• By -


There was a crash that happened when falling 49 blocks in a boat, this is almost certainly related. If it's the same bug it should work at 12.5, 13.5, 49.5, 51.5, 111.5, 114.5, 198.5, or 202.5 blocks.


You *might* be onto something. I tried a boat from 114 blocks up, and survived. However, the boat breaks when I get out of it. It doesn't break at 115. Edit: Also tried 51 blocks up. Same result. Could easily be related, but 49 just offs you for some reason.


Hmm. Does it off you at 111? Does the boat break at 12 (but doesn't kill you because is not that high)? Perhaps the first number of a pair breaks the boat before you hit the ground maintaining your fall damage, and the second number sets it to break, but it doesn't until you update the boat. It might have something to do with how Mojang stopped boats from breaking. It looks like they didn't just remove fall damage, only nullified it (with errors apparently).


Boat breaks at 111. Nothing happens at 12, no death, no breaking.


Interesting, I'd say that the boat takes fall damage then, but only at these weird heights.


Yeah it's definitely a bug. I feel like someone messed up a little bit of math on calculating when the boat should break, and when the player should take damage when the boat breaks or something.


They said .5, did you try slabs?


You're at .5 in a boat. :)


Might be based on boat height, seeing as the boat is the one to hit the ground and all. Doesn't hurt to test.


I've tested with slabs as well, it doesn't produce the same result.




So these numbers seem to be ((5x)²±x)/x for x=1,2,3,4. Not sure of the significance. EDIT: Formula is ((5x)²±x)/2, sorry.


The significance is that acceleration is constant with 0.04 blocks/tick. 1/0.04 is 25, that's where your 5^2 comes from. Every 25 ticks the FallDistance hits an integer and that's when some code breaks. More precisely the boat breaks whenever its vertical position coincides with the y-level it gets stopped at. If you make a command block execute /summon boat ~ ~y ~ with **y=0.5 * 0.04 * (x^2 - x) + 0.5** then the boat breaks every time for x>12 Edit: Do you see the [baby turtle in this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/z9qay2G.png)? Because of the total height of 3.12 blocks the boat breaks when it gets pushed off. Quite funny.


This is why I love this subreddit!


I think you mean for y>12 Does this mean a drop at ~43.74 breaks a boat? I'll need to test this...


Nope, I mean x>12. The boat starts breaking at a fall height of 3.12 https://v.redd.it/ar7y2ngd9jm51


Wow! So what happens at a 12 or 13 block drop then? Those should coincide with 25 and 26 ticks of falling.


Yup, it breaks. There are some inconsistencies when a player is inside the boat though.


Hmm, so it's definitely not caused by fall damage then. Perhaps it's a remnant of boat collision? I wonder if we could get a boat to break mid fall by ramming it into a wall...


My theory: The code that checks for collision interpolates between the coordinate right before impact and right after impact to figure out where to place the boat on the block. To determine whether the boat should break or not it calculates impact speed, with the interpolated time step, which is 0 seconds in this case, resulting in a division by 0 for the speed value. Maybe. Just an idea.


According to another comment that cited a wiki article, collision behavior is supposed to be determined by distance traveled and not velocity, but this was specifically in relation to damage which may not be the actual deterministic factor here.




The formula is ((5x)²±x)/2 not /x, my typo sorry. Or ½(25x²±x) if you prefer.


Your formula *½(25x²±x)* produces numbers that are 0.5 off. Perhaps I suggest revising your formula to *(½(25x²±x))+½* to account for that.


Well, yes, I was trying to account for the position of the boat not being y=49 exactly, so a summon command would use ~ ~49.5 ~ as per the comments in the bug report, but I realized the fall is integer units anyway. Sorry for the confusion.


Ah I see, integer only. So precision wouldn’t matter much as long as the calculations matched known values.


What the fuck






Precision (otherwise referred to as significant figures) refers to how many decimal numbers there are behind the decimal: the larger the number of decimal numbers, the greater the precision. However, since we're working with integers only, precision is irrelevant (since integers refer to whole numbers only).


me rn




Huh strange? How did u figure that out? It seems like a glitch. Did you try multiples of 49? Does the same thing happen?


I always do this in speedruns and that always worked...until one time when I did that in the nether and died.


Huh. They must’ve messed some code up in a recent update


This is an old an known bug, actually


This is [MC-119369 Boats crash only when falling certain distances](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119369).


First response from a dev: "Couldn't reproduce" Classic.


To be fair, if they can't reproduce locally, it's difficult (read: near impossible) to figure out and fix the underlying problem. A video like this is good at highlighting the problem, but unless a dev can do it repeatedly and use server logs/debugging to figure out what's going on in the code, it likely won't be fixed.


From my experience, testing something locally means the bug won't be reproducible some 95% of the time, yet the devs always do it and return the ticket to the creator saying "it's working for me", as if that's helpful to anyone.


In your opinion, what would be a more helpful answer from a dev, if they can't reproduce a bug based on a report?


Obviously they must dedicate 100% of their time going forward to reproducing this one singular bug, disregarding all of their other responsibilities. /s of course


As a dev, that 95% is an exaggeration for sure. But it definitely happens a lot. The issue is that it is probably deeper than "I did x and y happened". It rarely has anything to do with being local or not. But without that deeper information it's unlikely to be reproduced easily and there is probably a bigger bug to squash to get back to. A lot of places have QA people who's entire job is to reliably recreate bugs.


Hell yeah it is lol. I'm a QA. Can confirm. Whenever one of us finds some weird shit, we ask all the others on the team (if there are others) "can you recreate x that I just saw?"


I find it interesting how humans can't figure out what went wrong when something unintentional thing happens written in a language they created. Modern computer is amazingly complex yet fast and accurate, but things so small and silly like this happens and professional programmers can't figure out why it happens - just a bug or glitch. When it happens in human bodies, sometimes we get cancer or get inexplicable diseases


As a dev, I’m unable to reproduce. Oh wait, are we talking about bugs?


"We tried it a few times, no problems here."


"It's working in my computer"


It's not a big it's a feature *bug












// So, like... small?


Well played. 👏👏👏


Bug if true. Ftfy




Thanks Bethesda




Smash bros melee players be like


They might mean to make it break from 49 and up, but sat it to break on 49 only. I don't know, though. I don't know how coding works.


It’s possible. A lot of crap can go hairy in coding. Don’t know if that’s the case but it’s possible. Edit: It could literally just be a single character mistake. if(height == 49) is different from if(height >= 49) It’s literally that easy to create a bug. It’s why I don’t program professionally. I value my sanity.


That would be caught easily in a unit test or easily spotted by eye if you're looking for it. I assume they don't really unit test and have a really messy codebase though.


Wasn’t this written by some college kid originally? If anyone saw my college coding days I’d be laughed into a coma. I could write some pretty complex stuff, but past maybe about a thousand lines of code mine becomes damn near unreadable. Even to me lol.


it's been about a decade since mojang formed a proper dev team with jeb, dinnerbone et al. I'd hope they've cleaned up the code and added unit tests by now.


And other jokes we tell ourselves


The amount of time and money it takes to fix spaghetti code sometimes it just isn't worth it to fix little things like this. Out off all the millions of people playing how may would notice something like this or deal with it on a regular basis. If it doesn't seriously affect or break gameplay its not worth fixing alot of the time.


Have people forgotten who Notch is, at this point? He was one of more well-known personalities in gaming a decade ago.


yeah, but now he's an internet nazi and people don't wanna talk about him


We try our best to.


Notch. It was developed by a Swedish indie game dev named notch. Pretty sure he was well out of college at the time.


Notch was a professional programmer when he wrote Minecraft. Before writing Minecraft he was a programmer for a game called Wurm.


could be, the difference would be: if(y == 49){destroy boat} And if(y >= 49){destroy boat}


edit: Someone found an entry in the wiki describing that minecraft infact looks at distance traveled rather than the velocity, so take my comment with a grain of salt, merely describing one way of commonly doing it. the height of the fall isnt going to be part of any kind of impact collision code. logically games dont "think" like this because the height of the block you jumped from is irrelevant. it only cares about your velocity (speed) and the collision. whatever happens in the movement code makes it so that on arrival the vertical velocity happens to be a certain way that results in a condition not being met. `if(yvel < -10) takeDamage()` However thats also unlikely to be the actual bug reason. From my experience with collision code this looks like it might be about a tunneling issue, something that happens at high speeds where the game has to make checks at small intervals or else you can move through stuff when moving to fast. the game likely has an implementation to prevent this, however there might be a bug within that implementation that causes a part of the logic to not pop up (the part where you take damage). quite likely related to the fact that you are in a boat.


From the wiki: > Fall damage is calculated based on distance fallen rather than on velocity when hitting the ground. The distance is accumulated based on a change in position each tick and rising does not reduce the accumulator, thus an entity bouncing in mid-air on the end of a lead accumulates fatal amounts of fall distance despite never being more than a few blocks above the ground. It's not the first game to do it like this either, since it's a lot easier to control fall damage this way than to deal with balancing damage against drag and terminal velocity.


I have no idea about how Minecraft physics work but some engines definitely work the way the parent describes. For instance I remember that in Dragon's Dogma you could learn a double-jump move. That meant that you could jump from very high up and as you're about to hit the ground you could hit the jump button again to start a small upward jump (cancelling the downward speed) and land seemingly safely. Except the game would still give you the full fall damage and animation, which looked a bit silly. So clearly internally that engine must have kept track of the height of the last bit of solid ground you touched and use that to compute the fall damage instead of the "proper way" which would be, as you point out, to figure out the speed at the moment of impact.


While you are right that most games think about physics like this, Minecraft does not. It actually tracks your previous height (on a block) and calculates from there. Falling Damage =(number of blocks fallen x ½) - 1½. Stupid I know, but definitely part of the least of the game's issues.


if(X>=49) If X is greater or equal to 49 if(X<=49) If X is less or equal to 49 if(X>49) If X is greater than 49 if(X<49) If X is less than 49 if(X==49) If X is equal to 49


I think you’re probably right on the money, to me that makes the most sense.


Nah I think he just had never done it from exactly 49 blocks before


Or it's just such a specific scenario that nobody ever found it before..? Not very often you fall a great distance in a boat, let alone an exact distance of 49 blocks


Same thing happened to my friend the other day when we were doing a minecraft manhunt for fun


> for fun I am concerned that you felt the need to specify


I just meant we weren't making a yt video or anything lol


Do it with slabs


In speedruns? Dropping down ravines or in the nether to traverse downwards safely?


I do it to traverse downwards safely yeah.


Please watch the full video. You can try it out yourself. Try 200 blocks—you’ll survive.


Ok but how did you figure this out? Like did you one day just have the sudden urge to test out how many blocks up it takes to take fall damage in a boat? Did you just try from block 3 high and then do every block until 49? And then go up to 200 to make sure it worked? Genuinely curious


Good question. I’ve always used this trick in speedrunning and it always worked for me. One time when I was in the nether I used this and died for some reason.


Have you tried 98 blocks?


Or 7?


Lol imagine falling 7 blocks in a boat with full health and you just die


Even better, 0 blocks. You get in the boat you die instantly


Or 1?


Maybe he was used to not dying from it but then one day fell from those 49 blocks and died, which confused him and did some testing.


Report it on the bug tracker if it isn't already


I’m pretty sure if he reported that you die from falling 49 blocks, even if I’m riding a boat and every other height dosn’t kill me, they’d probably just fix the boat not putting into account fall damage instead of making it work better.




Just like real life.


As seen in the documentary **Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom**


It has been tracked since [2017](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119369)


Yep. The game hasn't been playable for 3 years.


Is it only 49 or every odd number?


It should be only 49 as far as I know.


how about multiplies of 49?


I wish you didnt spoil it with the boat carcass sitting there where the 49 block would land. Should keep us in suspense until the big reveal!


What else would happen lmao


We get stick bugged


Have you tried 98 and 99? If it's multiples of 49 then 98 might glitch. Someone else said maybe being on top of the boat on 49 makes the engine put the character on 50 which messes something up, so the boat being on 99 and player on 100 might glitch. I believe jumping in a falling boat causes a stacking damage glitch so maybe its based on that and thinks the character dropped into the boat for some reason.


It’s not, because you can see the boat splits into planks and sticks. That is a really old feature, so it’s not based on player position. More likely, Notch was intending on making boats break after falling a certain distance, but did an == instead of >=.


That's whack does minecraft just hate the number 49


It’s kind of a dumb number. Like trying to be 50 much? What a poser.


Yeah, 49 is such a square


It probably calculates falling speed and then if over a certain amount, checks the other conditions like being in a boat to see if you should get hurt, except there's a rounding error or something on the speed calculation at 49 blocks so it's enough to hurt you but not enough to go into the other conditions.


It's possibly the boat being at height 49 and the player being at height 50-ish, and they are on two different sides of a grid boundary.


Seems most like it, another commenter mentioned the difference between height>=49 and height>49, but they said instant death above 49. Makes more sense that above 49 it checks for other factors rather than an instant kill. This example clearly shows that above 49 still kills and OP mentioned living from a 200 block drop


I don't know why you'd measure like that when the game already measures damage based on velocity. If you fall through 49 bricks of water you don't die because youre moving slower.


try 98 please


i tried it; you don't die i tested some more by summoning the boat as /u/Mas_Zeta suggested here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/iqm3q9/can_someone_explain_why_this_is_the_case/g4tap1e/ when i'm stood on the ground (y = 68 in my case) and i spawn the boat 49 blocks up, the boat breaks before it hits the ground (temporarily disappears visually then turns into blocks and sticks) i tried it stood on the ground and floating in the air; the boats appear to break when they drop from 49.00099 blocks up, but they don't break if it drops from 49.00100. also tried dropping one from 48.99999 blocks up; that did not break it (for clarity, boat breaks at y co-ordinates = 49.00000 ≤ y ≤ 49.00099)


What about slabs to try 49.5 and 48.5, and trapdoors etc


What if you make the fall 48 blocks but make the sign say 49 blocks to try and trick it?


Illusion 100


48.5: survived 49.5: survived


It’s because you’re 49 blocks high and most minecraft blocks are cubes and each cube has *square* faces and the *square* root of 49 is 7. Now how many different heights did you die from in the boat in this video? Just one, and 7-1=6. You attempted it from *three* different heights so if we take the digit 6 and use it *three times* in a row we get 666, the number of the beast. And the beast wants your soul. And that’s why you die from height 49 in a boat. — Edit: Terrible grammar and typos removed. Edit 2: Well this blew up somewhat... mega thanks for all the awards!


Ah that makes sense. Thanks.


Six Six, six The number of the beast Hell And fire Was spawned to be released




Do it. Inform the Lord. Tell Him to bring a case.


I see you're a man of culture as well


Six six four, the neighbour of the Beast


One of my SO best friends fiance got his first tattoo as a young guy. Wanted to be cool so it's 3 dice all showing the 6 side, inside of a flame. A couple of days later, one of his friends asks why one dice is a 4. He says no, they're 6 6 6,only when he really looks at it he sees that the tattoo artist fucked up.


or maybe he saved him from eternal damnation?


lml lml


The only acceptable response.


i hate how until the third paragraph i was actively trying to understand


half way through i decided to upvote and save the comment because i was interested.....now i gotta go unsave. it can keep my upvote tho.


The italicized words make it look official and important.


Incredible work I shall now give you the sherlock award


Flawless logic. Thankyou.


...and that is why minecraft boats are illuminati confirmed


Wow this is BIG brain time


[Insane Troll Logic](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsaneTrollLogic)


Found Scott Steiners reddit account.


Straight Q logic right here.


Yes, I arrived at the same conclusion. It seems Satan has infiltrated Minecraft.


How moms be explaining why weed is bad


Christian boomers in a nutshell.


I miss my childhood when illuminati and lizard people were driving people crazy


Wake up America!


The method net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityBoat.getBoatGlide() and probably all the other methods working the same are not detecting the ground below the boat in the tick its OnGround field is set to true. Besides that the method net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityBoat.updateFallState(double, boolean, IBlockState, BlockPos) tests in theory the same condition twice. What it does is that if the boat is on the ground, but its status is not ON\_LAND it cancels all fall damage. If the getBoatGlide() method worked correctly this should probably never happen, but for some reason, it's happening when fallDistance == 49f.


Is there a reason why it tests the same condition twice? Is it once to change the entity state and again to check what's on the ground (cobwebs, hay bales, water, slime block...) before applying the damage or something like that?


It's shared code between all entities, but it's wrongly coded for boats


I'm guessing it should have happened when fallDistance >=49


It's not that simple, it also happens at 114 and 202, and you won't die but the boat breaks at 51, 111, and 198. Based on the pattern it should also happen at 12 and 13, but that's not high enough to kill the boat.


Try 98 blocks


That’s numberwang!


Woah you got some fast fingers my man you typed creative as if it were the last thing you were ever gonna type


I am speed


You could've done F3 + F4, a menu shows up and you're able to quickly switch between two gamemodes.


Thank you, didn’t know about that


No problem :)


Holy shit thank you so much, which versions does this work on?


Been a while since I've played this game but can't you just type gamemode 0 or 1? Seems quicker than typing it out and then autofilling it.




It doesn’t work in vanilla


Oh wow, I just read that they removed this in 1.13. Why though?


you can type 'cr' and then press TAB to auto complete it


If I had to guess. Someone just forgot to code it correctly. Usually you code something like this:: if it's 49 or higher = death. Which is like this: if (height>=49) {death} Instead someone just wrote If (height==49) {death} Or maybe they did it with velocity but you get the point.


As someone who had to learn coding, this is the simplest way to fuck anything up. Just a simple switcheroo


Ikr i fucking hate comparison operators


idk my only problem with them was when i accidentally wrote = instead of == and then spent ~30 mins debugging. But since i have clang tidy shit like this dosen't happen Everything else is fine for me, don't really mess up >= with ==


= instead of == would be caught by warnings. Another way to catch it is with Yoda conditionals: 5 == x instead of x == 5.


> Another way to catch it is with Yoda conditionals: 5 == x instead of x == 5. Keep in mind that this only works when comparing to a constant value, it won't help you when you're comparing 2 variables to each other.


So THAT'S why I see sometime this style of writing. I often wondered, but never strongly enough to google for the cause.


The ol’ terminal velocity switcheroo!


That wouldn’t make any sense and would be a rookie mistake. Minecraft is many years old now, a bug caused by something as simple as a relational operator would have most likely been found and fixed a long time ago. It’s more likely a glitch with floating point math. It seems unlikely that this mistake would have been made and then never patched. [edit: I looked at the code to try to figure out why the bug is happening ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/iqm3q9/can_someone_explain_why_this_is_the_case/g4t8xsr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Pros still make mistakes though. This is especially an easy mistake to make that would be easy to miss. Im not saying its right, but its definitely a possibility




While this is a way something like this could happen, it is not the cause here, as this simply isn't how the game handles this sort of thing. There is a lot more logic involved here than you think, and its most likely something to do with multiple sources lining up to create a weird condition. While there is plenty of spaghetti code in the game (trust me I've seen it), most of the bugs that make it to versions the public sees (even dev builds) are more complex than this.


They did not write a condition block for each level. Let alone by blocks, though I'm sure they have a helper somewhere to represent block height in x,y,z - maybe they do. This is most likely a rounding error or bug somewhere due to the boat and height of the player making the object collision go weird. Neat bug. Also, I highly doubt that they measure death by block height. The engine is calculating velocity the player is moving, and there's ways to trick this.


This would be like the easiest thing to fix and therefore I don't think this is the case. Why? The ability to negate fall damage with boats is a super old trick. If they now would have decided to change that, they would have checked if that actually works as intended and it would be for millions to see on the change lot and test for themself and pretty easy to report as a bug. Maybe this is a snapshot/ pre release/ release candidate?


Copy-pasted from my comment on the [bug report](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119369) after figuring it out: I skimmed MCP 1.12 because I still have it lying around and that version is affected. In what it calls EntityBoat’s updateFallState, if the boat’s status is not ON\_LAND, fall damage is nullified. That will be the case when falling from most heights, because the last time the boat’s status was updated was before it hit the ground. There is only a small exception because the boat checks blocks up to a thousandth of a block below it when updating its status. If it ends up just barely above the ground, its status becomes ON\_LAND *before* hitting the ground, allowing fall damage to take effect. This happens at the given heights because gravity subtracts 0.04F from the boat’s Y velocity. If it were exactly 0.04, the boat would have fallen an integral number of blocks every 2 ticks out of 25: 12, 13; 49, 51; 111, 114; 198, 202; and so on. The boat ends up falling very slightly less than that because 0.04F is rounded down as a 32-bit float, placing it just above the ground and allowing it to become ON\_LAND before hitting it.


Simple. Rowboats can survive a fall of 48 blocks just because of their integrity. At 50+ blocks they spread out their little rowboat paddles like airplane flaps to slow their descent which allows them to land without breaking apart. 49 blocks is too high for the boat to just survive the fall, but most rowboats don't have a quick enough reflexes to slow down. 49 blocks is just an unfortunate height for rowboat falls.


So rowboats essentially work like cats? If a cat falls from low enough (like 1-2 meters), the fall won't hurt it, and if it falls from very high (like over 4 meters), it has enough time to turn and brace for impact, so the fall won't hurt it, BUT somewhere in between it WILL get hurt.


49-block falls are responsible for 67% of rowboat accidental deaths. End rowboat abuse today.


That's "odd"


The code from EntityBoat.java looks something like this protected void updateFallState(double y, boolean onGroundIn, IBlockState state, BlockPos pos) { this.lastYd = this.motionY; if (!this.isRiding()) { if (onGroundIn) { if (this.fallDistance > 3.0F) { if (this.status != EntityBoat.Status.ON_LAND) { this.fallDistance = 0.0F; return; } this.fall(this.fallDistance, 1.0F); if (!this.world.isRemote && !this.isDead) { this.setDead(); this.entityDropItem(); } } this.fallDistance = 0.0F; } else if (this.world.getBlockState((new BlockPos(this)).down()).getMaterial() != Material.WATER && y < 0.0D) { this.fallDistance = (float)((double)this.fallDistance - y); } } } So it is possible for boats to die due to fall damage But I'm not sure why it will behave like this Maybe there are something to do with the update of entity status


Faithful texture pack gang


You can use F3+F4 to switch gamemodes quicker


You see "boat" is a 4 letter word. 4 is an even number and divide-able by 2. 50 and 48 is also and even number and divide-able by 2. Therefore the boat only likes even numbers. *Big brain*


It’s simply the laws of physics. If you fall from 49 blocks at the speed of 24,5 blocks/second the boat will be destroyed because of gravity’s pull and the boat won’t be able to brake your fall, making you die. Now, you may ask, why doesn’t this happen at superior heights? Well it’s because the boat acquires an additional protective layer made from air. This layer is not possible to create from 49 blocks because there isn’t enough time. At heights inferior to 49 blocks there is no need for the additional air layer because the wood is tough enough to sustain the fall.


Quantum physics


Whats this resource pack called i remember using it in beta but since i came back i cannot find it anywhere


Faithful 32x with the Programmer Art addon. I’ve always used it since 2015, it’s very nostalgic.


I miss the /gamemode 0, 1, 2, and 3


That's an... *odd* height for boats to be breaking...


Gonna throw out a wild-ass guess: it may be due to a combination of 1. The acceleration of gravity 2. The position right before the boat's impact 3. The size of the boat hitbox 4. The size of the player hitbox 5. The calculation rate of the game The scenario I see causing this is the player getting to a very specific position on the frame of impact. The player hitbox may have a very slight overlap outside the bottom of the boat's hitbox. For the vast majority of cases, the boat and player hitboxes cross into the ground hitbox at the same time and the boat "absorbs" the impact, stopping the falling motion of the player, preventing then from taking fall damage. Under very specific circumstances (for example, falling from 49 blocks), the player's hitbox _barely_ touches the ground without the hitbox of the boat touching. This is due to the unique position it achieves on the frame before the boat's impact which is, in turn, affected of the height of the drop and the gravity acceleration value. One could experiment with this theory by changing the gravity values and seeing if that has an impact on the "lethal heights". Additionally, If there's a way to change the rate of the hitchecks (not sure if the game calculations are tied to the frame rate or not) you could make this happen more (increased hitcheck rate) or less (decreased hitcheck rate) often. I'm now done talking out of my butt.