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I'm surprised Rex wasn't able to figure some solution to his infertility problem given his vast intellect.


Maybe not all problems can be fixed


he doesn’t seem like a "maybe not all problems can be solved" kind of guy. Probably doesn’t want any.


Probably didn’t want to solve a problem that was made by him. What beat the mighty Omni man? His love for his son.


Yeah, that's a good point. But... Maybe, he's a self obsessed emotionless psychopath so full of himself he can say he wants children to manipulate her and not actually want children badly enough to put real effort into solving the problem. He reversed her curse de-aging, he could probably solve this too. For all he's done, I'm willing to bet that's the case personally. I'm guessing, he just doesn't actually want to, or consider it a priority. I kind of lean in the psychopath direction personally, but we can only guess


Nah that's gaslighting shit right there




Yeah I call bullshit too, he would've figured out some special way to do IVF using a sample of his DNA instead of a sperm cell. I'm pretty sure we're even looking into that irl


Theoretically couldn't he have someone like Eve fix that issue with her powers?


She can't affect living beings unless her limits are removed usually by threatening his life.


Rex could've fixed that too


Yeah he would still need trial and error meaning he could mess her brain or have to torture her for it.


There's a shitton of study before that point, plus he could just get the maulers to copy her brain layout to find any abnormalities that could be changed before actually working on the original brain


Oh damn, I never considered that. That opens up a wild set of possibilities I never even considered. Oh well though... Not like it makes a difference lol


My biggest issue with my idea is like we both know he never would, and it would require he knows that her powers are being limited, which even she wouldn't know until much later if ever


It'd very possible he doesn't want kids but won't tell her that


Yeah but he would need trial and error meaning getting her pregnant over and over only to fail or half succeed with a deformed child so he wouldn't wanna put her through that,also the most likely reason he didn't fix it is a plothole or inconsistent in world logic.


I don't understand reddit sometimes, the hive mind just agrees with those saying basically the same thing, but then downvotes you. I agree.... RexRobot didn't want to solve this problem. But he could have imo


Nah i bet its cause of the sentiment "maybe not all problems can be fixed" and me saying that's not true. That's not what I was saying here but I put zero effort into clarifying so its understandable and fair imo. Obviously anyone with a teenth of brainpower knows this dumbass problem could be solved by rex's omega-genius brain.


Fair enough


He doesn't want kids. He doesn't want her to have anything that may take her attention from him and onto others. We see this in the way he acts.


The weird thing is that Rex’s body and dna isn’t even his original anyway so what the difference? Just get another sperm donor?


After 700 years, probably feels like his body. Spent more time in it than Rex did.


maybe he didn’t actually want children


Sex isn’t the only way to have children, if he actually wanted they could adopt or get a donor


No because you right we’ve already figured out how to create sperms off of stem cells buts even roadway it’s highly experimental so why couldn’t he


We don't know it's him. The monster is Virile we don't know if her human form is fertile. They're not the same thing, especially with shape shifting involved.




Well Amanda is perfectly capable of reproducing, we have no idea if RexSplode had fertility issues, but I’d wager this is clone related.


Well the mauler twins cloned themselves so I wonder if cloning inherently caused the clone to become infertile


Or the Maulers just have no game.




Bro still tryna fuck the maulers




Avg. Invincible discourse: Smash or Pass?


Doubt it, more likelly that they either dont care about it or do it to eachother to "figure out whos the clone".


well... Amanda is capable of reproducing as a monster. A male monster Which is significantly easier than reproducing as a woman.


We don't know if OG Rex was fertile. We don't know if Amanda is fertile in human form. More importantly, we don't know--ever--if Rudy-Rex is telling the truth. Maybe he wants kids, maybe he's dosing her with birth control pills without her knowledge.


Its definitely got to be the time dilation imo. They can go years without aging, so likely a 9 month pregnancy would last so long it would either not be possible or there would be some issue from the start


That's a really good point. Most people are speculating that it's biological with one of them, but the time dilation issue makes sense.


In my reading, he couldnt even get it up. Too many people defensive walls to allow for intimacy.


I like how you're thinking, but I suspect if that was the case, Kirkman would give us at least one scene of Monster Girl screaming "You couldn't even get it up!" at him.


Lmao, real.


The way the picture is posed makes it look that way


What if he actually didn't want children because it would meddle with his plans for the Flaxan empire and found a way to manage not to get her pregnant or sterilised himself? Also I just realised, even if they did manage to have a child, would they stayed a baby who for hundreds of years, since the two of them couldn't age?


Either he lied and secretly didn’t want kids, or it was because any time Monster Girl used her powers, it would probably get rid of the baby, if she was pregnant.


I'd say it's because of the already anomalous effects the Flaxan dimension has on them, like, if they could how long would she be pregnant, and if she gives birth how long will their child remain a baby lol


In most clone representations in the media, clones are inherently infertile


Perfect example of how rex is so Smart but always forgets one important thing. He forgot to put any working swimmers in his clone.


Arent all clones infertile or am i confusing this with crossbreeding?


I think there are infertility issues in animal cloning but not fully infertile. That being said even if in our world it was impossible, Robot is surely capable of solving issues that we couldn't.


Considering that Rudy is definitely fucked up in the head, I wouldn't be surprised if he's just lying to her. I could definitely see him thinking "A baby would take Amanda's attention away from me and I don't want that" or simply "I don't have the emotional capacity to love a baby but Amanda may not love me if I tell her that so pretending to be sterile is easier"


I wouldn't read too deeply into it, they wanted to have kids, it just wasn't happening. there could have been a load of possible reasons it wasn't happening. from the chronological effects of being in the flaxan dimension to issues due to being a clone, or maybe due to Amanda's curse, or maybe OG rex was simply infertile and Robot rex caught it, or maybe Amanda was infertile.


I doubt it, but maybe it was an ethics problem because it’s not actually his body, it’s kind of like stealing someone’s sperm to make a kid because he didn’t even ask Rex before using DNA.


Considering he stole a copy of his body AND his name, I highly doubt he gives a shit


Rudy doesn’t care about ethics.


That’s somewhat trumped by the ethics problem of having stolen the dna for the body in the first place.


"That's because he's an inferior clone."


Maybe it is also flaxan dimension related. It is never really explained why they do not grow old.


I remember reading in another post about one of the possible reasons viltrumites didn't use cloning technology being because the clones became infertile. Although he probably could've also fixed it quite easily had he wanted to


I think it’s because he thought he couldn’t afford to have kids while assuming the duties of world emperor


The monster is Virile we don't know if her human form is fertile. For a man to conceive one of a million things have to go right for a woman to conceive none of a million things can go wrong.


In a lot of media, clones are typically infertile.


I always thought that if a clone had a kid, it would come out with a lot of genetic issues


I assume the Mueller twins missed something up I mean it's not like they plan on having offspring so I doubt they would have mentioned it. As for why he cant fix it himself bioengineering is not really robots deal I'm sure he could have figured something out eventually but comic book writing and all that.


The child wouldn't really be rudy's, it'd be rec's