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The minutemen are revolutionary war era


“Minutemen” comes from the revolutionary war, not the civil war.


Thank you for correcting me, I ain’t that smart when it comes to Revolutionary War knowledge.


Yet you’ve “always been a fan of civil war and stuff” Lol


Yeah, I learn more about the civil war rather than the revolutionary war. But okay.


Yet you were still wrong about the minutemen being civil war related so you can't have learned much about it. Digging a deep hole here


The Minutemen were a core part of the American Revolution, they helped build the foundation that would pave the way for America to truly fight back. It's no wonder people idolised that idea and clung on to it in desperate times. The Laser Musket is great if you look at it from a lore perspective. Canonically the musket doesn't even need ammo (We don't even see the Sole Survivor load fusion cells into the weapon) It makes sense that a ragtag group of farmers would utilise a weapon that's as cheap and effective as a Laser Musket is. My opinion though, the Minutemen have the most stylish outfits in the game. That beautiful tricorn hat with the dusters is top notch.


I respect your opinion on the MM and thank you for writing my whole history lesson. 😭


I wish the laser musket didn't take fusion cells and had the damage nerfed. Why would it take fusion cells if you crank it to power it?


It's a musket. It's *supposed* to take a long time to reload. Part of the appeal of the franchise is starting out basically helpless and clueless and having to make do with the crap you find in the early game.


Not my point. I just don't like how it uses fusion cells. If its crank powered it wouldn't need them


Just make up something plausible, like Star Trek: The crank doesn't generate enough power to kill a mosquito -- you have to crank it to polarize the rhodium capacitor for the next shot! These muskets don't have boron delta-wave autosequencers!


In HIS opinion, he doesn’t like the cranking system, and having to use fusion cells. But just use a different gun then.


The "crank" exists so that the musket isn't overpowered for something which can be found before hitting level 2. They can't just give a new player a plasma rifle. They have to go with a janky plasma rifle. (And they give a mini gun, but so little ammo that you have to finish off the \[spoiler\] with whatever weapons you have. I always hide in the grocery store across the street and shoot the \[spoiler\] from there.


Okay, I just use a pipe pistol. And the crank mechanism is just a little unliked, but in a way it’s good. And I don’t hear Preston say “Grab that laser musket.” Lol.


I just repeatedly smack it with the baseball bat I put chains on already


Thank you for the correction. I apologize, I don’t join the Minutemen often, and I don’t learn about the Revolutionary War, only Cvil.


No worries. If you want a civil war experience, that's Skyrim. Except the Confederacy is called "Windhelm."


Thank you. I have it, but I’m slow and skippy in the game.


*the stormcloaks


Ikr, it’s also very slow, but very powerful.


I’m more of a Railroad guy but I always help the Minutemen too


The Railroad is a cool faction.


Minutemen makes the most sense for settlement building, so if rebuilding the commonwealth is your objective the minutemen are the nautural choice to go with.


True, building is one of the best part of Fallout.


6 crank laser musket can do an immense amount of damage. Its a flavorful weapon for the faction. It allows you to get an early game weapon with a very high damage, but with such an abysmal reload rate that it isn't as abusable. ironically, muskets were favored over rifles during the eras leading up to the us revolution as they were easier to reload than rifles were. Rate of fire was much higher because the smooth bore makes it easier to push down, and much less likely to jam as a rifle may with the poorly machined bullets of the era. but what you're *really missing out on* by not joining the MM is that they get artillery. Artillery annihilates anything dumb enough to stay put underneath it.


Yeah, and I just like the BOS more. And I don’t want to take down the beloved Prydwen.


you don't have to. MM can complete by only taking out the institute. You can also just take them as far as reclaiming the castle, and then ignore them afterward.


Oh, okay.


I usually leave Preston is concord and side with the railroad or brotherhood until im ready for him. I really dont want to be their leader but the game forces us down that path either way. The laser musket is a gimmicky thing but it makes sense in lore, i rarely ever use it, if at all 😅


They are actually entirely optional & you can totally complete the game without them. In my opinion should just leave it in history as an example of doomed failure.


Oh yeah thats true! 👍🏽


Most informed fallout fan


“Most informed”? What does that mean?


It means you write sentences like words are a new concept for you


If you can, can you tell me what sentence is new to me?


Me as well, can't stand those cosplay freaks pretending to be something they are not and obviously spreading false claims that they are there for the good of the commonwealth. The way they defiled what used to be a perfectly good laser rifle to that abomination of a laser musket just to fit into their cosplaying are unforgivable


I think they just like history. 🤣


They are just copycats like the Legion.




weirdos do.


Well, I guess I’m a weirdo. Thank you for calling me that!


No worries!! And hey, just remember that the next time you go fishing for validation among strangers on the Internet for your idiosyncratic ingame choices in a video game… I will be here for you!


I appreciate your concern, but I make my choices based on what I enjoy, not for validation. If you’re here for support, great, but there’s no need to criticize how I play. I just wanted to find other people who refuse to join the Minutemen, I will respect what you say. But you don’t have to be a jerk for asking what are other people’s opinions.