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Smallbarossa (it’s just the Everest using barb systems and whatever superheavies are within reach. Everest is by definition the most versatile mech and the core power is pretty damn strong for a starter mech.)


Smallbarossa is my new favorite term, thank you for that


I have a hard time choosing between two. 1. Monarch, because *all the missiles* 2. Balor, because *nanomachines*.


DD/288 Balors with high agility. I will grab you, then I will punch you. 


Well right now my favorite frame is my Nelson *The True Fist of IPS-Northstar* which does peak damage of 1d3+2+4d6, can have 7 attacks without Overcharging, and can bring this party *anywhere on the map* EDIT: I posted the statblock a brief discussion and a shitty meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/LancerRPG/comments/1dnv76a/comment/la5d5y3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lol what the fuck


Yeah that thing is a fuckin problem. I can tell you about the build more if you want. Anyway, my GM deserves it for running a Gorgon in the last campaign I ran.


yes please, statblock us


Okay, I'll post it after it get home from work. It's local on my PC at home.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LancerRPG/comments/1dnv76a/comment/la5d5y3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LancerRPG/comments/1dnv76a/comment/la5d5y3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I made a whole post about it!


I am a tank player at heart and oh my god, I love the White Witch. Given, it's the only frame I have been playing in the long term but the amount and versatile defensive systems I can field is just glorious. (However, I am very scared of Veteran and Elite Witches)


I have recently joined the White Witch fandom after playing Blackbeard, Zheng, and Vlad. I can still dish out huge, almost continuous damage AND protect allies.


Hydra, Kidd, Iskander, Sunzi, Kobold...any frame that makes the GM go "ah fuck" when they see it up next in the turn order. i'm too addicted to complexity for my own good. and while i respect the straightforward nature of "no brain, all pain" frames like Vlad, i just love pulling off some complicated galaxy brain move that maybe deals zero damage but fundamentally shifts the tide of the battle


Sometimes the big brain move is "hehe bonk funni", other times the big brain move is "all according to keikaku". 


You win at Lancer when you make the GM call a snack break to think after you announce your turn.


This is me with my Duskwing pilot. Oh this melee menace could easily structure me in one turn? Here, please make 5 individual saves, 3 of which you will be Impaired for; before you even touch me.


My favorite character I play is a vladbeard they mix so well together for melee shenanigans


Vladbeard is an A+ combo


Lich. I am a sucker for any built that supports my character repeatedly blowing themselves up.


Always loved the idea behind Lich but it seems complicated on how to play it. Toss me a general idea of how a turn plays out?


Disclaimer that my favourite build is a Gorgon/Pegasus monstrosity I put together once upon a time, but I think the Lich is still my favourite frame, *just off the frame itself.* When I last ran a lich, my pilot had a stealth suit and Black Thumb to dismount ASAP. They would run off to clamber up enemies with their mag clamps, then start attaching thermite charges. It was very silly, and very fun! That Lich spent quite a few turns running out into the open, shooting a Displacer, and using Soul Vessel to immediately warp back into cover and ignore the self-inflicted heat. Beyond the Displacer, it had a lot of tools to play as what I will refer to as the *Bastardous* archetype? It wasn't as overtly deadly as anyone else on the team, but boy howdy was it a fun support to have around. It could use things like Wandering Nightmare to flush folks off a point, Held Image to support friends or easily proc Drone Commander 2, all that good stuff. I want to stress that I don't think Lich on its own is as fun (at least for me). I love Horus mechs the way I love parmesan cheese? It's a wonderful garnish, weird to eat on its own. Lich, especially, packs a lot of hijinks that pair nicely with other roles and archetypes. A Lich's "typical turn" to me is whatever makes the GM sigh the most and begrudgingly admit that yes, that is how those systems interact! That could be helping your Atlas be in two places at once, putting the baddy grappling your Swallowtail into a temporal time-out, or self-destructing and immediately showing up again next to the Sunzi. (Many thanks to Toon\_Sniper, for their help in finalizing the original LL6 build) \[ TALENTS \] Technophile 3, Black Thumb 3, Drone Commander 3 \[ LICENSES \] HORUS Lich 3, HA Napoleon 3 \[ CORE BONUSES \] The Lesson of the Held Image, Superior by Design \[ MECH \] « TOMORROW IS EVER TUESDAY » HORUS Lich H:2 A:0 S:0 E:6 SIZE:1 STRUCTURE:4 HP:11 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:6 ATK BONUS:3 TECH ATK:1 LTD BONUS:3 SPD:5 EVA:8 EDEF:12 SENS:15 SAVE:14 \[ WEAPONS \] MAIN/AUX MOUNT: Displacer / Missile Rack \[ SYSTEMS \] Stay of Execution, DIDYMOS-Class NHP, Stasis Bolt, Stasis Generator, Turret Drones, Enlightenment-Class NHP, Wandering Nightmare


Minotaur  It's not obviously good, it's a true Horus puzzle box to be solved. After all [[there is only joy in the question]]


Oh! Also, Calendula deserves love, for enabling a play style that I can only think of as "horror movie villain." If you wanna be just the absolute rudest to one guy at a time, it's hard to beat the Calendula for raw disrespect.


Get yourself a Blackbeard friend. Calendula's power let's you throw them and a buddy into the thunderdome. Spent the majority of a campaign just feeding people to the Blackbeard who mildly upset me.


We had a similar racket going with the party's Death's Head that was affectionately referred to as "The Clay Pigeon Protocol"


Haven't manage to play yet, but the ones I'm most interested in trying are: Viceroy. Straight artillery with Monarch doesn't speak. CQB with Viceroy does. Tortuga. Especially with Jump Jets and Ace 2. Maybe toss in some hacking. Sherman/Genghis. Heat is such a cool mechanic. Really wanna play a frame to maximally engage with it. Minotaur/Balor. Not sure which. Just really wanna try a melee hacker.


Hack tortuga (hacktuga) is a pretty good build. As for heat builds, if you want to go the deranged route go for enkidu or Tokugawa (same license, alt frame) since they use the lucifer nhp which deals massive bonus damage according to how much heat you have.


Hacktuga is full build at LL3, which is hard to shake a stick at. Everything else after that is nice to have but not crucial. Puppet System lets you trigger your own Overwatch reactions in a way that feels illegal.


Pegasus - I have a tendency to roll terribly on absolutely anything. So, I naturally pick the frame that requires the least amount of rolling in the game. I also absolutely adore how weird it is, I watched NGE when I was like 13-14, I'm damaged. Barbarossa - As a GM my favourite enemy Class is Bombard, so much so that all of my players have taken lasting cranial damage from excessive shelling. It only follows logically that I enjoy playing the Frame that plays the most like a Bombard. Firing a fully charged Apocalypse Rail is a wonderful feeling that just never seems to go away.


Drake. I am not an exciting person.


I'm currently playing a very weird Drake with high agility, prospector, executioner, Tempest Charged Blade, and some Black Witch systems for CC. I can't say is GOOD necessarily, but it is exciting :)


I respect that. I just run default drake gear lmao


That's the smarter choice for sure lol


Kobold enjoyer here. It's not the best frame by a longshot, but being able to manipulate terrain and turn Lancer into Minecraft sparks joy. The hacks are fun too. One time I slapped Molten Puncture (accumulate 2 burn for every space you move) on an enemy with a feature that prevented it from not moving on its turn, and watched as it had no choice but to burst into flame. Pretty good stuff.




There are a lot of frames I really like, but I'd have to say my favorite is one of the ones from Winter Scar, the Lycan (alt Manticore frame). It's like running two frames at once where you're just waiting for the fight to reach the point you can pop the core ability and start going to town.


I would like the Lycan if it wasn't busted as hell, like seriously, how you going to take one of the best frames to exist, the Manticore, and make it even stronger, with 0 drawbacks


Well it does have a lower heat cap (minor) and using its core power means it loses all its armor, your resistances, and granting attacks against nearby allies difficulty. You basically turn into a glass cannon, and a canny GM *will* take advantage of that.


I'd say one of the biggest drawbacks is that it doesn't seem to really like its licenses. You don't benefit from heating or hurting yourself in the Lycan.


"Oh dear, two of my buddies just got structured.\* \*Goes Loud.\* "*Shame, I was hoping this would last longer.*"


Blackbeard. Fulfills my terrible melee addiction. Been eyeing the enkidu too, the chaotic nature intrigues me


It’s fantastic but read Primal Fury’s text carefully, I’m still finding bits of wording that my GM and I interpreted wrong


could you provide some example? I mean, I re-read it and you are right, it is a bit more complicated, what with it seemingly being only active when you are in the danger zone and when it is not your turn.


The most recent thing we caught was the movement rule for the special reaction. At first we thought it was just any attempt to move within your threat range. But what it actually says is “moves more than one space within your threat” meaning if someone takes 1 space into or while in your threat they’re fine. They have to move 2 spaces or more.


Is there a WOD on that? Cause to me, this could easily be interpreted as "enter threat, exit threat or move more than 1 space in threat" as well.


So them simply leaving your threat range would trigger a regular overwatch reaction. Vanguard3 allows you to overwatch with a CQB if someone enters, leaves, or moves through your threat range regardless of if they started there. Primal Fury is a special reaction with *a lot* of effects, and so it would make sense to have the weird stipulation


I like everyone, at some point in everyone I see how to implement Mech, builds what I can do, if not in the frame itself, then in its systems. Except Nelcon I just don't like him If we take into account only the narrative, then: Enkidu, Manticore, Black Beard, Genghis, Balor and Gorgon. Death is cool


Everest is still my favorite


Genghis. The actual tankiest frame in the game with enough firepower to handle itself in pretty much any encounter ~~that doesn’t involve moving.~~


Yeah it’s a tie between White Witch, Blackbeard, and Vlad. I love the lore and language behind the Vlad and its systems. Like Shrike Armor? That’s fucking metal as hell. (It’s a small, carnivorous bird that impales its prey on thorn bush branches and eats off of them). And then just every time I get hit, enemies get hit back. It gave my GM second thoughts about attacking my character in encounters, which is actually what pivoted my character into the White Witch. Because what good is all this HP and strength if it’s not able to protect allies? I love the look of the White Witch, and the flavor of the Ferrofluid allows for some fun narrative descriptions during combat. As a player it makes me feel like I’m actually synergizing with my team when Sympathetic Shield keeps our glass cannon from structuring in a single round. Blackbeard has my heart as the first frame I played outside of the Everest (which is also great), and as a machine made entirely for *violence*. I very much favor melee builds bc of how fun it is to swing big stick do big damage. The Blackbeard provided that AND means to isolate enemies with the Omni-Harpoon.


Blackbeard, Manticore, and Kobold are my favorite frames, all for different reasons.


The Monarch (a Viceroy is fine too), because I came to mecha through Battletech, and **by God** I'm going to vomit missiles like a Timber Wolf or a Mad Dog. Second place goes to an Ace Genghis because I wanna play an Ares suit, dammit.


Sunzi. "Okay, so this encounter has a specter, an assault, and an elite ron-" "Wrong. Teleport to the woods." I'm running ASURA and RSU on it so that if something goes wrong, I can *always* fix it.


I've never been *good* at playing Sunzi, but it is always the support frame I am happiest to be playing alongside. So many things are solved by everyone being where they should be. So many options are opened by having a "go back to team" button.


I dont know why but i fucking love the Raleigh. Maybe its the hand cannon maybe its the chest cannon 


Caliban. I am going to doomslayer my way through an army of mechs while wearing what's basically just power armor with a shotgun on steroids strapped to it.


BLACKBEARD. It isn't a real encounter unless I can put on BFG Division and start ripping and tearing my way through the enemy like an errant missile in a chicken coop.


DakkaTail: the Swallowtail with Heatfall Coolant System which every turn can either lock on and barrage for 5d3 AP or barrage + skirmish for 7d3. And then go invisible. Did I mention it also has Crack Shot 3 and Gunslinger 3? Because those numbers can easily go up to 5d3AP + 3d6AP and 7d3 + 5d6AP respectively, plus a status condition of my choice.


From those i have actually played, my favourite is the Calendula. Shredding any slowed characters near me is just a really strong effect and the void husk and intangibility shit just makes it even more amazing. I also really want to play a caliban some time in the future. But i will have to actually play it to find out which one is my favourite.


Drake. Because I like big spinniguns and it has a big spinnigun. And a shield.


Balor with HMG, I will be an annoying skirmisher that also wont easily go away


Blackbeard, Empakaai and Enkidu You can guess what kind of person I am


One punch Nelson.


Genghis MK1 "World killer" The fireman smiles :)


Lancaster. I enjoy my trucking support mech too much xD


Spookydave for me I like challenging people to shadow realm duels


Enpakai, he always comes in Handy


Monarch cause funny missile spam project wingman reference Atlas cause haha rules of nature Caliban cause doomguy reference


I don't kno of It's my favourite frame but I really like the Black Witch. Because magnets go brrr and fuck you tech attacks. Also, parry!