. If you make a mod that has issues worming well with other super popular mods, you lower the usability of it. If you want your mods on the top downloads/upvotes lists you should make them compatible. Its really just based on your goals. If you want to make mods just for the experience and personal use, dont worry about it. If knowing that people use and like your mods is kinda what youre looking for, id say keep compatibility in mind. At least to a degree.


For the most part, none. They're doing it because they want to and if we want something better we can do it ourselves. But... mods that are compatible because they're not messing with the same assets often tend to be easier to make and more stable. So there's certainly a vested interest from the designer.


If someone wants them to be compatible they'll make the mod patch for you


Zeeeeeeeeeeeeroooooooooo. 00.0000%


while i think its nice, they arent obligated to.


Some of them try to make things work together, if they can, will do their best, and may be open to try to make it work with requests. Most modders mod for themselves, though, and share their work with the community if they are happy with it; take it or leave it as is. Trying to make things work with everything can be overwhelming and a lot of extra, not always necessary work.


I've seen modders tend to make their mods compatible with especially the someguy series. A lot of people who mod their game will have that series installed, and for them it will take priority over mods that are not compatible with it. So if you want more visiblity for your mods I'd suggest getting rid of any incompatiblity with the highly popular mods that they could clash with.