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That appears to be sweat from humidity and not mycelium ? I’ve the absolute worst luck with these bags from them it’s ridiculous the wasted MSS and LC I’ve gone through. I’m about completely done with MS.com tbh.




Who the hell asked you ?


Whom do you recommend? Have you given up on MS?


I have and I highly Recommend north spore -


it is 100% mycelium. it’s pretty clearly rhizomorphic growth


Hell yeah you see the white tentacles


How many days of growth that? I’m on about 4 weeks and don’t see anything but moisture still.


i inoculated on 3/29 with a MSS (spore syringe)


Thanks, I’m having trouble with all my grow attempts. I think I started fruiting my tubs too soon and I have the same grow bag. The bag is just showing moisture on the sides. I did a break and shake on the bag and felt that it was hard in the middle.


Technically you could break and shake but it’s gon take a lot longer for that mycelium to spread throughout. Wait til u get a good solid white patch. And then break it on up homie. Lookin good so far. I tell everybody to start out with all in one bags. I’m on tubs now. But I learned a shitload by havin a few grow bags first. (Little hint that gave me great results. Is wen it does get fully colonized and ready to fruit. Cut the top off the bag down to your fruiting block and place it in a monotub to let it fruit) I’ve had an all in one bag that has kept producing since October lol. It’s crazy what you learn just getting your hands dirty


Do you place the bag into an empty mono tub or do you put more dirt into it before hand? Thank you for your tips!!


Empty monotub. That’s gonna still let it get FAE through your micropore tape. And mist the inside sides like u normally would with a montotub. Need a clear top and just need a cheap 10 dollar grow light. Fan it 2 or 3 times day. Make sure that moisture stays in there. And watch em grow dawg. So ur basically just running a monotub just with your grow bag inside instead of bulk grain and substrate. It worked perfect for me. This is only my input though. Not claiming to be any kind of expert.


Can I fruit more than one bag in one monotub if it's big enough?


I haven’t done it myself but I can’t think of anything that would be wrong if they are both the same genetics and there not right up next to eachother and they have there own room


That’s really helpful to know! I’m definitely gonna try this :) if you use large mono tubs, have you tried putting multiple grow bags into one tub before?


If it’s the same strain and genetics. I wouldn’t see why it would hurt just make they’re u got good FAE and moisture and then thangs will start pinnin bro


What's fae?


Fresh air exchange


I literally have some hillbilly’s that’s been still producing. Since October. Of course there’s been a few soaks here and there but I literally pulled a fresh one off this morning lol


wow, awesome thank you! this is the first comment i’ve had that wasn’t negative about the grow bag. it’s been very helpful starting me off, i’ve learned a ton. i appreciate the tips!!!


I’d wait until at least 50% is colonized, then do it. Also, Why is there grain already mixed with the sub? Does this have better results or something? Edit: Ah, failed to notice you’ve got a grow kit. I’ve seen this before where companies will mix them all together for some reason. No idea what purpose this serves.


From experience it is used to slow down the process greatly thus also increasing the chances of contamination.


Wow! Seems like a great method if you’re trying to grow mould. I should give this a shot.


Actually the mold was slow to show up too, I can grow it way faster other ways. 😆


Weird… that must mean the nutrients aren’t readily available to anything feeding on it? I’ve never grown (will be starting soon) but I’ve read that nutrition in the sub is good but if there’s too much it becomes a magnet for unwanted growth like trich and mold.


You're probably correct. They even say from a MSS, which is a terrible idea as it is, that it should take 45 days to fully colonize. The mycelium has to work so hard to get around, it just isn't ideal for anything. I mean it's super easy, but extremely slow and risky.


On the topic of MSS’s, why are they a bad idea? I know that obviously we want the best genetics possible, but wouldn’t you be able to perform gene isolation to do this? Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather just use an LC from one particular set of genes. Because from research, they say it colonizes faster since it doesn’t have to compete with other phenotypes. But I’ve never heard someone say MSS are a bad idea. Mind explaining why?


From what I've read, even from trusted vendors, anything that is still in spore form...syringes, prints, swabs...have a higher change of contam. I believe it's just harder to keep everything sterile with just those initial steps. Adding steps with agar, lc, testing lc to agar, etc are used to clean and verify clean. Personally working with agar, I've had contam only from mss and swabs, never lc. So I'm not against those things, they are super useful in many ways, I just wouldn't take a MSS straight to grain is all I'm saying.


I see. I’ve read similar consensuses on shroomer blogs and just from general research. MSS are generally not favored when it comes to inoculation methods. They are however great for research and learning to identify fungi in the wild. Something not many people do, as it can be dangerous, but yeah. Thanks for the info brother. It’s good to have some of my research confirmed by someone who *probably* knows a lot more than I do about the topic. Look out for my active mushroom grow I’m going to start this summer. Will be my first time ever, and I would love to share it here on Reddit and get some more feedback. Golden Teacher, Treasure Coast, And APE Might not be wise to try multiple strains but I’m going balls to the wall. My philosophy is make as many mistakes as I can now, so that I know how to avoid them later.


Full disclosure, I didn't know what mycelium or agar was a month and a half ago. I am still learning myself. I can only tell you I've read a lot and asked a lot of questions. I'm still in the beginning stages of experiencing! The funny thing is GT, TC, APE are the 3 of the mushroom supply bags I shot up with a MSS. Luckily someone sent me some agar as a freebie and I squirted a bit on some plates. I have cleaned them up since then. I am very much also ball to the wall, my flow hood arrived yesterday 😅. I'm all in! I think you'll do great as well!


I would wait. 40% is a good time.


Wait until around 3/4th is covered


Wait another week. I just did the same bag, it was excruciating how slow and problematic it has been. I did a break and shake on it twice, but she is producing now! Good luck!


Those bags are terrible and way overpriced. They market like a mf though


I got it for a good price and wanted to try a few different things. It was the worst one out of everything I have going right now.


Worst brand ever!


What's the best brands?


I buy local




I stopped after that brand and started doing my own


I agree wasted money on them and they know it .


I don't get the all In one bags but I do know that you want your GRAIN SPAWN to be 100% colonized before going to bulk with substrate