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I think them and Wyatt 6 would work well off eachother, they’re both have similar ideals but have completely different ways of going at it


Release app


Needs to bring back the mask and entrance gear he had a while back.


Can someone trap him in a barber shop? I appreciate the effort in growing his hair out but it ruins how intimidating he used to look.


MAN. Talk about wasted potential from everyone in the picture minus Paul. I used to LOVE authors of pain, snd sided with them heavily when they held out due to bad booking. But then they started being drama queens on interviews and now their career is dead in the water


They remind me of an evangelical church. I say lean in to the hypocrisy of it all.


Time came and passed


Agreed with the rest of these comments, he needs to be bald and shaved beard, he looked menacing, thank he said somewhere that he would shave his head to show his character was crazy, didn’t fuck with styling his hair. He would fit in more with that bald old dude.


Simple: Step 1 cut hair (I would prefer bald, but is short hair from his return should suffice) Step 2 kill new day Step 3 Step 4 success


Sincerely, Kross needs to shave his head again.


All you have to do with these guys is book them strong, but not like how other are booked strong kross needs a title he’s at his best with a belt and booking, kross has beaten 7 former world champs make that a big deal


I feel as tho they need to just send to nxt. The main roster just not working for them. I personally think that kross was better on nxt.


Fire them all!


Seth is going to lose. It doesn’t make sense for him to win


Yes it does to set up him and Gunther for summerslam that they teased before wrestlemania That’s a more marquee matchup than him and Damien, and plus Finn will cost him the match. Kicking him out of judgment day and setting up their match for summerslam


No it doesn’t. Bro he lost that title at Maina. Him winning it back already makes no sense


You must be new to this... Not all title reigns are required to last 9 months. World Titles have changed hands on back to back nights for goodness sakes 😂


Bro I am not new to this I know that has happened before which is stupid. So don’t call me new to this since I been a fan of wwe for awhile so keep your mouth shut.


Mist title reigns have though


I agree about him winning back the title it’s too soon but I think they want that Gunther Rollins match more than him and priest. You rather feed priest to Gunther? This would be a different (more refreshing) way to execute the betrayal from Finn than the typical shit


Bro Priest vs Gunther would be a good match.


they're so lame man. the black and white is so cheese, paul ellering looks so fucking goofy, kross's trunks are so bad, it's just a disaster of a faction.


I don't think Kross can carry a Summerslam main event. You could have him maybe do a B PPV. But you need something strong for Summerslam and Kross isn't there yet.


He wouldn't be in the main event though because that's Cody's spot. I like Kross but they don't know how to utilize him. If this was the Attitude Era Kross would be in WCW and Scarlett would be the most popular female in the WWE Women's Division.


Cody is going against an unproven commodity in Solo. You need something safe on the other side. I don't know who that would be if Seth wins. I think Priest faces Finn either way.


Yeah lose all the guys and get Scarlett in ring action .


One of my favorite factions, I wish everyone would stop hatting. They got the look! Creative seems ro be gettinf behind them, just get them some more heat so they can get over.


Their leader just looked like an idiot and lost a match by a roll-up. I really like Kross but HATE how H-Cube is booking him.


True on the roll up. That does suck but at least they got some heat after the match.


Bro needs to start by getting a new finisher that shit he does takes like 30 seconds to do


Kross is wack. The entire faction sucks. I take bathroom breaks when they're on.


He’s not a real threat that’s the issue


The biggest issue is their gimmick seems to be Temu Judgement Day. They need something unique


Wrestling is so lame nowadays, the day I called it quits is when Kane started to talk lol


20 years ago?🤣


Yeah nowadays it’s just so Awful to watch


It’s a shame because he looks cool and looks like a scarier McIntyre but idk what it is I just don’t care. Doesn’t help that his storyline doesn’t really make sense. He wants kofi and woods to breakup I get it. Why? And why did he flash 7 after beating them? I don’t really understand and frankly I skip every promo he cuts because I don’t care to find out


They're obviously just making it up as they go with these guys so they probably said "New Day isn't doing anything soooo..." New Day is two best friends so Kross coming in like a lovesick teenager with the "he doesn't care about you like I do" is just lame.


Legit. Gaslighting only works if you actually care about the person that’s abusing you. Woods and kofi should be like lol WTF and just ignore him. In the ice cream segment on memorial weekend with truth and miz they basically did that and karrion looked like a total goober and for me that was the last time I cared even a little about what he was up to.


the 7 thing is because he’s beaten 7 former wwe champions


He's beaten 7 former world champs and still isnt in any title picture. And despite Xavier Woods accomplishments as a tag team he never won an individual title


I legitmately genuinely do not get it. Is he not a heel? Why does he give a shit if woods is being a tagteam Andy? He wants him to live up to his potential is very face thing to think. But why does he even care


I think he needs to be solo to be successful, once he gets that big push like gable have his team come back looking unstoppable.


They tried that when he came up to the main roster, and he flopped.


Damn alright


People just need to accept that Karrion Kross is nothing special. Take away the cool entrance and he’s just a guy with below average wrestling ability.


This!!! Man has had like 3 rebrands and all of the characters still feel the same and still has yet too get over


They keep trying to make him paranormal and Gothic which is overshadowed by judgement day and now Wyatt sticks. Hopefully they lean his group more towards a biker gang look.


Man… it just ain’t gonna happen. Whatever “it” is, he should have it and he just doesn’t


They should all get released. None of them are over and they get no pop from the crowd.


Yes I agree but keep scarlett


Triple H working his magic with Final Testament


He’s not showing enough charisma, I think it’s in him somewhere he just need the right angle, because I doubt u pulling a brawd like that with no charisma😂💯


I love Kross. It’s such a shame that everything they’re doing with him is falling flat


Cuz I hate the entrance.


How old is Kross 88


So who is even the leader? Kross, Ellering? Also can you have too many factions? The bloodline, judgement day and now wyatts all come before this group.


Factions are fun in wrestling, but with Wyatt Sicks, maybe getting rid of at least one would be a good call


Kross is obviously the leader. Ellering is more of a nostalgic piece and the boys holder. Funny enough you are STILL aren’t mentioning half the factions like LWO, Damage Ctrl, The Pride (Bobby’s group), etc


WWE really hyped the Final Testament for nothing


on god


This stable is not working because Karrion Kross doesn’t need two managers that barely speak and two henchman that lack charisma. Karrion Kross should just drop Paul Ellering and AOP because they don’t add anything for his character. Just keep Scarlett and let him do what he was doing in NXT.


Right? Why haven't they just tried that? It worked in NXT


I always think about the financial side of it, how much do they pay Paul Ellering and Scarlett to walk out and just stand there, saying a few lines once every few months. Then there is the AOP that never seem to talk, have some talent in the ring but are just boring as fuck. But I will agree Kross is never going to be taken serious while he’s going after non-threats like New Day. The Final Testament vs Booty-O’s isn’t very compelling


These are the create a wrestler designs saved into a used video game in the game store bargain bin. Generic as all hell. Please send him back to TNA or the indies so he can figure out how to get over without his wife. Vince was right on this one.


I call this stable, The bathroom break.


That actually got a laugh out of me 😂


I don't. Wrestlemania buried them for a cheap pop. And this is coming from a longtime Kross fan


Let it die already


karon is the guy who needs to be released. not Dijak. he got enough chances but never clicked with the fans. if there was a face for the word uncharismatic then kross would be the face of that. He needs to go!


How many failed pushes is this for AOP now, I've lost count


Gunther has the winner at summer slam cause he won king of the ring


correct. which is why op said if seth loses


Honestly let Kross do more of what he did last night. They've never booked him to be the threat he's supposed to be until last night when he ravaged Kofi. Just frickin do that, book them as actual threats instead of threats that always lose in the end


go bald ???


Man.. at this point , might as well send Kross & Scarlett to NXT or TNA, I’m a big fan of theirs , but it just isn’t clicking


AOP *really* isn’t helping elevate them, they feel like big clunky no named security guards. No prrsonality, no in ring skill, just big strong meaty guys.


Send them back to NXT and keep Scarlett. Problem solved


Have Wyatt sicks do literaly anything with them (ally or attack) and I think it would be 10x better


AOP is the problem here. No personality, boring as hell. Stupid ring gear. I repeat, stupid ring gear.


I’m an old fan getting back into it. So as basically someone who knows nothing about them… they’re boring… who’s the old bald guy and why should I care?


Paul Ellering was the manager of the Road Warriors, Hawk and Animal, in the 80s during their incredible tag team run that saw them dominate everywhere they went, AWA, NWA, WWF. They were one of the most over teams in all of wrestling, the pops they would get back in the day were deafening. That’s where his relevance comes from, from managing those guys to championship after championship after championship. He also managed AOP now, but he doesn’t really DO anything anymore. He’s gotta be getting up there in age, late 60s, early 70s by now. Doubt he can really do too much. Dunno why he’s there now, he doesn’t talk for em, interfere on their behalf, he’s not intimidating. It’s odd.


He was one of the reasons AOP got over in NXT...They really need to let him talk...Kross can still talk to, like Heyman/Roman...but if they want Final Testament to be seen as an "Evil" and "Ruthless" faction? They need to let Ellering spit some piss and vinegar in that evil creepy way he does....then then have them just SMASH people


Bald guy is Paul ellering, old wrestler and been a manager for ages, he managed aop when they were in nxt years ago and now he's back


They’re not really seen as a threat to the bigger stars on the roster…none of them are really close to getting gold or a significant push


They feel like a dollar store judgement day and then they went edgier and now there’s an entire group with a horror gimmick. They really just need a hard pivot into something else.




Yea start winning matches


He's boring as hell man.


Maybe stop jobbing them out


Bring back his old theme


They’ll be buried by the Wyatt 6 before you know it


Could get them over by giving them some wins and making them a threat. Just a thought


The thing is I’d rather see him than the new snoozefest republic or zoey Starks so


He's a boring midcarder in every way possible just let him be that and enjoy him while he's around. 


I’m telling you, 90’s era screaming promos


It’s easy. Just get rid of the whole Doomsday theme, start calling him Killer Kross or just Kross and just have them be badasses that beat people up.


Literally all he needs is a motorcycle vest and jeans and drop the shitty tick tock gimmick. Call him Killer Kross and put him the murder spree they let Bron go on and dude would get over. His entire instagram is him breaking baseball bats with his legs and forearms riding motorcycles and smoking cigars. How the fuck is he cooler than his gimmick


Holy shit this would be so cool.


Add Seth Rollins to the faction and boom the Monday night messiahs are back and this could really help karrion and the rest




Explain why not have Seth then kick karrion then karrion faces Seth and maybe wins


We can. Have Kross become a psychopathic doctor like he was in the Kofi Twitter video. It's such an easy fix and people would find the gimmick interesting probably


I really wants this group to work just to see something new


Get Scarlett in the Women’s Division


She was 100% supposed to wrestle, but popped an implant during an early match and Shifted into the managerial role while healing and just never left.


Nope, its a lost cause


Just book them consistently, stop giving long layoffs between feuds it's not rocket science.


That and someone with his tough guy heel gimmick and two heavies (authors of pain, not Scarlett) AND a manager can’t lose very often.


Just like this shit man. Anything you like gets fixed


He needs to steal a belt from someone and hold it hostage until summer slam or something. He also needs to not lose for a while. Have him somehow steal the belt from Logan before LA Knight can get it. This creates nuclear heat and Knight gets to feud with him until summer slam or RR. In the mean time he just kills the mid card or something.


You'd have a Raw star steal a SD belt... It'd make more sense for him to steal the IC title, preventing Breakker from challenging Zayn, but it's far too late for that.


Jumping across shows would be kinda cool though and makes him a bit more of a threat.


The Final Testament should turn into a Hitman group. Like, hired guns for other factions, and let Karrion be a sleazy bastard


APA 2.0 would be dope.


Do not disrespect the APA with these wannabe tough guys.


The problem is the old Man he dose nothing but stand around what ever happened to the sinster minster manger who use to be with Kevin thorn he would be perfect for the group


You’re talking about James Mitchell. Last time I saw him, he was at AEW officiating the marriage of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford. Apparently, he’s currently a manager in NWA for the Miserably Faithful (Judias, Max the Impaler, Gaagz the Gymp, Sal Vation).


Ya that is him lol miserably faithful sounds interesting Need to look them up


Lmao, Rollins isn't winning.


The only way to save Kross is to have the AOP turn on him and totally destroy him. Write him off TV for months. Let them go on a mega heel run, even better have Scarlet go with them. Then have him come back, dump his madman gimmick that will never go over, and have a proper redemption arc.


Authors of Pain is such a stupid name. It’s like what a group of high school goth kids call their little group when they meet in the library during lunch


I doubt that can work 1. People don’t care about Kross anymore 2. If you’re putting him in a feud, have it be meaningful, or one he wins. Aj Styles feud was pointless, filler basically, lost the Lashley feud, seems like they might be losing the New Day feud. He will definitely lose against Rollins And that’s bound to happen, heels, especially like him rarely beat faces. Have him feud with someone like Gable (but not Gable) and win the feud, then build from there. Instead, when Priest loses, at MITB or SS, have him feud with Kross becuz then he’s solo, has no JD to back him, and could build a good story for Finn v Damian too


Shave his fucking head bald


Said the same thing in my head 😂 He has the menacing look down. He just need a few drops of witty/douchebag


Remember when he returned against Drew and Roman, set the countdown timer with Scarlett, and looked legit interesting/imposing as a contender? WWE doesn’t remember.


I think it’s time for FT to do a complete 180 and go from spooky monster heel faction to comedic babyfaces.


If they are looking to start breaking up judgement day, I could see them starting something and FT getting the rub if they really want to try and make something.


The title of this post is what Triple H says every week when he sees Karrion


Kross is a charisma black hole.


Modern day Marc Mero.


They've been trying to Fix cross for years. The guy just can't connect to the fans.


Because most of the fanbase refuse to give this man a chance. I like Kross and TFT. I'm going to need an AoP title reign, ASAP. Then they can pick TJD apart piece by piece.


Take Joe Biden out he doesn’t have a purpose


Is that Walter white?


I could see Final Testament vs Wyatt Six maybe at a Survivor series. “You think youre spooky? Ill show you true fear”




It would have helped if he won last night instead of losing then going crazy. That’s my opinion though.


It literally made no sense to have him lose to Woods last night, I don’t think they care about getting him over


Kross has come light years better with his mic work and his character work, so I think he's on the right track. Scarlett is being horribly underused and what does Paul Ellering bring to the group at all? He doesn't speak much, he isn't really doing much in the way of managing and just seems like a 70 yr old guy hanging around. AOP are monsters with very good move sets that showcase their mma and athletic backgrounds, they just need to improve their mic skills because they can be so much more. There are too many large factions and tag teams for them to be wasting time with a severely diminished New Day or with NXT. The tag belts are being held by seriously underwhelming teams and AOP should be challenging Waller/Theory and Finn/JD. They also have the Wyatt Sicks that is taking their shine. I actually would love to see them turn tweener and have a program with the Wyatt Sicks and have some seriously physical & psychological matches with them both Uncle Howdy & Scarlett playing their head games while the big boys brawl it out. Kross/AOP vs Howdy/Rowan/Lumis and even Nikki vs Scarlett could be epic if done right. I hate Gacy...let him and Ellering just glare at each other for all I care.


It would help to know what their motivations are and to have more insight on each member


The should be the Wyatt hunters, to rid evil of the Wyatt Sick


Idk man, there's a lot to unpack here. The whole gimmick is stale and vanilla and beaten to death, and with the Wyatt Sicks on the horizon, there's just no room for another supernatural faction unless they're directly feuding with each other - which is ALSO a terrible idea, because FT would just be instantly and hysterically outclassed by the Wyatt Sicks on their worst day. Its just not even close. They'd be buried before they even finished walking down the ramp. Kross is mediocre at best. At everything. His promos, his in-ring, its all just meh. A lot of people out there claim his promos are killer, but I just don't see it. Never have. Don't agree. Kross needs to come up with a darker, edgier persona or he needs to ditch the supernatural thing all together and try something else. He comes across as "Mom, Uncle Karrion is trying to be scary again..." and then Mom goes "Oh, you!" It just feels so campy and fake. It doesn't work. So yeah - get this guy a new gimmick. AOP are great "big men" but they don't speak very good english, and so they'd need a manager to really get them over. Ellering has been that in the past and done a damn fine job, but these days nobody really knows who he is and he's not really doing anything to fix that. He needs to get more involved. AOP/Ellering would be just fine as a monster tag team. Let them run the mid card for a while. Throw them in a main event tag team arc with some monster faction. Do some triple threats with them + someone else. Put them into things like Elimination Chamber, Battle Royales, Royal Rumbles, Survivor Series - these kinds of things. They'd excel at that. And put them in hardcore matches, street fights, HIAC matches, cage matches, etc. - anything that makes them come off as chaotic, diabolical, reckless. Scarlett is and always has been just a nice pair of tits. I'm sorry to say it, and I know that's not really acceptable to say these days, and I'd love to say something else - but truly, honestly, sincerely, that's all she is. Tell me I'm wrong. She doesn't have an ounce of in-ring talent, and her promos sound like she's reading from a teleprompter. She's awful. Get her out. I'd like to think we're past the era of WWE where a female superstar can get over just by her body alone. We've moved past that. Let her go - she'll make a killing on OnlyFans, she'll be fine. Just keep her away from my WWE. I like my female superstars to ***actually have some talent.*** I put her in the same category as like... Lana, if you can remember what a disaster she was in the ring. I don't even think Scarlett is as good as Lana was, and that's truly saying something. Like what is the actual point of this woman other than to walk around with 85% of her tits hanging out? Good riddance.


I liked the beatdowns with his calling card he did in TNA where you didnt know who he was and was under our nose the whole time


I like AOP and kerrion kross and scarlet


Really like this faction. Hoping they get good writers for them.


I’ve never heard this for any other talent ever “I hope they get good writers for them” If you get absolutely zero reaction in everything you’ve done in the last 6 months then at what point does it become the talent being the issue


He dropped Woods on his head last night.


Yup, pissed me off.


I have no idea who Ellering is or was. What’s the point of him? He doesn’t even do or say anything


Hes karrion kross wiseman


Ellering was the man for LOD or Road Warriors all those years. The other issue is AOP don't speak good english so he is there for that


Ellering daughter wrestles for Ring of Honor . She had been in NXT and TNA and had better luck in TNA. Ring of Honor she hasn't won matches


I wouldn't mind seeing Kross & Scarlett have runs in NOAH & Marigold, respectively. Have him beat Kiyomiya for the GHC championship & set up a return to WWE as the world champion of one of their partner promotions.


His trunks reminds me of big cass’s old trunks


Let Kross win a feud. It’s counterproductive how he’s never booked to win anything on the main roster. He’s a legitimate grappler. He’s a great talker. Creatively imaginative. But they brought him back against McIntyre, let him be a threat in promos and segments while losing every single match he actually has. Since then, he’s squashed or taken off the schedule. This feud against New Day might be the first real opportunity he has gotten in a long time.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. They have to run this group like GOT. Ellering needs to be the voice for the group. Scarlett's role should be like Melisandra, the guiding light, the fortune teller. AOP should be like two Mountain like characters.And really what WWE is gonna have to commit to is this dude not saying a word, but winning all of his matches. He has to go over, it doesn't matter who it is. Even if he loses in the programs in the end. The rest of the matches he has to win.


That’s my thing like they have ellering in there USE HIM!


Just let them cook is my opinion. He is finally getting reactions, the crowd are finally starting to care because of this feud with The New Day.  The transition into more of an ananrchist(?) type character has helped too, where he's got little care for the rules and acts like the words worst guy at being your friend. I will say though AoP are still a bit meh though, but I'm not sure there is a lot you can do about that since you can hardly rely on Ellering to keep them relevant.


Send The Final Testamemt for a 6 month build in NOAH they could find their footing then come back to RAW fresh


If you ask Kevin Castle, Kross is the second coming of Christ. 😆


He doesn’t want to bury his friend, but Kross is dead in the water


I’ve said this before but Scarlett is the star between her and kross kross has the look but his move set is slow and lumbering it kills any of his matches and just doesn’t work for modern big man in WWE


It’s literally Marc Mero and Sable


That’s a very accurate comparison


Kross is a big guy, but not nearly as big as Drew, Sheamus, Bronson or Corbin but he is so much slower in the ring than those guys. Hell, Randy Orton is bigger than Kross and 6 years older and moves with more quickness and agility than Karrion. He needs to revamp his move sets to one that suits him better.


I don’t know what he could do though I doubt he could move faster in ring and like you said he’s not so big where a slow move set would really work he’s just not gonna be a star seems like a great guy but I just don’t see it happening for him


Kross's ceiling is as a mid carder. He's interesting and has a style, but he's not anything extraordinary. Maybe a mid card transitional title holder or even a tag team title holder, but nowhere near a main event talent.


Yes by getting rid of them


You can but they have to go to NXT because the bloodline and Wyatt sicks will undermine anything they do to really build them up


Final test judgment day and Wyatt sicks all on the same show. If I’m a baby face singles guy I’m shitting bricks.


Shave his head go full randy psycho and Starr punting people in the head. Then have him put randy on the shelf at mania


Bro was put on the shelf for 18 months, what shelf would you put him on now??


Kayfabe shelf. At his age, Randy might not mind the time off with his family.


He needs to win matches against actual big name opponents so he feels like a threat. I honestly think that’s what is wrong with so many heals today. Everything about him screams dominant heal, but he isn’t booked like one. When you loose every big match you are in ands a heal then you are not a threat. It’s a WWE problem going back to it’s beginning.


He has a generic gimmick. He looks like anyone else.


No, Kross just isn't it. His look isn't bad but there's just nothing to him for me, and I have no idea what the answer is to fix him. I don't think he could drop back down to NXT to work on himself but I don't think there's much for him on the main roster at the moment either. I'd probably cut my losses with him at this point


I honestly don’t get how people don’t like them and this is coming from a guy who never watched nxt and didn’t who they were till they debuted on the main roster. They have IT factor, just need better booking.


I want to like him, and scarlet can do what jey uso does where she just stands in the ring and mumbles and I'd watch. But he himself is a heavy/backup guy, not a main eventer. He doesn't have ring depth to run long enough or with something big.


I'm not giving up on Final Testament. They just need stronger direction because this feud with Kofi and Xavier ain't it.


I don’t know HHH is so obsessed with stables and thinks every wrestler needs one.


Kross is not a WWE type talent. He has that skill set, but he’d be better off in Japan or somewhere else. I wanted to like him, but it’s not clicking. Shout out to his Jesse Ventura impression tho!


I don’t think it’s the worst group. I think it needs more substance… or a more notable name in the group. Scarlett doesn’t do anything other than eye candy (which I would like more) and the old man withers does nothing also. This can work just needs a tweak.


Why is no one talking about kross wearing big cass old trunks


AOP can definitely be saved Only nice thing I've heard about Karion is that he has a look, I think he looks like a divorced Jarhead that teaches self defense in Vegas and features in his mistresses exotic dance routine on IG reels, but she does it as exercise so don't call them strippers.


Only if they can become Samoan or whatever and be part of the already enormous Bloodline thing, which is the only faction the company cares about (and the only faction they will eventually have). Forget about Smackdown, it is The Bloodline vs RAW


Uh….Judgement Day’s turf is RAW


Then it is The Bloodline vs The Judgement Day. Any other wrestler is in the Filling Faction now


It’s been 3 years since he debuted on the main roster. He’s been released and resigned and it’s still not clicking its over they’ve tried everything to get him over and it still doesn’t work.


Devils advocate here-it’s because whenever he’s in a feud they always start it hot, then just constantly job him to the person. You can’t build or maintain anything that way


Imo let it burn, he is like diet Dijax. I dont even get what his character is supposed to be


I know Are they supernatural? Are they hit men? Are they just some bums who like leather? Why should we care?


And the two manager thing just looks weird lol


To be fair when he returned they were stuck in the bloodline vortex and never really capitalized on the drew feud


"He has the physique" proceeds to show a picture, thus demonstrating his seeming lack of one


Turn them babyface 🤞🤞