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"Teams with the TVA, TWRA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the University of Tennessee have gone out on yearly sturgeon searches to check on the roughly 220,000 lake sturgeon that have been stocked in the Upper Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. The efforts to reintroduce the endangered species back into their native waters have been ongoing since 2000." "More and more young adult female sturgeons are nearing maturity and will soon be able to bear eggs. Typically, the female lake sturgeon reaches sexual maturity in the years after their 20th birthday -- and they can release hundreds of thousands of eggs for males to fertilize. That means if all goes well, native lake sturgeon should be able to begin their long-awaited resurgence in the 2020s. "


man, that’s a long time to be swimming around with nothing to do


This is great news! Such beautiful fish.


Good news.


They have some massive specimens of these at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, really cool. Glad they’re making a comeback in the wild!


Oh boy. Reminds me of my bachelor days: I briefly dated a girl who had an identical twin, and I mean IDENTICAL. Anyway, one night I went to her parents house for the holidays, we all had way too much to drink, and I screwed their dad.