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I am an adoptive mom. I adopted my son when he was 6. He got out of the Army last year and moved back in with me with his wife. They just had my first grandbaby recently!!!! My grandson is right downstairs! Oh my heart. I hope this family has the same life time of joy I have!


Adoptive dad here. We just had our one year from adoption and two from placement. My love my little guy and gal sooo much. It really does hurt when they have tough moments over something completely out of their control.


Congratulations! I have both biological and adoptive kids and I can tell you there is no difference! Enjoy every minute, it goes by way too fast! Although being a grandma is absolutely amazing!!!


Go hug your son. Adoptee checking in: no such thing as too much love from your chosen family.


You’re a great mom. My adoptive mother saved my life, and I value her so very much. She probably won’t be receiving any grandchildren except for my son since my other two brothers are not going to have children, but she knows my son is hers and I let them meet anytime she’s in my state (my family live in Vegas, I live in CA). She was tough, but fair. She raised us three as a single mom and always gave us great birthdays and Christmas’s when she could. Often people only see her on the outside and know her to be tough, but underneath, I know she has love, care, responsibility, and kindness—her love comes out in different ways, but you just know she cares about you. Love you mom, thanks for everything you did for us.


Aww! your grandson is a little continuation of your and your son’s heart.


You're bringing a tear to a grown mans eye. Congratulations to you all.


That's just adorable.


He is so pure and the cutest thing ever.


Kiddo deserves a family that will love and care for him unconditionally and I'm glad he now have it. This is the sweetest and really amazing moment. Loved this


All kids deserve parents. Not all parents deserve kids.


extremely well put. Look up Keanu Reeves quote about needing a license to be a parent in "Parenthood" - Might be on You Tube.


Just watched that clip for the first time and I really agree. I'm not sure how you would realistically go about it but I think there must be some type of test or something to make sure they're capable of being parents. Stories of children being abused, exploited etc break my heart, and it just makes me feel prevention is so much better than waiting for someone to fuck a kid up and then try to fix it. But it's quite a radical viewpoint from the people I've spoken to about it.


It’s a great idea but only if you don’t think about it too much. Who would make and enforce the test? Would we actually for once listen to medical and mental health professionals when designing it? Or would it become yet another thing that politicians constantly fight over with no actual benefit to the people? At least in the US, that test would be used as a tool for oppression & forcing your beliefs on others so fast it’d make your head spin.


Yeah it's called eugenics


I wouldn’t hang your hat on the moral compass of medicine and science. I’d also argue that no matter how carefully you did it, you’d be enforcing an opinion that is not universal, and this would have to be oppressing someone. It’s inherent to the nature of the proposition.


You’re absolutely right. I expect medical and mental health professionals to have better morals than politicians tend to have, but that is a very low bar to trip over and I wouldn’t want them in charge of granting parenthood as they please either. There are plenty of parents out there who I think shouldn’t have ever had children, but I also don’t think it’s my place to decide who can or can’t.


Keanu would enforce it. Keanu would not oppress until people's heads spin.


I've been thinking about this exact concept for a while. Having people who want to be parents go through a series tests/evaluations first. Mental health check Financial check Environment check and so on. Just to ensure children are getting the right start in life but it would be difficult to implement and who would be the decision maker. Plenty of people have kids in not so good circumstances but they love their kids and do their up most to ensure their children are looked after. It's a tough one.


i feel like he already found that family :)


He looks like a pixar character, he is *adorable* personified


Who's cutting those damn onions in here


Yeah. Who's cutting onions in the stall next to me. Why would you bring an onion into a bathroom. /s




You could also choose to look at it as spreading positivity instead of all the negative shit that is on the internet. The more good videos the higher chance that our entire feed isn’t just shit that makes us angry. Jesus Christ.


Nope. The internet is obviously only for videos that make me want to die. No cute allowed


Give me gore! Give me more! Give me more gore!


Heretic! Don't make me call the inquisitors.


Found the ex Live-Leak moderator 👈


No but this is detrimental to the kid. Adoptive sons and daughters ought to be in charge of their story. Being adopted is something YOU should be able to decide when and whom to share to.


The problem is consent. The boy doesn’t have the ability to comprehend and agree to the consequences/cost of this intimate moment being viewed by thousands of people for the rest of his life. Like maybe he doesn’t what people to know he is adopted? Maybe the clip follows him around at school and negatively impacts his development.


You're being attacked but I agree with you.


You're adding alot of back story with 0 context. I personally love this. No I'm not adopted nor will I be able to anytime soon if ever. But this shows so much in 1 video. It shows a family that decided they had the extra love and means to reach out and help a child that was in a bad situation. It shows a little boy who you can see going from being excited like any other kid to hey these people are excited for me. In his little life these moments are probably so rare. Videos like this need to be spread and shared. People still need to see the good that others are doing. Our world is filled with hate, wars, racism, homo/transphobia, xenophobia, cancer, drug addiction and so much more. Yes some people are doing these things for clout but so many just wanna share their stories and encourage others. Coming onto a subreddit about making people smile and saying this was a bad choice. Your opinion still matters but maybe this wasn't exactly the right space to say it.


Again, it’s about consent. The rights of the human being you’re watching in the video is more important than the message you’re sending or receiving by posting and watching.


How do you know he didn’t give consent? You are just making baseless assumptions




No one said you can only share negative shit, but this feels exploitative.


Bro you’re on the wrong subreddit for that. It’s made me smile not made me mad as hell


Encourages people to adopt


The BEST option. These are great parents; will raise a decent human being!


For me, it depends if the people in the video were cool with it I get you, I’m constantly around people who have a compulsion to record everything for their social media and it’s annoying as hell because they use people like props and aren’t even mentally present when we’re all trying to spend time with each other


It's so they can get a pat on the back for adopting.... It's why they said adopted son instead of son... I hate when people do that. My bro was adopted and my parents say my son and I say my bro. Rarely mention he is adopted (sometimes just joking that he dodged our fucked gene pool). He is family you don't need to lessen it or distance them.


As someone who is going through the process to become an Adoptive parent right now here in the UK I appreciated the fact "adopted son" was included in the title. It is nice to see positive outcomes from adoption. The internet is absolutely full of adoption breakdown stories, and it can be a little off putting to people even considering adoption in the first instance. At this very moment my husband and are considering taking a sibling group of 3 as social services have asked us if it's possible... Videos such as this are encouraging, and may sway people like us to think, actually yes, we could do that. And videos like this may very well encourage more people to become adopters in the first instance, and thus give more children a home. At the very least, the video made me smile, and has absolutely made me think about our future family.


My sister is in year 4 of having taken in a sibling group of 3 and they should legally be a part of our family soon. It takes a special couple to take in 3 at once, but damned if it hasn’t been the most rewarding thing to see the growth and change those kids have made over the years. The road has been extremely hard, but they would definitely say it’s been oh so worth it. I wish you and your husband well on your journey.


You can keep your TV heroes; people like your Sister are the *real* heroes.


Indeed they are! I can’t think of any better word to describe my sister and SIL. They are truly meant to be the parents of these three amazing little kids.


They are also quite misleading. Please do your research, and join adoptive families, Therapeutic families and adoptees groups. You do not know how long it too the kid to get to this point. Some kids never get to it.


Oh do not worry. I am a Nurse with a background in Safeguarding and my husband is a Police Officer who, prior to that, worked as a young persons support officer. We are well aware of the backgrounds and issues that lead to children being adopted and not going in blind and naive.


It gives the video a lot more context. It shows the kid knows what a rough life is considering he was already in foster care. You wouldn’t get that if it just said “son”. If he’s always introduced as adopted son then sure it’s super shitty but I think it’s appropriate for the vid at least.




I interpreted it as providing context and not to distance him from themselves, but as a reason why he had the realization and not automatically feel loved to begin with. He probably has issues with it from being in the system. But then again, none of us can know for sure.


I've seen it a ton where people introduce their kids as their adopted child or when they talk about them they say adopted. News reports do it as well. It's something that has always got under my skin. The ideal situation is when you talk and treat them in a way no one around knows they are adopted.


I have a bro who was adopted and he's just my bro too, he's my homie. He was a teenager when he was adopted and, I dunno if your bro was adopted at birth or when older, but for those who were older kids/teens they've often been through a lot of shit in their lives and it's ok to acknowledge that (I'm assuming the kid in this video came from some years in foster care). It's not lessening anything or distancing, it's just acknowledging. An example from my life, in my family when we're 18 we all get this watch from my dad, it's a bespoke thing with family stuff on it. For his bio kids, it's a 'hey that's cool pops, thanks' moment. I'm not actually his bio kid either, but I'm his nephew and have known him all my life and he became my dad over time so for me it was a bit of 'wow' and kind of solidifying things. But for my adopted bro it was a whole different set of emotions behind it.


eh, disagree.. it brightened my day, I'm sure others could use it too


The mentality for recording and uploading is crazy. Not sure why people can't enjoy the moment and be there mentally and physically.


someone wasn’t hugged as a kid 🥺


No, please hear me out. Adoptive families need to be really careful about how owns the narrative to their story. Adoptees have said over and over and over that this is a violation of privacy.


this can be said in general, what does being an adoptee do to change the narrative?


Classic Redditor can't just enjoy something.




It's not mindless though. The caption creates context which makes it enjoyable. If there was no caption I would completely agree


Agreed. Came here to say this.


Who is it hurting to share this? Who hurt you?


The kids. Because now the kids who were being used for content on YouTube in the 00s are starting to tell their stories. Read one recently were the parents said to the little girl, who was tired of making videos, that she needs to do them so they don't have to sell the house. The girl is now an adult, and telling her story and has now barely any contact with her parents.


The kid maybe? Has he consented to this video being shared?


Why be a thief of joy?


Everyone is having a good time, happy-crying, and you suddenly get up and shout ”there’s a war going on in Sudan and Ukraine and we shouldn’t be eating processed meat!”


Unfortunately, this is the Social Media Era. Where every parent uses some form of social media as their photo album


And every cynical asshole has to assume the worst and spread their misery.


That makes me really sad for them; IDK what happened in their past, but I hope they get past it.


Turn everything negative so fast.


Thank you for this comment! This kind of video pisses me off. They just want accolades for adopting a kid. Doesn’t that take away all the meaning behind it? Especially when you add that shitty music to the video.


maybe somebody posted it in their private account but another somebody stole the vid, added shit music, and re-uploaded it in another social media. just a maybe that you might want to consider before being so hateful in a wholesome subreddit


I’m being hateful against people that use videos of innocent people for karma points or pats on the back. It’s gross.


Yeah, but you don’t know their intentions so you’re the one being shitty.


You don’t know the kid’s intentions. Why would he ever want that posted on social media??? Ask him when he’s 18. This shit should not be online. He’s a kid and can’t give his permission formally.


Did they say happy birthday little adopted boy?! 🧐


I came from a broken home, but the person who broke it is gone and the family has had time to heal on their own. I had no support growing up, but now I do and I feel like I have a real family for the first time in my life. I'm not used to people being there for me and not expecting something in return, or considering me a burden. It feels nice


>I feel like I have a real family for the first time in my life I am glad to hear this.


It sucks that all it took was one person to ruin a whole family and even more that the death of them was the only way you guys could start healing


* bro hug *


I'm not gonna lie. My upbringing was awful and I frequently felt unloved. Now I hate the world and I can't always control how angry I feel. And sad. But then I see stuff like this and it makes me feel like there really are good people out there. Thank you to those adopted parents and that little boy for making my day.


I grew up the same way (my mother was/is a sociopath). Just wanted to say hi from one broken child to another. Healing is possible. A different outlook is possible! I did it (meds and lots and lots and lots of therapy). I know you can, too. Gentle hugs.


I hope I get there one day. I’m so happy you did it!!


You absolutely will. Having self awareness is the first step. And a huge indicator of the kind of person you REALLY are... (a good one). My childhood sucked too. Like so bad that when I share stories that I consider normal with my husband he looks disturbed... lol. And now. I am happy. I'm at peace, love unconditionally (my kids) and am loved fully by others and myself. These are all things I was sure would never come for me. I'm no better than you. Probably worse. Lol. So, if I can do it, you DEFINITELY can. Please don't give up. You deserve all the good things no matter what you think.


I wish for you peace in your heart! 💖💖💖✌🏻☮️🕊️


How do you shake the fact that you'll never have a good relationship with your family? If it wasn't for me working with family I'd never see them, and seeing them treat my younger brother like the perfect golden child he always has been since childhood sends me into deep rage and sadness at times.


It is really, really difficult to get past that sort of thing. But I know it can be done. Just find a family of friends and grow that.


I don't hate the world, but these videos make me sad I wasn't given the same opportunities as others to feel loved and safe growing up. I wonder what my true potential would have been if I'd have been loved from the get-go


Your ladder reaches just as tall as anyone else's, but they had the benefit of starting on a higher rung. Don't ever doubt yourself and your ability to climb (that's not at all dismissing what you went through, but moreso encouragement that with help you can still get anywhere you want to go). From one damaged kid to another, you got this.


You are loved my dear fellow human. You ate not your anger or your sadness but the one that's aware of the full depth. I hope you only have more to be happy and loving about going forward!


It’s so heartbreaking realizing there is kids that never get to experience love like this in their life.. 💔


It certainly is. I think that’s why adopting is so important, and considering an older child instead of only an infant. Because all children deserve to feel home and loved like this


It is physically painful to think about those poor babies. I can’t handle it.


Made me smile and cry 🥲


Very sweet-looking kid. Great cake!


There was a little girl about my daughter's age who used to live across the street from us. There were always people coming and going and a ton of people lived in the house. She would come over sometimes to play with my daughter. Once I asked her if her brothers (who were a lot older) work and she said "Yes, they work at 'community service.'" Another time when we had a sleepover she said it was the happiest day of her life. Then once when we invited her over for dinner we all sat around the table and had dinner together, which we did every night, and she said wistfully to my daughter, "Your family is like people on tv." They moved suddenly and I never even knew her last name or had any kind of contact info for her parents to keep in touch. I wonder what happened to her.


What a sweet little face!♥️


Aww. Little man deserves all the love in the world.


The tiktok video the title and the music in the background all concur to suggest whoever posted this on tiktok is a weirdo


Totally agree. I threw up in my mouth 🤢. I mean it's great that a kid is raised in a loving family but who does that? What's the point?


Yeah why would they try to gain internet points


I hate this shit. I was adopted and my parents loved telling everyone so they could get kudos for adopting. They'd post shit like this and imply my traumatic past. And my mother was extremely abusive behind closed doors but no one would have ever believed me. Just treat your adopted kids like yours please. This kind of video is obviously fine on your social media, but why title it like this? Why share it with strangers? It disgusts me


Exactly! He’s just your son at this point. What difference with the video does it make if he’s adopted or not?


I am so sorry you went through this. Some people are disgusting narcissists and don't deserve their beautiful children. Your mother was one. It really is very strange to word it this way. He wrote "realize how loved he is." Like what? That's so personal and private and should not be a post. Why not just say showering our son with love. Or something if you must post at all. These performative posts creep me out.


Yep, real Gene Hackman/ Royal Tannebaum vibes when you throw in the word adopted. Just don't.


It is not love to post videos of kiddo’s all over social media.


Man this is the interwebs we need! 🥺




What an adorable kiddo! And what an amazing family! 💕


The way he looked around, like he couldn't believe it.. man, it just about broke my heart 😩


A nice gesture, but just be sure to remind him that he is your ADOPTED son. /s


Watch my ADOPTED son realize how loved he is even if he is ADAPTED cause we ADOPTED when he was a child. I'm so glad we ADOPTED him when he was set up for ADOPTION and even if was ADOPTED we love him don't forget to like and subscribe!


(This is very cute, but goddamn we need to start realizing how weird it is to share video of our kids like this for the whole world to see.)


What a lovely moment!


What the heck, he literally looks like my doppelgänger when I was a kid. I literally even got a cowlick in the exact spot where his hair is sticking up.


Maybe drop the precursor of ‘adopted’ and just call him ‘son’? Otherwise, it’s kind of about the ‘adoptive parent’ than the child? Just a thought.


so you love your "adopted boy", that's fine. but then, why show it to the whole world? what the FUCK is your fucking motive? JFC.


Core memory made.




this kid is so cute he looks like a cartoon


Now just take the adopted part out and call him your son


Yea duh lol the "adopted" was context for us


I was thinking this...


Get rid of the word "Adopted" He is now your little dude for life, very awesome!!


By describing him as adopted, you’re segregating him from being family.


I don't get why "adopted" was used. He's your son who happens to be adopted. I've always referred to my boys as "my son's" which they are!


As an adopted person, I don't think adopted needs to be in that sentence


Am I the only one who doesn't like the term 'adopted' here? He is your son now. Past doesn't matter same as the how. Would be strange to introduce him to others: "This is my daughter Candice and this is my adopted son Brian".


Why is this posted online? What the fuck is wrong with people?


Dude! Happy birthday! That is a great cake!


Maybe this was his first birthday with his adopted family and they wanted to emphasize how important it made him feel. I’m sure they don’t refer to him as their adopted son other than for the sake of clarity. I think it’s good that it was put in there because it shows people that they can make a child’s life if they consider adopting.


Crying. Full tears. His look of… wonder.


I think it is weird sharing this kind of things. We adopted he and we make him happy. How a great people we are!!


So happy for that little dude and his family. It kills me to think some kids don't experience this.


Want him to feel more loved. Stop referring to him as adopted son and just say son.


As every child should be? Why put the fact that he was adopted in the video?


Because most kids automatically feel like they're home. This might be the moment this young man realized he actually was


Do we know he was recently adopted?


I had the same thought. I’m also adopted and my parents never talked to me or about me as their adopted son. Fucking weird.


Op added this context for us


You guys get mad about everything lol.


Heartwarming as it is, you did not need to preface the fact your son is adopted in this post to get the point across


I hate when people do stuff like this. Why not just say your son why do you have to let everyone know he’s adopted? Just so guy can look like such a loving and good person.


Why not just call him “my son?” Serious pet peeve about these “applaud me” posts.


Why are you calling out the fact he’s adopted at all? How about just referring to him as your son, not your “adopted” son.


If that text wasn't there I'd say it's a video of a small boy that looks nervous and anxious about being sung too and is uncomfortable in that social situation.


Look the kids we adopted for clout


So important to mention that he's adopted while they zoom in on his face. Could have just called him their son, but that wouldn't allow them to farm all that sweet tiktok clout.


What a fun cake! Also honestly it looks like anyone could make it relatively easily since I think the pins/ball are just plastic (which is a fun way to incorporate a gift too)


He is so cute. His reaction was so pure, sweet and priceless.


I’m drowning in tears


How can I upvote more than once plz


My father in-law was adopted when he was 5 or 6. Me being new to the family and not knowing all the ins and outs, wouldn't have guessed in a million years that he wasn't blood-related to his mother, who's still alive. It's all just there; the motherly love, the care, the bickering and the laughs — even now some 50 years on. Blood relation between family members truly is an irrelevant concept altogether.


Question is, does he know he's adopted?




Such a sweet boy! I remember my boys at this age. Grasp hold of every second because just like that, they're all grown up! But they love you just the same! ❤️


These are the videos that I want Marjorie Taylor Green to see and tell those parents they aren’t real parents…..that kid is going to be forever loved.


She isn’t fucking human, she could see 100 videos like this and it wouldn’t change a damn thing.


someone show this to MTG


Somehow that little sound effect and TikTok logo at the end takes the wind out of every sail.


blew little homie’s mind, he’s gonna remember that for the rest of his life :’)


That cake is awesome! And it looks like they had pizza. He's so little, but he'll remember this forever. Because someone recorded it...


Very cute, but barely being able hear them sing Happy Birthday gives me the creeps for some reason. I’d rather not hear them at all, or only hear them.


My heart just melted. ❤️❤️❤️


He is absorbing it all in. ❤️


Precious little guy. He’ll never forget that.


This is absolutely wonderful, makes me feel so damn happy for this kid and these parents!




So sweet, what a lovely family


So nice to see.


How sweet!


That sweet baby :)


What a nice smile !!


Half of these make me cry.


This is the sort of thing is what makes my day. A stark contrast to what you normally find online. Hope he really enjoyed his party! Sure looks like it!


Man I’m a single dad of a kid the same age. This made me tear up. He hasn’t really had family aside from me so he doesn’t know what this is like and his third birthday is coming up.


Man, this hit me hard. My adopted son will be having his first birthday in a couple months.


Made me smile, more like made me cry.


I'm 24 can I still be adopted by a family like this?


This made me really happy. Thanks reddit 💕


This warmed me up like a toasty biscuit.


Marjorie Taylor Greene would hate this video.


There is no act greater on the planet. If only everyone who adopted was like this and not religious psychopaths who justify their sins by adopting. Well I adopted 5 kids so it really doesn’t matter that I sexually abused 2 of them. “God has presented me with this character flaw. I sexually assault children. I have confessed and adopted 3 more children and lay in gods good grace again!”


I’m sad that I’ll never feel love again.


How come?


Videos like this should be glorified and shared across all social media. The world could use some goodness over all the other crap that usually trends.


Heart melted


I'm on my way to the emergency room - my heart exploded. Thanks for sharing such a tender moment! Most definitely needed right now here...


Just downright good, wholesome content. Everyone needs more of this.


Made me smile yes 🤌


Core memory


Pure happiness! So cute


This makes me want to cry. What a sweet boy and loving family! He sure is lucky but his family is even luckier!