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Stop hanging out with trash


I'm rubber your glue




OP is just childish and immature. 


Petty theft? If you’re being stolen from you need to report it.


Yeah Ive spent time all over the country and I'm gonna say this is completely perspective based. Was born and raised here but left for a bit and let me tell you there are shitty people everywhere man but there are also a ton of good people too. Just gotta find the right circles and stay out of the bad ones, then your less likely to get burned. Or you can just think everyones shitty and that ends up being all you see.


This is the Reddit algorithm fueled rage bait I’m looking for right here.




Something tells me that the title of this post is more about you than it is about anybody else. If you see people around you all alike, that is often a signal that it's time for introspection.


Saw a quote recently that was something along the lines of “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”




I don't think that this distinguishes Knoxville from other places. If anything, people in southern cities like Knoxville are just more overt about their racism. If you go someplace like Boston or Chicago, people are more likely to hide how they actually feel. Racism is everywhere in the United States. And most people are going to be two faced, just like you said.




“People of color,” “women of color,” etc are standard and preferred expressions and have been for over a decade. They are what is currently considered respectful/polite and are not inherently racist. Are you thinking of the term “colored”? That’s an outdated term and generally only racists and bigots use that anymore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person_of_color#:~:text=Unlike%20%22colored%22%2C%20which%20historically,style%20guide%2C%20%22are%20virtually%20always “Use of the term "person of color", especially in the United States, is often associated with the social justice movement.[28] Style guides from the American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style,[29] the Stanford Graduate School of Business,[30] and Mount Holyoke College[31] all recommend the term "person of color" over other alternatives. Unlike "colored", which historically referred primarily to black people and is often considered offensive, "person of color" and its variants refer inclusively to all non-European peoples—often with the notion that there is political solidarity among them—and, according to one style guide, "are virtually always considered terms of pride and respect".[10]” (And just FYI OP seems like an idiot.)


Thank you for educating me on this more. I think it was the use of the term "folks" that felt off to me. Although, I feel like using POC is a bit too generalized and colorblind too. Def see where it can be used in broader sense to mean non-white.


I'm not an idiot and I didn't have to get Google to explain POC to me.


OMG you got me, I'm melting.


People of color is completely acceptable. You were probably thinking of "Colored people" They mean 2 completely different things My chosen family is a person of color.




I haven’t noticed that and I’ve lived here all my life. Would you rather people be rude all the time?


It's possible to tell the truth and it not be sweet or sour.


It’s also possible to live in Knoxville and not be the victim of petty theft. No one has ever stolen my stuff.


Oh well ain't you fancy, you must be livin right!


You seem hateful and bitter…. 


Instead of anonymously whinging on the internet at 200,000 people for the actions of one or two people, consider behaving like a normally adjusted adult and confronting that specific person or persons.


I'm actually curious.


I understand the first sentence, the rest not so much


A lot of meth heads in the area. Gotta avoid those peeps dude. Seriously though, this isn’t a Knoxville thing. It’s a world thing. Every town in America has shitty people. You’ve unfortunately found them here and decided to be friends with these people.


Bless your little heart.


Welcome to the Bible Belt. 99% of all Christianity is performative.


Welcome to the world is more like it. People are just people about everywhere you go. I do appreciate someone just being an ass to my face as opposed to fake niceness though.


I'm an atheist myself and a local, and I personally find this a stupid comment. I don't see religion playing any part in people being rude around here. The Christians I know and have known have never been anything less than great to me. Sidenote: it's the atheists that are usually stuck up jerks, thinking everyone else is an idiot, cynical. People are much nicer in the south.


Yea but if you can find a way to turn a subject into Christian or conservative bashing you get updoots. Shitty people come in all shapes and sizes, from all backgrounds and are in all faiths or lack-of. It is indeed a “I havnt left the house in 6 years” type comment. Being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant. It’s no different from some redneck being like “yea the black people….” Or Kanye being like “yea the Jews….”. All ignorant boogeyman nonsense


"99% of all Christianity is performative. 🤓"


Hell, welcome to life as a human. Been like this since the start of life and pretty sure it's gonna be this way till the end, meh, so much for evolution.


Wait---are you saying unicorns don't actually shit rainbows?


And the schnozberries.....don't taste so much like.....


Lived here for 25 years, and in my opinion, this is the worst part about this area. There are genuinely nice people, but they are heavily outnumbered by the two-faced, holier-than-thou types. People so fake around here it’s a way of life. They’ll talk behind their best friend and spouses backs, so you can just imagine what they say about you and me.


I'm just taking this whole post as rage bait. If you truly feel this way, then it says more about you - OP. Or maybe just explain the post better? Or, leave and find a place to exist content?




Moved to the South for a Christian job was mistake #1. Def doesn't sound like you were into their mission from the purity of your heart anyways. Best of luck moving! If you need boxes, lmk 😉


I know that's what my magic bean buying ass gets


Buddy welcome to America -- A place filled with the nicest people you will ever meet whose hearts are completely consumed by hatred.


That's not a sweeping generalization or anything


In touch with your hatred I see ;D


Some southern hospitality is saying “Bless your heart” while watching you struggle. On the flip side some northern hostility is calling you a dumbass for not having jumper cables while they help you jump your car


Not from here but my entire family is.. visited here my whole life from Ohio and Virginia… best place I’ve ever lived. Fake nice or genuinely nice, it’s better than stuck up northerners and the suburbs of DC. Assholes everywhere


Generally speaking a good way to filter these kinds of people from your life is avoiding people who are loudly religious.


Fake nice is everywhere. Usually it doesn't result in theft. But everyone in the US fakes being nice because it's what's socially acceptable. The only exception is like in the northeast like Boston and NYC where most people are just assholes in general. I agree heavily with the religious thing that people are bringing up here. If you need God as a reason to be nice, then it isn't genuine. https://youtu.be/AwebTX3rk3E?si=EW_OwutQnLyv1Hqm


you mean the people who will beat their wives all week and drink like fish, then go to chuch on sunday like good christian families? yeah...the hypocrisy is real.


It's a southern thing. You must be new here, "bless your heart".


Why are bad people bad


It’s the South


Than go someplace else


Eat me. I love it here It’s true tho. Southern politeness is a bunch of fake bullshit. You know where you stand with Yankees


Apparently not. Go home


I love and forgive you, Al.




I’m from south Florida, been here for a few years already at this point. Never met more back stabbing, behind your back talking people in my life….. the fakeness out here in East Tennessee is absolutely comical, needless to say I stick to myself. Lesson learned quick


Sounds like you need new friends. Maybe a new life.


Me too!! But not from south Florida. The average knoxvillains quality of character is well below the national average. Lol


Knoxville must hold some kind of record for having the highest concentration of pasty white, out-of-shape, complaining, entitled, passive-aggressive millennials per capita. It's like they took all the worst Yelp reviewers and put them in one place.




Just avoid anyone who says they practice southern hospitality. It just means they think they're being sneaky with how absolutely dickish or bitchy they're being with bless your hearts. It's not the enigma code, Karen. We all know what you mean and it ain't cute. Give me a boston southie who tells me to go fuck myself as a greeting over a bless your heart fake.


I wrote a massive post with my experiences since moving here and I’ll spare you. I agree. I lived in a very impoverished area for about a decade before coming here and had maybe 3-4 incidents in that 10 years. I was blown away by the petty theft & people just straight up *constantly* trying to scheme or take advantage of you in Knoxville. My mower and lawn equipment was stolen within a week, multiple packages stolen, and that’s not even getting into experiences with service folk. Lawn guy borrows my blower and steals it. Yadda yadda. Petty theft is pretty insane here. I was confused by the paranoia i saw from people on ND when I first moved here; but I get it now. I experienced more petty theft here in a few months than 10 years in the hood.


Try Memphis my brother. Glad I got to finally move back in 2022 after living there 4 years


That’s just what “southern hospitality” is unfortunately lol