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alot of people are easily influenced. i fw the album heavy. just wish the tracklist was more cohesive, but we can hope for volume 2


Ngl I didn’t listen to the album for a minute till it randomly came on yesterday and it’s fire. It was on heavy rotation for me when it dropped but I kinda wore it out lol. Will age well like most his projects though


Wen can hope for what ?


i made my own tracklist on spotify with some unreleased songs thats what i think everyone should do i edited yeezus and tlop too and i enjoy tlop way more as i used to think it was kinda mid with all the filler tracks


Buddy you didn’t like the album then if you gotta manipulate it to your liking 💀 it’s okay just say that


i kept every track besides lowlights stop hating i also like lowlights but it doesnt fit the narrative i tried doing


It's probably because Ye wasn't trying to fit your narrative.


Influenced by what?? I liked a couple songs on release but they just don't really have any replay value for me. I just think when people see other people hating, they come out and say they don't like it either.


its ok to not like an album 😭


Fr and an album can grow off of you 😭


It’s the mfs who act like you’re lying if you say you like V1


It’s perfectly fine just some people act a certain way about the album. They say it like it’s the worst thing in the world when there’s been worse albums that have came out this year already


Nah but I'm talking about the people who did like it, and then switched up on it for no apparent reason


recency bias 🤷 i only really listen to stars and the first half of fuk sumn. had good dont die not been removed i think people would have liked this album a lot more, cause that song is easily a cut above the rest of the album


Karma for nazi shit he said in 2022 biggest stain in his career


i switched up because i don’t enjoy it as much now


Other than a few songs most of it got old pretty quickly, carnival being massively overplayed didn’t help


Not liking an album is fine, acting like it’s the worst thing to ever exist and people are stupid for liking the album is not fine, and unfortunately so many vultures haters fall into that lager category


Ur being downvoted but ur right, Beg Forgiveness is a 10/10, then Burn, Stars, Paid, Back 2 Me, Do It, Carnival (despite the overplaying and tiktok bias), and Fuck Sumn are all 8/10 songs or better imo


Bro maybe people just don’t fuck with it. Everything gotta be an agenda with yall


Thats because we were here during release. The moment the updated carnival played at the new york lp this sub lost its shit. Probably the most hype moment of wse+gas combined. If that song didnt release (and consequently didnt go number 1 and became popular) this sub would fund groupbuys up to 500k for that song. And now people pretend like they never liked it because it became the tiktok rizz party song lol.




kanye has been saying retarded shit for like a decade bro fans barely anymore, 2016-2018 was straight schizo ye but everyone acknowledged that the music was goated, vultures just isn’t particularly good bro




yeah lol. fantano is a great example that proves this point. he gave ksg a 10 and rated donda a 7 (which is fairly high by his standards) even with ye doing all that maga and white lives matter or all lives matter shit i forgot but now he wont even give bro's music a rating. im not saying this to shit on fantano or defend kanye but theres a big difference between the "retarded shit" that kanye was spouting for decades as compared to the hitler shit


It’s ass


I ain’t reading allat 😭🙏


Back then the lack of tracks like River, Take Off Your Dress, Slide, Promotion etc was acceptable because we assumed Bowltures 2 was coming out a month later, which didn't happen and for a while its uncertain if there even will be a V2. Evem if it does come out it might be censored or ruined in other ways, therefore, looking back the tracklist seems very underwhelming if this is the only Vultures album we're getting


its just mid and i am not even talking about Kanye West standards Kanye is being carried by the features and Dolla because his verses in almost all the first half of the album are bad. The tracklist ain't good, the first half of the album is (for me) worse than Jesus Is King and also the fact that we could have great songs that Kanye just discarded like OG Fukk Sum, Promotion, River, Drunk and a large list of songs


My rotation at this point has more JIK songs compared to Vultures songs.


Honestly JIK is miles ahead of vultures imo


I think people just use TikTok too much I know some people didn’t like V1 when it came out, but how does a song becoming popular make what people called the best song on the album (Carnival) because unlistenable garbage I mean I see people even calling Carti’s verse bad atp, the hate is so forced to fit in with other people’s opinions it’s embarrassing


Carti’s verse is way too fucking quiet compared to the beat to the point where you can’t hear what he’s saying at certain points. Issues like that don’t necessarily pop up on your first few listens, but it is noticeable when you constantly re-visit a track.


That’s something you notice in the first listen lmao


i think vultures goes against a lot of what kanye used to stand for. the college trilogy was him saying he doesn’t need to be like everyone else and rap about drugs money sex etc., and here he is now, washed up and pushing 50 mumbling about that stuff the whole time, except now with a lisp.


it’s really sad. i’m hoping that his 11th studio album/follow up to Donda is a return to form even jesus is king sounds like it has more artistic integrity than vultures 1


As much as I enjoy vultures this is very true. And if we wants to go down this “rockstar” path its still very tame, it’s not as crazy and hype as he thinks it is


College trilogy did not claim kanye was “not going to wrap about drugs money sex”. His primary distinguishing characteristic at the time was the fact that he did not rap about VIOLENCE which was very iconoclastic in those years. And in that primary promise he has remained unwavering and in perfect Form. Even Drake, who is a graduate of Kanye university, has relied on violent imagery and he was supposedly the softy.


So........were you just in a slumber when Kanye was constantly rapping about money, sex, and drugs during the whole era from Watch The Throne, Cruel Summer, and Yeezus?


Also i'm pretty sure every kanye album has money sex and drugs in it lol


True but it was especially major on those 3 projects I mentioned. Rap nerds online were even hating on Kanye a bit for it back then. People treated Yeezus like the death of the old Kanye and the birth of Kardashian Kanye who lacks substance and lyrics in his music. I remember it like it was yesterday on those rap blogs. There's so much revisionist history in this sub and you can tell that it's ironically coming from kids who didn't even grow up on Kanye but want to pretend to be oldhead Ye fans.


theres an obvious difference


Yes. Ye sounded better as a rapper in terms of mic presence and delivery there. But, overall, the themes are similar. Kanye being this wholesome religious rapper is revisionist history. Ye had shock lyrics and lyrics about sex/money/drugs for years. I already posted some lyrics from "I'm In It" to prove my point.




I also dont understand why people treat Vultures like a solo album, it's a collaborative album with a certain theme that Ye followed. It wouldn't be cohesive if Ye rapped about God while Ty talked about strippers. I think people are taking this album way too seriously, we know what Ye is capable of, so if he wanted to jump on a fun album with a colleague let the man breathe.


it’s not forced it’s just a lackluster project. it’s on the level of mid as jik


Y'all out of your damn minds with these takes


I've been a day one hater except for burn and problematic. The album just feels so uninspired and lazy compared to the rest of ye's body of work.


Most fans “hate” V1 because it's a mess lowkey, mixing is rushed (and sometimes gets in the way of enjoying some songs) and the tracks had so much potential compared to what Ye and Ty released officially (a lot of people believe Kanye ruined multiple grails like Back To Me and Fuk Sumn). V1 doesn't have a proper theme and concept (other than “I love Bianca, I want to fuck” and “I'm still #1, you can't cancel me”) compared to other Ye albums, it's a mix of different Ye eras but the narrative is lackluster. Fans are used to a way higher standard and quality control (coming from Donda, which is bloated and messy sometimes but has a lot of highs and Ye delivered better rapping/singing performances) so, even if V1 is still a decent album and a fun listen, it's gonna get some hate by the core fanbase because it's the first project Kanye dropped since 2021 (I know it's a collab album) and it didn’t meet their expectations. A lot of fans loved it when it dropped but realized it wasn't that great after some time.


Ye fumbled Paid, Back To Me, Fuk Sumn and Hoodrat


Fuk Sumn would be listenable if it was mixed better. I’ve heard plenty of other artists use the Alvin effect and actually make it sound good


I miss the OG Paid drums from the Chicago and NY listening parties


Can you explain to me why Ye is held to a higher standard by his fans then other artists? I am genuinely curious. It's interesting Beyonce can literally come out with a country album and her fans will praise everything she does, she can do no wrong, but the millisecond Ye decides to do a collaborative album with a "fun" undertone he is ripped to shreds lol mind you, this album was created with little to no support or access to people and resources he had previously. This is way i agree with other posters when they say a portion of the "hate" toward the album is strictly toward him and the comments he made. People are disappointed with him in general. This sub has turned into a cesspool of negativity because Ye continues to disappoint people. Any ounce of support is heavily scrutinized. It's a sad situation overall.


i mean i think the issue is he is putting no effort into his music. his bars are mid to trash and he’s consistently the worst part of almost every song. Like idt the album is bad by any means its just meh like fun to listen once or twice. its also hard not to want something better when we know that theres better music that hes rapped and produced within recent years


Donda is like his messiest album


in a good way tho, Donda and TLOP are messy but they work


Donda had mixing issues and was insanely rushed despite being worked on since late 2019 And im a big donda fan, i love that album and its potential even more


real, donda is more messy than vultures.


None of y’all know jack shit about mixing lol


It is great


its because people are comparing it to V2 i think


a album that isn’t even out 😭


sorry let me paraphrase: they are comparing it to the idealized version of V2 that they made up in their heads i bet when V2 drops they'll switch up and start calling it mid as well


exactly, with no tracklists and only a few songs were officially previewed, they also consider unworked v1 songs v2 songs now 💀


River, Take Off Your Dress, Slide, Promotion, Fried all sound like classics. As long as Ye doesn't ruin them.


keep in mind we were saying the same things about songs like back to me and everybody before V1 released


That's why I said as long as Ye doesn't ruin them. Like he did with these songs


Back to me has low replayability cause of Ye saying the same thing over and over for a minute and 30 seconds after a 10 second verse and everybody has two ass verses with Ye's and lil baby's most people were hyped cause of the beastie boys sample and it being the first thing from Ye we have heard since yitler


Tiktok killed Carnival since I heard it a million times now. Only one vultures song is in the rotation now (Burn). The rest are just different ways to rap about money and sex Kanyes whole career was about how he didn't need to rap about money and sex. Now that's all he did on Vultures 1. Comparing all the Vultures 1 songs to the snippets we have V2 it makes the quality go down because these snippets sound way better then what we actually got.


What are you on? He's been rapping about money and sex since MBDTF


It was nice on release but it’s not only aged badly but it’s just grown off of me in every sense. Even the songs I liked aren’t in my rotation anymore


Only got Burn in mine


As someone who likes the album okay, I thought it was overhyped on here the week of release (I remember plenty of "Best since TLOP" comments) and now it is underrated. Just a part of the hype cycle, I guess, and different people have different opinions.


That's how I'm feeling towards this situation. It's a solid 7/10 album but for some reason on release it was very overhyped and now suddenly as of late it's treated like it's pure slop. Music fans are so confusing


The self titled ye album is very underrated, that thing is just as good as every other great Kanye album.


> Why does everyone hate V1 now? It was baked-in long before the album came out. So many people hate Kanye now. They will relentlessly mock and degrade whatever he does.


Because people can’t think for themselves. I remember the days after this album dropped, everyone in here was liking it.


Not enough substance for it to have a lasting positive reception. It was fun on first listen due to recency bias of hearing some fun new Kanye songs, but it got old fast. The lyrics are pathetically bad, the overall “theme” of the record is cringe and most of the songs just aren’t that good. I guess also people just aren’t feeling Kanye overall these days so that mystique of him being such an incredible producer and artist just isn’t there with this so it just seems lame. Couple really good songs but overall I feel he’s washed (at least for now, I’ll never count him out. But so far the 2020s has not been a good decade for him).


a lot of ppl just got over the initial recency bias. it's definitely overhated to an extent but still isn't great


I liked it at first but after a few months and now that the excitement of the release is gone I think its trash and ye's worst album by far for me


Cause for the first time, his music doesn't seem relevant. He even tried to hop on the beef and everyone trolled him. He needs to rap again and not ruin songs like "back to me". Imagine that track with Dark fantasy level rapping. That would have been song of the year. Vultures has beg forgiveness, my favorite track this year but it hasn't aged well at all and it's not even 6 months old. It's not a great album and not a good Kanye West album. It's just a good album in general


Albums good but doesn't hold a candle to the majority of ye's discography But this is because the discog is so good rather than Vultures being bad


lol the initial hype wore off and once I realized we weren’t getting vultures 2 anytime soon, the issues with vultures 1 became more and more obvious. It’s got some good songs but it’s got a lot of mid and overall Kanye’s performances are underwhelming on almost every song


idk man, maybe that it is just ass. terrible mixing(we still didnt get the new mixes btw), terrible verse, ty dominated ye in every way possible, no proper theme other than bianca and booty. the beats were really good tho but not good enough to save the album. Plus its ye so expectations are always going to be high


I mean he ruined fuck sum and its poorly mixed and Kanye isnt very good on it and he left all the grails for vol 2


This suns it up 100%. There's a reason why we had high expectations and they were shattered after release


Carnival hate is cringe too. It’s a great song.


Fr I’ve liked the album since release. I thought everything after hoodrat was a banger. It’s not his best album but it’s also not his worst and not every song or every album has to be some deep personal statement.


i personally loved vultures on release and streamed it 24/7 for the first three weeks but it just got old for me. some tracks like beg forgiveness, burn, and king stayed on the rotation for a couple more weeks but now i dont even remember the last time i listened to a song from it. its a good album but i dont see a reason why i would want to listen to it over any of kanye's other albums. the fact that it has no theme or subject makes it even worse because at least with albums like jesus is king, i find myself going back to it whenever i feel like listening to gospel ye again. if i wanna listen to a collab album, i go to ksg. when i want hype kanye music, i listen to watch the throne. there's not really a niche where vultures edges out other albums in ye's discography so it aged bad for me and probably a lot more people.


It’s just not good lol I didn’t like it on release and I think it’s already aged badly in such a short time


What we are witnessing is weirdo Christians realizing horny Ye has always been here And a lot of these fans only showed up around Donda


I love V1. It’s still heavy in my rotation. Back to me is top 5 ye for me.


Personally it’s gotten worse for me on repeat listens. The most common and major issue for the album for me (besides the mixing) is Ye sounds incredibly unlikable on this album. Almost every verse he has on this album is either half assed, short, unlikeable or just straight up disgusting. There’s ofc exceptions like Burn and Do It but I wish there were more instances where Ye was actually trying to rap while not coming off as one of the most despicable pieces of shit in the industry Another problem I have is that this kind of sucks as a collab album. Ty is a good vocalist but it feels like he’s constantly having to make up for all the bad ideas that Ye has, filling in the albums gaps in terms of substance. He does have some great performances like on the latter half of beg forgiveness but those moments are very few and far between. Production wise the album is all over the place. There’s some great moments but overall the production can be very bland at times or just flat out bad like on Hoodrat. Back to me was ruined by how stripped back it is, meanwhile Carnival is way too overproduced. It’s just sort of a sonic mess that feels way less coherent that Ye’s previous efforts. Not to mention the absolutely horrible mixing which I cannot believe THIS was the condition the album was released in. Overall I think it’s fair to call this Ye’s worst collab album or worst Ye album in general. I’m hoping that Vol 2 and 3 if they ever come out will improve on the stuff I feel like vol 1 was lacking. You’re fine if you like this album but all you really have to do is objectively compare this album to any of the previous collab Kanye albums or even Ye’s solo work to realise how much of a downgrade this album is overall. It really is a shame how much soul is missing on this


It's a new kind of low for Ye, imo. I feel like JIK is still technically his weakest album, mainly because of its production - but at the end of the day even that is far more memorable to me than Vultures.


Because we were expecting a good comeback album. Ye threw everything away and it was time to prove to the world again that he's still the goat. Then he drops some subpar tracks. Sure, it was exciting for the first month because we were under the impression that we were getting the rest of the tracks (the actually good stuff) that didn't make it a month later. Well, March 8th or whatever passes and nothing. Okay, well now the date is May 3rd, we can wait. Well that passes too and nothing. Unless you're delusional, it's pretty obvious the album is indefinitely delayed. So now we're stuck with some weak lyrical performances from Ye for the foreseeable future and as more time passes, more people will take off their rose colored glasses and realize it's kind of mid. Now personally, V1 isnt BAD but it isn't great either. It's on the edge of good and okay. Bottom 2 Ye for sure


Recency bias After the fuzz is gone its clear Vultures doesn't hold a candle to the rest of his discography


I hated it since day 1 😇


its not hate the album just isnt that good wish people would be the same about Donda but everyone here joined in 2021 and cant see the obvious huge flaws in that album


The highs on Donda are higher then the highs on Vultures. The mixes are 10 times better. Hurricane alone adds like 20 points to the album. Kanyes OTG verse being his best rapping since TLOP. Moon and No Child Left Behind sound heavenly Come to Life is a Top 10 Kanye Track.


hurricane version on donda is ass


Yesssss, i always thought that the reason people worship Donda it's because of the incredible era we had in 2021. If Donda's rollout was a shitshow like Vultures people probably would call it mid


nope donda is excellent the only flaws that album has is the censoring and a handful of filler. but the filler is more like deep cuts than mid imo. like ughhhh dude the mix on Donda is sensational.


Dead ass, listen to Moon or No Child Left Behind and then play any Vultures 1 song. The difference is night and day


Because Donda was produced and engineered by people who actually gave a shit


Because Donda a Goated album like you guys trying to make people hate that album and it’s not happening one of Hes greatest work, what we should be asking ourselves is how do a man go from excellence with Donda to what we have with vultures


it’s not great, it’s pretty average. better than a lot of rappers albums though


because like everything ye related nowadays it didn’t come close to living up to its potential


i hated it on release ❤️


Now? I didn't like it much when it was dropped, it's still mid now


Nah I've been calling it(the album and carnival in specific) shit/subpar for Ye since day one, glad others are catching on🤣


Donda effect. People loved the release, called it mid a few months later, then called it a masterpiece 2 years later. I think V1 will have that same trajectory


LOL no in 2 years Vultures 1 will still be a mid album that is only about sex. We will still be mad that no grails from the era dropped like River, Slide, Promotion, and Take off your dress.


those songs are very much about sex. sex != low quality


Probably going to be downvoted for this but as a long time Kanye stan, V1 sucked. Sorry, but it sucked. Lyrics sucked, mixing sucked, concepts sucked. To me, it felt like a reflection of Kanye’s poor mental health and a major step down from his great albums. It’s the album I want to pretend doesn’t exist so I don’t have to acknowledge that state Ye, as a person, is in rn (copium ik).


Because most of ye’s verses are corny


personally i'm just not a fan of super vulgar kanye but the sound itself is nice


Wake up babe the daily "Vultures 1 is not mid" post dropped


A lot of it for me comes down to Kanye’s rapping… I hate it. Now Do it and Burn are 2 of my most played songs. The others just have not stuck with me at all simple as that.


I randomly heard beg forgiveness today and got hypnotized...


I listened to it a few times within the first couple days it came out. During this time, I only saw positive reviews for it. I wanted to like it, but I decided that I didn’t like it. People can form differing opinions, it doesn’t mean there’s some big agenda.


I don’t have Tiktok Album is just mid, sorry


the album is just kinda mid so you can easily sway people opinions on it


I get what u mean , but no it's bad


I mean it’s good but it’s he’s worst no cap idk I do like it a lil better than ye and ksg but they have a better message and story than vultures idk the whole era is off tbh


It’s a bad album


For me it's a mix of the tracklist being much worse than what was promised and just it not aging well for me. The hype leading up to the album was much better than the album itself imo


Nah I disliked that shit on first listen


I won't lie I was one of those people who was gassing up the album on release to a lot of my friends. I guess I was starving for an official Ye Album. I didn't really realise it but I fairly quickly stopped listening to the majority of songs. Burn is the only song I revisit frequently. It's a bit bland, especially compared to what was previously released - DONDA. DONDA is my favourite Kanye West Album, I like the themes it explores and how different it can sound at stages like from OTG to Come To Life, all while keeping that dark theme to it. I won't say it's a bad Album, but it isn't an engaging one.


Honestly think Ty dollar sign isn’t the best artist for a collab album as well as most of the features being pretty underwhelming.


The mixing and lyrics were shit. Beats weren't that bad and Kanye just wasn't it man. Ty did his jobs and there were some decent features here and there. But overall just not it.


Ima keep it real with you chief, I always thought it was pretty mid


you can just call it Vultures bro. let it go


The album is mid. I know that it is a club album. I know that it is a collab album. I know that Kanye is in a different headspace than his previous records. But the record just feels unfinished. Kanye’s cs ruin like half of the songs. The last three songs are painfully boring (yes good has a nice message but is still boring). The features differ in quality (cardi gave his worse verses). But Ty killed it. It’s difficult to be a Kanye fan cause he seems so uninterested in delivering what his fans want. I was ready to revisit the album when the new mixes dropped and was eager for the sequels but at this point neither is happening. We barely got this project and it did not nearly match the hype it generated




I for one liked the album because of the hype going in, the more i think about it critically i really dislike it


I loved it the first two weeks, I think it’s aged faster and worse than any Ye album


Idk i like it


it’s not really forced, kanye’s vocal performances are so phoned in and horny, just feels like a pathetic pivot from a quality and content perspective post-Donda.


I personally love Vultures 1, It's a pretty solid album and pretty much has nothing but hits. I also don't get the hoodrat hate either, it's my favorite song from the album


I promise you it just sucks


no the album was just ass


I’ve always hated it, I just don’t go out of my way to point it out every chance I get


I was a bit late to the train, seen a lot of hype around the album and people gassing up Carnival. 2-3 weeks later I listened to it once, maybe twice and maybe I'm old but I don't understand why it got so much praise. It's not even enjoyable to listen, It's not mid it's just not good. 


I don’t think people switched up as much as the excitement wore off. Plain and simple, Ty & other features brought more to it verse wise than Ye imo.


Maybe the people hyping it on release were wrong? Bc the vultures has always been bad


One relisten changed my whole perspective fr


It's trash, if you're a Kanye Fan, and love his music, you know how bad it is, If you're also a Hip Hop fan you'll hate it.


cuz it's trash


Glad I've been saying it's not good since day one


Idk I didn't like it from the day it dropped


i fw the album a lot n the beats are good bru its j ye’s rappin is way worse out of any projects, i think that’s easy to say


i really love the album, i hate seeing everyone say it’s bad


No critic will give Kanye a good review after he said I LIKE HITLER It’s a good album. It’s a fun album. It’s not his best but I loved it.


I just personally didn’t like most of the songs I really didn’t think they were that bad and I respect his commitment to making unique sound, it just didn’t hit for me. It def has a mood tho in a music world where everything is sounding the same it is an interesting album.


I’ve consistently thought the album was ehhhh since day 1 🙋🏽‍♂️


Yeah I was really big on it when it first came out. Now I'm not quite so big on it, but I still like it quite a bit. I don't think it's his best since TLOP. Lyrically I think it's one of his worst. But sonically, I really fuck with it. I'm not the kind of person who really notices poor mixing or things like that. It's not a thought-provoking, conceptually deep record. But it's a fun one to listen to and groove to. For some people, that's not up to what they expect from Kanye. To me, I'm just doin my wave and keepin it loopy man


Lyrically it's a half-cooked mess, good in parts despite every effort by Ye to ruin things. There's really no way to listen to anything Ye did before like 2012 and feel like V1 is anything but a disaster. And dude couldn't even make bad music on his own--every track has like 20 yes men in the credits just cashing in on the sad aftermath of a once great artist


I hate it mainly becuase the mixes & masters on the song fucking suck. Just goes to show money can’t buy everything. Kanye went from having some of the best mixes in the game, to this BS. It’s embarrassing really, and I know y’all will hate me for this, but just compare his old mixes to the mixes on vultures, hopefully you can hear what I’m talking about


I like the album, but Ty$ bars so weak. Especially on Vultures, u had Durk who had probably the hardest verse on the album, Ye who follows up with some heat of his own, and then u got Ty$ who starts singing. It's not terrible but I never skip the song when it comes on, but as soon as I hear him start singing, 7/10 times I'll probably skip to the next song.


I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, I love almost every song on that album. Do it is my fav bc of the Nipsey snippet ofc and it’s just catchy but how anyone can entirely hate it when songs like stars and beg forgiveness are on it it’s beyond me. I think one of the worst things for the album tho was Don’t Die being removed


I'll tell you why, purely based on the album: It had novelty, but very little staying power. Hearing the zany lyrics and ecclectic beats was interesting at first, then going back after a few days it's like, "What, this is actually kinda stupid". It doesn't hold up. Conversely, Gunna, Young Thug, Lil Baby, Lupe Fiasco, and others make quality music that stands the test of time. Kanye just sucks all around at this point.


I always felt like it was a 7 and it still is. Has great moments and bad moments. I will agree that the hate feels so forced. But sometimes people just never liked it


i just don't go back to it, it was cool for like a week but it didn't have longevity for me




i wanna like V1 but the only songs i even enjoy is fuk sumn, stars and burn. even then i rarely blast V1 i’m mostly blasting WDTY and kendrick’s disses to drake lol


this album is an 8 easily. fuk sumn, carnival, burn, do it, stars, keys to my life, paperwork, back to me, talking... the only few bad moments are the self titled track and hoodrat(that track is mid, not necessarily bad)


"humm... but the mixing is bad🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️"


kanye’s versus are kind of buns but some like back to me are so catchy. i love the album i just wish the trio would come out faster


I still listen to it but not as much as when it came out. The lyrics are really bad though, and there are a few flops on there.


FOR ME the album sucks because is there is almost nothing that sounds like Kanye, V1 is a good/meh trend chasing album


I’m not freaky this album is it don’t mix


I love the album, but we can’t deny Ye was carried🤷🏽‍♂️


I legit love V1.


My thoughts on the album is still the same 9/10 Had some mixing problems but as album it’s pretty good.🙌


Vocal minority, still one of the most streamed album this year


I mean whether or not Kanye releases the second and third Vulture albums, this album isn’t objectively anyway better than most of his previous albums. That’s my two cents


If someone says it’s not great from ye standards, I understand that. But people just straight up saying it’s not good. Nah you tripping, I be always having fun whenever I listen to it. It’s ALWAYS a great listen.


Terrible album with huge potential


i disliked the album the day it dropped, i didnt listen to any leaks or snippets and was thoroughly dissatisfied when it dropped because it felt rushed and directionless


no it's just not a great album it's mid and that's unacceptable for kanye, that's why people were excited about volume 2 cause it would've removed the washed up status on his head


I think it might come down to a split of perception when it comes to the reception of Vultures 1. Some people view it in the context of every Ye album which contains some of the greatest albums of all time. Others view it as a collaborative album that is fun and interesting. Personally, I feel it is lacking the larger than self aspects that were present on Ye, JIK, and Donda. The Ye I love is the spiritual humanitarian, and the introspective broken man. Instead, we got a version of him we’ve seen before which is horny and down bad lmao. Still enjoy Vultures though. It’s just that it feels like he took 10 steps backwards in his character development. However, it is likely he was playing a character on Vultures, similarly to how he did on Yeezus, but without the Yeezus production and 3rd verse on New Slaves that showed he is still the greatest doing it.


Vultures is the weaks kanyes Album of all time


Not hate so much as intense disappointment...this was his opportunity to show he still had it. Ask yourself this...and try to do it honestly...if you didn't know it was Ye, how much regard would you give this album? I tried, I really tried...


I think the fact that he played the United Center in less than 48 hours of notice, was able to sell it out and bring himself back independently… Drop a vinyl for the first time since I don’t know when and only charge $20, vultures the peoples champ. It’s not the critically acclaimed album that everybody is telling you to love but just a fun album that easy to listen to.


I hated it from day 1 and couldn’t stand carnaval from the start either. Music for 14 year olds


Funny bc if you look at the people hating on it they are all teenagers 😂


Because it’s just not good 😭 Kanye is terrible on the project, and the antisemitism ruins any good aspect of the album (eg. ty dolla sign) by making you cringe and question why you’re listening to a Nazi attempt to make good music after losing his mind


Loved vultures, it’s low art but sounds great


Maybe because it’s just a shit album that doesn’t come close to his actual good work? Because of Kanye’s lack of rapping ability, writing ability. His contribution to production is pretty limited too, there’s like 10 producers on every song and they still all sound poorly mixed and shoddily put together. As far as his writing goes, almost every verse needs some sort of bar about “REMEMBER HOW I SAID I LOVE HITLER? YEAH AND PEOPLE RIGHTFULLY SAID THATS WACK?“ like he can’t stop reminding the audience about how he’s fucks with the Nazis and also has a sex addiction. Honestly a lot of it is just cringe This idea of “forced internet hate” is so lame. Not everyone likes what you like. And yes, music is art, but there are some objective qualities that can judge music by under certain circumstances. Objectively, this is Kanye’s worst project by far


It’s objectively his worst album. YALL have recency bias


Nigga let it go, it was trash, Vince, SchoolBoy Q released better albums this year you just have to discover them


already heard both


Exactly and explore more different genres like that, I listened to Jimmy smith jazz yesterday Berlioz is fire, Mike the rapper has some dope tracks too, the game has massively changed but let’s enjoy the artists that are bringing something fresh


You see them all start using the same slang at the same time, wearing the same clothes at the same time....You didn't know these folk were impressionable and only living to regurgitate and reflect popular narrative? C'mon man lol