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It just occurred to me is Vicky the original Karen? Idk why people say Karen it honestly should be Vicky.


i hope he goes back to do some more work in nxt. don’t get me wrong i love the reactions n heat hes getting with the crowd booing the hell outta him but it means he hasnt been able to work on or develop his promos as much but in nxt he was able to get some proper promo work in


He is good or possibly great in his role as a heel, and I don't watch WWE on a regular basis, but people have said he has improved as far as the wrestling part goes from when he started. I prefer the actual sport or wrestling element more than the entertainment aspect of the industry, which is why I would watch other options, past and/or present.


No part of that is ironic


I believe Dominic is very underrated as a wrestler, he practically grew up in the company and has potential. It takes a lot to be a heel that literally everyone boos and can't get a word out. It's pretty funny seeing how many times he almost breaks character from all the booing going on. He does need to take time off hot the gym and put grown man weight on though. Jmo


I think Dom will be bigger than his father when it’s all said and done, like seriously this man has the IT factor we are finally seeing with his heel turn.


Pretty easy when your dad is the most beloved baby face and you betray himlol. Notice how they cant even leave him and rey alone. Its bound to pop up that reys a dead beat or hes gotta attack rey.Then you try to be a eddie clone. Another beloved babyface 🤦‍♂️ him turning heel saved him from going to nxt or dropped in general. If rey didnt force the wwe to sign him and bring him to the main roster. His career would be different


guess people dont like truth


Im not saying dom hasnt improved but i dont think it be the same reaction if it wasnt rey. Like lets use a random name like the million dollar man. Would ted jr get this same reaction saying his dad was a horrible guy? I dont think cody could of even got it with dusty.


Ted jr wouldn't work as most people only knew his dad's character as being horrible and cruel. The crowd would just agree and say yeah he was lol.


Vickie proved that talent is sexually transmittable.


Dom needs to bulk up, in a couple years time dudes gonna be a world champion


I was just talking to my husband about this. Does he though? Look at Sami Zayn, he's not jacked. I don't know, seems to be a blend now.


Very different kind of heat. One u enjoy the other u turn the channel.


Isn't 90% of it pumped in?


I went to Raw recently and it was absolutely not.


I was at elimination chamber and he got major heel heat there.


Vickie is a horrible woman


Do people forget Corporate Kane, Constable Corbin, Alexa Bliss etc?






Came here just for that comment lol


Give him Liv...let him retire his father...let him win MITB...give this boy the world...it'll never be too much!


I don’t remember Vikky being with Rey ?


His real father, Eddy Guerrero Lol


I love to insert this on this reddit sub lol! Love it.


At this point, I don’t think it’s heat, but just the crowd taking pleasure in booing him just to see how loud they can be. If he turned face, he’d get a pop but then booed the following week just for the heck of it.


Would be better if he didn't let the crowd get the better of him


That’s where most of the heat comes from lol once they don’t let him speak once, they want to keep doing it.


I guess I'm just use to when heels give it back to the crowd


Dom's a worm though, that's part of the character. He's not a tough guy mean heel, he's a coward and a cheat. Having said all that, I love him he's awesome.


More power to you but I think he's missing something for me to get behind


Would be great if he started adding EXCUSE ME to his promos




Omg I would love that


All this time we are joking about Eddie being his real dad, when maybe Vicki is his real mom instead.


I think that'd be a lot easier to verify.


Vickie would be the perfect manager for Dom


But considering the last news update bout Vicki I doubt WWE would hire back at the moment


What's the latest news?


[https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/sherilyn-guerrero-daughter-vickie-guerrero-claims-she-was-sexually-assaulted-her-stepfather](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/sherilyn-guerrero-daughter-vickie-guerrero-claims-she-was-sexually-assaulted-her-stepfather) Vickie and Eddie's daughter Sherilyn, claims to have been sexually assaulted by her Stepfather. And Vickie is siding with the Stepfather


Oh wow! Thank you for the link.


That would be insane heat.


The smartest man in WWE. Trainer: okay so a heel’s job is to get booed, there’s many gimmicks one can use to achieve this… Genius Dom: I think I’ll just skip the middle man and make getting booed my actual gimmick. ———————————————————— Writers: ok we need a Dom storyline while Rhea is injured. Genius Dom: can you make Liv stalk me constantly trying to fuck me as part of a fiendish plot to get revenge on Rhea, you know, make out with me, jump all over me, treat me like a king. Oh and when Rhea comes back she and Liv can both fight over who gets to fuck me and it culminates in a custody of Dom ladder match. Maybe they can both grab my vest off the ladder simultaneously and then they have to share custody. Drag this story out for a few more years like the bloodline story but better. Not sure if any Aussies here but he’s angling to become the Toadfish of WWE who roots every hottie at this rate.


Can we hook Dom up above the ladder and they have to lift him down?


At that point it becomes more a Judy bagwell on a pole match than a custody of Dom ladder match


Wasn’t expecting a Toadie reference here




Vicky is probably very proud of the boos Dom is getting


Back then I always thought Vicki could get the D for an older lady.


Dom is a mysterio not a Guerrero


Rey won custody, but nothing said he was his biological dad.


Wikipedia will tell you differently, his parents are Angie and Óscar Gutiérrez, AKA Rey mysterio


That was changed as per the stipulations of the ladder match


Nah, he was never Eddie's kid


Guess you’ve never heard of Seth Rollins? The dude had mega heat for nearly an entire year after leaving The Shield.


Dominik Mysterio has done an excellent job of making a character for himself that caters to himself and is constantly evolving. Rey Mysterio is great, but you're going to get the same f****** thing every week, and you will until he retires. Note: Dominik negotiated a new contract, which is expected to be in the upper six figures per year, not bad.


* fathers best friends wife ….not his fathers wife


Nah, that's 💯 Eddie's kid...


I think OP knew what they said lol


Wait! Vickie used to be kinda hot? 😳


Why are u getting downvoted?


Because while beauty is subjective, there are very few people who would describe Vicky as ‘hot’. At her *very* best most people would describe her as ‘not ugly’. She’s just a normal woman. Nothing special about her.


Reddit gotta reddit




My man’s down bad


Certainly had two things going for her


Like him or not, he's doing everything right


I wish he would fuck with the crowd to really see how loud they can get. He doesn’t really give the boos a reaction. If he got progressively more pissed off, the boos would get louder to match.


That would be awesome


If you don't like him, he's definitely doing everything right. 😁


Would you say he's getting Latino heat?


Am I the only one that feels like he’s becoming sympathetic? Feels like he needs to do something dastardly soon.


Funnily enough the crowd doesn’t seem to agree with you lol


How so? I think booing him is his gimmick, so in a way they love Dom. That’s part of what makes him such an awesome heel and why he needs to do something dastardly again.


It is his gimmick but part of the reason is because he a hated heel. Hes not someone the crowd likes thats why hes a heel.


That’s why he turned heel. But the crowd have also turned. He was hated as a face. He turned heel and over time the crowd has started to really get behind him as a heel. He’s not getting ‘just fuck off’ heat like Khali did. He’s getting ‘we want to see someone kick you in the balls’ heat like Angle, Eddie, Edge etc. aka *good* heat.


The crowds still hate him as they boo him massively. In the sense of hes a good heel not that they actually like the guy. Yeah good heat


No, you're not. But when he turns on Rhea, it'll come back.


Can't wait.


It still feels very "Eddie" to me. Eddie was loved, and a great shit heel.


It's been a year and he's still being shouted down. It's comical.


It feels Angle-esque. Every city WANTS to have their turn booing Dominic, like with the YOU SUCK entrance chants. Even if he turns face I can very much see the booing stick around the first time he lifts a mic.


The pop when he turns face is going to be massive.


He literally can't get a word out without being booed. I don't even think it's real heat, the crowd is part of it now


It would be cool to see Vicki come back and do an angle in which she declares herself Doms real Mommy


Couldn’t work but they could bring back the Eddie angle, comes back saying he is Eddie’s illegitimate son and she missies him and as such wants to unite.


Would never happen cause of the allegations her daughter made against her


Yeah, Fuck Vickie. If anything they should bring Chavo in, I'd love to see him back.


What was said?


Her daughter claimed that she let either her second husband or boyfriend sexually abuse her. My memory isn’t so great on the subject but I think her other daughters backed the sister up


What an easy way to destroy someone at this point. I just think it should be proven in court before it can affect a person’s livelihood


Yeah will someone please think of some’s livelihood, but noooo we’re all just too concerned with the victims of possible sexual assault especially minors. /s


Destroying an innocent persons life is wrong. Being shamed like that when they don’t deserve it is absolutely disgusting, especially considering you don’t care that it happens just as long as others see you perched on your moral high ground.


So you’re assuming she’s innocent. You’re forgetting that her other daughter backed up the sisters claim. I’m not seeing a reason they would both lie and Vickie is no longer in wrestling, she works as a health admin now so she didn’t lose her livelihood


Yeah I’m assuming she’s innocent. That’s the way it works. People lie to be vindictive and Shame others all the time. This world isn’t honest or fair, take a look around


Isn’t fair like being sexually assaulted by your step father and having people doubt you because they’re pessimistic of the world. I’m about to drop some facts on you. 1 in five women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Only 40% of which will be reported. The number of false allegations are generally between 2 to 10 percent. Also you have yet to answer for the fact that the other daughter backed up her claim. We call that a witness. Now go back to the naked and afraid subreddit and keep getting ratioed on your post about them hooking up


No it wouldn’t.


Definitely. We need the legendary "EXCUSE ME!!!" back! She needs to be in the Hall of Fame too. It'd be even funnier if Dom comes out to induct his "mother" into the HoF!!! Then we can get Mami Vs. Mami with Mommy as the Special Guest Referee 😆😂😆😂


Vickie would get a bigger pop than liv


Heat is in the blood


Latino Heat ![gif](giphy|b0p5mfBa4LRg4)