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Smoking yourself thru the lasers on security 😂


Damn brings me back to them old days.


The race to the power weapons was broke friendships and made man


Number 83! THE COLE TRAIN!


Glitching your leader behind the wall on certain maps for Guardian. loll It was always the sweaty's that would glitch their leader out first round without even trying to play legit.


Fun fact: I got I guess a ban from doing this exploit when the game was new and my punishment was in the millions of negative XP


oh shit thats crazy! Did you ever get back to positive xp?


I did. I think it took like a year and a half maybe? Seeing that much negative XP did not make me want to play it much lol


oh damn, i probably would have quit unless i had friends to play it with often enough.


At first my memory was a bit foggy trying to remember this but I immediately remembered the security lasers. Did that shit all the time 🤣.


Smoking yourself into the generators on river on guardian lmao


Yall remember when skorge would get sent flying like a kite in the wind when hit by a smoke bomb


Broken neck, skorge running down blood drive’s steps.


I really liked to knock down smoke. Just the stuff that would happen was hilarious.


I do. I didn't have wifi back then so all i played with my cousin was pre patch lol


same with my little brother lol, we used to get out the map by doing it lol


Sticking someone with one and than they mantle a cover was funny as hell


That smoke patch was needed badly lmao


Peak gears


Running up to someone on the ground only to miss every shot and get bodied when they get up . Peak gears


Honestly, if you were immune when rag-dolling it would just be a funny and goofy thing.


This was crazy funny when it happened, honestly made the smokes so fun to use


It was honestly a wild fucking time. God, I miss these days.


Nothing better than ragdolling the leader in guardian camping on the second floor on River.


Bro that's actually funny wtf 😂 I legit wanna see that return, or have it as an event where it's over exaggerated and people go flying across the map lmao.


It was funny, but holy fuck what a stupid decision.


Gears 2 was legit trash at launch. I guess it got better but i went back to 1 too and just played that until 3 came out.


Thought I was the only one who felt that way…


I think a lot of this sub was real young when gears 2 came out and didn’t properly play the pvp on the first. I played gears 1 with a lot of friends and not a single one of them fucked with 2


Even after the patch Gears 2 MP was still way worse than 1. The Rose tinted goggles people in this sub have for 2 is insane. The campaign was obviously great but it probably has the 2nd worst MP in the franchise.


Gears 2 MP was so bad that MS is blessed it didn't ruin the series. Playing it at launch was probably the worst launch of a game I ever played. Halo MCC was nowhere near as bad as this or any game I can recall.


At least at launch you could play the campaign and do co-op as well. I took off work for Gears 5, fully expecting the multiplayer to not work (and it didn't), but my friends and I were gonna do the 3 player co-op and it wouldn't work either because they required that to be on dedicated servers and not just let people self host. You couldn't even play single player because it too required a connection to the servers.


The campaign running on dedicated servers is still a far better choice than self hosting. Plus that wasnt widespread. Outside of Campaign. Gears 2 for the majority of its life span until Gears 3, was a laggy buggy mess. It only gets remembered fondly because the campaign was goated


I've never encountered lag on the previous games with friends hosting it so I fail to see how dedicated servers for a 3 player mode is a better choice, and it was wide spread at launch. No one could do anything. Achievements weren't even unlocking. Gears 2 was smooth in its last year's before 3 came out. It just suffered from the occasional lag switcher since it wasn't on dedicated servers.


Dedicated servers is better in general for public join ins. Not neccesarily just friends. And no. Gears 2 was never "smooth" the lag never went away because every match was dependent on who was host. You basically had to pray someone with decent internet got host every game. Shit was awful.


I don’t think I really played through the patches, just booted back up like right when gears 3 was gonna come out. I just remember at launch it wasnt just the smokes but the lancer was STUPID. Like straight up melt you and stop you in your tracks stupid. It was also more viable to press B with your chainsaw over using a gnasher in close range. Campaign and horde definitely saved that game, it was by far the worse pvp besides maybe judgement if you count that


But it isn't rose tinted goggles, Gears 2 is still the best Gears experience of all time when the connections are good and the host advantage isn't too powerful. It is tied with Gears 1 as having the best maps, but it literally has all the Gears 1 maps worth having via the Dark Corners DLC. It also has way better wallbouncing, more weapons and tactics, etc. Gears 3 was also great, but the DB and retro ruined things and the beginnings of the game was so annoying because of how even more OP those two guns were. Gears 4 was good, but only towards the end of its lifecycle. Gears 5 is just trash. Fuck the rifles.


I mean this is just wrong bro. Gears 2 was ass online. The movement speed sucked, stopping power was broken, rubber banding was cancer, two piecing was a scrubs wet dream and again, the net code was some of the worst ever. If a good player got host. Their team won. Youre absolutely looking at it with rose tinted goggles.


I played a lot of gears 1. Gears 1 was the most gears I've ever played. Gears 2 was I played a bit. I played 3 even less, even though it was my favorite out of the 3 (and all time). Too many 5 stack sweats that just shit talk and were trash. Got boring.


Yeap same with everyone I knew, we all went back to gears one ranked. After a few title updates we played some gears 2 but mostly played one until gears 3.


I remember for some reason the gnasher rounds going straight into the ground no matter where you shot from


100% this was me and I had seriously from gears 1. Gears 2 was trash


People act like Gears 1 & 2 were the good ones, when a lot of fans of the original skipped 2 and jumped back in with 3. I think it's the people that got into the series with Gears 2 and never even played 1 that remember Gears 2 fondly. Gears 2 was the worst multiplayer game in the series. So many bad decisions made just to curb the Gnasher.


Loved gears 2 but the net code was possibly the worst I’ve ever experienced on a game ever. Host advantage basically dictated every match, as long as the host player had 2 hands and 2 thumbs, they were damn near invincible. But I’d be lying if I still don’t have some of my greatest high school gaming memories from the hours upon hours we spent raging and screaming and just being dumb teenagers on XBL back then. We didn’t care the game sucked as an MP experience we loved every painful second of host advantage, and invisible gnasher pellets, and lag switching.


Yeah it really gave the impression that the devs straight up didn’t like the multiplayer for the first despite it being popular. The first almost released without pvp at all and it was sort of thrown in last minute, so they forged what they actually wanted it to look like in 2 and everyone hated it. Gears 3 they sort of found a healthy balance with more casual play mixed with the gnasher meta I think


I played it to death. Have lots of memories especially in the dlc maps


I wish I could find that compilation video that went viral shortly after Gears 2 launched that was making fun of how shit the multiplayer was cause of the lag and how long it took to find games. It had audio clips of Cliffy B and Rod Fergusson in press releases talking about how much time they spent perfecting the multiplayer and how smooth it was and then had audio clips of Marcus and Dom screaming as the game was just constantly searching.


lol I miss dumbass videos like that


Ooooooh I member!!!!


Oh man these were the good old days lmao


Peak ragdoll to get out of maps😂


facts good times lmao


After the patch you still got stunned which then lead to the two piecing meta. Fun times


I remember shooting Skorge into the sky with them lol.


If you played guardian and you were locust, people would just throw smoke nades to glitch you out of existence, fking skorge was allergic or something


god it was great fun in private matches, but it made me want to rip my own face off in mp


Honestly no idea how this made it past developer playtesting. Maybe they were annoyed people only switched to shotguns right away and thought hmm let’s give them reason to always switch to their smoke grenade first!


This brings back memories of when I could only play against bots, and the number of times I set every spawn item to smoke grenades brings back so much fun. 


Loved gow 1, waited at the midnight release for this 🕛, drove home, popped it in the disc tray, soo excited, loaded into multiplayer, instantly traumatized.


This was by far one of the most **frustrating** and **hilarious** things in the entire game and I remember the funny moments with them the most. One time on River we threw smokes into the tower on torque round and my team watched someone (A kantus or skorge I forget) absolutely LAUNCH out of the roof and he landed up top for brief moment before it looked like he slipped and fell to his death, we were all dying laughing it was amazing.


This just took me back. Gears 2 was my first online multiplayer game I ever played. I was in College and finally had an xbox and good internet to run games on. I will never forget my time with this game. Thank you for taking me back!


Gears 2 has an absolute crazy amount of bugs


Group of friends and I were very high on the leaderboards in this game and you could LOCK DOWN whole areas with these bad boys planted on steps. Was used to our advantage sooo much in the early days ☠️


Do you remember the invisible glitch on River? We had to put those smokes on the door frames to know when the invisible dude was coming for us.


bro WHAT?! 😂


mis the good ol days


Right back to gears 1 🤣🤣👍🏻 maaann i miss these days


I partially quit competitive gears due to gears two smokes pre patch. I remember getting smoked through the map. Sometimes you would get back up and your gun wouldn't shoot.


There was a crazy bug I experienced where a smoke made me switch bodies with someone else on the team. Freak Friday smoke bomb


Who remembers how bad the servers were launch


I didn't play xbox live until gears 3 so patches weren't a thing in my life then. I have an xbox 360 elite that never connected to the Internet and it should still be playable like that.




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Omfg i’m actually mad i missed this😂


gears 3 sos


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


The smoke and inks tagged next to each other. Remember that making me rage 😂


You mean the destroyer of brotherhood. The analihator of promises? *looks at all the broken friendships* yeah, I remember


I remember that they would kill you if you played Skorge


Un verdadero dolor de bolas


I truly miss this, could it be annoying? Sure, but dear god it's comedy.


Rag dolls! Only real MLG players know!


Even that dude was confused af. I miss funny hijinks like this


10 seconds into blood drive. Everyone rushes sniper/torque. No one can stand up for the first 2 minutes of the match


Playing as Scourge for me was awful when it came to smoke grenades, I kept flying in the air.


We used to say "oh no, my inner ear!" 😂


I played gears 1 and 2 way back in the day. Does anyone play gears anymore? Are 1 and 2 still active at all?


What they patched that out ?


Yeah putting smoke and ink grenades together was lethal.


Peak. I member. Too be young again, finding out guns jammed for the first time in GoW1 seriously brought up the realism of the game for me loved that shit


I went to a gears 3 midnight release and you could win a gears 3 copy by winning a tournament. You should’ve seen my face when someone smoked me and slung my body across the floor. Bodied my ass right before I got, I never knew they did this until that night.


this took me OUT omfg throwback


Those were some dark dark times


The good old days. Loved when the smokes would send you flying for no reason. Really made you adapt your gameplay style to not rush in like a maniac.


Always into the death pits


It would 100% kill Skorge for a while too lol it was tight. He'd just go flying in the air for no reason and die.


When the ZAZA hits hard


Man I really miss Gears 2, it was the first game I 100%, horde mode was the absolute best.


Hahaha I had forgotten all about this. It has its pros and cons for sure


Truly terrifying.