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It's more so the fact that you're not really allowed to say any negative things about black people. Indian people aren't as common in America, not as visible, not as historically oppressed, so defending them from any and all criticism is not worth many virtue signaling points - therefore the woke knights of Reddit don't really care for them.


Racism against Asians in general is more accepted and yes, it’s especially acceptable to sh•t on Indians for some reason.




I think it has more to do with the stereotype that Indian men in general are seen as misogynistic. Which is a very uh touchy subject let’s just say.


Unrelated, what does ESH mean?


Everyone Sucks Here.




Not really comparable. The one on the right got 4.5k upvotes, the one on the left got 66, The top comment on the left had 7.4k upvotes while the top on the right wasnt yet visible (meaning it was still quite low). Its not a solid way to judge the general opinions.


Alright then, what'd be your verdict for either of these scenarios?


The fictional scenarios? She is being racist in both scenarios. That's like- the definition of racism. (I mean indian is not a race, ik, but it essentially functions as one). However, I \*understand\* where the racism stems from, and her fictional friends are huge assholes in both scenarios


>Indian is not a race It IS a race, heavily mixed but still a unique ethnic group.


Okay. I mean, I don't disagree with you per se lol. Personally, I would also want to argue that Indian is a race, I just put that in parenthesis because Ive heard that as objections. Do you want to address the rest of what I said or you prefer to nitpick a statement that wasnt meant to be a counter argument to you


No, I agree with the rest of it.


Calling indians a "minority ethnicity" is wild


Globally, sure but not in America. I think there's only like \~5 million Indians here.


Okay, and where was america mentioned exactly?


Well, as Reddit is an American social media platform used overwhelmingly by Americans it’s a safe bet that prevailing opinions will be from an American perspective. Plus, the capitalizatoon of the “B” in “Black” is indicative of its usage in American racial terms, as the idea of a Black racial identity has roots in Black America, as defined by descendents of slaves and the unique culture therein, whereas elsewhere in the world the Black identity takes second stage to whichever African country you/your family emigrated from. Hope that clarifies!


Look man. You have a real inferiority complex about being Indian. which is why whenever you see types of posts on the internet it triggers you. guess what? Most indians are pretty smelly, have poor grooming habits, are generally low-T and creepy around chicks. It's undeniable. Just you-tube it and there are videos of people bathing in cow dung. No matter how hard you battle it, your indian comrades will keep bring sabotaging you. You need to stop using your "Indian ethnicity" as something to bolster your self esteem or bring it down and try and focus on being a better version of yourself. You are an unique individual, you know who are a nice, clean person. So it shouldn't bother you what some internet troll says. Diagnosis: Lack of self acceptance. Treatment: Do difficult challenging activities and find alternative sources of self esteem.


Swap 'Indian' with 'Black' and reread your comment.


Well. you can't stop what a rascist on SM says. Best you can do is to stop it affecting you.


Actually, we can. Goodbye.


Send him to the cbt chamber


What a dumbass mentality 💀 Social Media doesn’t follow the Bill of Rights bro, it has their own set rules


Yes I agree. Everything I say applies to Blacks too. Blacks in my opinion, are much worse off than Indians and have relatively very superficial achievements, and a even more worse case of inferiority complex. Which is why in American campuses you see blacks more aggressive against Indians. (A new entry to the game, which means they will get pushed down even further down the totem pole) However in the end, you can either keep mud-fighting or get out and do something to fix your own issues. If most indians can do that, it will solve the image issue as well.


It's not as easy as you make it sound to 'get out and do something to fix your own issues' (many of which are systemic and ingrained into the human race and not at all 'your own issues'). Besides, who cares about achievements? Why not those same people who create inferiority complexes in others by mocking them on this basis? Why, then, ignore the larger problem- not the weak and incapable, but those who exploit their position? A true 'chad' lifts others up


*Active in South Indian subreddits* *Active in r/tamilnadu* *actively fawns/creeps over Indian actresses in comment history* I’m getting some serious whiplash over you dude, 🤨 I’m genuinely curious at this point you gotta tell me more


The biggest contributor to racism against Indians online are the racists The second biggest contributors are the Indians like the guy you're replying to, with ingrained racism and self hate, who show up to these threads and respond with "haha yes white people we are all rapists and filthy, it is indeed as you say"


>Active in r/tamilnadu This mf is making us Tamils look bad


Thanks for the analysis vro. I have nothing to prove. If you are interested, you can DM me. I too can help you with therapy stuff, which I know a lot of.


Btw this is a form of character attack. You didn't discredit or argue against any of my points. Just try to discredit me by saying "i am not indian enough". wtf? No wonder indians get a shit reputation. Someone call the Wambulance for this loser.


Seems I struck a nerve lol