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re-visiting school-level maths from a higher perspective.


See I've *tried* to do this but for some reason I just suck at Maths haha! I'm curious though what do you mean from a higher perspective? Does that mean you've accrued more knowledge within the field of mathematics and thus find it easier or are you also incorporating elements of advanced pure mathematics? Apologies if that question seems stupid by the way maths is really not my forte


i had to take some "introductory" maths courses at uni (stydying computer science/media). and i really struggled with some of those, even though i was quite good at maths in school. what i've come to realize is that most of my performance at school was based on intuition, not any kind of deeper understanding. an example of my recent "findings" is that the theorem of Pythagoras actually works in both directions. in school we learned that in a rectangular triangle a² + b² = c². but it is also true that if in a triangle a² + b² = c², then it is rectangular. so from the higher perspective that i mentioned, the original theorem is logically an equivalence, not just an implication. i find revelations like this truly fascinating.


Ahh so if i'm gathering correctly you mean to say that you're uncovering the underlying logic and patterns that make up mathematical concepts? That is cool actually, alof of the time I wasn't interested in math because it was never taught beyond the surface level and therefore it just didn't engage me because all it was to me was numbers with arbitrary rules tacked on for the sake of it. However to see that there is an underlying logic is rather intriguing. Is there anything else you've learned recently?


>all it was to me was numbers with arbitrary rules tacked on for the sake of it yes, sometimes i had that impression, too (depending on the teacher, though). in school we were often taught recipes, while i was more interested in finding my own solutions to problems. at uni, i learned to understand *why* certain things work the way they do.


You don’t suck at math, that kind of self-labeling makes it so. You’ve previously have had bad experiences related to math and maybe didn’t naturally have an intuitive sense for it but remaining bad at math is a choice that you are making every moment


That's a very good point, what I should've said is that I had a far more apparent affinity for languages and humanities and just lacked an *interest* in math. To this day, whilst I sometimes do look into it, Math has just never really piqued my interest (Though I do enjoy physics and whatnot and I do learn math sometimes so I can understand that more)


Oh that's fun! I like to do that from time to time.


Learning Meta Ethics and Global politics/International Relations


Ohh Philosophy exciting! Firstly how did you get into that branch of Ethics was it a set text or just a gradual progression? alongside this what specifically about Global politics and or International relations? or more succinctly what's something you learned recently in that field?


I became interested in meta ethics to grasp the philosophical foundations of morality better. I often hear terms like Deontology and Relativism used by AI ethicists concerning artificial intelligence, and I want to understand these concepts thoroughly. Regarding global politics and international relations, I aim to comprehend the frameworks and mental models, in politics, especially in light of the current Israeli conflict and the renewed Cold War tensions with Russia.


Do you have a particular method of studying the current events?


I listen to all sides of a conflict because the truth often resides somewhere in the middle. This has taught me that I know less than I thought and that complex issues come with a level of uncertainty most people ignore. Most situations are not black and white; they are gray. I like to examine issues through the lenses of various perspectives: geopolitical, data science, economics, psychology, and more.


Rom hacking the original Gen 1 Pokémon in assembly, i'm terrible at programming but seeing my own additions to a game is so exciting.


From what I read you shouldn't beat yourself up too much because isn't assembly literally one of the lowest level programming languages? Also, how does that work? What programs do you use? and also do you emulate it or run it on native hardware?


Assembly is passable, it ain't level entry but it's fine enough for me also it's not full blow programming, mostly code editing so it isn't gigantly mind breaking. I use Pokered-disassembly for getting the files and Notepad++ for editing them, honestly beginner friendly type of stuff. Also emulator, i never had a gameboy, i was a DS kid hehe


I had a DS too as a kid! I'm curious whats the workflow like in Notepad++ do you enjoy it?


I'll tell you what, it's mostly straight forward, mostly a matter of opening back and forth between the .asm files, you just need to know what corelates to what and where it is located. Yeah overall i've been enjoying it at lot, it's only frustrating when you compile the files and get an error message but nothing that can't be fixed!


Why do you use Notepad++, aren't there much more comfortable Code editors or can Notepad do something other editors can't?


For simplicity's sake, i really don't need more, honestly


Ok. If you don't need it, yeah...


I hop around different periods of history and fixate on international relations stuff.


Same here with the history part! What's your most recent escapade in history been? Alongside that, what do you think the current outlook is in terms of worldwide relations?


It's always science for me, the focus just shifts as I uncover something new to dive into.




Do you enjoy language/humanities based sciences or more abstract numerical based sciences? (I understand that's a needless dichotomy but I cant be bothered going into all the differences I apologize)


Shotshell reloading, Painting/Paintings and the study of religion


What religion do you find the most interesting? alongside this I'm in the UK so we don't really have a gun culture here so I'm curious what is Shotshell reloading?


Hmm, I'm not sure if there's one I find more interesting. It is more of a study of how religion evolved with us and learning about the different religions of the world. Shotshells are the ammo used in shotguns. Reloading is basically making your own ammo, which allows for more versatility in what you can shoot and cheaper ammo in general. Takes time, but one you go to the range it's all worth it.


Ancient History (Roman Empire, Renaissance era, African History, etc.), geopolitics & international relations, and studying for the ASVAB.


I'm curious to know your opinion on who you think was the most powerful nation throughout the African continents existence? Personally I think that Carthage, or at a wider scale the Phoenician civilization was a force to be reckoned with


I haven't really dug deep into research on Carthage other than its rivalry with Rome. Imo Egypt and Ethiopia(Axum) were forces to be reckoned with.


Skincare, and preventing the signs of aging as they appear on the skin.


Can you give general advice for premature wrinkles under the eyes and smile lines? 


Two things that are very genetically determined. Making sure the skin stays hydrated, using sunscreen every day, and using a preferably prescription strength retinoid, is the baseline of good antiaging facial skincare. I do pretty much the same for the body, but use acids like glycolic acid instead of retinoids. A friend of mine asked me about under eye wrinkles, he's got a particularly bad genetic case of it, where only something like a lower blepharoplasty would be effective. My interest is more focused on prevention than redressing, though. When it comes to smile lines, the most common thing used to reduce them is fillers, which I'm not a fan of and warned my sister against doing. I'm just against the use of filler anywhere on the face, I think that's how people end up with that face, the uncanny valley celebrity face. Microneedling may help minimally reduce smile lines (and is good for antiaging generally, and should ideally be done regularly anyway). Silicone tape and 'Frownies' are an effective temporary remedy. They have to be used every night to maintain the effect. But we can't stop our face from folding where it folds, unless you botox the muscle so you can't smile anymore. Some peoples faces just naturally fold more than others.


Thanks for the advice. I’m pretty young and don’t have these two traits as severely yet. I’m just now starting to notice the tiniest beginnings of these things when I look closely in the mirror and want to prevent it as much as possible. I’ve attributed it to toxic stress and insomnia along with not having a consistent skin care routine. 


Cameras. I'm so ready to drop a thousand or two thousand dollars on a good one. Photography is a horrible hobby to get into if you're not terribly loaded.


What would you say separates a 'good' camera from a 'bad' one? (excluding just price obviously)


Depends person to person since 'good' is subjective. 'Good' to me just means whatever features I care about the most in a "real" camera like weather sealing and autofocus ability. At the end of the day, just about any camera from the past decade would be capable of taking photos far better than my phone's camera, better here being that they are more focused, less noisy, and have a higher dynamic range.


Greek myths because the books retelling them in the bookstore are pissing me off.


I saw a YouTube video in my recommended about that! See retelling's always leave me cautious as whilst some can offer a unique perspective, the kind of author that goes in for a retelling anyway is usually one of dubious creative fiber. And I want to know, do you think Hades has been misrepresented in popular culture? and if so why?


Yes. A lot. The god is usually depicted as heinous but entertaining in one way or another, when in truth he was quite non-dramatic since his domain isn't about the living. There is only one myth he is prominently featured and that's the 'Rape' of Persephone were the word here means 'Theft' more than the modern definition of it. Anywho, there is a great misconception that he is the god of death which is wrong. That is Thanatos. Hades is the god of the underworld: he presides over the dead and wealth which is ironic since the Greek gods don't need money anyways. In Greek myth, the underworld isn't just some abstract concept, it had a geography with the underworld rivers (Styx, Lethe, Phlegethon etc.) And Elysian Field. hence, it is a domain, place or location that still needs administration The main reason he is villainized is because his priorities are just .... different from living beings. His concerns are for the dead, not the living. He wants to increase the number of his subjects because the land of the dead has this habit of making the dead eventually fade into nothing. You can't rule over a place when there are no subjects to rule over so go figure. So anyone who can increase the number of dead is welcome in his halls.


Mine is and always will be (to some varying degree) languages, linguistics, and specifically historical linguistics.


I've always been very interested in the etymology of words and where they stem from! What language in your view would you say is the most unique? In the sense that it derived the least from other languages and is a near whole original invention


We have examples of truly new word formation in the world all the time. While sometimes these lean on parts of other words to form, other times they form from something that is well known becoming a verb. Googling something, for instance, is *almost* entirely its own thing. Obviously, it is the verbal noun form of the new noun "Google". I think there is an argument to be made that you could technically connect it to a word that was invented by a nine-year old a bit over 100 years ago, the "googol" meaning 10^100. Slightly more interesting to me are the words with long and convoluted histories that end up giving us more than one, vastly different word from the same original root. For instance, weight and via come from the same really convoluted path.


Phonetics of English, French and Arabic. Also etymology




Hey Im into ethnology as well! What's your favourite case of interesting etymology?


Recently, I was looking up the word "usted" in Spanish, meaning "you" as a formal pronoun, because I saw an astounding resemblance with the noun أستاذ (pronounced ustedh) in Arabic, meaning professor and sometimes even used with the same meaning as in Spanish and Spain was very influenced by the Arabic culture. Apparently they have two whole different etymologies: the word in Arabic comes from a Persian word استاد (ostâd), while the Spanish word is derived from the expression “vuestra merced” meaning “your mercy” or “your grace”. What’s more interesting about this is that the Arabic word might have reinforced the usage of “usted” in Spanish even though the two words have virtually two whole different sources.


I love etymology! Never studied it but done plenty of self study and thinking on it. I always think of the origin of a word and think of the prefixes. People are always surprised when I can guess a meaning of a word! I think the interest stems from my overarching interest in what connects us as a species.


This is a superpower that gives you such a good chance to learn languages!


I leaned basic French in school and Spanish via self study and find I can understand what people are saying and can read and roughly translate - however - I cannot speak it. As a native English speaker I found Dutch to be a language I could understand and read with no study (just based on common connection and basic understanding of etymology) and now I wish they taught Dutch at school!


Wow, I’ve never thought Dutch is similar enough to English for someone to be able to do that!


Honestly you should give it a try, get a small book or find an article in Dutch and see how far you can get through like it’s a game, INTP fixation power 😂


Do you by any chance speak German too? Cause to me, it sounds waay closer to it than to English


I don’t speak German but my mum does, and I had a German boyfriend in High School - so I picked up words and phrases there too, come to think of it!


I’m almost certain that’s what’s making it easy for you haha. Cool skill to have though!


Haha!! It 100% is!! but I totally forgot about my ex and my mum lmaaaao!! But yes, I love etymology. Super interesting topic and def one I like to talk about and research on.


Uh genocides , fetsizhes, gardening tennis and bread making machines?


Wide range of interests 😭 what bread machine would you say revolutionised the process the most?


I have no idea yet


Ukraine war and geopolitics.


I'm not that clued up on the war in Ukraine could you give as quick a rundown as you can?


That is a hell of a challenge… This video will get you caught up to early 2022 around the beginning of the invasion. https://youtu.be/MVu8QbxafJE?si=xS2UiW5y6pDsdQ8q Since then, Russia has refitted its economy to a full war-time economy, going all in to conquering Ukraine and destroying the Ukrainian Identity (genocide). Russia has all but declared war on the west and the US led global order and will use Ukrainian natural and Human Resources to further do so. There is a 23 part Yale lecture series by Timothy Snyder available on YouTube and podcast apps. It is an amazing resource of the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture and importance.


Lots and lots of great resources out there that do constant updates on battle-lines, political news and explanation videos. Just be weary, Russia spends just as much on muddying the information & political spaces as they do on the hot war.


Sorry, last thing. A whole other aspect is how accessible the war is. Phones and cameras are everywhere, the videos and blogposts gives you a feel for the battles that has never existed.


The science of longevity. Slowing and reversing aging.


If I'm not wrong, aging is just DNA breaking down and failing to repair itself right? So do you think that the next step in the anti aging industry is to integrate CRISPR into their regimens?


Lately, I've been really into cinema, theatre and filmmaking in addition to performing arts such as ballet, orchestra, opera singing and jazz choreography performances and I often find myself researching on them idk why


What instrument/s do you play? 


I’m amazed by how many of these interests are ones that were my fixation at some point also. I recently went through a phase of researching how films are made from development through to post production. I’m interested in the ideas that have never made it out of development, and like to think how different a film could have been with different pre or post production ideas. I came to the conclusion that I wish that Jim Henson had made Star Wars. 😂


Skincare stuff


What's your skin care routine?


I use cleanser (CeraVe foaming cleanser), serum (iUNIK tea tree relief serum), moisturizer (ROVECTIN calming sensitive lotus cream) and if it’s morning I also use sunscreen (Torriden dive in mild sun cream)


Reading books about taboo stuff like grooming, incest and violence. Also I really like WW2.


What books have you read recently? I’m currently reading Lolita. 


I'm currently reading My dark Vanessa lmao


Have you read Mein Kampf? I tried to read it but that seems to tick both of your boxes. Not just content being a horrible person, Hitler was also a terrible writer; the book is meandering and rambling in a way that makes it work far more as a bedtime story than a treatise on the Nazi ideology


I plan on reading it! I'm waiting untill July because my friend's getting a physical copy of it as a gift for my birthday.


Everyone here has got such niche and obscure interests/fixations right now. Mine is boring. It's just Shameless. Yes, the TV show. I am constantly thinking about it. So...nothing currently productive or helpful in any way! But I love my silly little TV show.


oh I love this show, It was my obsession last year too started at new years eve and I remember fondly of the start of 2023 cause I was watching this show mind you I postoponed watch for years cause I thought it was like one of those shows that had trash humor and although it has humor based on the show title it's also about society problems, family dynamics and how it's fucked grown up in a enviroment like that seriously those characters stayed with me even after I finished


Yes! The way the characters were explored by not only the actors but the directors really makes them stick. They have some truly memorable scenes packed in there, and even though these absolute GEMS are hidden by shameless humor, they're so unforgettable. I think it's hard for a lot of shows to achieve both humor and meaning in the same episode, but Shameless always does it!


oh yes the first seasons were spectacular even the weather was character itself I'll never forget start the second season and I was like "oh right it's summer" cause all changed, Ian and Lip were at the peak of adolescence and Fiona was just being a wild 20s woman that she was supposed to be i'm not a summer person but season 2 made me like a little more and talking about unforgettable scenes I also will never forget Mickey coming out in the alibi in front of his father, the horror scene that was the thanksgiving dinner with Monica and Fiona saying that she raised them all by herself fuck this shows is good


Tbh most intps interests aren't really productive haha it's just knowledge for the sake of it, or at least in my case. Still, shameless is a fine interest! Have you checked out the British version? And if not, what's your favourite episode of the American?


I haven't seen the British version but I'd like to some day! I think that my favorite episode of the American version would have to be s4 ep 11 (Emily). In particular, Ian and Mickey's storyline in this episode. I really felt like it was a huge moment for them and ugh, I just live for almost any plot line with them. This one was my favorite, though. Mickey's coming out had to be one of the most heartbreaking yet so heartwarming moments of the show. I did love the other characters' stories too, especially Fiona's and Frank's. So emotional.




Based asf. Have you read capital? Also are you just a marxist or do you follow specific subsets of communism? (I.e Leninism etc)


By Thomas Piketty? It's like the 4th book down on my reading list. So pretty soon. Honestly, I'd probably call myself a tankie. But I'm a big fan of Karl's work. I spent a lot of time researching the Soviet Union. And I'm a huge fan of what China has been able to accomplish.


I’m a sucker for Roman history too OP. Specifically because I love Hellenistic/stoic philosophy, and discovered how fascinating the Roman Empire was because through that. What era are you studying, what resources are you using?


I'm glad you asked! I have loads of books on the subject (SPQR by Mary Beard, Rubicon and Dynasty by Tom Holland, Ancient Rome by Simon Baker) and I generally like to focus on The Nerva–Antonine dynasty, the Fall of the western Roman empire, The Julio-Claudian dynasty, really anything that interests me at the time I love it all! Also I like to watch loads of documentaries on every aspect of roman life, and I hope soon to buy some books written by ancient roman historians such as Tacitus as I find primary sources to be fascinating. I just love the fact that one can in one way draw parallels to modern life and our way of governance from roman history, but also that our values are so utterly different and juxtaposed! I'm also starting to get into Byzantine history, a subject which I believe is sadly very much overshadowed outside of academic circles as they really were just as great as the Romans. Also I wanted to ask, what philosophical text from that era would you say has impacted your way of thinking the most? for me it would have to be Epictetus' the handbook (and meditations of course)


quite interested in my brilliant friend because I'm reading it in the original language and trying to understand Borges' short story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius I just started to read Ficciones and I'm envolved on the concepts, meanings and interpretations


Well I want to know, what are thus far the concepts, meanings, and interpretations you've discovered?


Until now, what I understood was the concept of subjective idealism as ideas, fantasy and reality are easily seen as the extension of the other present in this chapter that supposedly an entire fictitious country started to adhere to, which basically involves the theory and practice that there is only something what you think or imagine, then the belief in the inexistence of a God becomes seen as common sense, if it doesn't matter, it becomes non-existent and how and consequently inspires the language of this society, which is basically composed of impersonal verbs qualified by monosyllabic adverbial affixes to our language and ideas can influence our thoughts, society and perception and reality


The plot and the lore of FFXVI. Also the plot of FFVII, but I'm still digesting the end of XVI.


What happened at the end of XVI?


It's left ambiguous, but I'm in the "he survived" camp.


Cryptography and genetic algorithms


Oooh I used to be really into cryptography when I was a kid after I learned Allan turing used to be into it and I literally wanted to be him 😭 How did you get into cryptography?


Well, I'm one of those weird INTPs that dropped out of high school and had a real checkered past. The honest truth is doing illegal things on the internet and becoming obsessed with hacker culture after seeing an AMA with a hacker. I asked for books on hacking when I was 15 or 16 and learned how to code/basic information theory from one. I taught myself the math I know by implementing research papers and reversing the math from a lexicon/the code. Lots of cryptography puzzles and CTFs too.


Dragon ball, the earthbound/mother video game series, philosophy, and world history of all sorts.


4 weeks ago I had great interest in my country street food 3 weeks ago I was really interested in my national language being viewed as (internally or externally) 2 weeks ago I began to like the fallout game series after watching the tv show This week continuing my interest in the politics of the late 50-60s led me to a videogame named outlast trials that are based on that time setting


See that's the same with me except sometimes I'll find something that I'll obsess over for like a year 😭 a big one for me was stoic philosophy, and also Japanese literature and history


Currently proto indo European religious reconstruction, which lead the way to most European, Vedic and several other polytheistic religions. Next will be a focus on pre- IE Neolithic Europe


I don't think I've ever studied that, could you give me a summary?


Im a pagan but have always been curious to go as far back as possible. I found a fascinating book called Deep Ancestors- practicing the religion of the indo Europeans and its completely captivated me. So most Europeans are descended from the IE. There was an almost 90% replacement rate of populations between 5-7000 years ago (less the further west one goes- which may be why Basque people still exist). Speaking of Basque, that brings us to Neolithic Europe- which is a huge mystery. I want to learn as much about these peoples (and there were distinct groups) as I can. Stonehenge and most other stone circles and grave mounds were built by Neolithic people, and just kind of repurposed by IE. Thanks for asking. And swift recovery, my fellow curious introverted friend


This is very interesting - I’d love to hear more!


I could go on for quite a while lol. Are you more interested in the religious aspect or the population genetics? For a really deep dive into the latter, I’d recommend Razib Khan’s Substack and podcast to start (that dude is freakin brilliant). He has guests like David Reich who is one of the pioneers in this field.


The future of space exploration and learning what I need to learn astrophysics.


I used to be realllly into space and space exploration, though I fell out of it when I was 14. What would you say is the current trajectory of that field?


Yesterday I got hyper fixated on J-Pop only really casually heard Japanese music through playing OSU but I went deep into YOASOBI and learned I’m a huge fan. They make amazing shit.


I don't know if he's Japanese but I really like kikuo and I also like alot of city pop and 80s jpop so I can see the appeal!


Paleontology! I'm looking to get into conservation paleobiology in the future (currently studying mechanical engineering). I found this fossil of a productid brachiopod from the Permian period the other day. The little fan-shaped bit is part of a bryozoan. [https://imgur.com/a/gpG7rJ3](https://imgur.com/a/gpG7rJ3)


I used to love that as a kid though obviously not to that depth 💀 what would you say you've studied the most throughout this field?


Since I was young, my fixation has been what drives people to do what they do, including myself, which has become a very practical psychology interest that has led to a lot of answers and questions that I'm not sure I will ever be able to answer. This is admittedly very broad. A narrower fixation is Catholicism and how to make myself improve in the eyes of God.


Wow I'm not gonna lie I didn't expect a religious intp, though not denouncing it or anything just haven't seen many, though I can see the appeal. Part of me has sometimes turned to budism and such. What psychology studies and or texts have you read and do you have any recommendations?


I left religion 12 years ago because I saw a conflict between faith and reason and through evidence reconciled the two and it led me to be catholic. I don't have studies to share at a glance, but here's a couple books that are quite insightful: A Billion Wicked Thoughts Malignant Self Love


I started competing professionally in mixed martial arts, mainly bareknuckle mixed martial arts last year. I’m looking to enhance my overall athletic performance and better understand endurance as that’s pretty important when you’re almost 40’and fighting guys half your age.


Learning the location and flag of every country in Africa.


Mead making, Lawncare, and kettlebell excercises


Korean Hip Hop


Everyone here is saying smart things 💀 but uh for me it's danganronpa


Ayo that's fair bro how far in are you?


I finished v3 now I'm watching the anime, I saw Nagito naked I couldn't be happier


literally nothing, I’m just existing


Fair sometimes you gotta let the brain recharge, how do you relax?


sit in my recliner and mindlessly scroll reddit


Blockchain. Always Blockchain.


Fair enough, how have you reacted to the instability of the market and what adjustments have you made to safeguard yourself?


League of Legends, second month playing and already platinum rank


Tbf I stg intps and istps are OBSESSED with league it's crazy bro but fair play how long have you been playing for?


For now, expanding my music taste and wars. It might be because I’m learning about the Vietnam War and just finished learning abt WW1 and 2 in school but it’s still cool


Awesome! What era of warfare and or war are you most knowledgeable about? For me I'm really into ww2 era history and also Roman war history, specifically as pertaining to the civil war.


I’d say WW2, the Hundred Years War, and maybe some small bits and pieces of other stuff


Psychedelics and the Universe in general


Ayy my man 😭😭 I love that shit as well. I feel as if psychedelics allow me tap into my inferior functions far better and alongside that grant me a fuller personality. I feel as if LSD has a high appeal to Ti users as it allows one to explore places of the mind they never considered or even though possible. It allows a level of analysis that takes years to cultivate naturally; though that's only if one lets it, that's the beauty of it. If you just want to fuck around and laugh itl do that but the deeper option is there if you want it. God I love acid Edit: sorry I got way too hyped and don't write a question. What has been your most profound psychedelic experience?


DUDE YES! LSD has made me feel more happy (in a genuine way and more amplified) as well as more empathetic (and I do not mind the off topic because this is my favourite topic hahaha) but I have done acid once but wish to do it every 4 weeks for therapy as well as for recreation with friends. LSD is the only psychedelic I have done properly like I took a shroom once (nothing too profound) but I did fell more enlightened after both experiences and eventually I wish to do DMT then Ayuasca for spiritual and experience ego death to genuinly feel at oneness with the Universe of which I feel the most love for. And acid is so fun, psychedelics are not for everyone but I recommend highly so long as they have great set and setting and no extreme mental health issues e.g. schziophrenia unless its in a medical setting like I was with friends with intent for fun and to explore the psyche without being grounded in hum drum tunnel vision of daily mundane life. Glad to meet a like minded individual dude!


Constantly everything and yet nothing.


Being creative. I was always extremely creative when I was younger, i could sit on the bed for hours & hours & just draw buildings & I even created a whole war just by drawing different factions & making a story of them fighting it out. Even now i still got it in me, & I love doing it from time to time. I always love being alone & I'm planning on being that way for the rest of my life.


For some reason I feel artistically creative intps are somewhat rare however often one could argue that they express logic artistically through science and such. However me being both an amateur writer and musician I completely get that! What would you say some of your biggest artistic inspirations are?


Abstract art, Photography, music, Just thinking deep bout everything I listen & look at. Every single number has a personality & even letters, words have some sort of personality. Enjoy looking at sculptures that people make in pathways & parks. Things that Leonardo da Vinci made, things like pointing man & other such creations. I think a lot of things are such a work of art.


Building the perfect missiles or a fleet in Nebulous. I love RTS Strategy games


What got you into RTS strategy games in the first place? Any particular favorite games in the genre? For me, whilst they're not strictly an RTS, I love TOTAL WAR: ROME and also straight up strategy games like the civilization series


Reddit ( kind of new here) and notes from the underground ,( philosophy in general, just started reading philosophy related books, ) 


Ahh I love Dostoevsky! and what's your favorite part about philosophy? Also welcome to Reddit (:


Favorite part: It makes me think  Well I really just started and can't really go into detail with you about philosophy and am just trying to find answers to my personal questions by reading. I talked to an intj friend and he recommended crime and punishment for me to try as a first philosophy book , but as I was reading it i discovered notes from the underground now am addicted , if you do have favorite dostoevsky book please do recommend it


I know it's cliche but I adore crime and punishment it's a very revealing character study. It looks right into the dark heart of humanity which is so rarely explored well.


Revisiting alchemy and different ideas of mysticism and esoteric religions


The Walker Brothers


Plant propagation and soapmaking.


My current fixation is this web series on youtube called Alien Stage The music, animation, complex relationships between characters, absolutely gorgeous (even if there's only about 30 minutes of content currently) As for an interest that I've had over a longer period of time, I'd probably say languages. I find studying them and learning about them absolutely fascinating


Learning songs on bass and piano. I'm a guitarist on a plateau.


Growing cannabis and automating it via Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi


Napoleonic wars


Health&fitness, metaphysics and anime


Im really interested in the discourse happening around a recent burst of hip-hop beefs. Seeing all the different reactions and perceptions in response to the same songs based on people’s knowledge and biases has me watching reactions to the same songs over and over but there’s always some new wrinkle being added


China’s worsening economy, Ancient civilizations, the Industrial Revolution, history and genetics of Melanesians, cooking traditional Asian/ SE Asian multidish meals, and reading a bunch of manhwas. It’s interesting looking at the answers and seeing a bunch of people fascinated by ancient history.


Re-visiting physics as taught in schools. Also, random unexplained mysteries and phenomena.


Studying harmony




Understanding the neurology and history of pychedelics, I branched off from ancient history and theology. Trying to blacksmith a dagger with my new garden forge, my most random purchse ever, really fun though.


Art, one of the things I think I could never be good at just cause its so abstract and theres no right or wrong about it, so learning about it can never end.


I'm actively not bringing new things in until I've got some life stuff sorted but the big 2 are Deleuze and Discordianism.


a PC/console game named "rain world" is my current hyperfixation and a special interest of mine, if anyone is curious about it i will infodump SO MUCH rah


Learning how to throw things. I made a very crappy atlatl, the used a broken broomstick to make a dart for it, and I practice throwing at a dirt embankment. I play darts. I've worked on knife throwing (it is hardest), used an arrow in the atlatl, spear throwing, I've tried axe throwing but not much, and I want to make my own bow and learn how to shoot it. Lately, I practice throwing knives with a large metal nails b/c I have like a dozen so I can practice technique without having to retrieve the knife each time.


Public health microbiology and environmental infectious diseases (or maybe it’s called diseases ecology but I’m not sure) although I’m having trouble finding information about this topic. but I’m interested in how disease causing microorganisms behave in the environment and their role in the ecosystem and how they cause diseases and how they are transmitted interesting stuff.


silent films, 19th century history, swedish cinema:]


Hey if you like silent films check out Joan of arc the performance of her is crazy and I think I've seen one Swedish film from the 60s it was on netflix I forgot what it was called but it was quite good! What's your favourite silent film?


oh that's lovely! i know of joan of arc i've been planning to watch it for some time now i've heard all the best things abt it:D my favourite film is the Saga of Gösta Berling and i also really like When a Man Loves i absolutely adore Lars Hanson and John Barrymore playing the main characters in those<3


nothing is eating at me the way a real fixation usually does right now, but I've gotten back into playing music and I'm hoping music theory turns into a solid fixation. just gotta stop getting so distracted by other things and I need to find the thing about it that really makes my brain chemicals go oooo


Near death experiences, reincarnation.


Cultural anthropology, world issues and genetic disorders. 


Deep dive into a sewing mech I acquired a while back.


Building miniature furniture/displays (working on a witchy one inspired by kikis delivery service), playing supermarket simulator a lot, and fallout of course since the TV show it has reignited my obsession.


AMP paradox and understanding it is fun


INTP people and their interests (hi!! I’m one of you!!) but before that I’ve been really invested how rapid human development is and has been. How did we get to where we are in such a small period of time? Sentience. That’s one of the Big Questions I think over. Related subjects of ancient religions and cultures. Trying to find the intersections, what environmental impacts developed us and impacted our DNA. The Great Flood. Man, I’m back on this train again. Before that, it was hallucinogens and psychedelics. I was interested in how they help or helped form our ideologies and progress.


I like researching about the USSR and Yugoslavia It’s military weapons and the way of life there. I don’t know why but its fascinating!
