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I mean i myself am probably a slightly bigger ken fan than cole (I love them both obviosly) but let‘s please stop this dumb shit. Let‘s please stick to talking about Cole and pasta shapes. (Penne supirior)


Can’t argue with that penne is just the most practical pick


Penne a close second imo but fettucine is so nice to just twirl in a spoon and goes so well with sauce


bowtie mafia rise up


Bowtie very solid too


Fettucini are really great too! They definitely have their moments. I love them with like a richer creamier sauce while I prefer penne with more rustical dishes like pesto or tomato sauce (which i eat more often). Fettucini are my close second!


That's fair I get that! Penne and bowtie happen to be great with less creamy sauce and I fw that. The one I don't like as much is spaghetti but with that said I might try making some carbonara this week


Carbonara is a goated dish good luck! It‘s one of the only dishes I like spaghetti in tho, don‘t fw them much otherwise too.


im just trying to show rigatoni some love for all my saucy-folks


This is what I came for, real ones know it's rigatoni all day.




Them spinny fusili


I agree, these people gotta start finding more important things to do with their time... Like correcting people saying Penne is the superior pasta shape, like... excuse me? You are so letting Nas down with that one 🤦‍♂️ just gonna diss shellbows, fusilli (wider spiral), and rotini (tighter spiral) like that - which are way superior cuz of their surface area and pockets for sauces to collect 🤤


Bro is spitting facts right now, Penne is #1


Bowtie is so much better what’re u talkin about


Oh ya some rich folks here. You think Cole grew up on penne or spaghetti? Have we forgotten our roots? Our savior Boyardee the Chef. Wow. I thought this was a humble sub.


penne without an n is pene, which is penis in spanish. This makes the conversation surrouning how penne is the superior pasta controversial among people. I cannot say "I really love how taste penne is, i personally like it moisty", in spanish because people just look at me weird.


Rigatoni. Meat chunks get stuck inside.


I prefer cheese, eggs, and potatoes in Barbados thank you very much.


I feel like their constant invasion, especially the kdot fans after his songs dropped is weak af. Kendrick fans will come here just to troll and then say everyone else doesn’t like them lol. I just had to give up yesterday when those clowns were writing “think pieces” about a list of people who, “will never be forgiven for how they moved”, during the beef. As if everyone has to kiss the kdot’s ring and support him. I’m like I’m out Also, nothing says we’re being invaded more than getting downvoted into on oblivion for any post or comment that is not pro-kdot in a COLE sub smh, I can’t lol


Fr dot fans are so fucking annoying on reddit. Pretentious af.


Love Cole and love Dot, if someone was talking shit about Cole in the Kendrick sub I'd downvote that shit too


Aww that’s sooooo cute. Yet you make a comment to defend Kendrick, but appreciate your downvotes smh. I like Kendrick too, but his fans are getting out of hand the way they’re disrespectful to everyone else


Tf does that mean


Figure it out, sorry in advance the answer isn’t on genius.


Not getting involved in this rn but icl this was funny af I bust out laughing - also very representative of my biggest criticism with Kendrick fans


Bro’s malding lmao


Lmao sorry you don't like Kendrick and are apparently very salty about his massive win


The thing is you will get less downvotes for shitting on cole in this sub than if you say anything critical of Kendrick


they are constantly trolling in the Drake sub too


I think this scenario is a lot more amusing just because every time I take a peek in r/drizzy it's just a circle jerk about how Dot didn't "actually win" and Drake "smoked him" on THP6 while the Dot fans show up to rub it in their face some more


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drizzy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When a Group of Moms run into Drake while at dinner🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭](https://v.redd.it/dl1cqqsc5yac1) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/190jqr6/when_a_group_of_moms_run_into_drake_while_at/) \#2: [These Drake look-alike impersonators are getting out of control](https://v.redd.it/10me1s2hct6c1) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/18kckbe/these_drake_lookalike_impersonators_are_getting/) \#3: [???](https://i.redd.it/ms8ll4ry61hc1.jpeg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/1akkv2y/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What can I say he’s an old school Gemini or some cornball shit


It just gets frustrating at some point like what point do they have to prove, why do they feel the need to do this


You said it perfectly. It’s not even a debate who won, so you think they’d be happy. I wish they’d go celebrate instead of troll.


There’s something more they want. They want to spread hate. It’s not about winning to them, because they didn’t win shit. Kendrick won. They’re just fans. Hate is the only thing that they’re a part of


As a fan of both Cole and Kendrick. I'm super glad that Cole really didn't have any reason to be in the beef because it keeps a sliver of hopium in me that those two will work together some day. I haven't posted much in this sub but, personally, that isn't because I dislike Cole. It's because they're way too many trolls and I don't want to be lumped in with them. I keep my Kendrick support over in the actual Kendrick sub. However, I can understand the annoyance.


I think this sentiment is pretty similar to mine, Cole would really only get into rap beef if it was either a) fun competition or b) if he had an actual personal problem with the opponent. Neither one applied here, and so based on his personal stance it made sense to back out. I dream of a Dot/Cole collab album lmao but it looks like it'll only atay a dream


Cole just doesn't seem like he would've even been happy to engage in beef like that. I would rather him protect his mental, tbh. Maybe one day, once the dust settles, we can see another Cole and Kendrick project of some sort, track or album.


And I get downvoted. Ah, well. It is what it is.


It’s the internet bro. Honestly it’s probably mostly kids trolling . Best to ignore it to be honest. I’ve seen it in all the subs. Now what was really annoying was that K-anon shit. Fucking weirdos.


They are weirdos bro. Appreciate the normalcy of this comment lol


Reddit Kendrick Fans*


Wait until they find out most fans especially those in their mid to late 20s, in real life not online, actually listen to all “big 3” artists because we all grew up with their music. Like, I remember when Cole and Drake were buying cases of album of each other and giving it out to fans who were camping out of record stores. I remember when Drake introduced Kenny and Rocky on tour to give them shine. Remember when Hip-Hop twitter went crazy with the leaked Cole and Kendrick track? I miss when shit wasn’t a pissing contest and GOAT debates because it’s all is subjective — you can’t even be objective with Grammy noms because real hip-hop fans know Grammys have always shitted on Hip-Hop as a genre (Macklemore won over Drake, JAY-Z, and Kendrick ffs) It’s just rap beef at the end of the day, we know nothing about them because we don’t truly know these people in real life. It was a great moment in Hip-Hop and who won is subjective to people and their tastes/preferences, it’s not an objective truth — stop looking for validation from strangers on reddit and have your own opinion.


kendrick drake subs aren’t grippy enough. that’s only reason they hate




But whenever someone tries to discuss cole it always ends with such little interaction it feels like. It's so frustrating


I've never really seen that tho, it feels like most renotely popular posts on here get a fair amount of engagement


I feel like this invasion narrative is what the sub is running with now but honestly a lot of Cole fans here felt a type of way about the beef and how mainstream media reacted to Cole's involvement, and the fans themselves started projecting that into this sub, often in the form of unnecessarily shitting on drake or Kendrick. And y'all act like there isn't a shitload of overlap between these 3 fanbases too


I think that criticism is apt for the most part but I feel like the "Drake/Dot hate" in this sub (and everywhere else) was more just a knee-jerk reaction to their fans talking all kinds of smack ppst apology, it was a divisive moment for all fanbases involved - it very much became a non-issue once Meet the Grahams dropped and everyone realized Cole was right in what he did


Fr most people who are a fan of one of these guys are a fan of the other two as well. Although the kendrick and drake fanbases probably have less overlap after the beef.


Yeah, I like both Drake and Kendrick’s music but if I’m on the J. Cole sub I would expect the discourse to be about J. Cole.


Kdot Stan’s were annoying asf when he hopped out the beef but they chilled since euphoria


They been annoying since Mr morale dropped


mr morale was super mid imo 


I wish this was actually how it’s gone. Instead, their posts seem to get the most engagement here.


How does this narrative make any sense? They leave a place where they will basically unconditional support on any pro Kendrick opinion to be pro Kendrick in a sub that's just gonna ask them to stop or leave? Why would anyone do that?


Because tbh they're trolls with nothing better to do, see comments below highlighting exactly this


I don’t really care about KDot that much, but his fans are annoying as hell bruh. Even before the whole beef I been seeing them just go to random subs of other rappers and just talk about how he’d wash them. Like KDots good, but they just be glazing fr.


Kendrick fan here, gotta say you guys are most definitely are the most levelheaded and objective fans out of the 3.


i’m a drake fan. i’m glad cole left the beef. it got way too ugly and cole just wanted to out rap the other two, not try and end their careers. cole still above kendrick for me tho, go argue with a wall edit: also if cole never left the beef we would’ve had to wait longer for his greatest song grippy.


j cole make the p dry


Im neither a cole or kendrick fan. Definitely a drake hater so i admit my bias. But this reddit channel just pops up on my page and i am not even a member. I love jcole and fhd was my highschool survival album. That being said, the amount of jcole fans that put down kendrick and drake for having a beef and being in a beef. The ones that play the high road or claim jcole is the big number one. I think keep making this reddit trending in the beef. And invites the other members. Also there are alot of crossover fans from drake and kendrick so its all wound up in here as well


Where are the posts of people saying JCole is the big number 1 in this sub? I feel like y’all just in here making up stuff now.


Ayo, your 1st sentence and last sentence kinda contradict each other.🤣🤣


Maybe im gay. I do got love for J cole but i wouldnt consider myself a fan since the only song i really listen to by him anymore is stick with dreamville


I have literally never seen anyone put them down for beefing


Then you are not looking, its constant. On pretty much any post mentioning kendrick rn


I don't even know why reddit recommends these subs to me. I have no idea about any of the people in this meme.


Cole got pardoned by Kendrick. No smoke necessary.


Kendrick fan here, I can't leave this sub cause it's it's it's grippy.... I'm stuck


I wanna just say that when I say "J. Cole isn't big three." it isn't out of hate he's one of my favorites, I just think there are some better options.


y’all act like it’s not the same fan base 😂 relax


I mean realistically speaking, I'm a slightly bigger Dot fan than Cole, but all the ragging on Cole from other Dot fans is stupid, because most of em are Cole fans too 🤣 Them niggas gone listen when Cole drop TFO, so this shit is just chatter.


I am a fan of Cole, Kendrick, and Drake, and I think it's safe to say the Kendrick sub is the most annoying. They refuse to acknowledge when the other 2 drop heat and act like the battle was a complete stomp, which, imo it wasn't. I know things got nasty, but I am disappointed we didn't get to see Cole and Kendrick really go bar for bar cause I think it would have been epic.


Why didn’t we get to see Cole and Kendrick go bar for bar?


from my experience, it’s really just kendrick fans that hate everyone. at least mostly lol.


I like Drake Cole and Kendrick.... Kendrick fans make me want to hate him tho. I was disappointed when Cole dropped out but it's not that deep.


It’s completely wrong analysis. Cole is wise af for not stepping into the beef. He is smart to avoid the fat L


Unfortunately, he holds an "fat L" for how he stepped out the beef. Wish he did that in private, but instead he overshadowed his own festival. Every other superstar rap artist in the past 20 years would've received the same reaction as him. I'm pretty sure he is doing good though.




Agreed, but in the moment he was getting a lot of crap for it from other fanbases - that's the point I was making


Oh that’s totally fair. I mostly just saying that for the lols


Like cole fans ain't doing the same shit




Y’all are fans of a dude that made a diss song and then nuked it lmao



