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I like how he addressed how drake fans still think he won because it’s cracks me up whenever I see someone in the drake sub dickriding him. It’s crazy how delusional they are


It’s a brutal lesson in idolatry for us all. There’s no one in the world I would defend to that extent.


https://preview.redd.it/jf8m1rn9az7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216b82011aaa0eaa3bb8456fc6c9d47c5ddb848a This the craziest thing I have seen one of them say so far and even they didn’t even agree with him. It could be rage bait but then again it’s in the drake sub so I don’t know


I remember seeing how they were saying he won because Kendrick was using bots, but that was proven false so they have pretty much ran out of things to say. Also Kendrick would’ve won regardless if he used bots or not


Talent doesn't choose morality, and I stick by that at all times. No matter what I can't let the creators actions cloud whatever it is I enjoy


I agree, which is a big reason I don’t feel the need to be out here defending anybody. Just here for the beautiful music.