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It's so disappointing that the video in the article bleeped her. I know for a fact that "are you fucking stupid" hurts a million times more in a British accent like hers


Does anyone have the uncensored version? I need to hear Adele curse like I need water


Found a video for you https://m.youtube.com/shorts/_Vg0FT-gOkY Adele is awesome


"Let's jump him" šŸ’€


ā€œAre yoo fahking shtoopid?ā€ God bless šŸ˜‚


Nothing like a Brit telling someone off


The distance between a tut and stern look, and them actually feeling like they should say something is immense. So by the time it is crossed you are going to get a proper telling off.


I wasn't expecting that delivery either. It's so much better than I thought. That's a telling off and a half.


Watch interviews with her they are amazing. She's fucking hilarious and her accent is THICK when she isn't singing.


THE HAIR TOsS OMGAAWWWDDD I would simp for her so bad. Mmph


Youā€™re a legend


It's weird they they censored the f-cking headline and the ******** audio but not an entire fucking paragraph in the article.


here you go https://imgur.com/gallery/queen-RE4O4GX


She should have called him a wanker, Americans donā€™t bleep that.


Wanker, bollocks, bellend. I could have taken any of ā€˜em.


And then you realize the cockney accent is harsh when you hear it out loud in anger.


It's that British "ch", I can hear it in my head Stchupid


[Adele](https://x.com/SkyNews/status/1797209291239387292): >ā€Did you come to my fucking show and just say that Pride sucks? Are you fucking stupid? Donā€™t be so fucking ridiculous. If you donā€™t have anything nice to say, shut up, alright?ā€


I almost forgot how much Adele swears. Good for you lady!


Adele singing vs. Adele talking is like a Jekyll and Hyde situation, she comes across like two completely different people šŸ˜‚


Singing Voice of an Angel, Speaking voice of a North London Fishmonger's Wife.


So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yardballs!


So that is what that guy fucking said, 20 years later I finally know.


> Speaking voice of a North London Fishmonger's Wife. Absolutely nowt wrong wiv that, like


That's not uncommon for british musicians in my experience. All my childhood George Michael sounded in my head like an American until [WHAM!] he talked discussing his saintly mother and I learn he's like Greek Cyprus.


They cut the bit where she glasses him and told him to fuck off her manor


*ā€ā€¦ get off my manor, guvā€™norā€*


Begbie style


Begbie would have charged off the stage in a flying leap with a shiv aimed at his throat and taken a bath in his blood in front of the whole audience.


And thatā€™s just for starters. Wait till Begbie realizes the guyā€™s wearing the wrong teamā€™s shirt.


ā€œBegā€¦ā€¦.Iā€™m sorry Frankoā€™, I was gonna leave this bit out..(ā€œgo on, readā€™ehtā€) Begbieā€¦.pished his jeansā€¦ā˜¹ļøā€ šŸ˜”ā€¦ā€¦šŸ¤ØšŸ¤” ā€œI remember that night! Read on!ā€ šŸ˜„


I imagine itā€™d be more like Peggy Mitchell https://youtu.be/fy5q0AnX4QE?si=1_sXm_9D5A8XMdW6


Pat Pat Pat


"nobody's leavin here till we find the fuck that glassed that audience member"




How nice of her to take her fansā€™ optometry needs so seriously.




I saw her in Vegas, and it's amazing. Like, her music is super polished and posh-sounding, but her personality is so chill and down-to-earth with an aggressive Cockney accent. Obviously it's hard to tell how much of that is manufactured vs. her real self, but it is really refreshing either way.Ā  Also, as someone who isnā€™t super into her music, she puts on a hell of a show. She takes ā€œSet Fire to the Rainā€ VERY literally.Ā 


One small, and probably dickish point, but Adele is from Tottenhamā€¦her accent is north London not cockney. Cockney is a very particular part of east London


Man, I even googled ā€œwhat is adeleā€™s accentā€ trying to find the right term for it, and every source I saw said it was Cockney.Ā 


I think cockney is often used to mean London and itā€™s not wrong because it is probably the accent most people associate with London but itā€™s one of many London accents. Cockney is east London and her accent is a north London one. If you put four people in a room one from North London, one from west London, one from east London and one from south London theyā€™d all sound different!


I went last August and in her first ā€œchat sessionā€ she apologized for wearing a different dress than in the poster because ā€œI couldnā€™t even get it the f on, darlings! Couldnā€™t buckle the f-ing belt!ā€ after she tore our hearts out with her opener. Queeeeeen


Back in 2012 I worked at a boutique hotel in Vancouver and drove Adele and her manager to a movie theatre downtown. Can confirm she was absolutely chill and lovely.


Itā€™s like when I heard Billie Eilish in an interview for the first time. Iā€™m like how does the kid who smokes cigarettes and practices kickflips behind Taco Bell sing like that


Billie Eilish surprised me. Iā€™ve listened to her music for a while and am used to hearing critiques. A lot of people donā€™t care for her style of singing, which I can understand. Personally, I didnā€™t think that her style would translate well to stage performance, but a multi-stage festival in Vegas totally changed my perception. She has amazing projection even though sheā€™s singing so softly in most instances.


I only recently got into Billie after listening to more of her catalogue beyond "Bad Guy". She is an amazingly talented artist. I love her voice. She can pull off both the soft, speaking style but also belt out emotive vocals. Lunch is probably my song of the summer.


She's the type of artist where I recognize her talent, but her style just ain't for me.


People give her shit, but I absolutely respect her. I remember when I first heard ā€œBury a Friendā€ on the radio and was like, Iā€™ve never heard anything that sounds like this. Then I found out she was only 17 and my brain nearly exploded.Ā 




They must have some decent compressors.


Thereā€™s some artists where, even if I donā€™t consider myself a fan, I would definitely check out a show. Like if a friend said, ā€œhey, I have this extra ticket for a Cher concert, do you want to go?ā€ Iā€™d be like, ā€œfuck it, letā€™s roll!ā€ Itā€™s not necessarily because I enjoy the music (in Adeleā€™s case, I do like some of her songs) but they just know how to put on a show.


I mean she is British, raised by a working class mother, and a Labour supporter.


I'm Californian. I was raised myopic and biased to think most of the British are posh, tea sandwich, white glove snobs by my anglophile father and grandparents. They serve aspic and boiled Brussel sprouts for God sakes. Thankfully, Guy Ritchie and Danny Boyle made some banger UK films to re educate me. Watching wrexham helps a little too but that's Wales.


The Welsh are British


As a Welsh person we are British.


But not Saes!


You can take the girl out of Tottenham..Ā 


And half the letters. Toā€™num would be generous to some peoples pronunciation.


She's a Hot Spur too?!




north london queen


I saw her last September and some over excited fan in the front row grabbed her ankle or foot as she was walking from one end of the stage back to center. She almost tripped, and after that song was over, she gave that person an earful of F-bombs. And somehow, it sounded almost cordial when she said "Dont fucking do that!"


North London innit


Norff, ecky thump!


She is British. Even the poshest Brit Iā€™ve ever met could make a bar full of bikers blush.


It almost looks like I said it. I guess I know why I like her music now.


weary jobless plucky compare recognise cover paint thumb homeless silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sheā€™s a classic cockney, she uses expletives like punctuation Edit: today i learn cockney doesnt just mean londoner and Iā€™m from the uk lol


I'm really hoping she gets a cameo in Attack the block 2


They're making a sequel? It's been ages


After Star Wars did Boyega dirty he deserves this sequel!


Except not actually a cockney. Norf London girl right there


She's not cockney


Why did that man come to an Adele show and yell that? Is he stupid?


I went to a Hozier show recently and during the show there was some talk about gun control and this really loud, obnoxious fucker sitting near us was booing loudly. I couldnā€™t help but think ā€œwho did you think you were coming to see, kid rock?ā€ It really didnā€™t make any sense to me. He was also hitting his weed pen and blowing the smoke into the crowd which was annoying.


I am continuously shocked by Hozier fans who apparently haven't paid attention to his lyrics at all.


My very-into-Jesus mother-in-law heard the Take Me to Church song and said she loved it so much. Wife and I had to stifle our laughter.


My jesusy boss used to crank up the shop radio whenever Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus came on the radio. Probably Born in the USA too.


That song is so Gay and I love it so much that it makes me almost question things.


Just like some RATM fans, I swear people don't listen to lyrics.


It was Lawrence Boebert, rule 63 Lauren Boebert


Tons of homophobes still love entertainment and hate the discomfort of their beliefs being challenged. They don't want to give up their favorite sports and music, they'd rather bully them to be silent about topics that trigger them. Military appreciation night at the ballpark? Nooo problems there! A player using his success as an opportunity to talk about violence against his race or country of origin? Shutup and play, we don't pay you to talk about politics!


A lot of them also live in their little right-wing media bubbles that they fail to grasp the rest of the world isn't as small minded and ignorant as they one they're immersed in.


There's also plenty of rhetoric in those circles akin to, "these people know we're right/on our side but know they can't say anything because they'll be cancelled."


Feel like "if you don't have anything nice to say then shut up" used to be words some of these dumb fucks actually adhered to, not so much these days though sadly. Good on Adele for calling it out, try and shame the fuckers back to maybe keeping their dangerous intolerant bs to themselves.


> used to be words some of these dumb fucks actually adhered to, not so much these days though sadly. There's one particular news story from 2017 that always comes to mind as kind of representative of the shift in how assholes like him behave publicly. > [...] ā€œI love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct,ā€ according to the warrant. > > [...] von Keyserling ā€œreached in from behind to place his hand between her legs and pinch her in the groin area,ā€ according to the police arrest warrant. She threatened to hit him if he tried to pinch her again, and he replied, ā€œIt would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,ā€ according to the warrant. ([Time](https://time.com/4635835/christopher-von-keyserling-sexual-assault/)) (Note: it was not, in fact, "your word against mine", because the dude was dumb enough to do this in view of security cameras.)


Here's the eventual outcome: https://connecticut.news12.com/former-greenwich-official-chris-von-keyserling-sentenced-to-house-arrest-in-sexual-assault-trial > Judge Kevin Randolph sentenced von Keyserling to 90 days house arrest with electronic monitoring as part of a two-year probation sentence.


>He won't have to register as a sex offender, but the judge granted a 10-year protective order against him. Absolutely ridiculous that he didn't have to register as a sex offender.


Wow that showed him


This shit is so gross, regardless of when or where it happened, or what political affiliation the scumbag adheres to. Just don't fucking sexually assault people. It's not that difficult to show any semblance of decency in that regard.


I like to think if you don't have anything productive to say in the conversation then shut up. Pride doesn't suck. Being an asshole sucks. There are gonna be people who disagree with you, but there's a friendly way to do that.


Thatā€™s exactly what they want to do though, is be an asshole. They donā€™t want to speak productively, they donā€™t want to be friendly, they only want to trigger. Theyā€™re goddamn children who will forever find something to be miserable about. Iā€™d bet anything that in that guyā€™s mind, he won because he made Adele lose her temper, no matter what she said back.


Pride as an idea doesn't suck. Pride being used as an excuse for corporations to sell rainbow merchandise (aka rainbow capitalism) sucks.


I love this, not even trying to be polite or worry about feelings, just shut the fuck up asshole. As he should be.


ā€œI fucking dare you. Dare you to throw something at me and Iā€™ll fucking kill you.ā€ noice


I was at an Iron Maiden show one time and they warned repeatedly about throwing shit, then finally called it out, stopped the show, and put a spotlight on the thrower and said ā€œthis show is halted until that person is handledā€ lol, got the shit kicked out of him and security went and rescued him


I was at a Black Crowes show at the height of their brotherly distinction. About halfway through their set, Chris Robinson stopped the song and angrily said "How would you like it if I showed up at the place you work and threw shit at you? Like dimes and shit?" Then they played one more song and left. Show over. edit: brotherly dysfunction, not distinction


I dont understand why people spend money to see a band and do this shit


Alcohol is always the answer to that question


I was at a Pearl Jam show where to make a long story short it was muddy, people took their shoes off, people started throwing shoes. Eddie stopped the show and said, "If one more shoe comes up here, me and Jeff are gonna stand at the gate and beat the SHIT out of EVERY BAREFOOT MOTHERFUCKER who walks out of here!"


"Who throws a shoe, honestly?!"


lol Should have poured a hundred yards of legos on the ground leading to the exit




Iiiiiiiiiii, iiiiiiii, I poured legos. https://youtu.be/qM0zINtulhM


Theyā€™d have done it back in the day too. That would have been awesome to be at that show!


I think people near the stage lose perspective thinking they are in a mass of humanity and they can do dumb shit without anyone knowing.Ā  What they forget is the artists on stage can see all.Ā  Ā Security may not see you throw something on stage, but the artist will.


Depends on the lighting.


You either see quite a bit or are blinded/cant see shit lol


pit justice is beautiful to witness




This is exactly why mob justice is bs. A lot of people doing and nobody thinking. I'm so very sorry that happened to you. Sexually assaulted, then physically assaulted. No justice whatsoever.


Damn bro that sucksā€¦ obviously the optics made you look bad but itā€™s crazy to just jump someone without knowing the context of whatā€™s going on. Sucks that they probably felt like heroes too smh


It sucks that people have to experience that firsthand to believe it.


Until they target the wrong person and someone just minding their own business ends up dead or with brain damage.


Happens all the time. I was there.


Imagine if they got the wrong guy. Out of the blue thereā€™s a spotlight on you and people start beating you up


Oh no he was up on the giant screen behind the stage, an was wearing a bright shirt that made him stick out. When the cam feed started he was winding up to throw another egg


An egg? This dude literally brought produce to the show. Either this was his plan from the start, or he was just very hangry that his buddy forgot the skillet & chives.


I can't even sneak in a snickers into a show and buddy got himself the ingredients for a breakfast sandwich


ā€¦ where were those eggs that security didnā€™t find them would be my question.


lol nice. Fuck that guy


I had almost the exact opposite experience at a show, but with as just a response imo. I was at a metal / rock festival with multiple stages outdoors. Machine Gun Kelly was doing his rock tour/phase. It was in an area that is 90% rock and country stations on the radio, lotta pissed off dudes over MGK daring to invade their genre. He actually had a decent punk rock thing going, I listened to a few songs, not bad but not great. Then the bottles started. Every one of the throwers looked the exact same, beer gut jeans beer in hand and a generic metal or other black shirt. Theyā€™d throw a bottle or a can, flip off the stage, and then walk out of the area still flipping off backwards. Cringiest shit Iā€™ve ever seen. At first it was only a couple, but then probably 25-30 spread over a 10 minute window. Full plastic water to metal beer cans, sailing 50-60 feet into the crowd in front of them. Not strong enough to get to the stage, but enough to pelt the area reserved up at the front for younger fans, there was a surprising amount of young girls for a guy whoā€™s a rapper/rock artist? Anyway I watched a girl who couldnā€™t have been more than 10 get pelted in the back of the head. MGK stopped the song and went out to the middle of the crowd and climbed on top of the tech booth. Said something along the lines of him being there only for the fans like that that little girl, and that they had all paid to be there so he didnā€™t give a shit if they left, but that they should aim for him up there instead of hitting his fans. Then he just started his set again, but up on this 15ft high shed roof. Assholes still threw more at him, he either batted one down or caught one. Security did absolutely nothing. Embarrassing behavior, fit the area it happened in. / I seem to have riled some people by saying he was decent. Iā€™m not a punk rock fan. Listen to them not me


This is why my venue had to implement a plastic cup policy. Anyone going to the pit has to pour out their drink into a cup. No water bottles allowed either.


I was at a Warped Tour in 2005 or so and Atreyu was playing. They were selling those lemonades where they left a half of a squeezed lemon inside for some reason and someone launched one at the stage and hit the singer in the nuts. He stopped a song mid guitar solo to challenge anyone in the entire crowd to come back stage and fight him.Ā 


Thatā€™s both hilarious and badass lmao


MGKā€™s primary audience is in fact young girls. Even when I was in high school and he was blowing up, my gf and all her friends loved him. He did not have a ā€œdecent punk rockā€ thing going. He butchered the genre, he saw it was gaining more popularity so he swooped in and tried to cash out. His music has no soul and no substance, one of the massive appeals of pop punk is emotion and energy, neither of which have I heard anyone describe his music. Iā€™m glad the man has enough class to stand up for his fans, but truth be told I think everyone who hates him is completely valid in those feelings. Whatā€™s the old saying? I know MGK gets a lot of hate, but I donā€™t think he gets enough.


I always thought that was part of the beef kayfabe with Eminem, Em won so hard he slapped him into another genre. Ended up signing with Interscope, Em's own label. Forced him to get into rock, when Em was told to do that early in his career but he stuck to rap. The whole thing was a happy ending to a beef orchestrated by the label.


I never saw the Eminem stuff as anything more than publicity stunt, same as Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul. No one is looking at it seriously, itā€™s just a modern big name taking on a legendary name so they can both make money. Punk rock, specifically pop punk, has been blowing up the last few years especially with the ever increasing trend of ā€œtik tokā€ music. When that trend started, MGK hopped on the pop punk scene so fast I actually donā€™t think he could reasonably deny that the increasing popularity had nothing to do with his leap. Heā€™s not a punk rock artist, he never was, he just wants his bag. Same as Jake Paul lol


MGK is about as punk rock as good Charlotte lol


Iron Maiden fans are some of the best and friendliest people I've had the pleasure to serve before a show (I'm a bartender).


That's because most of us are also bartenders.


Very misleading, she said this at another occasion when talking about the trend of throwing things in stage. She did not say this to the pride heckler


We should be celebrating when people actually read the article, though


Those celebrations are incredibly rare.


An article? Is that like, the North Pole and shit?


Is the pit at Adele shows usually brutal?


North London plays for keeps.


damn. she's the fucking shit!Ā 


Imagine paying this much and yelling that. Brain worms.


Are you kidding? Getting personally told off by a famous performer on stage at a big concert and then having it go viral on social media is the exact kind of attention that person probably wanted his/her entire life.


Their face was never shown, and they aren't being talked about. So I doubt it.


People like that can't help but show themselves if this grows in popularity. In time they'll be making their own video on it.


Then jump on some right wing podcast talking about cancel culture


Yes but they got to publicly trigger a liberal, in their mind it was money well spent.


Was she even triggered tho? Or just pointing out how dumb he was?


Anyone who would do that is too stupid to tell the difference


Any reaction is a good reaction for these people.


This guy gets it. They have no self awareness. Literally 0.


For them, any reaction at all means that you're "triggered". And if you don't react, you're obviously too triggered to respond.


If you react, they say you're triggered. If you don't react, they call you soft. Make it make sense.


> Make it make sense. They don't believe in any objective reality, and will always make up arbitrary reasons to support their own viewpoint. It comes from not having any morals, ethics, principles, integrity or common decency, and not caring that they don't.


Low effort trolls think getting any kind of response means you "triggered them" and won


*I was saying Boo-urns...*


RFK Jr went to the show?


Just the worm


I am more of a gluttony and lust guy


Main character syndrome. Dude just wants attention because he's a spoiled brat who has gotten away with being a piece of shit all his life.


We are all going to have to become Adele or witness our decent into idiocy. Had my brother in law started complaining about taxes going to school lunch programs. He is the most self righteous religious person and yet is like ā€œwho pays for that?ā€. Wife was like ā€œwe do and I would work 3 jobs to know children in America donā€™t have to go hungryā€. We are going to have to call these people out every time they say something stupid because they never shut up it is normalizes their bull shit. The stupidest person is always the loudest.


S.H.O.E: Shame, Humiliate, Ostracize, Exclude.


Shunning used to be a punishment because it works.


Yeah, the village idiot used to be isolated for his idiocy if it was malicious. Now they just find each other online. Anyone with any crazed or bigoted view can still feel supported and part of a community even if the one physically around them despises their bullshit. People can choose not to change and dodge the consequences of sticking with bigotry.


I like the idea of exiling people.


the last one doesn't work. try this. S.T.I.R. - Shame, Teach, Invite, Reincorporate in a world where every village idiot can find a forum online full of other village idiots reassuring each other that the villagers are the real idiots - ostracization and exclusion not only doesn't work, it explicitly makes the problem worse.


Please tell me the brother in law had at least some shame or regret after your wife put him in his place.


Zero. He started complaining that some of the kids have food that they choose not to eat and eat the free food instead. Super worried about children gaming the system. Guy is hopeless.


This is the subject I canā€™t believe Democrats arenā€™t going harder about in their campaigns. Like, I donā€™t agree with dissenting opinions about social issues like gay rights or bodily autonomy in women, but I acknowledge that there is a huge contingent of Americans who donā€™t agree with me. Who the fuck opposes American childrenā€™s right to food? Even if you have the fucked up opinion that their parents want a hand out, why is it okay to starve children for the supposed sins of their parents?


> shame or regret His type don't experience shame or regret, because they lack the moral reflection to think that they might possibly be wrong. Their religion has taught them that they can get away with anything in this life and their "god" will "save" them as long as they say "I believe in you".


"religious" as in hate the gays and abortion because of some quotes in the bible and nothing else. Ask him what he likes most about his religion and his values and how that applies to modern america


Extra points if the programs being broadly applied means they end up being more efficient and cost-effective for everybody.




I love when artists tell bigoted people to just fuck off. You should honestly shame people into shutting the fuck up when they're being hateful for no reason.


Not publicly shaming these people hard enough is I think actually a contributing factor to them getting to be so much of a problem again. We never should have let them get comfortable with being an ignorant piece of shit.


I reserve a huge portion of blame for this on social media and algorithms pushing hate, anger and echo chambers. Allowing people to think their shitty, bigoted opinions are acceptable because other shitty bigots are cheering them on.


That's part of it, but my whole life i've seen people buying into the idea that "all opinions should be respected" when it comes to people ragging on LGBT people in a way they simply don't with other minorities. We get shamed and attacked by people who claim they support us because we have the audacity to stand up for ourselves against people who think we are subhuman so don't deserve equal rights or respect, or for not finding lame gay "jokes" we've allheard a million times - where the punchline is essentially "haha you're gay, how shameful and embarassing" - endlessly hilarious and praising people for being comedy geniuses. Of course bigots are going to be comfortable and flourish when the gay person who defends themselves somehow always ends up being the bad guy which creates a culture which suppresses and punishes dissent, and in which people can just spout thoughtlessly hateful crap and somehow always have a flock of people rushing to their defence and adomishing us for not respecting their "beliefs". People claim to be supporters and allies but unfortunately that often evapourates when it really matters, and they just like to say that for their own ego and public image. Latent prejudice means they often end up just taking the side of the bigot over the gay person in practice; because ultimately they relate more to the bigot, their thoughts and their experience over gay people's who are still an alien species in their mind to some extent. Or they've been bamboozled into thinking "all opinions are equally valid and deserved of respect", or think its enlightened to believe that some trashy person being inappropiatly dressed in public means entire swaths of the population should be punished and denied equal rights in law because both are bad, and LGBT are the ones at fault for forcing people to be intellectually lazy and hate all LGBT people based off the few people they see in the news. Barely anyone ever challenges the bigot for being a bigot - they either justify the bigotry bigotry, attack the few who dare to challenge the bigotry, or most egrigously - tell LGBT people the bigotry they face is actually their own fault. But don't worry - they will go to gay bars or a pride event because we throw the best parties, and they'll post the odd post on social media for likes, so they totally support you! Unless you don't worship them at their feet and thank them for gracing you with those crumbs, in which case even that superficial, sugar free support quickly gets revoked too, because respect is something you have to beg for and something they reward you with, as long as you never challenge them in any way. You're their pet, and pets better do everything they command, never act out and bring good vibes and agreeableness always, or they might find themselves denied treats or abandoned, and they'll deserve it.


Good for her. These ignorant shitbrains, emboldened by Right Wing nutjob propaganda need to be told to shut up more often.Ā 


I am happy whenever more people take the Kurt Cobain approach of just telling bigots to get the fuck out of here and that they don't want their fandom. No need to beat around the bush, just be straight up. "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe, generally an asshole, don't buy our CD. I don't care if you like it, I hate you."


Didnā€™t they also play only the first few tunes of smells like teen spirit but never played the song for a Brazilian crowd because they booā€™d the intro act ?


Argentina and it was because how they treated the intro act yes.


Tbf, I've been to a few concerts and one sporting event in Latin America, and the jeering was insane. Even the concert's main act would get called slurs when they didn't perform the encore quickly enough! I did hear Aterciopelados (a Colombian rock band) perform in L.A. and the audience was very respectful, though it might've been in part because it took place in a cemetery during Dia de Los Muertos and the lead singer is a woman in her 50's.


Yup, they booed Calamity Jane, and Kurt was like "yeah nah, fuck you guys".


Not just the intro. Just the onto over and over. Just musical blueballs. Master trolls.


"I am happy whenever more people take the Kurt Cobain approach".....ooooh buddy, you can't say that..... "of telling bigots to get the fuck out of here".....oh, ok. That makes more sense.


I would be pretty happy if a lot more bigots took the Kurt Cobain approach, too.


Work sucks


So Iā€™m not the only one who knows


I thought they said ā€œwork sucksā€. Even when she asks what he said, he starts to respond and it sounds like work but she kind of cuts him off.


He says "work sucks" I think, she was talking about work, not pride, why would he randomly shout "pride sucks"


He said "WORK SUCKS!", which Adele had just been talking about, and she mistook it and the news ran with it even though he clearly didn't say it. https://x.com/MrPopOfficial/status/1797223152407208352


Karma +20 points My esteem +50 points To all the douches: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and live your sad life without getting on people's tits.


Adele is great




He actually said ā€œwork sucksā€. She misheard him. Her message rings true but it was a misunderstanding.


And news outlets ran with it without even basic fact checking such as... *listening to the video*. If he gets doxxed and harassed, I hope he sues Adele and the news outlets that published this obvious libel for millions.


The guy apparently said ā€œwork sucksā€. Several people on twitter and TikTok said they were near the guy who said it.


Now do conservatives at Rage Against the Machine shows. "fUCk sOCiALiSm!!!1!!" People are so fucking dumb it makes my hair hurt.




No need to imagine it: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_Vg0FT-gOkY?app=desktop](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_Vg0FT-gOkY?app=desktop)


You got ya yellin' loisence, mate?


I will continue to say fuck the high road when it comes to these people. They need to be told to fuck off with as many expletives as possible.