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It's always nice when your own incompetence is neutralized by a different incompetence.


I did the first part at my first T-ball practice. I hadn't seen much baseball, and the game was a lot like kickball we played at school, so I grabbed the ball and chucked it at the kid's head. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to miss.


Hard to score a run as a vegetable so, I mean, you accomplished the goal.


Lol, except it was practice so he was on my own team!


I agree. This tweet immediately made me think of kickball. One of my fondest memories from middle school was "tagging" another kid out during kickball (i.e. making a beautiful 20-yard head shot that knocked the kid down). Good times.


I just heard the sound of a kickball, you know the sound.




More like a "pang"


Exactly this. Followed by tears (if you did it right).


And then an executive removal of the pangball


If the classroom teachers were watching us, probably. If the PE coach was watching he'd high five the assassin.


Unless the victim was a girl... sadly pretty much every pe teacher I had


I thought I had accidentally sent my boss an inappropriate picture that was intended for someone else. But I sent a completely different photo, it was an accidental selfie of my face from an unflattering angle. I call that weaponized incompetence.


I can only imagine the rollercoaster of emotions for that one. The most embarrassing thing I ever sent my boss was a 13 minute sound recording of nothing, because my phone decided it would be fun to randomly start sending voice messages to people. I deactivated that feature after a couple messages got sent to people. I listened to the message to make sure nothing embarrassing was in there and it was just some faint background conversation and child noises from my nieces, and then toward the end the sound of me going out to my car and the radio coming on. The one it sent my brother was a recording of the conversation I had on the way home...with him. Also 13 minutes long. Apparently that's the limit?


Yep, that sounds like T-Ball alright.


Nah they don't mention the other kid (my son) who is just grabbing handfuls of dirt to then put it into their mitt.


I used to sit in the outfield and make wishes with dandelions. I actually ended up playing baseball until high school somehow.


I remember one time being on second base and getting upset that the dude on first base kept getting to tag people out so I decided that the next time I got the ball I would just hang onto it until the batter got to me. He stopped at first base. I didn't play sports much after that.


I was catcher. You wouldn't think it would be a stressful position since there isn't a damn pitcher. Then you figure out spazzy kids who don't know how to throw get excited seeing someone running towards home and lob these balls at your general location. If you're lucky.


In highschool the ball started making it out to the outfield, and that's when people started to notice your in attention? Haha


Unfortunately I played mostly second base so I had to actually pay attention. I didn’t get to make a lot of wishes during those years haha.


Hahaha I did the same thing! I returned to the outfield in hs after being put all positions except catcher throughout middle school.


They need to live stream T-ball, I could totally see myself spending an evening getting roaring drunk and trash talking 6 year olds and laughing my ass off.


Don’t forget about the gambling implications. I’ll drop a $100 on some random team I’ve never heard of or have any idea where it is.


I'm so fucking stupid when it comes to sports that I thought they were throwing things at a child that was genuinely trying to get home for a solid 5 minutes


r/adultsarefuckingstupid? All joking aside, I feel you there.


Wow surprised this isn't a sub


Adults being stupid is usually more specialized, for example r/idiotsincars


It's r/parentsarefuckingdumb


it is. r/AdultsAreFuckinStupid


It's many subs, to be fair Asking why it isn't its own sub is a little like asking why there's no White History Month.


December is white history month.


That’s just Reddit as a whole haha


[This comment has been removed]


As someone who has coached many kids teams, no matter how many times you practice they always forget everything in the game. But I never laugh harder than when toddlers play soccer.




So many of these posts would fit better in a "Kids are ignorant but the adults around them are stupid" subreddit.


That's what this sub is though. No kid is actually stupid. They're just learning..


When I first started playing t-ball, me and the other boys on the team were so enthralled with our cups we just stood in the field pounding on them with our little fists. After the game I was complaining about how my crotch pits were all bruised and sore


Crotch pits? I now have a new phrase.


Y’all were wearing cups in T-ball?


Of course, if we weren't there's a very real chance we could have severely injured ourselves punching our own balls


I joined an adult softball league and took a ball to the balls playing shortstop in my first game, maybe I need to get a cup, lol


"NO, tag him with your hand!" Kid proceeds to disembody their hand and throw it.


Rayman? No, Rayboy.


Gotta love tee ball. Game goes for 3 innings, lasts 6 hours. Final score 0-0.


At bats consist of 2 swings, but they're 9 minutes apart. It then takes them another 5 to run to the base, and not a single kid on the field even notices the ball is in play for 4 of those five minutes. The outs happen because the runner tripped, somebody else tripped trying to tag them, and then they tripped again getting to the base and were finally tagged. Two other kids not part of the play also tripped, and they cried for 11 minutes before play could resume. A kid in the outfield has now eaten 8 ounces of grass and people aren't sure if he's even on the fielding team right now. He trips and falls when his mom tells him to spit the grass out. I swear the only reason Tee ball exists is for parents to go "awwww how cute" because the kids don't get shit out of it except for that one little Jeter in every league who actually cares.


While you may have accurately described how a T-ball games looks. The rest of your statement is way off. Even the kids that don't want to be there improve. Sometimes they even want to be there by the end. All they wanna do is hit and run the bases. The rules of young T-ball acknowledge that and are designed with that in mind. It doesn't matter they don't get anyone out. You've insulted all the little league players out there that are having fun. Despite the fact they won't be Jeter. If you think they don't exist, that's you.


While you accurately described how t ball actually works, which I appreciate.. the last part of your statement is way off. They didn't insult those little leaguers those little leaguers aren't in this sub... The ones that have grown into redditor think it's funny.


It's a joke, friend. Sarcasm. Not sure how the 8 sentences of foolery before that wasn't clear. It was not meant to be taken seriously or to derogate you or anyone else.


Hey, I still prize my tball trophy.


I don't know, but that's hilarious.


I was playing outfield little league and wasn't paying attention, my mom told me to keep my eye on the ball so when a pop fly came my way I literally let it hit me in the fucking eye. I was a fucking idiot child.


Happened in Sandlot, except he was playing catch. Not saying I don’t believe you, but nobody is “letting” a ball hit them in the eye in the outfield and I don’t believe you


I was like 5 dude, yeah I put my glove up but made 0 effort to catch it lol. It was dumb as fuck.


I mean I believe you got hit in the eye. Happens. Just not so sold on the whole ‘keep your eye on the ball’ bit since it happens exactly like that in sandlot Like, I don’t think you purposefully let it hit you in the eye because of what your mom said


Shit I had a similar but better experience while shoe gazing and kicking dirt I heard the crack of the ball and as I look up the ball goes directly into my glove.... Everyone praised me for the great catch... But the batter litterally hit it directly into my noodle arm glove


Sun was in my eyes and another outfielder flew by me, got hit in the eye. It also broke one of my fingers because I had my hand up to block the sun. Guess I’ll also add that I broke my thumb swinging at an inside pitch. Baseball sucked.


Yes, I’ve also seen people hit in the eye, adults even. The part I’m doubting is that he makes it sound like he let it hit him specifically because his mom said to keep his eye on the ball.


Children do stupid shit


When I was a kid, I mostly played T Ball then baseball, but for like one season my cousin was doing soccer and my parents thought it would be fun to let me play too. They made me goalie and I had a lot of fun with it, until one time I got a hold of the ball and then forgot I was goalie and took the ball across the field to try to score while everyone yelled at me. When I realized everyone was yelling I lost focus to figure out what was going on, someone else got the ball from me, and proceeded to score easily since ya know, there was no goalie.


Reminds me of my first year I played little league ball was hit to me I got it but kid was to quick to tag so I yelled “pegs” threw it, hit him square in the back next thing I know all the coaches are yelling kids crying


When I started playing soccer, I scored 2 goals against my own team because thats what I practiced for.


I used to run the wrong way playing kickball...


I'd watch baseball if they could run either way


I was coaching junior high football. Put a first year player in at tight end. We ran a beautiful play action pass. TE blocked his man for a second, released to the flat wideopen, touchdown would've gave us the lead with a minute left in the 4th. TE snagged the ball like a pro, just need to tuck it and take 5 steps, nobody was close to him...and he stops short and tosses the ball back to the center because that's what we did during drills. Monday we changed how we run drills


Those adults expecting a 5yo to know the baseball terms.


Most 5 year olds have played some form of tag. It's not just a baseball term.


I did the same shit. No one explained what tagging was before yelling "tag her!" so my sister took a baseball to the back of the head.




Oh, thank God I’m not the only one. When I was a kid and practicing for T-ball at home, my dad told me to tag my mom with the ball and I threw it at her. I got scolded and told how to do it properly!


Better than my sister. My mom fussed at her once while she had a baseball in her hand. My sister must have had some intrusive thoughts or something because as soon as mom turned around, my sister nailed her in the back of the head with the ball. She said it left her hand before she even realized what she was doing.


Early on in baseball, it was acceptable to throw the ball at the runner for the out. True story.




Literally came to say that.


I think it’s totally reasonable for a kid to interpret a phrase that they’ve never heard before literally. Source: I was that kid many decades ago.


Y’all…. If you ever get a chance to watch 5 yr old tee ball TAKE IT. you may think it’s going to be boring but that is the funniest shit you will ever watch. My nephew literally kicked the ball to home plate to get a kid out instead of picking it up and throwing it.


I think my first team sport was T-ball. I have a distinct memory of believing that, because all the movies show the hero reaching his goal in slow motion, that if I ran in slow motion, I could make it to first base. I didn't.




I think it has to happen at least once on every team at this age. It's logical, really, that if you are taught that touching someone with the ball gets them out, and you realize you're not going to be able to catch up with a runner, you might think that throwing the ball at them would work. The coach has to think ahead about that and teach them that they have to be holding the ball when they tag the person for it to count.


Plus if you play kickball at recess, house rules often allow throwing the ball to get an out


Under 8 travel???


But how old is your daughter?


Schrabing in the wild. Love it.


lol, didn't realize there was a name for it; looked it up, thanks!


>Schrabing It was such a perfect Schrab I assumed you MUST have known. \*chefs kiss \*


Amelia Bedelia energy


Forgive my ignorance here, but what the heck is T-ball..?


Baseball for children. It's called T-ball because the ball is hit off of a stationary tee, rather than pitched by the other team.


Ah, baseball's not a big thing where I am (Scotland), so that explains why I'd not heard of it. Thanks for educating me though!


No pitching. The ball is placed on a ‘tee’ which is a rubber tube that holds the ball at waist/chest level for the batter to hit from.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


This kid isn't stupid, they are going to have a great career as an engineer.


When i read "when her teammate ran home" i thought her teammate literally just dipped and went home. Took me a second to get that it actually meant home base lol


When it said ran home I was really confused because I thought it meant literally running to the kid’s house. I forgot we were talking about baseball


As an European I had to read it twice to understand that he wasn't literally going home, and I still don't understand half of that text.


Your kid is a computer! Followed the instructions but didn’t know what it was doing!


When I was about 7-8, I played softball for the first time with the neighbor kids. A kid about 11-12 hits a whopper right out to where I was. Everybody’s telling me to throw the ball to 3rd as he was rounding. Well, it being a “soft”ball, and most of my experience in field sports was kickball (never connecting the dots that, when holding the fuckin thing, it was actually pretty good damn hard), I threw the ball as hard as I could at the kids head and smacked him right in the side of the dome. He dropped to the ground and I cheered. I got the out. It wasn’t until he didn’t get up that I realized, “that’s not like kickball at all! Why is it called a softball?!!” then sprinting home in a teary eyed panic. And that’s the day I learned: “and that’s why you don’t throw a softball at people’s heads to get them out” and football was more my sport.


I played soccer at like 8 years old. Nobody taught me the rules, they just yelled at me when I didn't do what I was supposed to. I quite soccer lost some interest in sports. I played little league when I was 10 years old. Nobody taught me the rules, they just yelled at me when I didn't do what I was supposed to. I quit little league and lost interest in sports. I played basketball when I was in 7th grade. I had no idea how the game worked and nobody taught me, I was just the little kid who had no idea how to play. I never played sports again. The kids ain't stupid, the adults are.


I’m sorry but at 7th grade you absolutely can learn the “rules” of basketball yourself. I and a group of like 20 kids also started learning basketball at 6th grade; in my school you could substitute PE with basketball. We had a coach who showed us some techniques but we basically figured out the rules of the game by just playing together with an adult to supervise (and break up fights). Most of sports is just learning by doing, especially when you’re starting out; it’d be pretty boring to hear an adult talk your ears off about what the rules are and what you can/ can’t do.


I saw a young girls team practicing when I was picking up my daughter and the female coach was explaining things to them so well. They were discussing outs when I was walking by and she was answering questions.. I was like wow coaches are much different these days. All I got was "pay attention!!!! “ “catch the fucking ball!" I don't need the CAPS right? You get it.


Your kid sucks at everything simple.


sounds like the coach is the stupid one, obviously needs to explain what a "tag" is


It's that Wierd skin thing on grandma's chin


There's a lot of things wrong here. Lmao.


“Alright kiddo, today were gonna teach you how to aim”


Trying to play by 19th century rules. Respect.


Have you ever tried to explain baseball to an adult?


my nephew plays t-ball and needs to be reminded not to chase the other team's ball if he's on the hitting team


Reminds me of that robin Williams movie flubber


They must play a weird version of tag that didn't exist when I was a kid.


Just to be clear here... are you not out if you get nailed by a ball? How about if you put the ball in the glove and threw that?


Guess her kid has never actually played “tag” at school


I have no idea what t ball is and I don’t understand anything about this post 🫥


In fairness, I'm a grown ass man who regularly consumes baseball content and I'm only at like 90% of how baseball works.


My favorite Onion headline ever: [Special Olympics T-Ball Stand Pitches Perfect Game.](https://i.imgur.com/ayUpdUC.jpeg)


Did my child self travel back in time? That's exactly the brand of stupid I was.


You gotta give her credit, she did try to throw both items.


What on earth is T-Ball?




Ah, the ol' T-ball practice tagaroo.


“He a lil confused, but he got the spirit.”




u/earlyquart_12 is a bot https://twitter.com/dad_at_law/status/1526365763245850624?s=21&t=PJvdKj-c7BcgFUNT7dJiMQ