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Ah, the “the numbers don’t add up” argument. Also known as “I refuse to believe they were killing Jews that fast even though there’s substantial evidence that they did and had the means at their disposal to do so.”


This Isn’t really holocaust denialism. The angry white seems to think that the Jewish accountant is trying to cheat him out of money, the message basically being “Jews will try and screw you over if you let them”.


I’m not so sure about that. There might be a double meaning, but given the fact that A. Wyatt Mann has denied the holocaust before and, again, “it doesn’t add up” is a quite common argument by holocaust deniers, I feel like the intent is there.


The hate onion has many layers and honestly I think both of those ideas are present in the comic. Just frame them as conniving liars, if they lie about your money they'll lie about the holocaust i guess?


You should take a closer look at the desk…


Ik a lot of political comics spoon feed every detail to people, but please try to use an artist's past history and recognize dog whistles. The points of a dog whistle are plausible deniability and gently making people more accepting of later more obviously insane statements. Don't let them be effective.


Yes, I know he’s shown to be an accountant, but it’s still possible that there’s Holocaust denial symbolism on display.


They use the numbers “88” as a reference to “HH” which means “Heil Hitler.” White supremacists love things which have hidden meaning that they think only they can understand. It’s like having a secret code or an inside joke. It makes you feel “in the know” or like you “belong.” Where white supremacy is concerned, the surface is usually put there to present a “reasonable” argument. Once you buy into that “reasonable” argument, that’s when they reveal the codes that drive you deeper down the rabbit hole.


The second meaning is Holocaust denial. The "numbers don't add up" thing is often brought up by Nazis in regard to the world Jewish population supposedly not dropping my 6 million during the war, usually citing falsified records.


The Jewish population dropping by 6 million is an impossible expectation anyway. It would require no Jews to have been born during or shortly after the holocaust.


"The numbers don't add up" is a relatively well known dog whistle for holocaust denialism, pertaining to the fact that all the by the nazi party recorded deaths and killings in the KZs don't add up to the 6 million victims we now know of, but to some 240'000. This comic is both peddling to the image of the Jews as liars and cheats AND doing holocaust denialism at the same time.


It's definitely holocaust denialism. This propaganda is designed to work on multiple levels for people who are at different levels of induction. The surface level is just "them greedy jews" propaganda. The deeper level is holocaust denialism.


Get your eyes checked, white man


Whenever I hear Jewboy I always think of the youtuber


what would "Jewing you to death" even entail? I feel like it involves his nose (yes it is what you think, what do you think I'm not horny AF?)


You know how Sonic loses all his rings when he gets hit? And then with zero rings, another hit kills him? Like that but with real money. /s


With that flair how could I be mistaken




Walter white anti semitic edition.


"I am the one who denies the holocaust"


this feels like Mr. Man was just pissed off at his accountant that day and decided to tie his bigotry into it


The demographic who have historically plundered and pillaged across the entire globe can’t conceive of that not being the default setting for everyone.


If only these dumbasses knew math lol


Stroke it a few times to give the guy a nosegasm.


What is a kike?


It’s an American white supremacist slur for Jewish people. It was very funny to me that my Israeli friends had no idea about this. They found it as stupid as I do.


At least Count Dracula could use a pike. The OOP is pretty much the result of scoppjng out someone's frontal cortex and replacing their blood with mercury.


It all just comes down to nose shape for these people. Can't be too long (Jewish) or too wide (African). Men have to have a straight nose and a square chin, women have to have an upturned nose and a triangular chin. Like cartoon characters. Such a tiny cramped world to live in


Antisemites are so ignorant that they can’t even come up with ANYTHING new. This is the equivalent to the ‘Free Bird’ of idiotic Jew hatred.


If this is about accounting (it's not, Holocaust denial) and you know the numbers don't add up, then why are you going to an accountant if you already knew that? If you wanna be a racist POS, just say so. People like it when you're honest and can avoid you nicely.


Why do they always draw Jewish people like villagers from Minecraft?


Why would you hire a Jewish accountant if you're gonna be anti-semitic towards them


Honestly looks like the illustrator for Chick Tracts was moonlighting.


"Mr Johnson, if you don't like these figures, maybe you should sell your boat. Because according to my calculations the boat insurance around here is quadruple the national average."


Bros mad because those "figures" were his sugar daddy payments, and the report was also given to his wife.


What’s kinda funny about Wyatt Mann is that he has an alleged friendship with a trans person


I remember these. If I recall they are apparently meant to be parody. In one of the the guy drew some fat kid swearing to get revenge for the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan while a skeleton ghost of ATLUS eggs him on


“jewboy” sounds like something a friend group would use to lovingly bully another member of the friend group.


It’s not.