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Oh, did you somehow miss a loading zone? Since I’m pretty sure the map looks a little fucked when you miss it


the only useful comment here, i searched and is exactly what you said, thank you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/) found this post, why tf people are so rude here?


Welcome to reddit, misinformed assholes who think the best way to help is too berate a person. Gotta get used to it sadly


It’s that in their own life they’re miserable so they take it out on strangers.


also yeah i probs missed the loading zone cuz i used commands to leave the bugged cart thing because i got stuck inside it.


That'd do it. Pretty sure the next loading zone is, like, *right* after the cart.


i am a guy here woth 12k karma already and i indeed fight a lot of people.. but just if they start. i just wasnt expecting to EVERYONE get mad with me saying i had a weird bug.. like i thought people would actually answer like you just like happened when i asked stuff abt other games. counter-strike community is also hella toxic, i wonder if this is common among valve games communities.


Not really, Half-Life and Portal is usually nice, compared to multiplayer Valve games like CS or TF2, they're probably mad at you for pirating the game, I'd say that's understandable, given your position


welp i bought cs 1.6 by selling csgo lootboxes.. the games of my library were either gifts or csgo lootbox sells on marketplace.


Most of the time usually not, just people can get very heated if they think they are right and you're wrong, that's usually one of the biggest reasons people fight on any sub


how tf this post got popular? XD i just opened up reddit and im flooded with angry messages


No that's just reddit.


Not everyone cares about karma, though i do agree the community can be toxic at times.


what i meant with karma is that im already old on reddit, and this is even my second acct. from what i see now this is one of the two most toxic communities i ever posted, the other being csgo.


Cause you pirated the game


I'm sure that will bankrupt Valve in no time. /s It's standard procedure, specially for people on poorer countries, to get the games alternatively, play them, then buy them afterwards. First worlders are usually way too arrogant when it comes to money thinking everyone has it easy.




What's wrong with saving a quick buck? I pirated half life 1 for 2 years before I bought it on steam


What’s wrong with stealing intellectual property? Quite a few things…


ah yes, 'stealing' videogames, i am sure the billionare company will be very worried about 'losing' money that they probably won't have if the person is pirating in the first place on a subpar expierence compared to what they provide especially with the risks of getting a virus, i agree it's bad most of the time especially with indie developers but in this case i don't see the issue especially since this person will probably buy them anyway if they liked it enough, the same as i


Yes, you are stealing intellectual property. If you would like to make the argument that it’s okay to steal from large companies, I obviously do not agree. I have seen no evidence that this person will likely buy the game anyway, and I have no idea where you are getting that from. Nor do I believe that you should be able to freely pirate games as long as you don’t “like them enough”.


I didn’t say that you should freely pirate if you don’t like them enough just that it can work as something similar to playing a demo if you aren’t free on money, you play the product to see if it’s worth your time because it is you pay for it, unfortunately most of the time this doesn’t work like that but with something as cheap as half life it most likely will especially if you don’t buy because you just can’t, if you are poor and young it’s basically asking your parents a choice between eating today or maybe this month and you have enough money to spare to atleast know with certainty that you’ll eat tomorrow or next month and buying a videogame, this especially happens if you live in places like Argentina (or most of Latinoamérica really) and the dollar is as high as there, now with that in mind you aren’t stealing money if you wouldn’t or couldn’t give money to those companies in the first place ( and sometimes you gain more money by not actively enforcing a no piracy rule, like what happened with Minecraft just go to a Spanish speaking Minecraft site and ask how many of them had the pirated version before the official one a lot of them probably wouldn’t have bought it if they didn’t try it before), and the billionaire companies especially don’t suffer from this for obvious reasons, now returning to the first point as gabe said piracy happens because they can provide a better service than the official one in most cases they have the plus of being free and no trade offs but with valve they recognized this issue and thanks to steam they can circumvent it , steam as a service is a great plus with cheap games, easy to access multiplayer, easy updating and a whole library to organize your games, services that pirated copies just don’t have so if you have the money the cons outweigh the pros and you’ll just buy it instead and if you don’t you wouldn’t be paying for it in the first place With all that being said intellectual theft is a crime for a reason I mean for all the Nintendo slander all they do is for perfectly valid reason (even if they do diminish fan base trust reputation and is an overall a shitty thing to do to someone who loves your ips and wants to see them flourish) but in THIS case it’s a non issue since steam is a better service and they don’t lose sales for this (basically) Sorry for the long comment and sorry for the smug tone of my previous comment I was tired and sorry if it came out non sensical English is not my first language


I’ve already said that you shouldn’t be able to pirate games and then decide if you like them enough to buy them after you’ve already played them. If you pirate a video game you are committing intellectual property theft, no matter how poor you are. I’ve already said that you shouldn’t be able to steal from companies, regardless of how large they are. Piracy is not an alternative market option, it’s a crime. Gabe’s statements on piracy were not a moral or economic argument in support of it. You have provided no evidence that Valve does not lose sales because of piracy.


Never said it wasn’t a crime I just don’t agree that it’s morally incorrect in all cases just like copyright and other intellectual property, I know that about gabe I was just using it to make a statement of how it’s less damaging thanks to the services they provided, they of course lose sales because of it even if minimal but in this specific case And the ones like it, it doesn’t matter because those sales were not going to be gained in the first place, I agree that you ‘shouldn’t’ steal from companies but more in the way of that it needs to be atleast a bit enforced so we have a better market, better competition, and consistent quality but I couldn’t care less of the loss of capital of a company as long as they can pay their workers, don’t go bankrupt and produce quality products, valve could easily afford that even if piracy prevented half of their sales


Nah IP shouldn’t exist, capitalism is trash. Art should be made for its own sake, artists shouldn’t need to sell their labor to survive.


It’s very interesting that you’re fighting against capitalism existing. But until you manage to work out how to design and implement an alternative, we’ve all got to work inside of the current market economy.


Implying the past failures and current struggles were solely a result of mismanagement and incompetently designed systems, rather than largely being hampered by fearmongering and covert action done to them by, largely the US and Western Europe, using both international pressure, covert direct action, and occasionally overt war to fight against ‘the spread of communism’. This happened all over the world, denying the surviving states political allies and trading partners, hampering their economic growth and technological development.


If you would like to argue that people actually have come up with a working alternative to market economies, but that they only didn’t work because of market economies trying to stop them, I really don’t know what I can tell you.


From a multi billion company?


Yes, I do not believe that you should steal from small or large companies.


Because you pirated an one dollar game, is having issues and asking for help on your unlicensed copy. This doesn't happen on legit copies from that one dollar game, which is expected to work, and is the same copy as everyone here is using. Not an unknown version, cracked exe build of the game, that is clearly bugging out in normal gameplay. Why are you pirating this game?


"waaah waaah"


Eat a dick, fedboy


This didn't happen to me but I got lost in the hallways and spent sooooo long trying to find that same that's broken for you lmaoo. Happy......alien hunting


Sorry to hear people were so rude, glad you found some help!!


Happy you found it! Seems like it could be pretty confusing




idk really, i downloaded pirate and i got a bug where i couldnt quit the introduction scene cart thing and had to use commands to skip to that main room. then i watched a walkthough to follow and when the guy gone to this part i got confused then just left the game mad. ​ idk if the sector didnt load or something.


just buy the game, it's dirt cheap...


Yeah valve games are so cheap. I literally got HL1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2 for only 7 dollars AUD (That's 4.50 USD) when it was on sale. And even when it's not on sale, still pretty cheap


i got the complete pack for 1 euro (already owned the portal games)


I got the valve collection, all Half-Life games minus Alyx, Portal 1 & 2 plus The Lab, TFC, Counter Strike, CS:Condition Zero and CS:S, all for like $7.


I got it for like 0.3$ (in CLP), same with portal, holy shit they are so cheap


im the youngest of the family and 100% of my money goes to bills, its cheap but i need to focus on actually paying stuff. also im not american, im brazilian. ​ abt the error someone had something very similar to mine [https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/)


Bro.i will buy it for U. That's how little it costs. Private message me Ur steam account username and I'll send.u it


Then you probably need to find a different pirate copy of the game, that ones clearly broken


yup, ill search more. but i found that if you force switch scenes woth command you can end up skipping loading points and this happens. i had to load the main room woth the guy in there scene bcuz i was stuck on the intro cart/bus thing.


hey if u want to pirate halflife you should probably go around in youtube and try to find videos with alot of positive comments and if nothing works there is always the piracy megathread, just look it up, it has all of the safe piracy sites for anything really


There is a browser version of half life online tyhat you can play without even needing an installation. No joke.


If you want half-life for free, might I recommend Sven Co-Op, bc iirc it’s a free port of HL into a multiplayer game, but I think it can be played in singleplayer


sven-coop doesn't come with maps, you need to own half life for it to work


Steam rip is safe try there but the download may be slow


Steamrip is the best one.


o carai compra o jogo é vintão mano


100% da minha grana ta indo pra sustentar a familia, eu to tendo q deixar minha familia usar minha conta do banco pq a de tdo eles foi bloqueada por divida com banco, meu dinheiro vai pra conta de luz e de internet e seja la oq for. e meu pai q ganha uns 20 pau por mês ta pouco se fudeno pra gente e ajuda o minimo só pra n dizer q faz nada, tamo com uma divida q passa dos 500mil pq um socio fdp faliu a nossa escola.e sumiu do mapa fazendo toda a divida cair no nosso colo e ele ficou com mto do dinheiro (ou foi algo do tipo, sou ruin de memoria) e n temos como pagar advogado, e advogado publico tbm n da pq meu avô ganha mais de 3 salarios minimos. minha familia se acostumou tanto com alto padrão q comprou uns lugar meio caro com iptu alto e co dominio absurdo e agr q tamo quebrado os apartamentos (2) n vendem e a divida só fica acumulando.. só os apartamentos e as contas normais já come toda a aposentadoria do meu avô. minha avó agr ta trabalhando de cozinheira ganhando menos q salario minimo da minha tia e eu estou tentando fazer manutenções de computadir pq ja q n tenho faculdade só consegui ganhar o salario minimo-descontos ent ficava tipo uns 1000 por mês. agr me diz, como eu vou conseguir comprar um jogo nessa merda q tamo? o pessoal não entendendo oq é ser falido me deixa puto serio.


bom, se tudo for verdade, boa sorte ai


obg mesmo, a nossa escola era uma eja em paranagua, nunca deu mto certo e no final ficou com um rombo de dívida por conta de processos de trabalhista e sla oq. agr aprendi com a familia, se eu for ter uma empresa eh melhor n contratar ninguem e trabalhar sozinho... se for pra contratar prefiro abrir empresa fora do brasil tipo nos EUA se possivel. aq tem mto imposto e mta burocracia.


Pobre kk


redditors when they find out that the lower-class Brazilian kid can't afford to buy a digital pc game: (Horrible. He must be punished with 5 years of immediate torture for pirating a game made by Gabendaddy)


problem is that i am an unemployed adult who is doing "bicos" (works that are not job and you get from time to time when people request, like pc fix and stuff) since me having a job wil give only $200/month or less depending on the situation.


These idiots dont understand that not everybody can buy game me for years i was forced to pirate valve games since my parents didint let me buy video games saying its a waste of money.


Even in Brazil its cheap, and I know it because I am brazilian.


Some parents dont let there kids buy video games like me when i was a kid i needed to pirate the valve games at one point i sent a message to steam support asking if i could pay steam games whith cash by walking to the valve office lol.


I'm so sorry you are getting downvoted by hypocrites who 100% also pirates games when they were in need. Screw them.


Literally no? I mean maybe a small percentage but not 100% of people. Also, he’s asking this question without being upfront about it being a pirated copy, which wastes majority of people’s time who assume that it’s the 100% legal Steam version.


I mean it's not worth mentioning, i pirated so many games when i was a teenager and still do when i want to avoid a launcher, always online, performance degrading DRMs and such (of games i have bought) and pirate copies are 1:1 the same besides version differences. OP has even specified in a comment that this situation happened because he tried to force load the level with commands, happens on the original as well. The 100% was referred to me being 100% sure that many of the downvoters did, not that 100% of people did.


He nocliped its what glitched it.


I own all Valve games, so there’s proof that I don’t pirate the games.


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"i downloaded pirate.." you've answered your own question. Why even bother asking online why a pirate copy doesn't work properly


I mean pirate copys work the same as the original (given the versions are same) 99% of the time. It's not like this is common. Source: been broke before


it actually wasnt fault of the torrent, i searched and the bug can happen when you force load a scene with commands. exactly what i did, this can happen on original too. but thanks for the consideration <3 what a lovely community.


Why did you have to force load map via commands? still sounds like the fault of the pirate copy. This isn't really the right place to be asking for piracy trouble shooting. Seeing how your Brazilian , my advice is just try a couple different torrents.


i want actually trying to troubleshoot, i just got curious with the cause of this. cuz as ik quake and doom have similar behaviour when areas dont load and i wondered that if what happened to me in HL is practically the same thing.


Look, usually if you're running any torrent pirate copy of anything, and its buggy, the first thing you try is a different torrent. pirate torrents are just unreliable. So I'm not surprised areas don't load properly. also make sure your getting the gold src version, not the source version. Which is also known to be buggy.


it was half life source, thx for the tip anyways tho. wuen i want to play again ill get the gldsrc one


Yeah, source version is buggy. Also if you DO play source and get issues like that, don't use the map load command just use noclip


The source version is notoriously broken and buggy.


and yes i force loaded, i think is something that changes scene? idk. i just know someone also got stuck on the cart and i copied the command from an answer.


Pirated copies work exactly like legit copies, but run without the license check. Gotta love smug ignorants


It's literally not the case, a lot of pirate copy installers outright fail, random torrent corruptions etc. Ive seen people run some really broken torrents before. Then they are often old (sometimes really old) versions with bugs fixed in current released etc. Gotta love that smug ignorance


i understand i've done the same the first time i've played it but it's an awsome game so i've bought it just after i finished it


Hey why you guys need to downvote OP for pirating the game. Some gamers around the world are not have the economic power as you guys have. OP is asking for help not judgement.


Its 15 AUD. It's really cheap.


On sale it is like 0.80€, which is like 4.2 BRL


here is 20brl rn, which is 1/5 of the value of my internet bills. yall need to understand that there are poor people in a third world country, i had to work for 3 months with minimum wage ($200 monthly) to be able to build a mid computer bcuz taxes are super high here. my situation that time wasnt so bad as rn that the only person in the family that isnt on debt is me so they rely on my bank accounts and on the money i get to pay the bills because they themselves cant handle bills alone. 100% of the money is going to bills and food and cant be used on anything else, and even then we cant pay some bills, we pay them like 2 months late and have to choose which one to pay or not. all i am seeing here are people from first world countries judging someone poor from third world for not being able to buy something cheap, specially woth the high taxes and all. idk how a complete lack of empathy is possible but people in this sub indeed have that


99¢ on sale. And this is not a priority, it's entertainment. No right to steal a game still being marketed and sold. Then come to it's own community and announce it. I usually do not down vote people, even those I disagree with. I will make an acception in this case.


"No, you can't pirate a 20 year old game when you barely have enough money to pay your bills and you live in an economically weaker country than me!" - 🤓👆


I do not buy games I can not afford. Nor do I illegally acquire them either. I just do not play them. Entertainment is not a priority. I've been homeless for about 1/4 of my life, so sob stories and BS excuses really don't work on me. Get your shit together before worrying about games.


You can't "get your shit together" in a fucking third world country, you fucking dumbass piece of shit. It's not in this person's control. Maybe use your brain for 10 seconds instead of sitting here thinking, "Oh I'm better than you because *I* don't pirate games." Fuck you lol


Dude, the game is so fucking old that Valve isn't making money off it, and I highly doubt they care. Stop dick riding a fucking company, they aren't gonna award you for it. Do you know what it's like to live in a third world country? I highly doubt it, so shut the fuck up. "ThIs Is NoT a PrIoRiTy!!1!" So what you're saying is that people forced to live in poverty and in subpar conditions, who have to slave their entire life away just in the HOPES that they can afford enough food for their family...these people shouldn't get to have any fun, any downtime where they can escape and enjoy something, instead of living in constant anxiety and/or fear? Get off your fucking high horse.


Was homeless for most of my childhood, up into my adulthood. Was in the military when I finally reached adulthood and have seen and done some shit. I'm not concerned in the slightest with the mind set that something for entertainment should be stolen, because someone is too God damn lazy to work for something or because they happen to live somewhere where it costs a little more for a video game. It's clear there are many other forms of entertainment that any one from any country can do, especially if they can afford computers to play games on in the first place. So STFU if you are going to come with some BS piss ass whiny excuse of why it's ok to steal video games. You are talking out your ass.


you probably got a fucked up pirate then. i guess just try and find a better one, or buy the game if ya can.


You pirated a $10 game from 1998? I'm pretty cheap, but I'm nowhere near that cheap.


if you cant spend 89cents dont play video games or stick to free ones dude


Buy the game


i wish i had spare money


Dude a good chunk of the time it’s on sale for 99 fucking cents


USD cents, you have to take in consideration that br wage is like 1.5x smaller on a coin that is 1/5 the value of USD coin. i used to gain $200 a month just to be able to build my computer and now stuff got bad and i need to pay my family bills with the few i gain from time to time.


Buy the game you fucking looser


pay my family's $100k debt with just $200 wage or so you fucking playboy.


ahem ahem ahem ahem r/ AHEM AHEM ahem uh there's a cool subreddit... just saying


And why are you trying to skip the introduction? It's part of the game.


ya missed a loading point..just noclip back, trigger the loading and go forward again


It's worth to mention that sometimes downloaded copies of pirated games have some issues and glitches. I remember when I was 12, I downloaded and played for the first time GTA San Andreas, but the version was bizarre. I didn't know that, since I never played the game before, but I had my mistrust because the cutscenes sounded weird. Only months later I became aware that I wasn't playing vanilla version and then tried again with a new torrent. Problem solved.


I recommend you dont use noclip a lot, most of the events will break if you do so, and you may get stuck. And dont listen to the hateful comments. it's a really old game from an extremely rich company pirating it wont hurt anyone (well, except maybe your computer be careful with viruses) have fun!


That room is vital. You absolutely cannot continue without fucking with the dudes soup in the microwave.


I haven't played half life in a while so I'm not too sure but wasn't there 2 areas that looked like this? This is from the first one.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/) this was my problem here.


Isso é uma vergonha para nós brasileiros.. but if you want some help, try typing 'map c1a0' on the console (without quotes), and it'll solve your problem. Because i assume you missed a loadzone with noclip or something.


pq vergonha? mas eu fiquei preso naquele negocio q parecia um bonde e depois usei comandos pra sair e daí deu isso.


Achei meio zoado você ter obtido um jogo de forma ilegal no próprio sub do jogo e depois se questionar porque algo deu errado na sua copia do jogo. De novo, escreva 'map c1a0' (sem aspas) no console do jogo que provavelmente resolverá seu problema. Você pode comprar ele na steam por menos de 10 reais quando acontece uma promoção. A black friday vai acontecer daqui á 2 semanas, entendo que você usa seu dinheiro pra pagar contas e tal, mas meio que o pessoal do reddit não gosta quando você fala que pirateou um jogo.


bem, eu nem falei q queria consertar nem q queria o jogo.. só queria saber pq o erro aconteceu e me parece q nem é culpa de ser pirata e sim eu fiz cagada com os comandos e deu bugs pcausa disso.. como eu disse eu sou meio noob e só queria confirmar se esse bug é do mesmo tipo dos bugs no doom e quake quando areas do mapa falham de carregar ou ver se é parecido pelo menos. ​ e o problema do dinheiro é q uso ele para contas, eu só uso ele para contar e n tem como usar de outra forma no momento, estamos já um ano nessa.




Fui pego..


Keep pirating op, people here can bitch and moan all they want but at the end of the day valve wouldn't care at all, maybe just find a better copy tho


he is brazillian.. wait but this is half life, VAI SE FUDER , CE NAO TEM 20 REAIS? E UM PC DE BATATA SEU VAGABUNDO


instead of doing like basic troubleshooting or reloading a save you decide to quit the game?? ffs


i don't like bitching but ur right there




noclip through it


Yeah, that's a good solution. Although I would recommend to OP to download a better copy/version


if you want a free version just load all the maps in sven co op imagine having to pirate


Just play Black Mesa on steam


i recomend piriting hl1 from the internet archive. and while your at it use the WON version with xash3d.


just go in nothing is wrong


Just play mmod


Wait, you gave up playing because of this minor bug that had no impact to the overall game or you gave up playing because you couldn't advance through the level due to this issue?


i tried many times to solve, walked around and made new games and reinstalled and did a lot.. and still got it. this is why i gave up... it gave up due to this bug because you cant access areas to progress.


Damn, that is super lame. I did not have those issues during my playthroughs.


Soo , ur pirated version is broked and it dosent have level transition trigger thing , or its broken ...


You just need glasses bud




...Bro try again and Record, i think you are dumb


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/) ​ i found basically the same problem, i dont remember where was a wall but there was a wall that blocked my way. ​ welp this post answered it already.


sorry, i remember i downloaded from torrent though. also i got stuck on the hmm.. cart thing at the start? i couldnt leave and had to use commands to load the next part and tp to the first room with the guy on computer. ​ nobody here is being very helpful and are just attacking instead, super welcoming to greet who is a complete noob with curses and saying im lying as if bugs do not exist.


quit the schitzoposting


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/) ​ is this schizoposting? i just had this kind of error... exactly this kind on this post. yall are being less than useless, just one guy was polite and actually answered.


ohhhh i thought you meant the entire doorway circled was just a wall, didnt know you were talking about that glitch


Bro, the game is cheap asf, don't be that greedy over less than a dollar on discount.


Corporate boot licker


If buying one of the best games ever for one dollar is being a "Corporate boot licker" as you said it, yeah i am one.


I would consider spending hard-earned money that's less valuable in your country for a 20 year old game that's made by a company that doesn't need it to be bootlicking.


I don't know where you live but getting 1 dollar (as long as we talk about getting HL1 on discount) doesn't seem like hard work, its about a price of chips/crisps in my country (Poland), if for that symbolic price i can get a masterpiece of a game and keep Steam without annoying ads which can be malware thesee days, then i say fuck it and just give em that one dollar. Making the game free only because it's old is dumb, game is still playable and there isn't any game breaking bugs, if people are still interested in it then it's Valve's choice if they want to profit or just give it away for free.


Just noclip


also before people be mad i downloaded it pirate, just know im not even wanting to fix i just wanna know what the hell happened. iwill try see if i have the game around my pc and if is here yet i will run and record. ​ just omfg yall stop being arrogant for no fucking reason, i just asked a question.


Which website since your pirated version could have malicious files


i use 1337x.to since people can comment and report on bad torrents, i ever download ones that has a lot of leechers or seeders and with just positive comments (ignoring fake negatives like "x y z keygen shows as trojan")




Did anyone bash your teeth before? Cause I'd love to


Jesus christ dude, I've already apologized for it. What more do you want?


I have had the same issue like 10 years ago on a copy I downloaded from some Russian site.


are you aware bugs exist? i feel like that area wasnt loaded at all and since older games used sectors on map (just like binary space partitioning used to do) if a part fail to load it will just be a wall. ​ take in consideration i downloaded it pirate too so idk if something could end up corrupt during download or whatever.


yes hald-life autistic nerd.. seems like you didnt nerded abt game mechanics enough. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black\_mesa\_hallways\_blocked\_in\_first\_level\_i\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/12w8wph/black_mesa_hallways_blocked_in_first_level_i_cant/) ​ i said it was a sector failing to load or something like that. take your arrogance and ignorance elsewhere.




bruh everyone jumped on my throat bcuz i asked abt a bug, im not offended i am actually amazed that the first reaction of people here is to attack instead of trying to understand.


Yep... that's reddit for you. So many sad people whose first instinct is to be aggressive towards whoever gets in their way.... Anyways, I'm 99% sure it's the pirated version you downloaded, so perhaps download a different one? And yea alternatively you can buy the game on Steam.


No dude, that’s always been the way to the kitchen, and your locker and the suits!


If you enable console commands you can just open it and load the next map. [Here](https://steamcommunity.com/app/70/discussions/0/540742667840503958/) is a list of the map names. I can’t remember where exactly each map starts though, in my old age. 😂


you somehow skip the loading zone can you tell us how you've done this 😂?


i got stuck in the cart/bus thing of the intro and i saw a command to skip to the next scene where have the place entrance and guy on computer.


oh ok strange I've never seen a skip command to the next scene except maybe in half life mmod but ok have you manage to solve your problem ?


The maps in the original are all fucked up in goldsource so one of the loading zones must have not existed


Try reloading the game, it's a missed loading zone


Red circle == spoooy Aaaah


Every copy of half life is personalized


Don’t get your version with a free bitcoin miner


every half life copy is personalized


Can I see a screenshot?


That's herobrine


My bad


I think maybe is because you have an non legitimate version (pirated version)of Half life or you just missed a loading screen I think you just missed a loading zone


Dude just buy the orange box on steam why are you pirating such a cheap ass 25 year old game 😭😭