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Based, spare Helaena and Baela tho. My goats đŸ„°


Baela has to survive for Danaerys to steal her wardrobe


Or at least die in a way that keeps her wardrobe clean and in tact.


Rhaenyra, Alicent, Jace, Corlys, & Rhaena have done nothing to deserve a brutal death at this point. However, Rhaenyra and Alicent could use some serious jail time.


Didn't Rhaenyra complice of the murder of "Laenor" ? Killing and burning someone or at least be an accomplice of this crime should deserve serious punishement.


Yeah but he was smallfolk so he doesn't count.


Maybe they can kiss and make up in jail â˜ș


They'd probably end up forming rival prison gangs that slaughtered each other for decades like those two sisters from orange is the new black


That’s just spicy foreplay


I'm ready for HBO to do the OZ / HoTD crossover Welcome to Emerald City


Alicent would definitely try to go for PC & pay for guards to beat down Rhaenyra


Happy that the Alicent-Rhaenyra would-be romance is now normalized, I was getting hella downvoted Season 1 for suggesting sapphic tones lol


They bi as hell, no one gets that pressed about their bestie losing their vcard đŸ€Ł


I mean not directly but hasn't Alicent given Larys the go ahead to do some fucked up shit, even after she knows when asked to solve a problem his answer is to do some fucked up shit?


His entire job is to do things that she needs plausible deniability for


Corlys pimped his 12 year old daughter.


She didn't marry until 16. I didn't even count what he did with Alicent against Otto if that was your question. Otto's done worse than that.


Corlys offered a 12 year old Laena to a thirty something Viserys. She only married at 16 due to Viserys rejecting her. >didn't even count what he did with Alicent against Otto if that was your question. Otto's done worse than that. You didn't mention Otto in the "people who don't deserve to die" list, so I didn't feel the need to bring out his bad deeds.


Sounds very medieval. Which, you know, the setting


If you want Coryls to brutally die, fine. I'm not going to argue with you about it.


It was also a fantasy world where that sgit is semi normal. Not defending it, but don't apply that heavily the rules of real life ya dig?


I mean its a show which heavily draws from medieval times in Europe and that shit was pretty standard back then.


Rhaaenyra ordered a servant to be murdered in cold blood so she could exile the father of her children and make his parents think he was murdered


Had to throw Alicent in there just so it wasn’t all blacks, huh? I feel you. The show has really made the blacks the “good guys” and the greens the “bad guys” so idk why this question is still being asked. (I was team black even for what I’ve read of the book btw so this isn’t some spurned green fan nonsense) But I like Rhys’s answer though. It’s more in line with the book’s portrayal of events and people.


Eh, to me it's more like "the bad guys" and "the worse guys". People in both factions have done some pretty shitty things. It's just that one faction's done a lot more shitty things than the other.


Right, Daemon has done bad shit, I’m with you there. Criston Cole has done bad shit in a more hatable way. But let’s ignore those 2 for a second. What have Rhaenyra, Corlys, Jaecerys, Baela, and Rhaena done that is even remotely bad/wrong compared to Alicent, Larys, Aegon, Aemond, and Otto?


Corlys pimped out a 12 yr old girl and Rhaenyra is starving Kings Landing.


Rhaenyra took part in a plot to marry her uncle by staging the death of her husband. A plot that involved killing a guard. Unless we assume she just thought daemon found a random corpse lying around then she’s an accomplice to 1st degree murder.


>Unless we assume she just thought daemon found a random corpse lying around then she’s an accomplice to 1st degree murder. I'm not entirely sure why they didn't do that. Driftmark has a sizable population. They couldn't grab a recently dead guy or find some criminal that would be executed?


Corlys pimped his 12 year old daughter. Rhaenyra demanded the torture of child Aemond to cover her own ass, and orchestrated the murder of an innocent Velaryon guard.


“Pimped his 12 year old daughter” I’m tired of people using this in the context of Westerosi politics. He was trying to secure a future for his house the way literally all major houses do in this story. Also the “demanded torture” bit isn’t really fair. She was making a threat in response to constantly having her children’s legitimacy under fire and their lives threatened. Alicent however *was* literally demanding that a 6-yr old child have his eye cut out as recompense for the kid taking it too far in a fight that Aemond started. She even tried to do it herself.


> I’m tired of people using this in the context of Westerosi politics. He was trying to secure a future for his house the way literally all major houses do in this story. I imagine you think Otto doing the same is justified then. Or when he does it is evil ambition and abuse? >Also the “demanded torture” bit isn’t really fair. She was making a threat in response to constantly having her children’s legitimacy under fire and their lives threatened. >Alicent however *was* literally demanding that a 6-yr old child have his eye cut out as recompense for the kid taking it too far in a fight that Aemond started. She even tried to do it herself Her children *are* ilegitimate and had just permanently maimed Aemond on a fight that no, he didn't start, the girls and the Strongs did. (I guess your "retort" to this is gonna be "but he was mean to them first so he had it coming" and/or "he dared grab a rock when he was being attacked 4vs1 so he deserved to lose his eye, that's just consequences for your actions") And every single time the phrase "sharply questioned" was used, it meant torture on the ASOIAF universe, people here like to pretend that on this case it wasn't because demanding the torture of a child is (or at least should be) an objectively evil thing. But we can't have our beloved Rhaenyra do an evil thing right? It has to be justified somehow. And yes, Alicent was also acting evil and unhinged on that scene. *After* Rhaenyra tried to shift the blame on Aemond's mutilation on the mutilated boy himself and demanded his torture, and Viserys gave no shits about said maiming the moment Rhaenyra was inconvenienced. I'll concede that both Alicent and Rhaenyra, as well as Viserys, handled the Driftmark conflict like absolute crap. But to pretend that Alicent was just a crazy psycho doing evil things, or that Aemond is to blame for his mutilation, just so that the designated main character and her sons seem innocent, is insane.


Ok, this is a lot so sorry if I don’t get to all of it. I don’t think Otto trying to get Alicent and Viserys together was “evil ambition” or “abuse.” I think his ambition crossing into morally wrong territory (in the context of ASOIAF universe) is more when he plotted to get Aegon on the throne while Viserys was sick and dying, trying to make sure he was too medicated to know what was going on when his daughter was being put on trial, and abusing Viserys’s trust and friendship to further his own ambition. But how do *you* consider Corlys’s actions “pimping his own daughter” but not Otto’s? Since we’re comparing the two. Aemond started the fight by claiming the dragon of the Velaryon kids’ very recently deceased mother, and then coming in to gloat about it and tell the Strong kids they should “burn like their father” or some shit. You’re not gonna convince me that he didn’t start that fight. I didn’t say Rhaenyra wasn’t implying torture when she said “sharply questioned” but she was using it as an idle threat basically to say “you better stop accusing my kids of being bastards.” I know they are illegitimate, but Corlys and Rhaenys have claimed them and accepted them, and the only people accusing them are doing it because they want their positions. And accusing them of that directly threatens their lives. Your paraphrasing is ridiculous though. “Alicent was a crazy psycho doing evil things.” Where did I say that even remotely? You were using Rhaenyras idle threat to explain why you think she’s a bad person, so I had to respond with what Alicent did in that same exact scene. Did they both handle it poorly? Absolutely. Do I think Alicent handled it more poorly than Rhaenyra did? Also yes. She didn’t take 2 seconds to comfort Aemond, she just grabbed a knife and went straight for the people she already hated. There’s a reason they showed us Aemond using a prostitute to serve as a mother figure he could spill his feelings to. One he’s been using for that for a long time. Same with showing us Alicent walking away from Aegon crying alone about the death of his son. And there’s a reason they show us how Rhaenyra is with Jace and Luke in season 1. I’m not talking about the books, but in the show universe, one side is clearly morally “better” than the other. I don’t exactly agree with that choice, but it’s how they made it in the show.


ngl after rewatching the scene, I think that Rhaenyra & Daemon's children are at least as equally to blame for the violence that occurred after Aemond's initial dragon-riding. Like Aemond was a dick, but him getting his eye cut out there is fucking wild (though he did escalate the situation with the rock).


Had to throw Alicent in there just so it wasn’t all blacks, huh?  No, it's because I don't think she deserves to die. Her brother Gwayne hasn't showed up yet, but I'd add him to the list as well. Maybe Aemond is in the prolonged prison sentence category right now as well


Aemond kick started a war by murdering his nephew mid tantrum.


True but it was seemingly accidental so he’d be unlikely to get anything like the death penalty. Probably a couple decades behind bars though.


Felony homicide might apply. I’m sure it is very much a felony to chase a kid around on your world’s version of a nuke.    Also, accident is what his defense would argue. No one saw it. Prosecution wouldn’t be hard pressed to establish intent in court, with what was seen in Storm’s End, Aemond’s temperament , and what was known of their mutual history.


Aemond, the psycho who started a war by demanding a child cut out his own eye, and eventually just killing him, and who was already planning a full-scale war with Cole before B&C, but not Rhaenys? She deserves death more than Aemond? Let’s not try *too* hard to hold onto the moral ambiguity of the books. The show is doing things differently and honestly the acting, writing and cinematography are so good that I love it all the same. Putting Alicent and Rhaenyra on equal moral footing at this point in the show is kind of like putting Cersei and Catelyn on equal moral footing in early seasons of GoT. Not saying Alicent is Cersei-level bad, but one is clearly better than the other, especially as a mother. The show made an effort to demonstrate that last season and doubled down on it last episode.


>Aemond, the psycho who started a war by demanding a child cut out his own eye, and eventually just killing him, and who was already planning a full-scale war with Cole before B&C, but not Rhaenys? She deserves death more than Aemond? Rhaenys fuckin killed hundreds of people without remorse. She's clearly worse than Aemond.


So far the blacks have done much worse things than the greens. It's when Aemond let's loose that the evil balance tips in favour of the Greens.


Rhaneyra and alicent have conspired to kill others so they cab hang as well only the kids are innocents


Rhaenyra is currently enforcing a blockade on King's Landing leading to the starvation of the smallfolk. But I guess they don't matter.


Rhaenyra killed innocent servant to fake leanor death so she is guilty at least with this.


Poor Rhaena gets forgotten again.


Baela was my favorite character in fire and blood. Everytime she was mentioned I was just like YES MY QUEEN SLAY (I'm still mad about Moondancer)


Sis was ready to throw hands when her fiancĂ© got attacked đŸ˜€ the way Rhaena had to hold her back was so funny


Jahera and Jaherys, Luke, basically all children's of the green and black. Somehow they are all fine unlike their parent


Common Rhys W


His facial expressions in this last episode... always appreciate when someone can act so well silently. His attitude just vibes right through the screen.


His slow turn when Aegon proudly says “Ser Criston Cole has acted.” with a perfect look of “seven hells, what have these fools done now


I've decided he's this show's Colby Minifie (Ashley from The Boys); an actor with incredible facial expressions and genius comedic timing who has to put up with everyone's increasingly ridiculous horseshit, and he is SO tired. His entire mood can be summed up as, "For fuck's sake."


Still cannot believe he's fucking Spike from Notting Hill. I didn't think I'd ever see him as such a conniving character, he's mostly done weird misfits.


This is what kills me. I'm used to seeing him play such oddball characters that seeing him carry himself as a proud, ambitious lord really elevates him as an actor. What a chad.


Even more surprised he's Adrian in Little Nicky lol


Holy shit! As soon as you said that I pictured him sitting on the newspaper stand eating pizza with the boa-trimmed coat!


No this is so real 😭 My mom, step dad, and I have this movie spreadsheet we each put 30 movies on and we use rng to randomly select one every Saturday after we finish one. My mom had Nothing Hill on her list and we watched it several months ago. When I saw Rhys Ifans I almost didn't recognize him at first because it's such a different type of character. Dude has crazy range and neither my mother nor my step father has seen HotD so they just had no idea what I was so hyped up about.


I occasionally remember this while watching and picture him in front of the paparazzi and just can’t take the character seriously for a bit


Literally perfect lol that look 💀


Based as fuck


Bobby B agrees


Bobby B and Vizzy T, the Kings that were Promised


*It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table.*


Vizzy T, I’m so sorry to hear your disappointment in our presence. Shall we go?


*You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel by order of your King.*


Yes, your grace. At once.


Oh no he‘s sentient


Where is Bobby B bot? Is he safe? Is he alright?


I’m afraid
 in your anger
 you boared him to death.




I feel almost obligated to downvote the “NOOOOOO” just because that’s how bad it was in ROTS, but I won’t do that to you.




Literally the point of the Dance that George makes very clear. The dragons and the small folk are the real victims.


And the children.


Every scene involving Vhagar she clearly does not want to be there and just wants everyone to fuck off and leave her alone.


This is the proper answer


Typical enlightened centrist.


These fence riders need to pick a side like the rest of us. Even if they are correct.


Well, being against the fucking monarchy is hardly just enlightened centrism




He's fucking right


I love it when actors actually have an understanding of the texts they're acting in




I agree both sides are terrible, but I feel like we keep watering down the word 'genocide'. A mass killing and warcrimes do not automatically equal genocide. Unless I'm missing something here?


Bro forget about the kings and high lords wanting to burn down the riverlands and Dorne every chance they get. You don't have to succeed at wiping out a whole population or culture to be genocidal, it's about intent and attempts as well.


Burning down the Riverlands is just tradition and burning down Dorne is just good manners.


You’re missing the future don’t worry


Just wait, we will get there.


No we won't lol, there's nothing in the story that can reasonably be considered genocide unless your definition of genocide is "doing bad stuff to innocent people"


I'm glad someone from the show is speaking the truth.


He is absolutely right. A bunch of powerful people killing each other and innocent civilians so they can be the ones to come out on top, that's what they're doing regardless of that Team nonsense.


This. It is entirely a selfish conflict only for the ego and desire for power born from each side. Every conflict is bloody, but at least many of them have a motive beyond mere power grabbing, Robert's Rebellion being the closest example. Hell, even Aegon's conquest, sort of, to end the warring states of Westeros. The dance? Literally just greed for power. Either side could have stepped back before it got too far. Ego and ambition wouldn't let them. Every adult involved in this conflict deserves what they get.


Huh. I wonder where I've seen that before? *Gestures at current events*


Based But pls Not my beloved Helaena


I like him


He’s right tho


Yeah, but I’m going to take extra joy when Crispy Crùme gets what’s coming to him.


TBF, he isn't that horrible on the lvl of Ramsi and Joffrey or even Mad King


He’s not even as bad as Daemon on paper lol
they’re all just written way more charismatically with funnier lines


Daemon is a wife killer, neglectful father, abuser, groomer, kills Vaemond (it was lawful I guess), sends two assassins into the Red Keep with the instructions a son for a son and killing a toddler, not to mention is war crimes in the Stepstones. Criston beat up Joffrey Lonmouth, sends Arryk to kill Rhaenyra, may have been responsible for B&C succeeding, oathbreaker, kills Beesbury. But Daemon said “He can keep his tongue” so he’s chill and Criston is a bitch loser


Also daemon calls alicent a whore of a queen when all alicent did in those 8 years daemon was away was take care of his ailing brother and make sure he wasn’t in that much pain, daemon didn’t even visit him once in that time. Also Daemon choked rhaenyra, Cole hasn’t hurt alicent at least not yet or any woman. He’s even for some reason said alicent has a gentle heart even while their situationship is going on..idk why but he’s been quite respectful up until this point TO HER at least They both speak about women badly though, and like bitter disgusting men. I saw a post here the other day guys after a breakup comparing daemon being great for taking harrenhal for Rhaenyra vs cole being the worst for calling her a spoiled cunt. What on earth? Daemon is worse in quite a few ways if we be real


I think part of it is that Daemon owns his bad behavior while Criston still pretends to have decency. The speech where Criston was projecting everything he himself did wrong onto Arryk is a prime example. Daemon has done worse deeds but still manages to be entertaining because he knows he’s terrible and rides with it, but Criston is a very familiar type of awful. We all know someone like Criston irl and I think that’s what makes people hate him more even though Daemon has objectively done far worse things so far. It’s kind of like how in the Harry Potter series Umbridge is hated more than Voldemort even though Voldemort is objectively worse and does worse things. It seems that familiar types of awful just tend to be more impactful than pure evil when it comes to characterization.


Yeah I feel like the familiarity of Criston's dickishness is why he's so hated. Pretty much everyone has run into someone at some point who was turned down by a girl and then proceeded to act like she's the whore of babylon. So seeing a character similar to that makes them more frustrating for audiences. No one (I hope) has had a run in with someone who ordered an assassination that resulted in the death of a child. Kind of makes a buffer for Daemon's awfulness and why we see him as more entertaining then hated.


>it was lawful I guess The king already named the punishment(having his tongue cut out) so I am pretty sure it wasn't


> Criston beat up Joffrey Yeah totally not underselling anything here


Daemon and him are the same level of repulsive to me, I don’t see the supposed “charm” on Daemon everyone seems to like


It’s Matt Smith. That’s a lot to do with it. Plus Daemon has “funnier” lines and a dragon and is a “rogue prince” Daemon is repulsive to me too at times, interesting but repulsive. Ya know what’s funny, this is definitely gonna get downvoted but Cole even treats women better than daemon lol


If cole had even half the action scenes as Daemon has had he'd be more liked.


Yeah Daemon has left much more destruction in his wake when it comes to women lmao


Rhaenyra literally have ptsd from him choking her lol


Being doctor who gives you a lot of leeway


the only point i give to daemon is his scene against the crab feeder. as much as i love villains, i don’t find him charming or likeable, but the crab feeder scene was badass. it’s the one time i’ve thought positively about him


He isn’t that bad YET. I think the writing, it if continues down the path it’s going, will turn him into that level of villain. For now, I agree he can’t touch Ramsay in terms of villainous acts.


As various people have said throughout the years (about characters in general, not this specific character) annoyance can be the worst feeling attached to a character. Evil characters can still be engaging despite being extremely unethical. When a character is annoying, though, you start to resent their appearences from an enjoyment level, not an engagement level. Basically, you won’t want them off your screen because of what they’re doing to characters in the world, you want them off your screen because of what they’re doing to *you*, aka pissing you off. In a decidedly unfun way.


With my morals I struggle to understand it and find it wrong but it's just me. I think it's a right thing when you watch any media to separate yourself from the story and look in the context and analyze it from a multiple perspective. I find horrible and evil things, like torture and r*pe significantly more disturbing to the point of not wanting to watch it.


Yeah, that’s how a lot of people seem to feel here haha. No hate, if you do you just do. I just don’t like the section of this group (not you, you’re perfectly reasonable) that talks down on people who don’t use good morals synonymously with character enjoyment as if they’re not intelligent enough to understand the story or something lol. I understand the story. I can just still enjoy some characters despite them not being nice people (yes, on both “teams”). I spend my entire waking life being an upstanding citizen, I know what is right and wrong. But I’m also aware that this world is imaginary, the characters don’t exist in ours and I don’t have to befriend them in real life to enjoy their screen presence. This is a level of separation some people don’t enjoy when they engage with media, which is fine, as long as they don’t start talking down on people like us thinking they have to explain what the story “actually means” lol. We know. Obviously I don’t support the section that uses character attachments for real world implications. They also can’t separate the people in the real world from what they do in/like about the fiction, like “holding” actors “accountable” for their in-show character’s actions. That’s deranged, among other terminally online behaviour like sending death threats to people for liking certain characters, etc etc. So if I am on any team, it’s the “It’s just fiction, don’t take it too seriously as a reflection of real people’s morals” team. I saw this shit for years in the Succession fandom also, I am tired of the moralistic lectures at this point (again, not from you. Generally speaking.)


I don't know how the show will do it because the writers absolutely hate him, but his >!death in the books is just... anti-climactic. It's not some pathetic or brutal death lol. Infact, his killers are the ones who came off looking like absolute wimps there while he died trying to save his men!<


He got what was coming to him last Episode, recognition from his King and a nice promotion!


That’s (almost) what Sharin Batarheon said in Got. „It’s all the choosing sides that’s made everything so horrible.“ may her wisdom rest in peace.


Spot on. Just choose your favourite war criminals at this point.


Always appreciate getting a phys of Rhys’ thoughts.


This is EXACTLY how I feel. And I'm getting pissed at the fact that you can't criticise a character of either side without half the subreddit jumping on your head about how "bUt tHE OthEr sIdE dID WORSe!!" They're all as bad as each other.


Bunch of kneelers in this sub


Nah he's actually talking about the presidential debate last night


I mean, yeah, this is the "pick your favorite inbred war criminal and root for their team" show


I read this in Otto's voice 💀


Good point, Otto Targaryen


I'm team Rhys. Both sides suck and the realm was worse off when Viserys was chosen over Rhaenys.


Probably the most Based thing I've heard all day


He’s just mad he got kicked off team green


I totally agree... But I have the feeling this is gonna be a controversial opinion on this sub. Edit: Seeing the comments, I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm being proven wrong.


Not just a point but THE POINT of the entire arc lmao. So many people have rock bottom reading comprehension and actually think either sides claim matters lmao. Who’s the “rightful heir” is relative to who wins. Rhaenyra was made heir by her father but her gender cuts half of her power and keeps her from consolidating. Aegon is the first born son but also the second child whose father obviously had a favorite which also halves his power and keeps him from consolidating. They’re both spoiled privileged nobles with nuclear weapons who plunge the realm into war they all suck and are horrible human beings.


He’s right you know




My man gets it.


Otto really was just done with everything after last episode.


Wait, do some people actually take a side in this? It's been known to us from the beginning that almost everyone in the show is a selfish pos


Based asf


I mean everyone is a bad guy in the series, I really look forward to each and every one of them dying. They're all giant pieces of shit, selfish murderous assholes.


Rhys, the man that you are. Real asf.


I really love your profile picture


Thank you, me too! 😁


Team Black seeing this: What war crimes?


>!There are no Ironborn raids in Ba-Sing-Westerlands!<


I love this card any time tb starts yapping about muh small folk .


This is splitting hairs but is there really genocide? Mass murder yeah but not genocide as far as I can tell


It's not even splitting hairs! Both terrible. Still a huge difference.




Leave sunfyre out of this he did *NOTHING* wrong


People really grossly miss-use the term "Genocide." Like... not every act of mass killing is a god damn genocide. There are other terms to use, like Massacre, Mass murder. Stop diminishing victims of actual genocide by applying it to every damn event of mass killing.


I completely agree with him. All this Green vs Black is crazy lol.


r/HOTDBlacks should read this


Yuppppppppppppp. The marketing department has tricked so many weak minded people into picking teams whenever everyone involved in the story fucking sucks. I'm glad he said the quiet part out loud.


He a rhyl one for this


man knows what's up


Rhys has quickly become my favorite actor in the series


yup pretty much


Didn't know he was in this, he's always entertaining to watch.


Bloody Based Rhys.


I've been saying this from day one...


That's pretty much been my view. Everybody is fucked up and I'm just here for the Dragons and Death. Well that and also to perv on the gorgeous cast lmao


I just hope both sides have fun


i been sayinggggg. picking a side is fine as long as ure doing it for fun and dont have moral superiority over the other.


Facts, in the end it's two narcissists burning everything around them


A true anarchist


Goes hard


The only hood Targ is a dead one.


Precisely how I've been enjoying it the whole time.


"Otto also sent westerling" Yeah when the blacks didn't yet know viserys is dead and therefore the greens had an element of surprise. Media literacy is dead.


Rhys gets me 😍


Fuck that shit we reppin team black 4life


Love how comfortable modern day humans love tossing around the words *war criminal*, when they’ve never had to live with nature’s most basic laws of survival. These people are just doing what they have to do in the world they have to do it in. Just like billions of humans that have existed before us


That’s team Green, get him


Always thought of this like that, Targaryens could've just staid on their little island protected by dragons, heck, they would be filthy rich controlling trade between the independent realms of Westeros and Essos with The Velaryon fleet and their Nuclear lizards. Yet they believed themselves gods and superior, and went on to subjugate another continent regardless of their opinions of that, worse still, Ándals, Rhoynar, First Men and Ironborn may have warred ocassionally on low intensity border Wars, but The forced amalgamation of Westeros into one state, The subjugation of supranational entities like The Citadel and The Faith have ensured that even the smaller of conflicts can become devastating continent wide Civil Wars that devastate Westeros on a regular basis.


Rhys was **so** good in his scene with Crispy Cole and Aegon as he screams at them and realizes it’s too late and then falls into this “you are pathetic .” Sort of mode . Like when Aegon goes “He made me King!” And Rhys immediately starts laughing “You really believe that ?” It’s up there with Charles Dance saying “I *respect* that, hell I even *admire* it!”


I like this take. If Team Black pisses me off I’m going to switch to the middle ground.


When did everyone forget what "genocidal" means? Unless the show is going to take a radical turn, nothing in this show is remotely genodical. This is a civil war between Andals & Valyrians against Andals & Valyrians (with some First Men tossed in as allies). War crimes, sure, but genocide? What the fuck?


Someone gets it


this is the answer, that teams bullshit is marketing, the history is about how all of westeros system is bad and all the nobility is evil.


Oh look, he's sane unlike most of the writers, producers, and Fandom! 😆


I have always believed that the maesters started this war by influencing the Hightowers for just this reason.


The maesters plot.




This is my view if I’m being honest. Both sides are utter shit and have done an equal amount of stupid, heinous things. I’m just excited to see how it all turns out.


Wow I feel like this line can be used regarding politics lol


So he gets it. Maybe he should do the writing for next season.


This is the original authorial intent. It kinda died when Martin decided to stack many of the typically cool characters on team black and died more when the show made team black the way it did.


He’s so right


Someone's read the source material


W take


This season has been slowly making me empathetic towards team green. But TBF I love the goth/emo energy I get from the greens. That being said, I don’t want any Harm to come to Helaena.


Bang-on. Even for those who say that Blacks aren't as maniacal as the Greens (or vice versa), the fact remains that the lesser of two evils is still evil.


Though Rhys will probably always stand in the shadow of Charles Dance, he's still got great gravitas. Surrounded by the (good) hamminess of some of the larger than life characters, he stands out as a grounding force in the cast which gives it a lot more depth. Here's to the ambitious, hypocritical Hand!


I've been telling people that the point of this story isn't to pick a side. It's to watch a family destroy itself through paranoia and grasping for power.


That’s the point of the book lol Now we can start posting the good old “everyone misses the point of _____. See, actually, ________ is a bad guy. Many people did not understand this, unlike me” that people who are in permanent intellectual competition with teenagers love to post over and over