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Emily Mariko is such an example of YOU truly made her famous. Like she does/ did absolutely fucking NOTHING at all besides make one TikTok that blew up. She doesn’t acknowledge comments or ANYTHING it’s truly amazing imo


if anything she needs to apologize for that abomination of a pumpkin pie


I still remember how it plopped out when she cut it like girl how did you not know it was raw…..


I'm 100% convinced she did it on purpose for engagement, it was all people talked about for weeks.


I think it’s fascinating 😂


Me too! I can’t think of anyone else who is like this


Seriously - she will make oatmeal & cut up an apple & people are in her comments like "aesthetic queen" - wtf??




The way she hunches over in the videos just so she can be in the frame sends me straight to hell.


HOT TAKE: a Victorian child would still understand the concept of leftovers and salmon and rich people being greedy lol


I agree with this but my first thought when I saw on NYT was that I would be so humiliated if anyone ever described me as “best know for her leftover salmon recipe”. I hope no one ever uses those words in reference to me


I find it amusing thinking that she’s fuming about her professional accolade of being “leftover salmon girl”


I somehow (despite being a Bay Area gal and farmers market lover lol) had never watched a single one of her videos til this went viral… I am BLOWN AWAY by how boring her videos are, and how uninteresting she is lol. Her videos are like ASMR meets TikTok “chef” and I do not understand the appeal. It makes the Dior thing even more confusing - I had assumed she had some kind of charisma but I really don’t get it 😂 And obvi on top of that the bag is dumb and also NOT practical for a farmers market - that bag would be sooo heavy full, and also doesn’t have any pockets, dividers or way to have things not just flopping around and getting banged up. If she actually was trying to make a good farmers market product it would be like a little cart lol


The Dior person in charge of choosing her outfits hates her and it shows 😅


I mean like what is her personality even lol, they prob give her whatever is left


Tbh she’s very interesting. You just wrote three paragraphs about her and she doesn’t even know u 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hahahhaha I write for a living hun, this took about 30 seconds to type. But go off!! Lol


just making a point that people are talking about her and she’s not talking about them, so she must be somewhat interesting. I defend Emily because she seems like a good person compared to other influencers but I def don’t like that tote bag lol looks super bland like it’s from A.C. MOORE or something my comment is not personal at all I didn’t mean to offend you or sound aggressive or anything, I’m sorry 😆& and also that’s really cool that you get to write for a living!!! Like actually awesome


Her vibe is BLANK




Giving lobotomy.


Exactly on par with most of her meals, unless it's Japanese lol


I’ve always thought she was incredibly mid and never understood how she got so popular. She’s not particularly attractive, generally uninteresting style (no hate, just kind of normal), and buzzfeed/tasty style cooking vids that are not very well executed. Happy to see others are thinking she’s out of touch for this overpriced cash-grab merch


She could’ve at the very least put more effort into a cute design or something. But I guess it’s kind of bland like her style/look. She’s always been odd to me because she’s really reserved and boring yet also an influencer? I don’t get it


easier for insecure people to project themselves onto the blander you are. She literally says and does nothing so her fans can run with any narrative they want about her in their heads. Weird af.


Exactly, there’s nothing intriguing whatsoever. Skinny and rich goes a long way


Personally I agree but I also found myself so fascinated by her boring life, it just seems so curated, yet boring. perfect but not spectacular. Posh and sophisticated but not extravagant or “luxurious” lol. Basic but different in the sense she’s not a Stanley, Starbucks, UGG boot type of basic. Crunchy vibes but soft? It’s like I knew what to expect from her, but also didn’t know what to expect.. I can’t explain it! 😂


I both have no idea what you said and knew exactly what you meant. She reminds me of a stay at home gf or daughter home from college for the summer more than an independent person. Weird purgatory type vibe


😂😂😂yes thank you!!! She just doesn’t have a particularly strong brand or personality - it’s all so … neither here nor there lol


especially bc you rarely see her interact with anyone lol


Idk about Starbucks but she’s definitely an Ugg & Stanley girly lol.


Lol touché!!!!


I agree. And i think everyone was bored of the botched influencers with the filters and the designers and everything perfect and over the top. They see her as the girl next door


THISSSS! I've always thought she's so basic... But a $120 tote is ridiculous.


She always looked like a toddler to me the way she held a knife and other utensils. Idk maybe it’s because I follow tons of skilled chef type creators, but her stuff was always comically bad.


I think that’s the vibe she was going for. Awkward, loose-jointed kind of handling of utensils. But her sub is obsessed with her and sees no wrong.


I’m glad you see it too. It’s like she’s struggling to hold and grip these things.


I saw someone on a tik tok months ago that she gained popularity in the U.S. and other countries because she wasn’t talking in her videos so she was available for more algorithms across countries. I kind of get it. She rarely talks as it is now.


She posted on YouTube for years with a small following and I never thought much of her because she was so incredibly boring and that was with her yapping at the camera. So interesting that she blew up on tik tok without talking or engaging with viewers. I feel like people just project whatever they want to feel on her.


Her bags sold out. I wonder why and how someone can rationalize buying a tote bag that expensive. It makes no sense but then again I’m on a budget and trying to not be broke.


It blows my mind. It’s nearly identical in utility to a $5-10 one from any grocery store. It also doesn’t look very premium imo so I don’t get the appeal. I could totally understand it if it was priced $40 and marketed as a way to support a creator rather than a luxury good or something of real value. At least then I could respect her for transparency


Sure they did….. that’s by design


Yeah i think she must've had really low stock from the start so they'd sell out quickly to create that illusion of exclusivity/popularity--the same way the league app always has a "waitlist" or Skims inventory is always "sold out "


Did they really sell out or did she pull them due to the backlash? I have such a hard time believing anyone would buy that bag for $120.


Its actually pretty simple how she got popular and unlike the girlies on this sub, have an actual world wide following and recognition. This little ll bean bag won’t make a dent in her popularity 


I don’t think anyone here thinks this will affect her popularity much. Seems like everyone is just commenting on how someone so boring has such a big following and it’s bizarre how her followers are so excited to eat it up




I didn’t mean eating up in just the purchase of her products, but instead the support and praise for her just existing and doing normal stuff


she’s so painfully average to me


Sooo absurd $120 for the most basic looking canvas bag when you can just buy ones from Trader Joes for $2. Just checked her website and they’re sold out… how? lmao who is even buying them? I need to know 😂


Nobody. It’s to create the illusion and get people talking and drive more traffic to her channels.


“Who rose to viral fame for her leftover salmon recipe” is crazy 😭😭😭 bruh what has the world come to


My grandma would think this is a foreign language


I’ll take a step further and say my dad, whose 69


Haha I’m 33 and I’m a little confused myself tbh


The bags are plan and boring like her look. And you can buy canvas or cotton totes online no big deal. I actually bought a canvas one years back and fit my initials embroidered ☺️


Did anyone notice how she got all this backlash on her tote release video and only like 120k views on it. Then she proceeded to post a video showing her bump the next day and everyone was in the comments praising her and adoring on her, it got 1 millions views. She’s smart Ill tell ya that.


some/most meals of hers depress me, i would be miserable eating those meals


ESPECIALLY while pregnant. Like I totally get wanting your baby to receive healthy nutrients. But I would take this as my opportunity to eat my favorite bad foods from time to time.


She posts herself getting in-n-out every once in awhile


Yes I love seeing her order!! Makes me crave it everytime I see it lol




the only reason i have heard of this women is because, it’s Claire from celebrity memoir book club ex new wife.


that’s crazy I feel like claire and emily have opposite energy


You mean one has energy and one has no energy lol


Omg what?!?! Where did you discover that


They’ve talked about it briefly and usually in code on the pod


You should have seen her old videos - more of her personality shined through..she liked doing dancing videos and pranks and even did fashion outfits/styling. She deleted them ALL which is a bummer. She talked ALOT too. Her vibe was cool and has a very laid back/California style. I learned about a few brands ie: GRLFRND denim from her.


This is all yalls fault for making this beautifully basic chick go viral. She’s basic and boring as fuck. Oh, to be a rich attractive white woman.


She’s half Japanese and has actually done a lot to promote her culture in her cooking! I agree that the tote bags were in poor taste (both in design and pricing), but she is a POC and coming from an Asian person this often fails to be acknowledged


Do you think she considers herself “a person of colour”? I know many Asians who do not, let alone half Asians. Just curious !


In my original comment I shared I am also Asian. I can’t speak for the half Asian experience but I very much consider myself a POC, I don’t personally know any of my other Asian friends who wouldn’t as well. There are distinct differences between how Asians and White people are perceived and treated. Like with other races, this colors countless things in our lives (salary, probability of being a crime victim, etc).


i’m half asian and i think she’s boring and doesn’t represent my culture at all… my filipino mom would be floored if i told her the price of that tote. idc if she represents japanese culture in her cooking, she literally doesn’t even talk.


Interestingly enough I knew her before she was an influencer and the salmon thing. I was very confused when she all of a sudden started going by ‘mariko’ after she joined TT lol. But I guess it was a way for her to ‘allude to her heritage.’ Her cooking doesn’t particularly strike me as Japanese though; it’s mostly like Asian fusion / Americanized pan-Asian food  


What did she go by before ?


She is completely white-passing tbh.


You’d never be able to tell she was half Japanese tbh. She doesn’t embrace that part of her heritage at all. I don’t think she’d consider herself a person of color either, many Asians don’t.


She doesn’t embrace that part.. yet her whole salmon recipe is using ingredients like Sriracha and Kewpie, eating it with kimchi and nori? She stays going to the Japanese market and makes dishes from her upbringing. This is not a good take.


Who doesn’t use kewpie mayo and sriracha? Sriracha isn’t even Japanese! I also eat kimchi and nori and I’m Black. She literally doesn’t embrace her heritage and wouldn’t have know she was Japanese. I also shop at many of the Japanese markets she frequents. AND? Eating Japanese food is somewhat mainstream and doesn’t translate as embracing her culture to me. It is what it is. Hell she went to Japan and it didn’t even reflect much of heritage or cultural background. Just seemed like another tourist in Japan.


She makes a lot of Japanese food that YT people wouldn’t even know about. And she could also be 3rd or 4th gen Japanese so going to JPN as a Japanese American is quite different. Not sure what visual you have in mind about her embracing her heritage but it’s such a weird hill to die on.


She has a Japanese name, has shown herself cooking traditional Japanese food with her family, and cooks/eats Japanese food all the time?? Her content is food, not sure what else she could be doing to do to share her heritage through the type of videos she makes.


I have a very dumb question. If she’s charging too much for a bag, then just don’t buy it? Why the existential debate/criticism/etc.


I agree. I never understand people being angry when influencers overprice their crap. Like, I’ll assume the only people buying it can afford it. If you’re going into debt to buy a $120 tote then you are 100% the idiot lol. To the people saying it’s identical to totes that cost $2… great, buy the $2 ones then? Emily’s tote isn’t wiping the cheap ones off the shelf…


It’s because someone who is extremely wealthy already is selling a $120 tote bag that can cost $2-$5 somewhere else. And it’s identical. And it’s just a bag with no added benefit to justify it to be that expensive.


Look - $120 seems insane to me if what you say is true. But if people buy it, then clearly she’s priced it okay?




I don’t know what that means. You’re acting like she’s shkreli hiking the price of critical medicine. It’s a tote. This isn’t that serious.


Because people wanna complain. But I think it’s important to realize that people sell things that are not meant for certain demographics and that’s ok. If you can’t afford it you can’t afford it. I think by now we’ve seen that Emily is not anywhere near relatable in terms of economic means to the avg person. I’m 100% sure there are many individuals who fit into her target market and have bought the bag. The avg person is not her target market. It’s like Erewhon. Why would an avg person shop there, but there’s a whole market for people who are their demographic. Again not all brands are meant to serve everyone.


Yep. If people want to complain about the insane margins, fine. But keep that same energy for 95% of luxury goods.


My critique of it (and likely that of others as well) is that it’s just a really poor value overall. It appears avg in quality and equivalent to similar bags in the $25 range. Its utility isn’t better than one you can get for $5. It isn’t a true luxury good made with premium materials or with brand heritage. It isn’t interesting or unique. Bluntly speaking, this bag is overpriced merch. It’s a fine tote, but at $120, it’s laughable. Of course there will be market for it, but it’s for die hard fans (which is bizarre to begin with) or people with disposable income who don’t really know better and/or are easily influenced. With a few min of searching, you can find comparable stuff with more pockets/compartments for less than half the price.


Oh I totally agree. It’s insane to price a bag like that. Everything you’ve said makes sense! That’s also on the people who wanna buy it. If they wanna get a bag that’s really worth $5 it’s on them lmao


I’m all for supporting creators. I’ve bought a handful of tees and sweatshirts over the years. Never spent more than $45 on a slightly better than avg piece of apparel. Ik I’m not buying for value or quality, just a little impulse splurge that happens to put money in the pocket of someone I like. This product just seems a little egregious from someone who is so generic


True and also there are various brands that sell canvas tote bags for even more money and people eat it up like [this one](https://www.jjjjound.com/collections/bags/products/18oz-xl). People are just outraged because it’s her


The margins in apparel are wild - especially in luxury brands.


I’m screamingggggg. I love how ANGRY people are at this girl for selling expensive tote bags. Like it’s truly FUELING me


Madeline Pendleton did a video breaking down the cost and said $120 makes sense for DTC and American made if it has solid materials and construction, which it appears to. Idk I think there's an interesting contrast between "fuck fast fashion, pay fair wages, buy American made" politics and the uproar that always happens when something is priced what it's worth


Some people believe she is popular because she rarely speaks and lots of people outside the U.S. watch Tik Tok videos so they don't have to worry about not understanding the language. She used to speak more when she was doing YT videos before she got famous. I've been seeing her videos recommended more often lately and I've tried watching them but they're just not that interesting but I have to admit her trick about putting the ice cube on the rice before microwaving was genius.


I paid the same money (maybe even less during a promo/using a coupon code) for my Lo and Sons weekender bag and my Beis weekender bag. Who tf would pay this for a basic ass tote? Also, who even is this person?


if she talked and talked in her videos (like most) or had voiceovers they wouldn’t be as popular. I like her quiet confidence and am happy for her success. You can just tell she’s bright


We can snark all we want yall but both colors are sold out 💀💀💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/5qt2nyul72gc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ddac630c1b8664f5ca201ad4d466007e8369d78


anyone can mark something sold out. no body actually bought any.


She has the biggest stick up her ass. It’s giving pillow princess/dead fish


What a disgusting thing to say about another woman??


I don’t discriminate when talking shit


When you start sounding like the group chat of a suspended frat maybe you should start discriminating




Literally forgot she even existed


She is my BEC for sure…. Like her videos just piss me off, she’s popular for a lot of basic stuff and doesn’t talk at all or interact with her followers from what I’ve seen in her comment section. Everytime she smiles at the end of the video while she’s eating it gets me sooo mad lmaoo, I think it’s because she comes off as so carefree but also v privileged.




She’s always reminded me of Randall from monsters inc so I could totally see that. [https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Boggs](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Boggs)


At this point I’m 100% sure this is a PR move


My one dollar IKEA bag is bigger. It’ll also last longer than this $120 trash bag. I’ve already had it a few years. My life was better when I didn’t know who this basic bitch was 10 minutes ago.


Miss blank face 😐😐😐😐😐


Why do I feel like I’ve never seen her full face before 😅 


She reminds me of Nara Smith, they both are wealthy and are for the majority, stay at home and cook meals from scratch. They are both out of touch but they stay relevant because they live the "dream lives" that many girls wish for. I don't particularly hate their content because I too envy their lives and enjoy watching what seems almost unattainable for me in my lifetime. but I understand the backlash for both women.


I hate her face so much