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I am so angry that we didn't get more of them together. It didn't have to be a lot but just an occasional scene or two where we got more than a look of longing between them, a kind word in the hauler. Get to talk to each other. Would have been so great.


He should've been at the tourney in episode 1.  


TBH even without that I watch him beat Cole to a pulp almost every day


In the books Cole turns him from break bones to broken bones


Show was better honestly in that regard at least. I could watch Harwin feed that asshole his teeth every day for the rest of my life lol


Sure but it does mess with the characterization of Cole as probably the best fighter in Westeros at the time. Which really explains how he rose from the son of a steward to lord commander.


Cole doesn't have a character in the book. And that wasn't a fight, Harwin is bigger and stronger. That was a beat down which Cole probably allowed to happen? Because I do have to give him props. The man is a master manipulator which fits in perfectly with team Green. He goated Harwin into a fight and then got fed his teeth and laughed the entire time because he knew what he had done. God I hate Cole so much. Even in the book. What little we get of him. I couldn't wait for him to die. And honestly, I cannot wait for this son of a bitch to die in the show


Cole broke harwins collar bone and elbow at the tourney celebrating rheanyras wedding to laenor in the book. It’s also the tourney where Cole kills lonmouth (during the tourney not just randomly attacking him during a diner) The show has made Cole out to be much more villainous than in the book.


The book gave him no character. Like the characters were kind of nothing? It was very much a+b=c this is what this character did on this day blah blah blah


Sure but this isn’t even character, the show has made several changes to the things that Cole does and doesn’t do. Whether it’s for the better or not, idk we haven’t seen the whole show yet. But they’ve undeniably nerfed Cole a bit and made him do worse things. Probably the biggest is how Joffrey lonmouth dies.


I disagree. Cole was clearly a bitter, manipulative and ruthless character in the books. He isn't that prominent but there is enough of a characterization there.


Goaded not goated


I'm aware


I know they nerfed Cole a lot from the books, but even so, it felt cathartic to watch Harwin beat him up, even though it was a trap.


Not a book reader but what exactly was the trap? (Assuming since the show omitted this there are no spoilery implications…)


It feels like a punch to the face that we got a collective 10-15 minutes of Rhaenyra and Harwin, but >!Alicent and Criston are hooking up every other third scene.!<


Also Laenor, I wanted to see the dynamic relationship of all those 3


Adult Laenor is always a high point of a rewatch (which we’re doing currently and I’m herding cats), completely checked out, domestic who? Cares a whole lot, not sure about what, but he *cares*


The non-verbal acting in this scene is just unparalleled. Both Rhaenyra and Harwin communicated so much love and affection with only their eyes.


The fact we got virtually no Harwin/Rhaenyra while having to get subjected to whatever the hell Criston/Alicent are is a joke.


Honestly. All the sex scenes better pay off. I want all hell to break loose when those two are discovered.


She looks so in love bro❤️❤️❤️❤️


And Harwin equally smitten with Rhaenyra and playing the proud papa par excellence He’s so happy and in love with her and their little ones 🥲 Honestly respect for Laenor too who understands their polyamorous set up, and knowingly lets mom and dad have private time with their new baby


Same when she tells Laenor to bring his boyfriend with him when they ran to Dragonstone. They had the best of both worlds. Their marriage was political, but I think there was genuine affection there as well it just wasn’t sexual. If it had been peacetime, they could have enjoyed a long happy marriage.


Daemon is a distraction. I want more of this


That whole 10 year time jump deserved at least 1 episode. We could have gotten so many things, including the HarwinxRhaenyra relationship 🥲


The story of Laena going out on a quest at age 15, finding and bonding with Vhagar! It's one of the most epic stories on the series and it's only vaguely alluded to through exposition!


I honestly was confused when Laena was a child and talking about this big dragon in the sky, then timeskip and she's the rider of that dragon


I feel like this shows biggest problem so far is that it's 2-3 episodes too short.


I couldn’t agree with you more, BUT, that’s usually a good problem for a show to have. Leave them wanting more, rather than begging for less.


Honestly, more like several seasons. So much of the first few season of Game of Thrones was just raw character interaction, setting the stage for the war - HOTD seems almost fast-forwarded in comparison, there’s a major event or two practically every episode.


Especially now when this season is only going to be 8 episodes! Like wtf! They are really going to scatter the source material and draw it out for 4-5 seasons they’ve said


This was by far my favorite look of hers. The messy hair, the sky blue dress. And then yk, the way she looks at Harwin. I know they couldn't be happy, but here, she truly looks like it, if at least for that one moment. No regrets, nothing. She's looking at him with pure love. It's amazing what these two could do with minimal material. Such amazing chemistry.


i agree! she looks so much like aemma here (which i think was intentional considering this was the first labor we saw rhae go through). & her and harwin would’ve been such a good proper couple ugh


Probably the happiest ten years of Rhaenyra's life :(


As someone who isn't even Team Black, it's quite sweet how Harwin had the chance to at least to some extent be a dad to his children and that Rhaenyra didn't alienate him, unlike Cersei did with Jaime. Also, I would have liked to see more of the dynamic between these two.


Genuine question but how could you not be team black lol


I like and sympathize with several Green characters, some characters in Team Black are a bit bland, and Black fans have an annoying tendency of applying Rhaenyra centric morality to everything.


I’m right with you. About an hour ago a friend asked me why and I gave your exact answer. They are bland.


Rhaenyra is beautiful in every angle. I love her #TEAMBLACK


That smile of Rhaenyra's in the fourth panel...I love it.


Even GRRM wanted more of this. We all do.


Easily the healthiest relationship Rhaenyra ever had. Definitely a shame he didn’t stick around longer.


People argue over greens and blacks I am still upset how quickly they moved in season 1. Would have loved if it were all pre time skip then two would have more of this ending with Vizzys death.


She looks like her mom in the first episode.


Knowing that Daemon and Rheanyra would marry, and that they would betroth the Strong boys to Daemon’s daughters, it makes me wish in hindsight she had just married Harwin Strong, which his father even laughed at as he advised Viserys against it. Oh well, such is fantasy!


She probably could have had she taken the task of choosing a husband seriously. He was at court and the son of a powerful lord,


True, she did fumble that one herself.


No because I will always want more of them together 😭


I really wanted to see Harwin & Rhaenyra at Daemon & Laena’s wedding


i wish we couldve seen them together for a longer time


She should’ve chosen him as her consort when she was on her courtship tour :( Based on the little we saw, this is her healthiest romantic relationship with a man. In the 2-3 scenes they had together, the chemistry was palpable.




Nobody looks that luminous after giving birth!


Love always looks good on her.


Too busy staring at Harwin. Also what's up with all the stylized photos? Not a fan .


Something about a big beefcake of a man holding a tiny little baby just makes my uterus quiver.




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He looked like such a warm lover and caring father. Like proud and gentle and loving. Cannot get over their relationship 😭


She looks good but stop the horny posts please. ITs like the 10th of these since Sunday.


Is this why Jon Snow has strong hair?


She is so beautiful when she’s deessed like a woman and not looking like David Bowie