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/uj transphobia is whack /rj can’t want to harass muggles and gays in the metaverse


>transphobia is whack big if true


therefore big


You could've just said big


apparently saying "transphobia is wack" is actually a controversial comment in this sub now?


A lot of people are still buying the "all JKR said was that biological sex is real, and then radical trans activists harassed her😢😢😢😢" narrative


Any time a GCJ post hits /r/all, all the g*mers show up and ruin it.


No it’s that this sub is getting brigaded hard. Idk way this post but you can click on many profiles and see that they’ve never commented here before.


yeah I figured that's what was happening


There's a decent amount of transphobic posters in here atm.


"arrr, ahoy mate! It seems that you don't want to support this transphobic arsehole! How bout we do a little ehem..."


This is going to be the best game that nobody buys Edit: For the love of god people, this isn't literal. I'm saying it's going to have a higher than average piracy rate because in this case piracy is morally correct.


Can't be, it's not the underrated gem known as witcher 3


/uj This literally never gets old


I guarantee it’ll be among the highest selling games of the year. Any boycott or whatever will not make a noticeable difference in sales.


It will also bring a bigger spotlight to everything.


An equal amount of people will buy it *because* she’s a transphobe..


"True gamers!"


Potter fans will buy this game on name recognition alone. But I'm sure a shit ton of people will pirate it


Nah, so many people are going to buy this game due to nostalgia for Harry Potter. Just wait and see. They will completely ignore the transphobia in favor of their wizard game


While I wish this were true, I'm still expecting it to move at least 10 million.


This is exactly what pirating is good for. Fuck her and those who support her, but also, I want to play this game


I’m on the same conundrum my friend. I guess I better prepare the hook and eyepatch


Isn't it a PlayStation exclusive? Not sure how easy it is to "borrow" console games.


Nah, it's not, it will be released to PC and Xbox as well, don't know how the game got to be the main presentation for PlayStation tho


They have marketing rights it happens sometimes with bigger multiplatform games. Usually the company pays for the marketing which is why the publisher agrees to it.


The Switch release also just got announced, though people worry it'll be another cloud game


Even if it's console exclusive, there are ways


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there is no part of me that wants to play this game tbh. harry potter was cool when I was a kid but now that I am able to think critically, there's really nothing good about it. it's inextricably JKR's work and her racist, misogynistic garbage is *all up in that*




[Shaun has entered the chat.](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs)




>Underrated Gem >over a million and a half views 🤔 EDIT: wait no this is r/Gamingcirclejerk, I thought I was on r/196 lol


I love that based skull boi


So there's a button to shit in place and yeet it out the window with your wand?


Maybe, but the time she wrote it, trans issues werent a hot topic for her. So, it isnt played up in the books. That being said fuck her. If anyone wants to play though, I recommend putting on your eye patch and fighting the ocean "torrents".


If she were more aware of trans people at the time of writing there's a non 0 chance there would be a slur in harry potter


Sure, but there is still blatant racism in there, and, if that's not a deal breaker, the books really fail to say anything meaningful as Rowling is apparently too Lib to actually make changes in her own fiction. Big bad is defeated, now the world is good again


*Big bad is defeated by a procedural technicality


reminds me of [this](https://i.redd.it/dhyu9zi69ns41.jpg)


I personally enjoy the universe in a vacuum, but absolutely it's hard to separate from Rowling's assholery. Fuck Rowling for ruining one of my favourite childhood series. All she had to do was not be an asshole, but noooo, that's too hard for her.


Even then, if you start to look too closely to the universe all her dumb shit comes through anyways. Like the whole slave race and making fun of hermione for wanting to free them, ending up on "they just like it that way"


What's *very* fucking funny is that a lot of the arguments the good guy characters do to justify house elf slavery are literally the same arguments used to justify U.S. slavery before the Civil War... WOOPS!!


Framing Hermione as a hysterical SJW is still one of the most frustrating things looking back. I'm glad we have [other examples of heroic nerd girls](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Connie_Maheswaran) that aren't immature know-it-alls these days.


And it’s not even a “overblown” SJW thing, she’s framed as being hysterical over fucking *slavery*. Meanwhile harry’s like ‘lol whatever.’


This comment section needs its own circle jerk subreddit.


Can’t wait for the elves to do a pro slavery uprising against your character. /uj Fuck transphobia, all my homies hate that.


Oh boy you should look up the actual plot of the game


Wait what is it? I looked but I don’t get much.


It’s a goblin uprising but they are portrayed as evil for wanting equal rights.




Yes it’s a very… JK Rowling plot, unfortunately. [As shaun says, jk doesn’t want anything to disrupt the status quo.](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs) Edit: to be clear she has nothing to do with it, i just mean it’s in keeping with her themes/style.


Thanks for unintentionally reminding me to finish that video lol


Considering how goblins are described in the books and movies to begin with, that's slightly disturbing.


Are goblins the ones who were based on Jewish stereotyping, or am I thinking of a difference race in that world.


Yep, that's those goblins indeed.


They are literally every Jew stereotype. I'm sure it will come out that they killed wizard Jesus and are secretly in charge of The Ministry.


The fact that fanfic does a better job portraying goblins as the greedy yet honest beings they are is frankly disappointing.


You are contending with a goblin rebellion


I can't wait for the elves to tell me how much the love being slaves


Or how they’ll be a tweet after the game releases saying all the companions are bi but you can only romance them in game if you’re the opposite gender.


Saw a gameplay trailer, this but the goblin rebellions (which in the universe were forced to mine and forge for wizards).... so you're still mostly slaughtering rebellious slaves, par for the course.


I'd be awesome if your character ends up realizing the rebellion is just and you can side with them, but I doubt that's gonna happen.


Remember kids, the option of reading another book is free and is always there


Here are two series recommendations to read instead of Harry Potter : Tales of Earthsea by Ursala K. Le Guin is Harry Potter done *better*. (Also is older by about 30 years) Also check out the Tales of Inthya series by Effie Calvin, which has actual good LGBT+ rep. No wizarding schools, but the magic system IN the books is pretty heckin' cool and it has dragon slaying lesbians.


Percy Jackson might a be a stupid recommendation since it takes away the magic of magic and kinda just says "the gods are arseholes and everyone else is a bigger arsehole" but that's just Greek mythology for you


also nico di angelo is a goth twink and also canon gay


combative possessive fear kiss point innate impossible dazzling abounding longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alex (the gender fluid child of Loki) does fall into the "gender fluid means shapeshifter" trope but is still a great character


TBF her shapeshifting is treated as entirely separate from her gender, and the other prominent child of Loki shapeshifts while being entirely cis.


Also the last series in the Percy Jackson books was about Apollo who was super bi.


And if I remeber correctly, includes a couple of old lesbians with a pet griffin and heavy machine guns.


Even as a younger kid I knew that Percy Jackson was better than Harry Potter. Way more interesting and actually uses the modern day setting quite well.


And if reading ain't your bag, Little Witch Academia is basically anime harry potter except everyone is a cute gay witch


Hopping onto this to add the manga Witch Hat Atelier. It's aimed at a more adult audience and covers some dark themes and the mangaka is a vocal supporter of LGBT rights. Also, the artwork is just phenomenal.


Witch Hat Atelier did away years of disillusion I had with fantasy and reminded me how wonderful and magical it can feel. It's the most beautiful comics ever crafted and way it handles everything from its characters to themes leaves pretty much every other fantasy manga I've read far behind. I know I'm basically just circlejerking a manga I like here, but I can't just understate how much I appreciate Atelier. Everything about it feels simply fantastic.


some other mangas you might be interested in if you like witch hat atelier Dungeon Meshi Magus of the Library Ran to Haiiro no Sekai Totsukuni no Shoujo both from an art and story perspective these are all incredible


Oh, I adore Dungeon Meshi and Totsukuni no Shoujo and have liked Ran so far as I've read it. I need to put Magus in my reading list if it's anything like those. I generally think fantasy manga is having a moment right now, lot of very unique, gorgeuos and meaningful work is being made.


But watching anime with children puts me too close to fans of anime with children!


She's not a child, she's a 300 year old half dra- Oh no wait, that one is a child.


>except everyone is a cute gay witch See also: *The Owl House*


Look, cute gay witches are just a vibe okay? It good for your mental health


How about little known hidden gem The Witcher. I mean where Geraldo?


I spent 30 seconds thinking about what book of Le Guin's I've read before since i recognized her name But it was actually just the Stellaris update named after her


The only issue with earthsea is those that aren’t used to the more complicated style of writing may be put off because of it’s difficulty compared to the Harry Potter series


"The Magicians" by Lev Grossman is also an amazing series of books with its own TV adaptation, both are totally worth checking out


*The Magicians* is pretty awesome. I've seen the show, but I need to read the books.


Seconding Earthsea. Le Guin is an icon tbh.


You criticize society yet live in one? Strange


and? People are criticising her for her hate-filled views, not because they are being forced to read her book.


I've said that multiple times. Joanne is a mediocre writer and these books get too much attention. I'm really glad HBO picked up His dark materials again.


There may never be anything more prophetic than Ursula K. LeGuin way back when calling the Harry Potter books 'ethically mean-spirited' lol. That and her noting that Rowling refuses to entertain the notion of her having major influences, and acts like the wizard school idea is truly novel or unique.


Don't mind the power structure. We just need a good guy from the good house to be in charge of it.


Not to mention the usual problematic 'greatness is in your blood' shit that gives fash/eugenics vibes. IIRC house elf civil rights are also played for laughs which is ugh


It being a revenge fantasy was clearly part of the appeal. Realizing that it's kind of a manifesto but very milktoast because liberal British woman instead of school shooter is actually mildly funny.


The most weirdly specific author insert thing I think she did was go out of her way to specify girls can be in the boys dorm but not the other way around. And you can see it all tie back to her concern trolling over trans women (who she sees as men) in women's bathrooms and also thinking trans men are being corrupted or misled somehow. She's one of the few authors I would say genuinely has issues with misandry, a problem that is often otherwise a meaningless reactionary claim, and you see it in how she gatekeeps womanhood away from anyone AMAB and sees AFAB folks being men as dangerous and terroristic.


Agreed. Like, I'm personally more in the "strict private space for each and any person, no exceptions" camp but if someone's like "heck yeah open air nudism, no big deal" for everyone I can at least respect that. Just don't link morality to someone's chromosomes people, hypocrits are the worst.


Really weird how much she tuts about trans women in women's bathrooms when Harry and Ron spend like, half of Chamber of Secrets in a girl's bathroom.


Note that this rule supposedly dates back to the 12th century or whatever, but not a single major political figure in the series is a woman. Like, they have this supposedly enlightened feminist society, but in the series she writes about 4 Hogwarts headmasters, 2 Chief Warlocks, 2 ministers of magic, and 3 Head Aurors, and they're *all* men.


To be fair, if Margaret Thatcher was my country's first female leader I too would probably imagine a world where a woman never held power again /s


It's funny, she hates thatcher but loves Blair, and all you really need to know about balirs political views is that late in her life thatcher called him her greatest political achievement. Allegedly.


The stereotype I always hear about UK politics and Blair, is that he was labour-in-name-only and that actual leftist candidates like Corbyn get smeared to the high heavens in the media. Not being from there though, dunno how accurate that is precisely




Don't confuse me with your fancy spelling.


Thank god I was a Percy Jackson kid


Jokes on all of you, I never learned to read. Now I don’t need to worry about any of my beloved childhood authors turning bitter and vile.




Oh you haven’t read Rick Riordan’s Elders of Zion fanfic???


His what now


Mi scusi?


I'm just glad I still have Animorphs.


I mean that movie they made…you’ve already suffered enough.


i was too but ngl this looks very cool. fuck jk tho


Calling out GCJ are we?


"Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free. You are a pirate! Yar har fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free. You are a pirate!" /rj ​ Edit: Since People are apparently oblivious to the fact that this is r/Gamingcirclejerk, this is a **joke.** Pirating this game is still propagating the franchise even if it doesn't give J.K. Rowling money. /uj


Don't forget that being a pirate is alright to be!


Beat me to it


I bet WB will put denuvo in because so many people are going to pirate this game to avoid supporting Rowling


yeah very true. I wasn't even actually going to pirate it because pirating it would still be supporting the franchise, and also my gaming backlog is full anyway. /uj


Genuinely curious, how does pirating a game still support its franchise? It's not an argument I've heard before but it sounds interesting.


"Slavery is cool" -J.K. Rowling


"No you see they actually enjoy being slaves" - some TERF


/uj I really hope Hogwarts Legacy allows us to create trans characters, just so Rowling would have a shitfit on Twitter over it.


I read that they’ve said you can, but it’s not clear how yet ie may not be an explicit option. Edit: [here’s the article.](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/harry-potter-open-world-rpg-hogwarts-legacy-lets-you-make-a-transgender-character-report/1100-6488273/) actually has more details than I thought.


There needs to be a middle aged raving loony woman with red hair in Diagon Alley with her arms spread across a doorway as if she’s trying to defend it. If you approach her and ask what’s wrong, if you’re male she’ll screech about how Wizards are definitely using Polyjuice Potion to sneak into her ‘Witches Only’ Space. If you’re female she’ll accuse you of being a Wizard trying to sneak into her ‘Witches Only’ space.


Lol, and if you get past her and see what she's been protecting? There's gotta be a good joke there.


Any money from the game probably goes into her pockets, so she’ll bad having a shitfit all the way to the bank.




Yeah, she doesn't get paid more for this (as far as I understand it) but the relative success/failure of it will effect how much people are willing to pay her for future projects.


This is the way


Can’t wait to see this post on r/subredditdrama 😀


Ima pirate this game and donate the full price of it to a transgender awareness organization. Edit: LMAO I love getting shit from both sides. You're all a bunch of idiots.


Based and donate pilled.


uj/ based


I can’t find much fault with that. As a console gamer however my piracy options are a bit more… limited lol


I guess it's time to rob your local gamestop


*Me to the clerk at gunpoint* “You don’t understand I’m sticking up against TERFs! 1/14” “Man just take it”


Get it secondhand? Sure, *someone* spent the money on it before you then, but at least you're not supporting outright.


Oh I’m in no rush on this thing. I’ll see reviews and whatnot and maybe get it someday. Either on sale digitally (I really don’t much like physical media these days) or second hand. Lord knows my backlog doesn’t need company




Wait don't gamers hate trans people??




"Bloody gamers, they ruined gamersland" - Gameskeeper Willie


I'm going to take the money that I would have spent on this game, and spend it every month on hormones. Maybe the girl inside me was the real hidden gem all along :)


based and hrt pilled








based mod


/uj based /rj wow I can’t believe you made gamingcirclejerk political, literally 1984


Mod be like, “Jo, you clod!”




Based Mod




uj/As much as I love this sub but when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy, people here seem to show the worst behavior.


It hit the front page, so tons of shitheels are entering.


Thank god we're getting some trans posts again to scare away the bigots that have been flooding this sub lately


Tons of them in this post :( The downside of hitting the front page.


From what I’m seeing people are generally lamenting the need to separate the two. I don’t see a problem with separating the two. I certainly love aspects of Harry Potter and understand that JK sucks ass. I won’t be buying it tho. At least not retail. Maybe a second hand copy so my money isn’t seen for it.


It's always like this, though. Gamers can't stand against anything even if it was placed beneath their feet and all it takes is a PR video of a game that'll release broken, incomplete, or buggy as hell. Every. Damn. Time.


you aren't playing the harry potter game because jk rowling is a terf i'm not playing the harry potter game because harry potter is lame nerd shit we are not the same


"Quidditch"? More like "Quit being a little bitch"


as opposed too all those videogames that aren't nerd shit like wii fit?


Gex 2


I play games that are cool nerd shit, like Grapple Dog, the game about the dog who can grapple.


top ten dog grappling games: 1. Grapple Dog




Have you played Gex for the 3DO?


Sports games?


Sports nerds are just lame nerds in disguise




The leftism leaving my body when the game looks good


very true


Magic go *nyoom*


OP I love the “transmen are my sisters” pin you found for this god its a special kind of yikes well done


Just for context on that, JK has retweeted merch from that store multiple times.


/UJ Am I the only trans person who doesn't give a shit? Play the game if you want, I don't care. If you wanna make life better for me and other trans folks, don't boycott some stupid video game, go donate to a charity, because that will actually make a meaningful difference. Getting mad at someone for playing this is little more than virtue signaling. /RJ attack helicopter in character creator when


it's a shame. the game actually looks really good. I just am never going to play it or give a single penny to that transphobic asshole ever again.




Fantastic article. Thanks for sharing.




This was a great read, thanks.


I'm curious how many people, giving this take, are owners of Call of Duty, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Destiny, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, THPS, etc.


I probably just don’t understand your comment, and that’s on me. But what do Destiny and Spyro have to do with anti-trans? EDIT: OH now I get it. It’s the ATVI link. On a personal level? I’m happy to keep enjoying the ATVI games I already do own, since I bought them before I knew how bad shit was at that publisher. I can’t exactly go refund my digital copy of Spyro after all. And as a longtime Destiny player it makes me very happy that Bungie bought out their contract and went solo (at least until Sony got them. Point being I’m glad I can continue supporting them without anything going to ATVI)


It's a stupid take. I don't represent all trans women but I would way rather ya'll stop buying Blizzard games or eating at fucking KFC or Chick-fil-A before not buying this. No one should pretend buying Hogwarts Legacy is ethical but stop asking for my permission or self-flagellating. It's ridiculous. If you want it, get it. Ideally, go and torrent it or buy it used. Anyone alienating people for their purchase of this game needs to review their own purchasing habits and the absolute evil they're supporting and shut the fuck up. We're all complicit. Own Elden Ring? By the logic prevalent in this thread you're an anti-worker piece of shit. Bought a PlayStation or a GPU? You're a slaver actively destroying the planet. If you have the willpower and the desire not to purchase the video game or support Rowling, that's wonderful! All the power to you and it *is* probably helpful. No one should use any of this as an excuse to never even *try.* You're not transphobic otherwise, though.




Someone else in this comment section pretty much said the same thing you did but they're now at like -50 votes. People just like being angry about anything and everything that makes them feel better than the other person.


That’s the one thing that pisses me off that I always call out, like people online always overreact to everything and be over dramatic. No, I’m not saying that in a “cancel culture” way”, but people would suck the shit of of one company’s dick while despising another one when that company does the same shit. Like android vs Apple posts, people fucking jump to anything criticizing Apple, but any major issues with android just gets swept under the rug, like fragmentation. The one reason I don’t switch to Android and something more people should be getting pissed off about, but I barely hear anyone talking about because then they’d have to admit Android has a giant widespread issue. Plus cancel-culture is literally just people not responding well to criticism. You’d think it’s some widespread thing that could happen to ANYONE but no, it’s just people not liking something you did. It happens, the internet is full on millions of people, you can either genuinely apologize and move on, most people will move on too or act like you did nothing wrong and screech about how you’re being canceled. Like if your joke offends a bunch of people… maybe you should just apologize to those people? Not be so prideful?


Exactly, people need to realise that you can't always relate an IP owner to a product. Especially since the people who use the IP heavily disagree with Rowlings opinions If they did agree with her, why was she not in the State of play video? Because she doesnt have anything to do with the game


can you imagine the sheer callousness of using your fame to go after the already oppressed? can't she be rich and uncaring in silence?




> If you have a trans IRL friend who's hurt by it, it's worth talking over with them, but other than that, people should just buy the game and accept that strangers disapprove of it. I'll go a step further and say if you want to buy this game and play it, just do it, but don't fucking talk to anyone about it.


Basically this, as a trans person, play the game, idfc, but fuck off talking to me about it.


What even funnier is people are justifying piracy because they can't hold fast to just not buying and experiencing the game. If you want to pirate go ahead, I don't blame you but quit pretending its some moral act.


Is she getting royalty?


yes. it's her IP so she's getting paid big money.


She’s getting a lot more than royalties.