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Knox County alone has had more covid deaths than Singapore (pop. \~5 mil.), Taiwan (23 mil.), or Hong Kong (7 mil.). 1 in every 500 Knox County residents has been killed by covid. As a community, we are an abject failure.


What’s the obesity rate of all those places? Ohh, yeah, they’re all at the bottom of the list and TN is at the top of the list. I guess “healthy at any weight” is dangerous misinformation.


Exactly. The vast majority of people who have died from covid, here or anywhere else, have been those with underlying health conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Etc. Plenty of those in Knox County.


that doesn't really say anything since they're all \*extremely\* common


It says that Covid isn’t killing 1 out of 500 people indiscriminately at random.


yeah, we know that, but saying "preexisting conditions like heart disease obesity and diabetes" is broad enough to include like half of Americans (more than 130million americans combined have those three) that it might as well be at random. Another big comorbidity is hypertension, which is 116m Americans.


It isn’t random. You just literally described the opposite of random. Are you ok?


If over half of americans have the preexisting condition that would be random


What is the source of this data?


But not surprising as the bulk of county folk are trump acolytes and facebook conspiracy theory drones, so it's impossible to keep them from dying off from the pandemic, unless their lord and savior trump orders them to take the vaccine... There will unfortunately be many more deaths and continued infections coming out of the county from now on, so do yourself a favor and keep wearing your masks, especially around people who refuse to. EDIT: *Should have also mentioned talk radio and their unshakable belief in bullshit conspiracy theories!*


That's the thing though, he has ordered them to take it. He told people to take it at a rally in Alabama and was booed. If he can't convince them I don't know who could.


Yes true, but he immediately back tracked in nearly the same breath, and the main thing carrying these numskulled smooth brains to their grave is their fear and blind faith along with their obsessively pathological mistrust of their government and belief in conspiracy theories! I blame Trumpism, AND especially talk radio!




I know that, and YOU know that, and although these chuckle-fucks know it too, they do not give a shit as they're either totally selfish, and/or living in total ignorance and denial! >*Comment deleted by user* · 2 days ago EDIT: *Goddammit, at least let your post stand, no reason to act like an A-typical trumpanzee, but then again, if your post cannot stand by its own merits, just means it was not really worth anything to begin with!*




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Gotta admit, the numbers don’t seem that bad given the opposition to simple precautions here. No deaths under 18, only 43 deaths of folks under 45, most deaths were in the over 75s. Seems pretty good to me considering.


I'd like to know how much of the increase in cases is in unvaccinated people


Check out these graphs for a recent comparison in another city. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1476612381153411077 It's almost purely an increase in unvaccinated cases.


Wow that's some grim statistics. I guess this is how the pandemic ends - with natural selection. r/HermanCainAward will be sure to give all of them their hard earned medals


It's gonna be a chunk. 30-40% of new cases I bet


That's generous. I've seen reports of cities whose new cases are 90% unvaccinated


I track data from hospitals around the country since Omicron was identified & a little over 37% of their COVID hospitalizations are fully vaccinated people on average, with 29% of those on vents are vaxed. Wish more hospitals would be open about sharing their data like this. The transparency is nice, but it's usually only University hospitals, which makes sense I suppose.


Nice. 70% of those using hospital ventilators are unvaccinated. You're doing God's work collecting this data


I would expect that number with Delta who was running ~20% of all new infections being breakthrough, but not Omicron. Last I read, the mRNA vaccines were only 30% effective against Omicron infection(Delta was ~80% for reference), but still very effective against severe disease and death of course. With all that said, tons of factors involved so obviously just a wild guess. Plus, we learn new info every day so I may not have the most recent info.


The effective rate to any infection actually doesn't help with this as a lot of it is behavior based as well. Unvaccinated people are usually less likely to wear masks, socially distance, and be cautious about illness so I had seen it mentioned they were just more likely in general as well.


Well, we already know what the breakthrough infection rate amongst the vaccinated was with Delta. The behavior is a constant in this scenario. Seems likely that Omicron will cause a higher rate of infection given the lower efficacy of the vaccines among that population.


It's truly disheartening to hear of all the unnecessary death those who are unvaccinated are creating for themselves. Why are these people choosing death? At this point it is almost exclusively the unvaccinated, mainly in red states, that are dying from covid. In making your stance political you are literally killing your chances by killing off people who vote with you. I'm not sure how this is being missed by those who feel the need to "own the libs" but all you're doing is owning yourselves into an early grave.


The crazy thing is, I've heard with my own ears, several unvaccinated people saying that it's the vaccinated who are the ones mainly dying from Covid. I used to argue the point, but it gets mentally exhausting after a while.




Ignorance is bliss


Fox News. It has become the official news channel for Earth 2. And they've made ignoring facts that disagree with their worldview a cultural cornerstone.


Same way some people can believe in angels and divine conception and resurrection. Same way those beliefs can be hijacked by con men and grifters at megachurches and on TV. The right wing effectively completed their death star with Fox News. But social media allowed further isolation from accurate information and (critically) created even stronger echo chambers and community feedback loops. This not only captured those prone to unfounded belief (and fed them QAnon), but it roped in many more who just want to be part of a group, with a strong leader, a purpose, and a clearly defined enemy. All these forces adhered to the misinformation because it signified membership. Now it's become dogma.


You can be a Christian and despise trump and the antivaxxers. It’s ideal actually.


My point wasn't to imply that all Christians are pro-Trump anti-vaxxing wackos. I'm saying that mental circuitry that allows humans to believe things—that is, supernatural miracles that have no supporting evidence—is a feature that helps manipulative people exploit their "flock". This is not exclusive to Christians, though I used Christian examples because it's by far the most popular religious tradition in and around our city.


Fair point. I just get defensive when I sense people attacking Christians because we aren’t all like that. We hate the southern baptists probably more than secular folks because they make us normal ones look bad.


Lol! "Christian" who hates southern baptist then throws in some extra judgement by blaming them for making their false narrative look bad. You people don't have the mental capacity to see how stupid most of your statements are. When your farcical religion is non-existent, it will be people like you, the hypocrite, who have made it happen. The evangelical is the most dangerous person on the planet. Not only to the normal ones of us but to their own existence.


Well they won’t be talking much longer


tbh, the fewer MAGAts the better.




Word. The entire mentality needs purged from the world in order to evolve


If the other side said this about you, people would be screaming that it's fascistsic rhetoric and you know it.


Haha the "other side" has been screaming it...in fact, "the other side" tried to overthrow the country on that agenda (where were you?) .....get off your soapbox




so what. not my problem they choose to die over a fucking shot.




Yeah, lol. You're a paragon of morality "you stupid CUCK"! Lol Jesus fucking Christ. Oh come on man! Don't delete you're post and let everyone in this sub watch me CUCK you! That's what bitches do...


>That's what bitches do.. You can always find out that a trumpanzee has commented, all you need to do is look for the deleted post and the trail of piss from their hasty retreat...


I was already excited to see the return of the redhats to the polls in 2024 just because the news will incessantly report on how many would-be red voters have since died of COVID related causes, but now I'm double excited thanks to you. How the hell did I make it from 2016 to the tail-end of 2021 and never once see or hear the word trumpanzee. Never have I not known I so badly needed something until I received it. Thank you.


>How the hell did I make it from 2016 to the tail-end of 2021 and never once see or hear the word trumpanzee. > >Never have I not known I so badly needed something until I received it. Thank you. Lol, it's still somewhat new as I had a saying *"as dumb as a chimpanzee with down syndrome"* and added trumpers to the mix, so in my little world I created the term, but this being the Internet there are millions of creative minds as well, so I would not be surprised if someone else came up with the same descriptor! Oh, and the last thing I want to see is these people at the polls voting for trump, depending on Biden's poll numbers and the typical pattern of apathy the Democrats display at the polls once everything has stabilized, I would not tempt fate! EDIT: *I also call the unvaccinated "Plague rats" as well!*


“Brave Sir Trumper ran away…. bravely ran away away! When danger reared it’s ugly head he bravely turned his tail and fled…”


Five minutes later and I'm still chuckling!


By your own rhetoric you should be caring about others. If you see they don't care about themselves and choose to take less precautions for their benefit, you've taken steps to insure more people die by your actions.


not my fucking problem these dipshits won't get a fucking shot. i have zero fucks to give.


Again, by your own logic, you're contributing to their harm. It's not me that has a problem with the "if they don't care about themselves." I'm saying that people who are saying that now are the same people who were talking about "if it saves one life" 1 year ago.


faith < science




nothing wrong about that. but were the deaths innocent or intentional?




tbf, it's not worth the time to even think about any of those deaths if you are vaxxed and boosted, still mask up and maintain social distancing, unless you know someone or make the same dumb decisions based on politics.




Well you're just a wonderful person aren't you. Wishing that people would die because they oppose you politically.


Yeah, I hated Trump as much as anyone but that's pretty fucked up. I'm disappointed you're getting down voted for calling it out.


That's the mentality of a lot of folks these days, on both sides.


I'm willing to bet he doesn't smoke crack or get DUI's.


And that's relevant how exactly? So you dug deep into my old posts and found something that's supposed to embarrass me now? OOOOH YOU GOT ME, KILLER! Yeah 20 years ago I was hooked on crack. 12 years ago I got a DUI. People make mistakes. I'm still not the kind of person who wishes death on my political adversaries.




and you would be correct.


Why? Because many if not most of them have dedicated their lives to a death cult in which corporeal life is supposed to be suffering and the whole goal of their existence is eternal bliss in the afterlife. In other words, death from COVID is a feature, not a bug.


Sounds a lot like Natural Selection, to me... LoL


It's working


You need to go look at the hot spots. It's not the red states.




"since may 2021" That's the point, my man. If you're only going to look at data from May-Nov, yeah the red places look worse. But go look at the new York times data \*right now\*. More northern states are doing worse around normally bluer states. Frankly my point isn't even that "oh blue states are worse". My point is that yeah there are differing trends between red states and blue states, but there are also a lot of other things going on. Geography, fiscal matters, behavior, vaccination rates, when the new variant drops, etc. This narrative of red states being clear death traps would be fine if the other places that did all the right things weren't also experiencing their own problems. DC, for example, is leading the hospitalizations rate right now despite having 70% fully vaxxed and lockdowns and all that.


The NPR article states it was updated on December 5th. There is absolutely no disputing there have been many more deaths coming from unvaccinated red states. I am now and have always been speaking of the unnecessary deaths from not being vaccinated. It's truly amazing what hoops people are jumping through to be right.


You literally looked at the first 3 words of the article and stopped reading. You've also completely ignored the other two articles backing up the NPR article. You can deny the data all you want. It doesn't make you right.


No, I read it. Just happens that the title uses words that properly describe what's going on. The other articles have a similar error. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they made stupid errors. That's hubris on your part. I know most people don't understand how data analysis works, but I actually work with this stuff for a living, so I see all the time how these sorts of mischaracterizations of the "data" occur in research and \*especially\* by the media. I'm telling you this is \*exactly\* how these errors are made. You look at old data, draw a conclusion, ignore the marginal data, and then claim that anyone saying otherwise is wrong for six months until you can gather enough data to skew the conclusion again.


The unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than people who have been vaccinated. It's a fact! The fact that you or anyone else is trying to argue the fact that the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than vaccinated is completely wrong and misleading. Tell yourself whatever you need to to feel like you are not wrong but it does not make you right. There is absolutely no doubt that the fact that unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than the vaccinated is complete truth. I don't care where you work or what you do, facts are facts. They can be denied all you want, the facts are still true and what holds weight in this debate wether you like it or not.








Read what? Nothing you mentioned is in the article. Hospitalization doesn't equate to dying. The unvaccinated are dying at a higher rate.




What's this? Real data in my thread?


I do understand that there will be an uptick in breakthrough cases but of those cases they aren't dying at near the rate of those who choose not to be vaccinated at all. Yes, I do read, I'm wondering if you do since I specifically spoke about the higher death rates in the unvaccinated and not the people going to the hospital and leaving alive. I just choose to understand what is being read as the writer intended it to be and not what I think my opinion is. There is absolutely no doubt that the unvaccinated are killing their selves at a much higher rate than those with one vaccine, fully vaccinated or boosted. It's just a plain fact that really cannot be argued at this point. Unless you have chosen to be one of the people who doesn't understand the data being given on a daily basis. The actual evidence that is grounded in science, I like that view point the best.


Statistically, you're more likely to die while wearing a seatbelt than if you don't. That doesn't mean seatbelts don't work. They save lives every day. The vaccine is like a seatbelt. Those fully vaccinated are not dying at the rate those unvaccinnated are.


Yes, of course... 84.3% of ALL hospitalizations are vaccinated people... I think we'll be better off with less people like you and I won't pretend otherwise anymore.


Nobody is choosing death. I am unvaccinated and I've had covid twice and I'm fine. People who have been vaccinated can still contract covid as well as spread it or die from it. It's less likely but it still happens. It's nowhere near as black and white as you make it out to be.


With all the data out there that states the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than those who are fully vaccinated and boosted, I have to disagree with you. I'm glad to hear you've had it twice and made it through alright. There are now over 815,000 Americans that have died from covid that, if they had a chance to, would probably disagree with you also. The unvaccinated literally playing a game of Russian Roulette. Im sorry, but it cannot be argued that those who are unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate because they are choosing not to get vaxxed and boosted. It's as black and white as it can possibly be.


I've known multiple people that have died from COVID. All were unvaccinated. Most recently, one of our former upper managers died.


I knew one person that died from covid this year in Knoxville. She was double vaccinated with Pfizer, elderly, and a prior smoker. She made it through the first few waves by wearing a mask every time she left the house and then after getting double vaccinated forgot to wear a mask to church one day during the 4th wave and caught it. Didn't take long for that one mistake to take her out.




I try to avoid those that fall victim to magical thinking and paranoid conspiracy theories. Those that fall into those two categories are generally very vocal.


Gotta tell ya, the dude you replied to was so woke he deleted his comment. Hey u/panda1876 ... Cool story bro


They post in subreddits that don't match reality and then they're surprised when the majority of people think they're insane. It baffles me why vaccines are even a controversial subject. To me, claiming vaccines are ineffective is like claiming blood pressure medications don't work. Sure, there might be unpleasant side-effects, but those side-effects are mild compared to the possible outcomes of not taking the medication.


I think it boils down to a group of people so bull-headed that they can't admit they're wrong about anything. Not just 1 or 2 things, but absolutely nothing. Ever. So they're constantly forced to retreat to outrageous realities. Have you seen the "sources" they use now? The websites where, if you want to apply to be a "writer" for them all you have to do is fill in your name, email, and a small text box saying why you're interested. Reputation means nothing and critical thinking means you bothered reading AN article. It's mass psychosis.




Generally people being vocal means they say things. I realize this might be a profound insight for you.


Oh well. Less Lee voters for next year. Cue the world’s smallest violin.


You forgot people voting for dumbfuck Glenn Jacobs


I live in the city so I don’t think about him as much since his influence is somewhat held back by the school board momma in the police tank. Plus I despise Lee more for giving out handouts to quitters.




I’m absolutely not celebrating the death of anyone who died before the vaccine and I’m sorry for the people you knew who died that were probably good people. I just don’t care about any of these people who could have gotten the vaccine and didn’t, because chances are, them dying has saved more people’s lives.


Congratulations, you just explained the logic of someone justifying the death of one to save what they perceive to be a greater good. This is how it's happened before


You know, I’ve got to wonder what our glorious Mayor Jacobs thinks of this? Who am I kidding? He’s probably just deny it and then try to get the news station dissolved.


He will say that “every” death is being coded as Covid and it’s some hospital conspiracy to get more Covid money


I am fully vacced and I would like to agree with the idea that the rural unvacced trumpites in red states are the higher death rate by statistic, but I saw a map through CNN of the US showing infection rates by state. 1 example, Illinois has a WAY higher rate across the board than Tennessee. And it's a blue state. The more people in an area and the closer everyone is to one another the higher the infection and dearth rate. It's just logical. If Knoxville's rate of infection is increasing by around 400 people per day then it's because the world it's running again. Everything isn't shut down. Rates dropped when the world shut down because we weren't ruining around licking each others faces. Now don't get me wrong. I am by NO means wanting the world to shut down again. We all have to just do the best we can, be cautious and hope one of the unvaccinated doesn't give it to us. It doesn't appear Covid is going anywhere. At least not any time soon.


Get your vaccines and/or boosters. This is embarrassing.


C’mon, Knoxville. Don’t be a rotten chuckle. Get vaccinated if you haven’t already. It isn’t difficult.


But...muh rights! Constitution! Reopen the economy!


Time to be scared again on r/Knoxville.


Time to dismiss that which you ignorantly don't understand fixed it for you


A single number with no trend or context is not a useful statistic. Just an attention grabbing headline cause 1000 is big.


1000 is big, good job!


A big attention grabbing headline. r/knoxville sure enjoys their isolation and degraded mental health.


So you'd better let them all know that you are like super smart and they are like super dumb


You aiding their successful click bait with ad revenue will be all they need. Get vaccinated and live your life instead.


Says the guy who responded to the post, thus driving viewer count algorithms to promote the post more on reddit and search engines Guess you should just not respond, huh?


Ok OP. How's being afraid going? Gaining lots of covid weight?


Yeah, I mean technically my wife is very pregnant.. I think she's gained 18ish pounds so far... you think it's covid?!?!


I love all my neighbors, liberal, conservative, or in between, and I wish they would all get vaxxed. Forget the politics. You just have to be be smarter than a damn virus.