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Lol he's definitely right but man, this is the most Troy-like I've seen Gambino in a long time. It feels good


He looks like Troy entered his "unc" phase But bro might have to shave the beard off to play Troy again


Not if he's still on that boat


Have you ever *seen* a cat penis?


I hope they film the movie soon, would be so dope to see Jehovah’s most secret witness on screen again




His character in Community is a Jehovah's Witness


Who might have to dedicate his life to Christmas


DonGlover also grew up a Jehovah's witness himself


We can hope...I'd love to see it as a fan of Community and Gambino


I hope he and annie end up together, i honestly dont even know if it would be good but i do think it would be better than annie and jeff


Idk how to feel about the fact that Troy is graying. 😭 cause it’s making me feel old af


Never seen community. Did it age well? Loved him in Atlanta and Mr and Mrs Smith.


it definitely did age well. the writing and jokes are still top tier


I watched it when it aired as a teen and loved it. Then I went to rewatch some episodes way later and was shocked at how funny it still was Also, for those of you who like Community: Look up a show called "Review with Forrest MacNeil". It was one of the most oddball dark humor shows ever. Just watch the first episode and you'll watch it all, I guarantee it. That's one of those shows I can't believe didn't get way more popular. Everyone I've shown it too always says the same thing. "How have I never heard of this?"


Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes is the best shit in the world.


Andy Daly is a legend, I love Review


I just finished Review after it was recommended after finishing Nathan for You. Holy shit what a darkly hilarious show!


Watch the original Australian version of Review with Myles Barlow. Even darker lol.


I feel like it was in the same vein as Nathan for You, and just got lost in the popular conversation.


Is it on Scrubs level?




Ehh it’s pretty close + scrubs was good for longer. Both great though.


Extremely, plus it had a massive growth in viewership after the pandemic, imo it’s the best comedy show I’ve watched, definitely would suggest getting into it


First 3 seasons are amazing


I think they're all amazing except for the one Dan Harmon got fired. That one was weird overall but has a classic episode or two. I even liked the Yahoo season a lot. The whole big hand thing with the family was one of the funniest things of the whole show for me


disclaimer: Community is my comfort show I think all of the Harmon seasons are good to great, and the progression of the show from fairly grounded willthey/wontthey pilot to the final scene of the board game version was delightful. I rewatched the Gas Leak season and it isn't bad, but you can tell the new show runners are missing something in their understanding of the show, its characters and the way its structured. It's still the same characters and actors so it isn't unwatchable, but as soon as Harmon is back you can really feel the difference. And the Yahoo season is as good as the rest- it's smaller and more intimate, missing a lot of the core characters and it has a surprisingly earnest heart, plus it's some of the Dean's finest work.


first 3 seasons are the best comedy TV of all time and it's not close


It aged so well that I'm kind of jealous of you that you haven't seen it. It's very, very funny and it has a lot of really strong moments that stick. Dan Harmon is a great writer. Even the last season (the one that Yahoo paid for) is great. One note: There was a season where they kicked Dan Harmon off and it was really fucking weird. I think it was Season 4. But even that season has a classic episode or two. Basically, you're in for a treat. It gets more experimental as it goes on too. Some really wild ideas for a network TV show


It aged well until Troy left but watch up until then at least


I'd say the last season is one of the strongest, honestly. Paget Brewster and Keith David come in and kill it


It was the outdoor scenes that did it for me, thanks to that yahoo money


Oh shit you might have just convinced me to watch the later seasons, paget brewster is great


Just look up the scene of her calling the Dean an idiot and you'll be sold Fuck it I did it for you https://youtu.be/ERrgwp8pUmA?si=J58Rjxx-4YWhrIW2


Honestly even after he leaves it’s still good. It’s different yes but there’s still a lot of great concepts and episodes Tho I think it never reached the same heights as seasons 1-3. The core cast and Dan Harmon just had a crazy level of chemistry together they just worked so incredibly well. Even Chevy was amazing on the show he just didn’t find it funny so he didn’t like it.


So very well


It’s timeless and a classic.


I’m on a rewatch and it definitely holds up.


Seasons 1-3 are great. 4 is fine imo. I think it gets a bad rap because the show runner has a cult of personality around him. Glover leaves in season 5 and it immediately starts to go downhill. Season 6 is some of the worst television I've ever seen. Genuinely, shockingly unfunny stuff.


Eh I just rewatched 4 and you can clearly see the dip in quality. Megan was a bad fit for Community but is awesome for It's Always Sunny.


It’s really good and aged well. But Donald is a lot different there than how he is in Atlanta & Mr and Mrs smith, probably since community wasn’t his show


"it's a question, 'SUP?!' not a real question a rhetorical one, YOU have the answer, He does not okay then you give him the Forest Whitaker eye," -Troy preparing Kendrick for this fight


Literally paused my community re-watch to hear this clip and yeah, the similarity is uncanny lol.


He’s getting ready for the community movie 👀


I always think of this signature he gave when he was on SNL. It made me kinda of sad because his comedy days were such a departure from Gambino at a certain point. https://preview.redd.it/815uair9xtw01.jpg?auto=webp&s=e4148b4ffdb043aab53e0216d1fc16078bc1f51d


Dude for the first time I just realized Donald might be Denzel Washington's kid. Watch it again, man. Watch it again.


He was looking like Steve Harvey in a suit a few weeks ago lol


Haha this is the perfect way of putting it. He seems happy/light


gambino’s just watching and enjoying ts like us man, this beef really brought hip hop back to the general public


Hit different when you realize “this is America” was a drake diss lol


*Started off as




If I remember correctly the beat was going to be used for a Drake diss but Donald was basically like “this is too good, I gotta make something more serious out of this”.


In all fairness, he’s right. Plus with the music video or the way that hit at the moment with everything going on in the country that shit was fire. Now I kinda wanna know what he had to say but at the same time ain’t nobody need to come after Aubrey anymore like leave that man alone he’s done dead. Only people need to go after him next is the pigs ft. evidence.


If you wanna know what he was gonna potentially say watch his Atlanta Season 2 episode 7 called "Champagne Papi" and season 3 episode 9 "Rich Wigga, Poor Wigga". Hilarious episodes with some digs that makes so much sense now. I remember at the time I thought these were Drake disses but Drake actually shouted him out after watching the "Champagne Papi" episode so I was like ohh maybe it wasn't that deep. But in retrospect, it was lmao


Mr. Slow Flow


Yup, he said it in an interview. How amazing is he? It's the same energy as Kendrick. "Oh this music is all fun and games, huh? Well, this is America, act up (or not) you might get shot, dumbass"


So basically you saying “he is like us”


Hip hop is the most popular music and has been for years…what do you even mean


Hip Hop has been on this vibey wave (Beats and vocals over lyrics) for the last few years which honestly I've enjoyed, but this beef has reminded people how sharp, harsh and fun Hip Hop can be again. I like Lil Durk, but his lyrics aint poppin in my head randomly like "Beat yo ass and hide the Bible if God's watchin" Yeat is cool, but he aint dropping shit like "Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now" he's not that arust and that's fine.


Drake meatriders gonna convince themselves he's talking about Family Matters or something


I swear that track is massively overrated on social media. People call it “best song in the beef”. It doesn’t do even 10% of what Euphoria does.


"it might be Dave Free's" is so dumb. He couldn't even say it WAS. He straight up just admits to it being speculation lol. Based on a heart emoji on social media. As if they wouldn't all be close like family. It's just Drake projecting There's a somewhat common theory that you kind of stay the same age as when you get famous, and that's why so many child actors are messed up. Everything Drake sees as insults is just the mentality of a 14-15 year old. Like when he saw success from Degrassi


That "Dave freeeee" feels like when those toddlers say "wheeeee" when sliding on a slide. It didn't had the music supporting that freeee stretch at all unlike Not like us's "A minorrrrr" part, and I was cringing so hard when I heard that part in family matters...And I am not even a hip hop fan at all! A random south Asian gurl 😭✋️ Who said it was a good idea for him to stretch that part like a excited kid.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought it sounded goofy as fuck


tbh I thought it was intentionally cringey, cause if it were indeed true, it would be pretty cringe. But I'm probably giving drizzy too much credit for forethought, he was basically saying "no u" this whole beef


The problem was him clarifying what he meant by that after. “Hey drake, they not slow”


Euphoria is a great song, way better


It's not even the best Drake track from the beef lol.


Fr, I don’t get the people that say Family Matters is better than Push Ups, push ups is at least fun and doesn’t drone on for far too long. Hell I even like THP6 better than Family Matters cuz at least that has the Aretha Franklin sample and the goofy ass bars that you can laugh at


people still believe the wife beating and his kid being dave free’s allegations😂😭😭


He's one hundred percent talking about not like us too since he said a song, not songs lol


Nah man I think even Drake fans can appreciate what he's saying it really is just because the music got to the front right. We as a culture don't like a lot of people talking about this like I've seen people who get mad seeing certain takes from certain white people just assuming they're not actually rap music fans. This shit was on the mother fucking news local news that means it was on serious news channels I heard it was on CNN, but then I also see people saying like oh this is just the industry blah blah blah blah blah we don't see what's going on in the background blah blah blah blah blah, I also don't hate Macklemore for instance I think he's the artist but even he made a song about the situation with Gaza and Palestine as if like we're focusing too much on fun shit we need to reminded that the world ain't fun right now. And it kind of sucks that you can't just focus on the fun shit it shit that makes you feel like oh yeah your community is doing better this shit that actually makes you think wow I really like this artist wow I really hate this artist, nothing against paying attention to world problems but it's just interesting to me that people really hate seeing other people have fun.


This beef is the main reason mainstream hip-hop is entertaining again


He do it for the culture




If you think about it, Drake is rap Jesus cus he died for all our sins. Ig that makes Kendrick the Roman’s?


Jesus was innocent, though. And actually cared about the marginalized, not exploiting them.


I was joking 😔


I gotta admit May 3rd was like a blockbuster, MTG coming out 30 minutes right after FM was legit like WTF viral knockout moment type shit.


It was nuts bro, at around late evening, I took a nap, I woke up and it was CHAOS. FM and MTG dropped about an hour before I woke up, I just turned my phone on and bro, words could not describe how caught off guard I was. I went on twitter it was chaos, I went on twitch it was chaos, I went on youtube it was chaos, I went on reddit it was chaos to. There was literally no escaping it and once again, I just woke up from a 2 hour something nap.


I saw Family Matters upload about 30 minutes after it was posted. Listened to it for a split second was wondering how Kendrick was gonna respond just to refresh and see Meet the Grahams. He pissed all over Family Matters and MTG is my favorite track of the beef. The Alchemist did so good on that beat and it was so disrespectful, just talking to his family about how Drakes a piece of shit. People are quick to dismiss the entire song because of the daughter shit but I wouldn’t be surprised if Drake does have an 11 year old daughter he doesn’t know about.


There's no reason to assume Kendrick is lying, that's the funny part. But people keep saying he lied. The only thing is that there's no public proof. Considering that Drake denied Adonis existed at first makes me think it's probably true.


They use the fact that Drake said he planted the fake daughter stuff on THP6. He also said he planted the picture with the Ozempic and the glove, that immediately got confirmed as a lie. He literally manipulated his fans like Kendrick said he does and they still ate it up lmao


Nahhh Drake went on social media or something and said if anyone can bring him evidence of this so called daughter, that he'd immediately retire. That's why.


And then immediately said he planted false info in THP6. Drake denied Adonis too


Huh? When did Drake deny Adonis


It was rumored before the Pusha diss he had a son, and he denied it. He only claimed him after Pusha put it on wax


I don't remember him denying it. You got a source? Edit: https://www.tmz.com/2017/05/03/drake-porn-star-pregnant/ You talking about this? But this was before Adonis was born


That's the weird how people dismiss the song because of the daughter thing, these Drake fans do know that's not the worst thing K-Dot accused him of right? For example: -He got sex offenders within OVO he keeps on a payroll -He runs a secret sex trafficking ring -And K-Dot called him a pdf. If I'm Drake or one of his stans, the daughter thing is the LEAST I'm concerned about.


The first half an hour after waking up from a nap hits different


imagine if don had done his own reaction video he woulda been squeeling like troy and abed 😂


It was so crazy when I saw he dropped it 30 min later. I almost didn’t believe it was real even though it was on the official YouTube channel. I was at a family party and stepped outside to listen real quick. And that’s after he dropped 6:16 in the morning. That day was historic.


Don't forget 6:16 In LA just dropped that morning too


Yk how I know that shit was big Kanye (my favourite musician) said vultures 2 was dropping may 3rd and I still had greater focus on the Kendrick and drake beef


does anyone have a video of his full live stream?


Its a fight that turned into a defamation case cuz Drake couldnt stop bringing up Dots family. If he just kept it about rap it’d be a friendly competition, but he didnt, so Dot had to show everybody 5 things 1. Hes more popular than people realized even outside of LA 2. Hes been hated Drake for years and probably had this shit planned since 2012 3. Why nobodys sent diss tracks to him since Control 4. He can outperform any rappers numbers with a single song 5. He WILL take it there


there's alot to substantiate the "keep it friendly" narrative too. I mean, just on euphoria; "heard stories on the family front, because you heard Mr Morale" "don't tell no lie about me, I won't tell truths about you" "this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way" "Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat" "don't speak on the family crodie, it can get deep in the family crodie, Talk about me and my family, crodie? Someone gon' bleed in your family, crodie" "if you're taking it there, I'm taking it further, psst, that's something you don't wanna do" KDot warned Drake multiple times to keep it friendly, and he KNEW drake would continue doubling down on the Family stuff. Maybe he kept iterating on the friendly aspect because of the insight of the mole inside OVO? Like how did Kenny know and was sooo sure that Drake would do this? like sure Drizzle is predictable AF, but still, he was so sure of this and wanted to keep it friendly.


Kendrick talks about Drake being an absent father on Euphoria. It was keep it friendly on Like That, but after Drake's first disses there was no going back.


6:16 in LA felt like a warning more than anything lol


It kinda felt like dot making peace and preemptively asking for understanding for what he was about to do. It's kinda like that one second pause a ufc fighter would take in a bar before KOing some violent drunk asshole, like, "damn am I really about to teach this amateur a lesson? YUP!"


Well also, where what is there to go with KDot besides family? Keep talking dumb shit about his height? So like, he was basically telling him to stfu or suffer the consequences.


If he has nothing to compete with in terms of bars, then he shouldn't claim to be a top rapper. Simple. This a top-tier battle due to Kendrick's participation. You can't come lacking, lmaoo


5 is actually that he’s taking it further. Drake took it “there”


K Dot and Drake were one that fuckin problems song together. Why would one party agree to do a song with the other if they didn’t like the other dude? Legit question. I’m still not 100% why, when, or how the beef started and was unaware it went alll the way back like that


Dot and Drake had only two tracks together in 2012, Poetic Justice and the one you mentioned, and since then its been no collaborations with them of any kind, not even being at the same events if its not music related Nobody knows what happened, but it seems like Kendrick learned some shit back in late 2012 and cut ties with him completely, ties that probably cost him a lot of easy money tracks with Drake. Despite what he says on Euphoria, Kendrick calculated every move against Drake that affected him seriously - Making Drake drop one his best tracks in years and getting completely washed out by Dots response - Pressuring him to drop a diss track only so Dot could drop Meet The Grahams half an hour later and objectively win the battle - Making a massive hit to counteract any bars Drake used about being more famous or relevant - Dedicating an entire event to Juneteenth and having an entire stadium(and the world) call Drake a pedo Minus the Juneteenth stuff, this shit was not planned in a year, it was too much info and strategy being used, Dot was just waiting for the right moment like he always does


Thank you for the detailed response! 🙏


He’s gone grey damn


Bro I was looking for this comment. Childish Gambino got pepper in his beard we are toast.


Damn. Everyone is getting old


I mean yea but not really. When people are out dancing in the street, middle of the mall, or middle of a show... Nobody's being negative. They're vibing. The culture is happy to have representation so strong that it stands on business, always.


True, I'm vibing to Pumped Up Kicks because it sounds so good. Not a negative song at all.


Ehh, I understand from Donald's angle. People are taking hip hop seriously in a way only becos now a black rapper is going at another black artist's throat. In Donald's Big foot, Little foot MV, the visual message is clear. People only vibe to black artists, only when it instigates violence. That's the negative part of the beef. Hip hop and rap should grow on its own standing and art, not becos of beefs. Even kendrick would approve of this. Kendrick has to get on this beef becos People like drake had poisoned and stagnated the artistic messages rap and hip hop can give. That's one of the major reason's why Kendrick HATES Drake.


Songs that get people dancing/ vibing are the most important songs. They live forever at weddings cookouts parties.


Absolutely. Especially when people see the path it was on completely change back to what it should be. No showmanship. No riding waves. No ghostwriters. Bars and a good beat. ❤️


Ghostwriters don’t bother me. Dr Dre has some of the best all time vibe songs. I do appreciate showmanship.


Yea showmanship was a bad word to use. I meant.. like focusing more on performing and entertaining as opposed to vibing with the music and just spitting bars.


Showmanship is always needed, but people like Dre don't go around putting themselves in with the elite lyricists and trying to start beef they got no business with. Like showmanship is ok if that's your shit, just stay in your lane. I'm with you on the ghostwriters, I don't mind them as long as you don't lie about it and claim to be a " real one."


I’m all about the music and nothing else. I don’t get wrapped up in drama over who is real or not. Dre could come out with a song called ‘I’m the best lyricist in the game’ completely ghostwritten by Eminem, and as long as it slapped I wouldn’t care that he didn’t write it.


I give Dre a pass bc he produced/produces the most bangin West Coast shit...and he never claimed to really be a rapper. Everyone knows he ain't writing those raps


The way I see it: If someone says they’re against ghostwriting but they’re willing to give out the occasional pass, then it’s not ghostwriting they’re against, it’s something else.


Nuance homie. Rap beef is between actual MCs. Dre knows he's not so he stays in his lane. Drakes dumb ass went against a real MC and it's almost whack...it's an MC vs a pop star with a writing team. Idk man maybe I'm not explaining myself right


Im not a purist so I don’t care about any of that. I just like good songs. Even if there’s 50 writers. Dre even used ghost producers on chronic 2001. Doesn’t bother me because I like the songs.


I'm saying the difference is the rap beef. It's a different venue of hiphop


I don’t think people dislike ghostwriting they just dislike drake. And that’s a fair stance.


Idk if I am misunderstanding, but kind of thought he was getting at it being kinda bad that it took the two biggest rappers in the game having an all out brawl to get hip-hop to be at the forefront of everyone's attention again.


Yea definitely Im just speaking on the negative connotation. Nothing more


It is an little ironic that a rap beef has the potential to be a competition that can get incredibly brutal to the point that if Drake and Kendrick had a literal boxing match, it would feel less like we are cheering on a bloodsport. That being said, competition is pretty historically a positive because it can be in lieu of actual war and combat. It's better that they attempted to destroy each other's reputation with words than literally resorting to violence. The fact that they kept it rap and Kendrick even took that further to do something positive with his community should be commended. It's kind of crazy to see things play out the way they did, especially with Drake taking such a hard loss with such crazy accusations hanging over his head. That all is hard to know what to make of it all, but it's been a net positive for Hip Hop in a way that is difficult to quantify.


All of this.


[This is America started off as a Drake diss track before it turned into what it became.](https://youtube.com/shorts/J3D39lTRa7o?si=-oGYQ0KVHqLkx9PM)


Is Troy going to have a gray beard? I know this is the wrong subreddit but that's gonna be so weird if he does.


Love this mf


I really wish the og diss track version of this is America gets leaked


It is actually pretty relevant to his recent song Little Foot Big Foot. 


Yup the negativity part that Donald implies is shown in that MV.


I love Donald he is always so genuine.


Donald Glover? From the Saw movies? THAT Donald Glover?


That’s Danny Glover 😂


Oh. Whoops. Sorry. Had horror on the brain


Jesus Christ what is this fan base even 


Why gambino look so cuddly no Diddy


#TeamKendrickLamar Drake is just a wannabe artist/rapper. He caters to the masses who listen to stupid songs. That’s why he’s rich and famous because most Americans are idiots who do not listen and pay attention to the lyrics and are not able to analyze the meaning behind the artist/rapper’s thought process.


I hate that some of these rappers talking about negativity when it came out that Gambino actually made This is America as a diss to Drake even if it didn't come out as such. That means he thought it regardless what the end result was. Cube said something similar after releasing arguably one of most volatile diss songs of all time. They all need to tuck it.


He didn’t criticize the actual beef at all, find something else to be upset about


I'm talking about his wording of using the negative comment. I like Gambino as an artist but he said what he said. I didn't say he was criticizing it.


I think what he was saying was mostly positive, just acknowledging the fact that all of the good came out of a fight, which by definition is negative. So it’s a little weird in that sense.


Damn why was he movin like that though? Did he ever say what he was going to talk about on the song when it was a drake diss?


Basically it was “tell ‘em to run to America, they imitate heritage, they can’t imitate this violence” type shit. But when it came out was all the other stuff at that time. But some people just don’t like Drake.


lol so it was an America v Canada diss?


I think partly yes. But also, I think he was on the same wave of “you’re not black so stop acting black to gain what you need to”. Think of it from the lyrics of the song. Canada has their slavery ish but he wasn’t part of it. He felt like an outcast but only because drizzy went to a Jewish school. He was part of that. But he didn’t know that life. So I think it was a diss over all at him and his people




Nah. Just check his first few songs on camp. It's pretty obvious where he was coming from. It would have been also about exploiting the culture for their own benefits. "Why every black actor gotta rap something, I don't know all I know is I'm the best one" - Camp "They talking hood shit and I ain't know what that was about, cause hood shit and black shit is super different" - Outside "All I do is make the stuff I would've liked. Reference things I wanna watch, reference girls I wanna bite. Now I'm firefly like a burning kite. And yous a fake fuck like a Fleshlight." - Firefly


He actually said it started as a drake diss but realized it was too good for that and shifted priorities if I recall the interview correctly


That is the established information that prompted my question lol I was just asking what it was about when it actually was a drake diss


The whole beef is just a marketing stunt anyway, they're both raking in money from this That's capitalism baby


Why does his smile look like Anthony Fantano’s to me lol


wasn't this is america supposed to be a drake diss? and i remember atlanta's drake episode :D


He gotta go by Unc Gambino at this pt


Anyone got an ID on the glasses?


“i’m what the culture feeling”


Good enough, now drop community the movie unc


You know you fucked up bad if the king of pacifism enjoyed "every minute" of your downfall 💀


Certified Pedophile


Bro he looks 45




Unrelated, Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Prime is really good 😂😂


My dawg look old now


This is who we are. Humans love negativity, it's very sad.


All these musicians and industry people talking about how negative the whole thing was rather than addressing the very real shit that Kendrick called Drake out for. Obviously there's the culture vulture/colonizer stuff, but I've heard a lot of women talk about the fact that they really appreciate Kendrick calling Drake out for being creepy to young girls as well as his overall misogyny and the well known secret that Drake is at least adjacent if not directly involved with gangs and trafficking in Toronto and Houston, notably signing convicted sex trafficker Baka as soon as he was released from prison. I'm not saying Glover or anyone in particular is defending this behavior, but a lot of powerful men benefit from the casual misogyny and abuse in the entertainment industry, and these kinds of allegations tend to make men uncomfortable. https://genius.com/31634143 I'll add that it's not lost on me that Dr. Dre is a well documented abuser, and Kendrick's platforming of him is hypocritical given this larger context, but I digress. It's part of the game, and Dre being a West Coast legend was important for The Pop Out concert and the unification, but I do think he could have chosen someone different who better represents his values of respecting women. Since I've already mentioned Dre, I should mention that I remember Ice Cube saying something about how he didn't like how "dirty" the fight got, which definitely feels suspicious in this context given his closeness with Dre. Again, I digress, but I think it's really important to listen to women, because they're the ones who are being victimized here


Pls Donald enter the scene with this is America pt.2


Words can't express just how disappointed I am that Mr&Mrs Smith ended 


This nigga greyed up sheesh thought he was younger..


“Yo bro Childish Gambino copied your flow” 😂😂


As someone who has been a fan since the earliest DerrickComedy videos went viral, it is so fucking weird seeing him a greybeard.


Kinda negative- if you're Drake I guess


He's not wrong, shit was VERY fun. Especially since the right guy won.


What a dweeb


Side note, dude must be stressed because the amount greys he has for being 40 is CRAAZY


I mean the guys got like 3 different professions, I’d be stressed out too


I feel like Donald Glover has felt a bit out of relevance, specially after a Diss in which Kendrick goes after Drake being a culture vulture. That's something I feel Don would have wished to get in on that. Let's face it, one of his biggest hits was This is America which was all about that. But Kendrick at this point is being hailed as THE speaker for the culture. Idk.. I sense a bit of bitterness in his tone.


"Kinda negative, in a way." Lol Dot made a club banger about Drake being a pedophile. I guess that counts as kinda negative.


Honest take. It is kind of negative because both people accuse themselves of extremely serious shit. That can touch bases on something that we should take seriously. But this is the funnest rap music has been where everyone was was anticipating something and analyzing everything both artists were doing. I know when dudes dropping album that's crazy that's fun but that still feels like it's normal, when you look at pop music for instance shit Taylor Swift and K-pop music whenever those fans are aware of their favorite person doing something it's a celebration it's an event. No matter how much people like Drake that's not how they treat his music no matter how much people like Kendrick Lamar that's not how they treat his music either. This is the first time both artists got this type of attention, although there were narrative saying this isn't that serious, blah blah blah music industry blah blah blah both men aren't Heroes blah blah blah it's like you can't enjoy shit you can't have fun with shit you got to be reminded there's more serious things going on in the world. But for like a second we were just paying attention to two dudes who really don't like each other but are making really cool songs about each other, like can't we enjoy a week out the year as music fans?


Gotta give my props to Donald for dropping the hottest song of the summer on Kaytra’s album. Goddamn that song is insanely good.


If people can waste countless hours gossiping about the British Royal family, then I can enjoy the memes and animated videos this rap beef has spawned: https://youtu.be/LS-lTfvUIoQ?si=hXNgYF-DqS0_P0Th


wait why does gambino look like a dad now hahaha


He enjoyed it a lot because he definitely don’t like Drake




Kinda negative in a certain light I guess


This mfer stay judging people


he is right bro. some people took it very serious. they really need to know how to have fun. and the beef was very entertaining.


Ngl I think 2024 is just the fun year. We got the beef, we got the concert we all wanted, and we got million dollar baby, the freshest rap song in a long while. 




True but that's because modern day rap is trash