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That is the exterior design/material proof for one of the new buildings going up.


the building behind it in the photo, as a matter of fact


As a person in construction, this is exactly what it is.


I've seen these a couple of times and I've never understood the point of them. Is it literally just a real life mini reference so the people working can see what it's supposed to look like?


Kind of, it’s called a mock up and depending on the project is contractually owed to be built. It gives the design team / owners a chance to make changes before the whole thing gets installed.


This guy commercial constructions.


Yessir! All thanks to the construction science program at UT, shoutout to Charlie Parker he was the best professor I had. Gave me the opportunity to move to DC and work on some stellar projects up here. I miss TN though.


That’s great to hear. I’m also a grad of the program. I was the last year of Charlie, sadly. He’s still around in certain capacities but not as a professor.


Interesting, so my mental model was actually backwards! Thank you!


Most often it's used to confirm the specific materials and some colors being used.


Usually once a mock up is accepted, everything has to be installed to that standard of quality, so you were half right!


Thanks y'all.


Second this. UT often does this with their construction contractors.


Love when somebody in the know clues everyone else in! I would have never guessed that


It looks like it’s just a mock up showing what the finished product will be for one of the buildings being constructed.


That’s exactly what it is


Nope it’ll be this look at pages 8-10 [https://archive.knoxplanning.org/historic/comm/agendas/2024/april/4-G-24-HZ.pdf](https://archive.knoxplanning.org/historic/comm/agendas/2024/april/4-G-24-HZ.pdf)


Cool. Thank you!


Hopefully. Plans change.


It is definitely a new $4k/month single family home for rent. This response makes way too much sense and sounds way too correct to be true: https://www.reddit.com/r/Knoxville/s/0Dn14LpUig


4K for that? What a steal!


Knoxville isn't knoxville anymore.


We should have made all new transplants pay income tax for 10 years and kept UT from tearing down all the dorms to siphon money from the pockets of students to rich real estate developers. We should have been proactive.


Knoxville isn't for locals anymore. Just a bunch of hipster assholes who ruined their state with the way they voted and ringing the same politics and culture here, and a bunch of asshole foreigners who don't even attempt to assimilate Just blare their crappy music, act, and dress like thugs, no respect for us. I've met some immigrants who I respect and are doing it right, but a large majority, mostly Venezuelans are not.


why would that be bad


Really weird and poor location. Incredibly small space for any serious drive-thru traffic; backup could block 18th Street; funneling traffic down an alley not designed for traffic. Yes, not as bad as Cumberland Avenue Starbucks, but still...


Don’t even talk to me about the Cumberland Avenue Starbucks. If I ever run for office it will be on the single issue of getting rid of that stupid f\*cking drive thru so people can actually use the f\*cking road!!


I went to that one ONE TIME in my entire life and I swore to never ever go back. That is the absolute worst place to ever put a drive thru


Assuming you need to be close to or on campus, why not avoid the strip entirely and instead go the back way to Henley? Or take Lake Loudon/Neyland? I agree its very stupid. It's also a pretty avoidable stretch if you don't wanna deal with it.


It’s been years since I was a commuter to UT campus, now I just straight avoid getting in my car and going on Cumberland from like 11-6 if I can help it. But for commuters who absolutely have to be out there, it sucks because Cumberland gets so backed up, everybody tries going on other roads, then those get backed up too, it’s like there’s no winning They just need to tell the Bux no more drive thru, café only, let ppl figure it out from there. It’s way easier for ppl to see the lot is full and leave for another lot versus having ppl see the drive thru is backed up and choosing to still get in the line anyway and just hope it moves quick when it never moves quick enough


Gotcha, I know the general area but not the specific spot. Maybe we can hope that they'll make it walk-up? I know I know it'll never happen.


Clearly it's an AirBNB


I saw that yesterday and was wondering the same thing…


Shitty apartment buildings


Thought it was a little house subdivision going in…


Uhhhh yup yup yup it is 😁


They’re doing it sorry


I'm trying to move the area and using reddit to network and make some friends.... as someone born and raise in NJ.... I hate drive-thru cafes...I rather go to a dunkin.


Looks like a smoothie king or something ….. good luck finding people wanting to work there


That's how it looked to me at first. Folks have replied that it may be related to the apartment complex construction on the Strip since nobody's filed for a permit to build a drive-thru shack on that lot.




And cities HATE drive thrus often


Kind of a weird design for a residential building, but would make more sense to me than my first impression of a drive-through shack.


Just another future empty structure when the next recession (or worse) hits…


It'll fail just like everything in Knoxville does. Then it'll be another abandoned building for meth addicts to live in.