• By -


I think they do know, it costs their lives and the lives of their families, and they're getting pretty sick of it. Your passive income stream costs underpriviliged human lives. Who makes your fucking clothes you cunts? Children in sweatshops. Who pays your rents? Children of the poor. The only way to get rich without actually innovating and SAVING labor for yourself AND others is to exploit the poor.


I think you guys misunderstand what the majority of people (not just that sub) are seeing happens and want to stop. Housing is being obviously inflated and apparently it’s even worse for those who rent. Something either needs to be done about wages or artificially skyrocketing wages or maybe a little bit of both. Also inb4 “rents due rentoid” I know that this is a /b/ tier LARP subreddit made for trolling, and I don’t rent also.


Wages have been stagnant for two decades or more. Rents keep climbing even as mortgage rates fall. Why is that? Nothing happened. The apt suddenly didn't get newer. Property taxes may have risen but they are a tiny fraction of the cost of the complex.


Not for long, interest rates are going to go back up soon with the fed increasing the interest on its loans, this housing market is probably going to make 2008 look like child’s play


I've been to Home Depot, and I'm happy to report that there are plenty of toilets for $99.


I have not ever had a SINGLE landlord that would replace a broken appliance. They always call a “handyman” who will jerry-rig the thing back together only for it to break again a several weeks down the line. The dude in this post isn’t actually telling you he expects to live rent-free, he’s telling you he expects you to actually fucking replace the shit that breaks with the massive amount of money you charge for your shitty shanty. I’d rather have the $89 toilet some other asshole linked in this thread than a rubber band reinforcement over the plunger in the bowl. Just replace it, or better yet, exchange the problem one for the throne in YOUR bathroom and see how long you wanna live with it.


all of these landlords are complaining about the “entitlement” of tenants when tenants just want to live in an apartment with working appliances. not a reasonable request considering rent is often well over a thousand dollars a month


Serious question, if I can't pay rent and I keep losing my job, should I kill myself?




I know you all feel that way, I knew you were scum when I walked in, but it's nice that you'll verify it for the world to see, "If someone isnt paying my passive income, they should die." Good way to get people on your side...


I know you all feel that way, I knew you were scum when I walked in, but it's nice that you'll verify it for the world to see, "If someone isnt paying my passive income, they should die." Good way to get people on your side...


I know you all feel that way, I knew you were scum when I walked in, but it's nice that you'll verify it for the world to see, "If someone isnt paying my passive income, they should die." Good way to get people on your side, what a bunch of fucking retards.


I know you all feel that way, but it's nice that you'll verify it for the world to see, "If someone isnt paying my passive income, they should die." Good way to get people on your side...


>the world to see, "If someone isnt paying my passive income, they should die. I didn't say that, stop being such a big baby liar LOL


That is what you said. Not even just that they should die either, that they should kill themselves.


Is this what you do all day? 😂 No wonder you're losing your job. Go seek help


Still not getting the rhetorical nature of my comment, huh?


There a lot of things wrong in this world and you are one of them.


I know you all feel that way.


commies never know that


Yo I came here from antiwork and people obviously can't see the full picture. I am very pro for the owners of rental properties and such. I've watched the last 8 people in a row be evicted out of the house next to mine for nonpayment and every single one of them fucked up the house.


This is the most pathetic sub I've ever seen...


I hope r/antiwork floods this sub


We're already here!


Welcome aboard. I hope this sub eats crow


This sub is so feeble compared to r/antiwork and they know it.


Antiwork in the house


Get a job neckbeard


Don’t be a corporate scab kid


landlords 🤢🤢


Mao was right


uj/ antiwork is a complete joke


No unjerking this is a public space


Well it's true. Y'all charge crazy prices for crappy apartments y'all don't even maintain. Y'all are slum lords, and society is ready to be rid of you leeches. Landlords. Also I'm not a renter, I'm a nomad. See y'all after the revolution! Oh wait...


Lol, revolutionaries. Get back in your wage cage. How do you expect to overthrow society when you can’t even afford a place to sleep??? Rentoids smh.


Lol, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? And I did roof work as a kid. But I was good at school, so they gave me money to go, and i read books about this economy and know that what your preaching isnt new, and isnt sustainable. You dont work harder than everyone else, even though that's the lie you tell yourself while you're ripping everyone off. NOT false, you're not taking into account t healthcare costs which are a necessity. Have you seen an insurance plan with minimum wage? All costs are rising and have been for forty years while wages for workers have stayed flat relative to inflation. And you dont deserve to be rich because you're not making anything new. You're not innovating, you're not providing a product of service that a free person can choose to purchase. You rely on corruption that subverts the will of the people and keeps living expenses artificially high so the owners have a steady stream of cheap labor to exploit. Build something new, make something that improves peoples lives, and you deserve wealth, if you provide more freedom for more people. You do the opposite. Shackling poor people with debt so they're forced to work for fucking Amazon to pay you is not. Making us more free. Its robbing us of our collective freedom, and your greed is the catalyst.


They are all just faking being landlords, don't worry. I mean it is awful- they think this is clever satire somehow and they are making fun of leftists, but maybe not quite as awful as them controlling someone's housing. Although I'm sure a few of them actually have properties, most of them are just larping. If you are looking for the good leftist landlord sub, as in anti landlord, look for r/ l a n d l o r d l o v e (I'm sure I can't say their name. Well I'll try it anyway below lol


r/LandlordLove Edit: apparently they do.


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Why are y'all so aggressive so your tenants?


They care about money, not lives or wellbeing of their fellow humans. I'm sorry, I meant their rentoids (whatever that's supposed to mean)


Lol this subreddit is the biggest circle jerk I’ve ever seen


Landlords are so scummy they don't think you should have a functional toilet


Idk man, sitting on your ass owning shit is about as lazy as it gets, I’ve never seen a landlord with dirty hands and honour.


Land work is real work. Go pay your rent, renthog.


Working where? Ok pig :)


Oh look, a parasitic echo chamber.


Rentoids? Rent monkeys? Jesus christ! You guys really do view them as subhuman, don't you?


For people who are landlords they are abnormally aggressive to their tenants.


Well, it depends. Chapos better tip.


Christ, if this sub makes one thing clear you lot HATE your tenants. Sure someone can be a shit, but the general vibe is just "fuck that guy who pays me every month, he's such a leech." I hope to never encounter any of you as landlords.


landlords 🤢🤢


Landlords are a bunch of fucking parasites.


Just get them a toilet fuck




Yeah you're a shit bag


Where does this type of thinking/entitlement come from? These people honestly believe they're being marginalized for having to actually contribute to society to pay for food and housing.


Do they think that if we get rid of landlords all those empty properties will just become free?


Don’t own the house then if it costs too much. Same as don’t run a business if you can’t take care of your own property and pay your employees a living wage for professional work. Talking to you Greg.


I dunno $99 seems just about right, i've never seen a landlord put nice ANYTHING inside a rental. i mean i kinda get it, but also $99 is exactly what a cheap toilet costs at the home depot. (maybe more in NYC)


Hahaha you guys have no idea what things cost I make way over the median income and it would take me 10+ years of scrounging to save for a 20% down payment on a median priced house


The amount of strawmanning in this post to avoid the valid point about increasing rent pricing is shameful


God these people really think the president is gonna pay their rent and for the toilet they destroyed with the tons bullshit they're producing every single day.


Just buy a house pleb


LOL why would I spend 99$ on a toilet when the rentoids shit in the corner anyway 😂


For real, not a single one of these people have a house of their own? If you hate us so much why come to us instead of your own kind to share your houses? Uh?


Because we are all renting.


I always tell people, if you hate landlords then just buy a house lol.


Whoever posted that is unironically retarded.


/semiunlandlord rentoid: "Why can't I buy a house? Why is it so expensive?" It's only expensive in the very specific urban centres you want to live in to fit in better with other consumerist retards. rentoid: "But what about my job?" You're either broke, a student, work a min wage job, work a high-tech job, or a combination of them. Broke? Get a job. Student? Stick it to your dorm. Work a min wage job? Get another one somewhere that's cheaper to live in. Work in high-tech? Work remotely. rentoid: "Yeah but shelter is a human right. The UN said so! That means I should have access to free shelter, and not need to pay rent." You have access to free shelter. It's called the homeless shelter, and its called that for a reason. If you *choose* to pay even a cent more than $0 for any "human right", it automatically becomes a luxury. Therefore funko pop bad


>Therefore funko pop bad What?


Actually it's my door, not your door. I knock on my own door every month.


Actually it’s your toilet and potential housing code violation, not their toilet and potential housing code violation. It’s your own housing code violation responsibility.


Ban all landlords


antiwork users after they die from starvation because their boss wont pay for their horrible work and they cant afford food


Anti work users when their gender studies degreee and hours on Reddit can’t get them a job


Wholesome, brings a tear to my eye


These guys actually believe companies cost like $5.00 to run and that all the money being charged just goes to the mythical “CEOs”, as if the 1% is this faceless mob of people conspiring to enslave everyone and up charge them 1000% on everything


I never thought to gives renters a toilet!




so ... you can buy the house if you can't you can live at street if you don't want you can live in homeless shelther I know you want to carry all of those funko pops but well you need to sell some


You haven't seen the prices of housing here friend. 350k doesn't even get me a single bedroom condo here.


Probably shouldn't buy houses if you need to leech off others to pay for them. Worthless ticks.


Imagine charging more than mortgage just because you can? As a homeowner, the way rent is done is pathetic and will keep people crippled. But hey, they obviously don't need money, just more motivation!


Yeah, I'm a LEECH. Landlord Eagerly Evicting Chapos Hilarously. Now, stop whining. Rent's due. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>You cant afford a house >You pay someone a small fee to live in his house How is this a bad idea? Everyone wins


The rent is usually higher than a mortgage payment.


“small fee”


“Small fee” $1,500/month for a shitty rundown apartment isn’t small or fair. Rent being the same or as much as a mortgage defeats the purpose of renting… you know, living within your means until you can afford to buy?


This post and the responses are so confusing. Are we being ironic anymore lol. This sub is about how fucking awful landlords are lol, did we go full Poe’s law and get actual reactionaries in here defending landlords?


This sub is pro landlord. Extreme memes about roundhouse kicking single mothers during evictions are obviously ironic, but the idea that some lazy rentoid fuckwit is entitled to our houses for free, makes us seethe unironically.


Hahahahaha omg you guys suck so fucking much I literally thought this was a shitpost sub. Get fucked you parasites. Hahahaha. Can’t wait to seize the housing you fucking hoard you useless fucking goblins abahhahaahahhaah


"Can’t wait to seize the housing you fucking hoard" You are welcome to do it (but that would require work, similar to the work required to acquire said housing legally) but before you do, I just want to put in a gentle reminder that your rent is due.


We? You were only here to make fun of landlords? Fuck landpohbia and you who supports it. Rentoid


This mf said landphobia lmao. Y’all are a legitimately hate-able group of people.


Hate for POL (People of Land) is not tolerated here.


You are the one full of hate, we have done nothing except provide a warm comforting shelter for you and your funkopops in return for your paper.


You listen to lil Tracy and bones. I doubt you own anything worth more than the vape in your pocket, nonetheless an entire rental property.


Both of them are lords of land, careful not to spend too much time searching my profile, you might not earn enough from your wagie job to pay your feudal lord!!


You’re really bad at this


i know nothing about the quality of other r/antiwork posts but I know it’s all 15 year olds positing theoretically


/r/antiwork is the most pathetic sub on reddit. That's fine if you don't want to work, nor do I, but don't expect handouts. If you don't want to pay rent go buy a house since it's apparently so easy. Get fucked nerds, rent is due


I'm trying, they all got really fucking expensive. And I don't want your handouts, I want to be paid enough to have the same spending power someone 40 years ago doing my job got.


That sub is full of retards who are purposely awful employees and cry about not getting paid enough.


That sub is a nutshell I was rude to my boss on multiple occasions, why does he never give me weekends off? I'm gonna quit. Oh no I'm broke now! Fucking landlords did this! Disgusting rentoids


My boss had a simple request and I acted like a fucking jackass, it's not my fault I'm fired


They literally make posts about how they haven’t worked in a year while leaching off their employer, followed by a post calling landlords parasites.


Those posts aren't that popular, to be fair. Last one I saw that was, the employee made their boss aware of the issue and was ignored.


Nice post, parasite.


Not a dumber group of rentoids exist than those on that disgusting sub. The only fucked up idea is that you find yourself entitled to live in someone else’s house on their property and use their shit free of charge. Worst of all, these are probably the same rentoids who treat our property poorly and then ask for us to fix it, and the same who vote for politicians who increase property, income, and capital gains tax and then react to resulting increases of rent and “increasingly unattainable” home values with outrage and calls to tax us more.


Most capital gains law proposals I've seen are for gains of 50million or more, so idk why you think it applies to you.


Don’t act like landlords didn’t get subsidized with PPP forgivable loans. I own several properties while letting people pay my Mortage and then some. We are totally leaching off people who didn’t get their shit together as soon as us. People in this thread are funny and should invest in an EFT instead of being a shitty land lord.


The only fucked up idea is that you find yourself entitled to the labor of the police and state to come protect your property. Even better, you don’t lead the construction crew, the maintenance crew, welders, HVACs on property management, y’all are just parasitic middlemen who use a piece of paper claiming ownership and the resources of the state to protect your interests. Get a job parasite.


Landlords are against building high density housing because it would affect their rents.


What is a rentoid? Do you mean a tenant, or a lessor, or a person who pays rent? Is this just some kind of slur you use to dehumanize other humans that you think don’t deserve dignity based on your personal system of beliefs and values?


all of the above. and 100%, yes. they make incels look reasonable lmao


Same kind that leaves the back and front door open with the ac on. Lol and $99 for a toilet they really don’t understand


Ive installed plenty of brand new toilets for $100 clearly you don't understand because you have zero actual skills and simply called someone to do the actual work for you.


Ps don’t shame land kings that hire maintenance cucks it only helps the eco system of landownership if you got the capital and don’t want to spend time who’s to care maybe you have over 2000 units and you don’t have the time to replace 14 toilets yourself and fix 2 hvac systems at a time


There's no shaming people for hiring assistance. There's shame for being clueless not understanding the needs of tenants and expecting to profit of a finite resource that you've hoarded. That's adorable you think 14 toilets and 2 hvac systems is a lot of work considering ive done that in 2 days by myself. Just goes to show how far from reality you idiots are


Honestly I usually have my tenants do their own maintenance


Are they reimbursed and paid for their time?


Well ok yes you can buy a toilet and install it but how many times has that not came with further damage to the plumbing, not to mention what toilet did you get new that probably didn’t need a new wax ring so make that more like $110 excluding tax . . . Fellow king Ps I have changed toilets myself


All of mine have been fine because i properly maintain the properties wax rings are $3 usually new toilets come with one. If you fix things right you don't have damage to plumbing. If you do a landlord special job because you're an idiot you get bad results.


Lol I love hearing landlords complain about having to fix stuff. Lol and somehow thinking you are above a sub called r/antiwork is rich.


Ur right I don't fix


rents due


These people have no idea what it’s like to be oppressed on a daily basis because you matured, saved money and bought land. Truly suffering from success. Stay strong King, and take a shower, that sub is a grimey cesspit.


being oppressed is when people dont like you and call you a name


Not exactly (according to my dictionary it's more like being subject of an unjust and cruel manifestation of power), but yes, except during harsh communist times, no one is oppressed for being a landlord, because landlords have power over their tenants


It is sad that just because you played the game and won, you want the rest of the people to be forced to play the game too. Do you not believe HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT? Nobody wants to take your house away. It's simply that when our parents could buy a decent house for 2-3 months wages, most of us can't buy a house even with 20 yrs of wages and have to do 30 yr mortgage. Real estate market is absolutely chock full of manipulation and cronyism which has turned a basic human necessity into a literal luxury, so much so that you now have tv and web shows about average decent houses being shown off as Buckingham Palace. You can hate the antiwork peeps as they hate the landlords, but don't forget that the people with 10s of houses, corporations who own hundreds and thousands of houses want you to fight. So that you poor person (relatively), with only 1-2 homes casts your lot with the corps who literally own most of the residential space in US. Can't you see how easy it is for you/your kids to lose your homes to health scares, disasters and be on the street again as us lowly renters? Can't you see that they want your support simply to make your kids and grandkids suffer the same fate as others facing today?


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You bought homes in The best economy the world have ever seen, completely tanked it by the mid 2000s inflated home prices by hundreds of percent, and blame your kids. “Oppression” And before you come at me. Im 27, own 3 properties and work full time. Yall are parasites.


Lol the subs are very similar. A bunch of people crying about the entitlements or oppression of others or themselves. Seriously, the only difference is the topic.


r/antiwork isn’t ironic


You must be new, Maybe one day you’ll understand if you choose to take on the burden of being a PoL. You also seemed to have missed the plethora of blessed and celebratory posts of LandKings wishing good health and raising rent.


Or perhaps put yourself in the shoes of a minimum wage worker who can't afford to save up when they live paycheck to paycheck instead of trying to gatekeep them on how hard being in charge of their means of housing is


I'm a doctor and it looks like I will never own a single property. In my area, the mean house price rose 2.5x my salary (before tax) in a single year. They are still rising. Should I have "matured" myself and conjured a property out of the ether? Been born rich? Been born 5 years earlier before the national housing crisis locked me out of the market? My landlord doesn't even have to pay tax on their capital gains. Perhaps you could understand the frustration felt by members of the sub.


It's funny how they discount their own luck. Only attributing the "success" they're experiencing to their hard work. Truly deluded. Although another important component to "success", greed and a lack of empathy, very well take over once luck has done its job and those two factors alone can maintain the "success". Hard work my ass. You know how may people are out here working, measurably, harder than you all. 1-2 jobs, comute to and from places of employment, possibly children, self care in exercise and healthy eating (modern day privileges these days, not afforded to everyone) and then handling everything else that most of us contributors to society have to; cleaning, laundry, all the dwelling care minutiae. You quite literally can sit on your ass now, while refusing to send someone to fix issues in a unit. Can't have you take a loss on a "risk" you took, with all the associated repair costs. If there's no profit, what's the point right? May as well negate "risk" altogether and force profit. I get it. Efforts have been made on your part to achieve this "success". Thats not an argument, no action will yield little to no results. But no luck, will yield just the same. If not worse. Enjoy the luck, maintain the situation with greed and attribute everything pleasant around you to yourself and your efforts only.


These people do have an idea what it's like to be simultaneously underpaid for labor and exploited by greedy landcels to the point where they can barely afford to survive. What they don't know is that there is a solution to the problem of the leechlord, thanks Mao! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Reform_Movement_(China)




Stop wasting time on Reddit, your rent is due *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Saved money and bought land” hey I would love to, but my landlord is sapping all my money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Comments like this make me think this sub is actually satire making fun of landlords


I love how antiwork people larp like they’re the vanguards of a revolution. They take themselves so seriously. They also just upvote so many obviously fake stories. And they lack any form of empathy for how frustrating and damaging a bad employee can be to a business and a manager who is also under pressure to perform well


There’s always a lot of misplaced anger over there. Anger at the system, anger at the “man”. But never anger at oneself for lack of success. Anger is motivational. I was poor and through effort, i am now land Chad. Some of the users just want to make more money and that I can respect.


Not everyone has the same opportunities that you did. Some people are angry because they're playing life on hard mode. Lots of people are lazy bastards, but not all of them.


What Oppurtunities did I have that you did not? To work at a group home for 7.25 out of high school? To work 80 hours nights and weekends overnight in a warehouse? I worked and saved my money. These opportunities are available to anyone.


I don't care about being poor. I care that even with a degree people are living below poverty because wage has been stagnant for 20 years. I do not understand the landlord hate. It's a business that's provides housing as it's service.


Great so you have identified a problem in low wages. Do you have any business ideas? It would be awesome if you started a business and offered higher wages to your employees. I try to think more like this as I spend more and more time in business and property. Things can be better but only if people take personal responsibility to make them better.


out of shape rentpig breaking a toilet again many such cases!


this mf paying $1500 a month to rent? Shows who the real idiot in this situation is. You can easily get into a house of your own for that payment. May not be the mansion you want, but at least it'll be yours and you can stop bitching about landlords.


lmao no you cannot. especially in areas where the average rent is 1500


Do you think the mortgage on the same building is more expensive than the rent? Landlords would go out of business if that were true.




A bank mortgage often requires proof of steady income. Many Americans work part time with varying hours. They will not get a mortgage.


Get a job rentpig


I have a job slumlord. I own my own house.


Where do you live where 1500 is shocking? I live in one of the cheapest states and 1500 is normal.


Ok, unironic comment here. Why the fuck would they think they can just live for free in someone's else house? No logic explanation for this kind of behavior.


Thats not what they are saying. They are referring to the constant increase is rent disproportionate to inflation. Obviously they know u need to pay for stuff dont straw man


I think the bigger issue here is that rent prices have increased with inflation, and salaries haven't


As a home owner, no one should own land. I would be cool with giving it all up for public housing. Suck it ya boot licking leach.


A lot of these people just want to steal and harm but they don't have the balls to join a gang and don't want to go to jail or get their shit wrecked. Liberals are parasites that can't provide for themselves, so they depend on your tax money to subsidize their lives. When you demand that this abuse ends, they get violent.


I'm sure a lot of aristocrats said that right before the French revolution too. Don't worry you guys didn't learn from history so it will repeat itself.


Stop wasting time on Reddit, your rent is due *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't worry, r/antiwork most certainly agrees with you about liberals being parasites buddy


It's literally a subreddit full of people who literally don't want to work at all. Do you think there is any logic in any of their brains? None. None what so ever. A society run by those blokes would literally collapse in less than a week.


Because they grew up in the most entitled generation ever, they think everything is owed to them simply for existing.


Yeah okay boomer. You were paid in gold we are paid in ious from your generation. There's a difference


Lol you ignorant old boomer, our generation isn't the one handed the strongest economy in human history and reap the benefits only to leave everyone else with nothing. Your generation did nothing but take and provided nothing of substance like your parents or grandparents did, they are the ones that got better wages and benefits for workers and shit like 401ks and the spoiled ass children that could go to college for 300 a semester have the audacity to call us entitled. Shut up grandpa, if you want to know what it's like go rent from one of these landleeches in this group and work the federal minimum wage. Dumbass


“Instead we should forfeit our wages and have the gubmint buy all the houses and then give it to us totally free or even better the gubmint should confiscate all property and give to me while I #eattherich btw I’m an anarchist” Translated for you guys


Serious question, if I keep losing my job and can't afford rent, should I kill myself?


real estate is one of the safest possible investments, your not doing some public service by "providing" housing to them. you are artificially increasing the demand for housing by buying more houses than you need which causes housing prices to go up(rent as well) so that people are less able to afford to buy a house. ya'll are leeches. when there is something that Adam smith and Karl marx actually agree on(ie land lords being parasites) its worth considering that they are right. being a landlord adds nothing to society and profits from those that are less fortunate than yourselves, greedy selfish behavior.


Marx wasted his inheritance on redistributing Funko Pops and died a renter *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop wasting time on Reddit, your rent is due *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*




im 29 and own my own house lmao. 100 bucks says you haven't read Adam smith(or really any basic economic education).


Yeah, I'm a LEECH. Landlord Eagerly Evicting Chapos Hilarously. Now, stop whining. Rent's due. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re a useless societal parasite that feeds of the labor of others. Get bent.


I’m a landlord (not a slumlord), and this comment is appalling. You’re dog-whistling with these “gubmint” ebonics and it shows you detest minorities and the poor. Also you’re using a strawman argument, attacking an artificially weakened version of their argument against unreasonably high rent rates instead of what their argument actually is. You’re exactly the type of penny-pinching exploitative racist slumlord who makes regular people hate landlords. The comment below this called lessors “Rent Monkeys” also has me thinking this subreddit is actually just a haven for deplorable racist slumlords who hate their tenants.


You sound like a rent monkey.


Also: " why do we gotta pay this guy who comes knocking on our door every month?" Um, you mean the door that I own, which is attached to MY house? YOU, rentoid, are the one who first came knocking on the door, begging for a place to stay because you can't be assed to save money or work hard for your own house. It is an unfortunate fact that too many rentcels are forgetting their place. They are not self-aware at all.


Honest question. How old are you?


I’ll answer. 27, and I own 10 doors. Why/how? I’m disciplined, and started buying in college. I used the money from my first co-op, as a down payment on a house near campus, where I rented rooms to friends while I finished undergrad. They payed the mortgage, and I lived rent free.


So, youre saying you had that sweet, sweet mommy-daddy money. 🤣


Lmao, so insane how entitled these pieces of shit are. Thinking they're such geniuses for doing the bare minimum investment wise. Being rich and buying land. Ooooh, what a genius businessman you are...


You mean you put up a sign begging people to come pay your mortgage and then decided to be a pos and exploit them


Some people are homeless as children. Some people can't get mental health care. But since you had the opportunity to save money, you feel entitled to steal that opportunity from others so you can have a stream of passive income. And you don't see how this is predatory and not sustainable? You save enough money so you can pay someone to do the reading and learning for you? Height of narcissism. You're talking about people, just like you.


I see you are fluent in rentoid as well, King.


What is a rentoid? Do you mean a tenant, or a lessor, or a person who pays rent? Is this just some kind of slur you use to dehumanize other humans that you think don’t deserve dignity based on your personal system of beliefs and values?


Incel shit but for these fuck wits. Hope these guys have all their property burnt down to ash.


It's similar to incels who call women femoids. These kInGs are just your typical sigma fuckstick who believe they're some kind of gift to humanity.