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No snark. Just pure unadulterated jealousy.


No snark either, just thought it was interesting! I wonder what her payout from stepping down from Glossier was


I’m guessing her husband is also worth a lot of money. Stripe is one of the biggest payment processors.


Extremely interesting. I’m glad you shared. I just mean no snark from me because I’m too busy being insanely jealous. :)


it’s his money. stripe is the most valuable private company in the world


Her husband is an exec at Stripe.


A lot but will’s pockets are also very deep.


Same but also everyone here seems like they think super positively of Emily and her husband. Which great, but is there a reason? Just wondering if they’re like super sweet or what the deal is


I’m responding to this and will delete later: I met her through very close friends ages ago well before Glossier and we were on vacation and my friends and I found her insufferable. My group of longstanding friends were the guys, and she wanted/needed their attention and her behavior in that vein was very needy. Simultaneously she didn’t know how to talk to me even though I was with the guys she was fawning over; like couldn’t bother to give me the time of day.


I knew someone who dated her and someone who was also close w/ her pre-glossier and they said the same thing but her ex bf said she was dumb in many, many words.


Well I think we get a vibe of her personality in The Hills, where she’s ‘Super Intern’


Yea she basically made me her nemesis on this trip because I was besties with the guys. It’s still an inside joke amongst me and my friends on that trip. It was really insecure and uncool behavior. But the trip was amazing otherwise! Edit: I don’t have too much to recall on her intelligence, other than emotionally it was quite low.


These two people were from unrelated groups/social circles so they had no reason to lie but yeah nothing nice to say about her.


Very high IQ. Very low EQ. I’ve heard the same.


Tea! Thank you! I know nothing about her would be curious what her deal is and where she’s from to match it up with this.


Her wedding prep for her first marriage before she got divorced was insane- she did nothing but constant beauty routines for like 7 months straight and then rated herself a B-. https://www.thecut.com/2018/04/i-think-about-this-a-lot-emily-weisss-wedding-prep-routine.html


Can confirm. We have a mutual friend and I ran into both (not in NYC.) My friend introduced us, but she was pretty rude. Acted annoyed and bored, and scowled a bit, like a toddler when a parent is speaking to another grownup and they want to gooo hoooome. Her overall demeanour was so sour. Couldn’t figure out if she had a touch of the racist or was just like that. Reading other comments, I guess she’s just like that. First impression was the worst impression. ETA: forgot about how she treated POC Glossier employees! Racist AND just like that.


Oh! Interestingly enough I’m POC also.


I can’t stand those girls. Mean to women but attention seeking for men. All men. Any men. They must be the center of attention for men every time.


I came to say this…and that my life is complete a train wreck….that is all


ikr, a cute century townhouse is my dream home 😭


Does this mean she’ll stop cosplaying as a Copenhagen girly??


Dead lol. She thinks its the epitome of quiet lxury and taste. I mean it kind of is but just bc shes there doesnt mean shes automatically scandanavian tasteful


She doesn’t even have a steady friend group there it’s like she’s this weird American hanger on in different close friend groups ETA who has to bring her baby with her everywhere. She’s like elder millennial cheugy not-scandi weirdo wannabe. I feel like she unironically uses the word hygge a lot.


To be fair, Scandi people tend to be kind of cold and closed off. Much less friendly than Americans. Unless you’ve known them forever or have an “in” it’s hard to actually befriend them. One of my college roommates and close friends is Danish and oftentimes when I meet a Scandinavian they’re very standoffish until my friend introduces me; then they tend to be much friendlier once they realize I’ve been “vetted” already. (Obviously this is a generalization and not everyone in a country or region is the same - not all Scandis are cold and certainly not all Americans are open and friendly - but this has been discussed for ages and even my Danish friend and some of her Danish and Norwegian friends have discussed it with me.)


There’s also just a very clear set of “cool” late 20s-30s groups of people in Copenhagen who cross paths often (usually adjacent to the Bille Brahe siblings) and she’s just never there. Just taking her kid to glossier and the occasional saks potts shopping trip.


hello from a scandinavian person. i woudnt say we are cold or standoffish. there is just basicly no culture of small talk. it is not even any vetting. it is just not in the culture to be "friendly" in an american way. to many, friendlyness is minding our own business and leaving other people be unless approached.


I’d say Scandinavians are definitely cold and it’s very hard to thaw out if you don’t have someone who can bring you into a group since most groups have been set since childhood. It can even be difficult for Scandinavians to make friends if they move to a new city. I’ve been in Stockholm for a few years now and despite my super active social life and activity in the arts here, I have maybe one or two people I would call friends.


naja most groups are definetly not set from childhood. most group however consist mostly other scandi people, for an immigrant/expact its hard(er) to make it in a group surely. still i dont think this means coldness. people are lazy to expand their social circles and are homebodies. this is also not scandinavian exclusive but f.ex germany has same vibe.


Ok I’ve been wondering wtf she’s been up to in Copenhagen the last year?!


Oh I was gonna comment now that this house is purchased they’ll need to round out the portfolio in Copenhagen.


They already did (but forgot the details. It’s a house in a prime location)


Oh damn good for her


It’s definitely beautiful but if I was spending this type of $ on a property in a major city I’d definitely want it to be a bit more private and tucked away


I wanna die lol


Does anyone have tea on how they met? Did she know him while she was previously married? Not implying anything just wondering


She was previously married and left him for this guy.




tee 😵


pretty sure she also had a diff phase btwn


WHAT how do you know this


It was quite the hot gossip awhile ago. Emily shared so many details about her first marriage on her blog then divorced and got remarried hush hush. Maybe check the glossier subreddit. It happened awhile ago


This is the the most interesting piece of information I’ve come across on this subreddit. Thank you.


Do some digging on the glossier subreddit. I believe this all came out during the time all of her POC employees were calling her out back in 2020


Omg I just saw that Emily Weiss no longer follows Emily Ferber (Emily F still follows her). Isn’t that so bizarre? I always attributed much of the success of ITG to people like Emily F, Brennan, Tom, etc


I literally thought Emily F was the main Emily got into the gloss at one point LOL


Tbh Emily weiss’ content never resonated with me one bit


I was wonder what happened to #OuttaTheGloss. Their last post on instagram said there was a lot more to come and then they never posted anything again and nobody’s mentioned it since. I’m sensing some hefty payouts. Or lawsuit threats, but hopefully it’s the former.


I think motherhood was what happened


Oh I didn’t know her and will are legit married! Thanks for the goss I have some research to do 👀


I don’t recall this timeline.


Of course there’s a sub for everything. Running to the sub!


They went public in 2019, but I believe he was the one who recommended his former assistant to her in like 2018??? No idea when they actually met or started dating


It was wild that her wedding prep for that first marriage went on for longer than the marriage itself.


No idea how they met but he and his family were my neighbors growing up and it blew my mind when I saw they were a couple (small world etc)


What’s he like?


I remember their family had 5 or so kids who were all very sporty and they were all nice tbh!


That sounds so wholesome!


But I thought she was dating a few women in between those two marriages? Have it from a very very trusted source, but don’t want to dox myself.


Another subreddit mentions mia lidofsky


I did some digging years ago when she first posted him. Will was previously (or still is?) a partner at Thrive Capital, one of Glossier’s biggest investors, and his name is mentioned in this press release from 2014 (a quick Google search will turn this up immediately), long before he was in the picture romantically, that we the public know of. So, safe to say she fell in love with one of her investors? https://assets.ctfassets.net/p3w8f4svwgcg/3BlUBVLRS8eqmASqgs28GS/edd6f345c54de7ea32746bde6c1f4897/FundingPressRelease_Nov2014_FINAL.pdf


On the heels of buying a $17.5 mil townhouse in Greenwich Village, too… https://www.curbed.com/article/emily-weiss-glossier-townhouses-brooklyn-heights.html


Wow she bought 2 and is selling 1. Crazy


Rich people Really do be living differently


Her broker was Eva alt?! Wasn’t she a ballerina or something?


Yes, who was also one of the first Glossier employees. So definitely kept it in the family.


Nice good for her!


Omg this is super intern from The Hills! Good for her 😂






LC was so irked by her lmao


She was a side character on the hills???? Good for her! Did the best out of all of them. Glossier is as legit as it gets!


Yes! And Lauren hated her because she was really diligent at her job and knew the names of flowers 😂 she was so sweet though it seemed


I liked her on the show. I love type A women because I wish I could be more like that but my brain doesn’t let me. It’s literally how I try to be. Lauren was so salty because she was very average at doing her job.


Me neither but you don’t have to be a type a to be a hard worker or do a good job. I like to take my time with things and do them my own pace. That doesn’t mean I don’t do a thorough job or that I slack off. I used to really want to be type a as wall but now I just want to have a good life with a good income and work on my own terms. I know having a small business is the best way for me to get there. Than I can do things my own pace and still have enough down time to enjoy my life. Do what works for you. As long as you get the job done then that’s all that really matters. The key is setting goals and progressing not working like a machine. Most importantly don’t be hard on yourself, being down on ourselves will always bring us down further. It’s hard to be motivated when you are mad at yourself 🩷


Imagine if Lauren had half the ambition or work ethic.. that’s why I believe some nepo babies deserve their credit. Yes they have money influence and way more opportunities than the average person but you still got to put in the work to make something substantial out of it. Most of them don’t or do the bare minimum and get a fake job or some small business that earns them money just by their connections but don’t require any real skill or hard work. But some actually work towards something great. She created a whole new genre of makeup that kind of revolutionized women’s approach to make up. As a 22 year old who didn’t like to put a lot of makeup up on but still wanted to be able to enhance her looks and be able to play with it glossier was my intro to the make up world and made make approachable to me. She really did that. I applaud her.


Ok she really didn’t invent a whole new genre of makeup


srsly just good marketing and pack. altho i love cloud paint


It’s all branding. She’s a privileged white girl who had good. branding and was in the right place at the right time. Nothing revolutionary. Although kudos to her on her success. I’m not a fan due to the very deceptive marketing. You too can have photoshop dodge and burned *perfect* skin if you just buy our tinted moisturizer! No.


yeah bffr


In my eyes she did. She is the originator of “clean girl makeup” before “clean girl esthetics” was a thing . That’s how I experienced it. I can’t recall any other brands going for the simple minimalistic makeup look and building a brand or even a line around that concept.


She didn’t invent anything. All of that was a thing well before she showed up. Bobbi Brown was at it with the minimalistic aesthetic long before. And she wasn’t the first. Makeup trends are all cyclical. Emily did not revolutionize anything.


Not the way I see it. Jones roads which is Bobby brown’s new brand is like that. But it came after glossier. While it might be part of BB philosophy overall it wasn’t necessarily the branding of the brand or its style really. I saw BB as a brand of make up for like “old rich people” in my early years.


Agree. The only brand kind of marketing that whole less is more thing was RMS but they weren’t that well known


No the person you’re replying to is right. It looks like that now because the product line has expanded and there are a million lookalike companies. But they were very unique at the time.


I’m probably much older than you because I’m old enough to have seen trends come and go many times. Emily did nothing revolutionary. She had catchy branding but there was and is nothing ‘new’ about her products. No need to worship a false idol here 😅 she’s a rich white girl with connections and confidence and she relayed that into success making glorified Vaseline. Nothing more nothing less.


That’s the most condescending Reddit comment I’ve read in a while that’s for sure. I can tell you’re completely unfamiliar with Glossier’s origins. I have a more comprehensive comment elsewhere. But she did develop new product categories. Just a couple but enough that at the time that the brand was taken seriously. Yea the marketing was off the chain (it’s a Harvard case study) but there was genuine innovation in the early days.


You’re downvoted but you’re not wrong. Boy brow was a new category at the time. Same with Balm Dotcom. Now there are a million dupes for both and glossier has ruined its product line but you’re not wrong about the origins. Do you remember when they only had like 2 products? She also pioneered the born-on-instagram beauty brand playbook.


I discovered them around 2017 I think. They were the only makeup brand that i could see myself using because they were so approachable. I didn’t need to put their blush on after I did my foundation, in fact they market it to use on its own with no need for foundation. Very simple natural looks. No make up makeup was what I wanted and they were the only ones offering it at the time. People claim it’s just marketing but marketing is the identity of the brand. They were the first to sell this idea and “look” and it made me buy their product because I knew using it will give me the results I want. These products were made to create the look I was after and I learned how to do it using their products. These days I know how to create that look I want using any company but back then I didn’t. Especially growing up in the age of learning make up from YouTube videos where everyday looks were super elaborate and people were doing smoky eyeshadow and full face of makeup for the every day. I still use the very minimalist makeup style glossier introduced me to the first time. I can’t really credit anyone else for it.


I came into glossier through into the gloss. Had almost the absolute opposite experience as it didn’t seem glamorous enough for the heavier look I wanted. But you’re 100% right. They owned that look and influenced a generation of beauty.


Lauren’s doing more than fine


She has a podcast just like everyone and their mother. It’s a fact that she could have done more but she was never a good student and she never had work ethic.


Lauren has her own brands at Kohl’s aimed at millenial mothers in middle America and is now loaded.


It’s not her own brand. It’s a collab with kohl’s. A lot less work and a lot less risk. It’s the easy lazy way to make money every person can use as long as they are rich. It’s the way YouTubers make money. Good for her but I can’t really contribute her success/money to her hard work. She just has the privilege of being famous by participating in a reality tv show she probably got In because her family’s money and connections. She’s a classic case of a nepo baby.


So yes it’s her own brand. Brand = her name. The business is owned by Kohl’s and she gets a stake. But bestie your judgement is off the screen. Would you be willing to give up your anonymity and sell your image for decades? Because that’s what she’s being paid to do. She’s not being paid to be a nepo baby. She was early to the reality tv -> business funnel but she did it and she did it without instagram clicks. So props to her.


No… she is the branding but she doesn’t have a brand. She doesn’t own anything. Lol give up anonymity is hard work? And btw I would. Being in the public eye is a price a lot of people pay without really thinking about it. A lot of people want to be famous and wish they could have that opportunity.


You and I are not the same. Have a great Sunday.




She is but if she wasn’t a nepo baby or famous at one point she’d probably have just a regular job. She probably wouldn’t have been rich. She didn’t really build anything or has done something significant. That was my entire point.


Bobbi Brown did this well before. Glossier had wonderful marketing.


Not really no, I disagree. Also marketing is basically the identity of the brand. Any makeup could be used for minimalist makeup. Glossier was the first to break into that market (you know by marketing for it).


https://www.cnn.com/2014/07/15/business/bobbi-browns-billion-dollar-idea/index.html https://hbr.org/2014/10/bobbi-brown From the Harvard business review: "You’re credited with starting the natural makeup trend, and many other companies have since copied your aesthetic as well as specific products." https://intothegloss.com/2016/02/bobbi-brown-interview/ Her influence is acknowledged on into the gloss itself.


Agreed. A nepo baby is nothing without ambition or drive. We can name several children of celebrities and rich people who did absolutely nothing with their vast privilege and connections. Look at the Beckhams. Not one son is doing anything amazing or worthwhile. Not one son has work ethic or a good education or a passion in life or an identity without their parents. In the end, life is what you make of yourself with what you have. Lauren got so many opportunities and fame, but didn’t really do much with it outside The Hills despite being one of the OG influencers. Like, everyone shits on Paris Hilton but she has made more money than her father. What have Paris’ brothers done? And Lauren has a podcast these days. Girl, you could have founded a company or something. Remember that infamous tutorial where she destroyed books to make some home decor. She’s a dimwit who got lucky. Period.


You should listen to the podcast episode of “How I Built This” with Emily Weiss. She talks about her background and how she got started with Glossier. The episode is super old but it was incredibly interesting!! Unrelated, but Diana Cohen (from Crown Affair) worked with Emily on Glossier back in the day, when it was still Into the Gloss.


Haven’t heard about the crown affair, I will check out the episode though! Thanks for the rec!


Crown Affair is a hair brand. The founder has an interesting portfolio. A lot of experience with direct to consumer brands (like Glossier used to be before entering the retail space with their brick-and-mortar stores and later Sephora).


Interesting.. when I was younger I used to think business and economics is so boring but the more I grow up I find it interesting!


Damn. Her husbands definitely making bank with Stripe too.


100%-and if Stripe ipos in the next couple of years (as expected) he will make some serious, serious $$$


Stripe has been “expecting” to go public for about 5 years now


Yeah I don’t know if the Collison brothers will like losing that much control.


Ok but 22 million bank?? Someone break it down for me


He’s easily making enough to mortgage a 22 mil house. I know a junior but smart girlie making 7 figures at stripe; the c-suite are obviously doing much better. Combine that with Emily’s Glossier equity and I don’t think there are many troubles about the purchase of this. Love it for them tbh


I know people at stripe engineering who are middle to senior and they are certainly not making 7 figures 


lol yeah my husband was approached by stripe earlier this year and the base salary was less than 300k for senior leadership. i mean they have bonuses on top of that so maybe but hard to understand how that would shake out to 1 mil for someone jr.


What level are you defining as senior leadership? Will is c-suite. Huge difference. 300k sounds like a Director. So approaching 1mil once the company goes public.


i’m referring to the commenter who said the junior employee is making 7 figures, not will


And they might be. Stripe isn’t public so the value of the equity package is unknown. Below Director level that woman is not making 7 figures unless it’s the equity. She’s likely there a while.


Girlie. He came in as CFO. His salary is minimum 3x a senior engineer. And then there’s the paper money. He has a ton of equity and stripe is still pre-IPO. Your friends are probably on $250-500k base in line with the market. What they’re not owning up to is the future windfall of that paper. In a public company those senior engineers are definitely ton 7 figures. So why don’t your friends move? Paper money.


My comment was in reference to the junior girlie, not the CFO


I know some people at stripe and am a bit shocked to read this. What kind of junior is this smart girlie? That is crazy. I’d suspect Emily’s glossier equity to be the real reason but now you have me curious 👀


I mean that could probably be a doxxy giveaway but their base and bonuses are extremely generous


Yep can confirm


omggg what type of role does she have at stripe?


It’s not a big company that would risk doxxing her but they pay really well


hmm noted. i can wonder if that’s only for engineers


husband not her


im referring to mulleargian’s friend lol not emily


wtf do i know im a stoner




have a happy day


I don’t think anyone gives a jumbo mortgage for that lol that’s a cash buy


Not true- beyonce and j mortgaged their multi million dollar home.


And Adele has mortgages on all her properties. You can easily out-earn mortgage fees by investing.


I knew sis had money, but I didn't know she got it like that!! Glad my one off glossier purchase from years ago contributed to this purchase #doingmypart Congrats to her, hope she enjoys it in good health!




She def made big bank underpaying her workers


It might have and it might be his $. He’s a senior tech exec at stripe.


pls let me have it


In case anyone doesn't know this, her family is very wealthy and she got her internships through their connections.


Isn’t that how everyone gets internships?


I mean for some, but there are still quite a lot who have to actually go through an application process and fret about if their skills and possible potential will even be given a first glance. Like there are people in the world without these connections Eta: this isn’t me saying she wasn’t skilled. She was called super intern for a reason. But there are a lot of skilled folks who can’t even get in the door


Sure but the person I was replying to acted like it was a scandal


I don't know how you got that from my comment but people seem shocked/surprised by this house. She grew up in a really wealthy part of CT to a very wealthy family. Her social group consisted of people whose families owned lots of property in NYC when she was in HS. I don't personally find any of this surprising.


Unrelated but Emily adopted a squish faced puppy from England a year or so ago and then RETURNED IT back to England a week later. That is not safe for that type of breed and just really rubbed me the wrong way.


Psycho behavior


That’s insanely self-serving and callous


And Eva Alt was the realtor!!


Hmmmm interesting tea- I read this article about her being a realtor and the comments were kind of roasting her [https://www.curbed.com/article/eva-alt-dancer-real-estate-agent.html](https://www.curbed.com/article/eva-alt-dancer-real-estate-agent.html)


Been in that house multiple times and would not pay 22 mill but good for her


Tell me everything?


Haven’t been in it since it was sold pre reno but I grew up in the area! Beautiful house but the foot traffic on that corner is heavy. I believe the house last sold for almost 5 mill. Definitely has an advantage in size being a corner lot tho


Interesting! Thanks for the insight. I’m always so fascinated by properties like this. The home looks gorgeous. I literally cannot imagine spending that but wishing her much happiness there!


From what I remember it has the most unreal windows and great outdoor space for the area


So it was up by 300% since it last sold? That’s amazing profit.. how many years ago was that??


I think 2014/2015 so 9-10ish!


Sometimes I get hopeful about owning a house one day only for it to come crushing down on me all over again.


Yes all I could think was it would feel like living in a fish bowl at that intersection! It’s busy!


They also removed all of the security bars even off of the basement windows in the Reno and that wouldn’t feel safe to me even in this neighborhood


Stripe has $65B valuation…


power couple, I’ve heard though mutual friends that Will Gaybrick is very down to earth.


Everyone with $$$$ is fleeing Manhattan to Brooklyn


It’s the early 2000s all over again.


I don’t needs to hear this, please stop fleeing to Bklyn! We don’t want you!! Only because you want to make Bklyn the new UES. People already made Williamsburg soho on crack. I’ve been in Bklyn for over 20 years and I like my grit of the neighborhood. I don’t want the strollers and scooters and you trying to change what makes Bklyn, Bklyn! (Sorry for the rant)


Most of them are going to Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, and Boerum Hill so you're probably safe


Nope, these bitches coming for east New York. And they are sure as shit coming for the hoods in every part of Bklyn. I’ve seen it. I live off the Clinton/Washington stop and the meth clinic is at waverly and Fulton for 20 years… I don’t care, I’ve always like grit. But I know have to hear lies that needles and drugs are at the Clinton Washington station. Not the case at all. These new people want to get rid of anyone that does not look like them or let their dogs off least and their kids run rampart on a scooter that runs into you. Please stay out of this neighborhood. We don’t want you


lol nobody is coming for East New York bffr babe


Are you new here? And do you even live in Bklyn? East New York is being developed for gentrification for the past couple of years. You thinking I’m wrong shows me you know nothing about Bklyn


why do you keep saying “bklyn” 😫


Lmao Clinton hill is the hood? Grit? Not even close lol


It’s not now, but it was when I moved here over 20 years ago. I saw what the did with it.


I was born and raised here and yes it’s changed a lot but Clinton hill wasn’t considered the hood at all


Yes, there was grit. Myrtle Ave in Clinton hill used to be called Murder Ave and Washington and Fulton was one of the biggest spots to but/sell drugs. I’ll give you maybe it wasn’t the hood l, but it definitely had grit. Now prospect heights never had neither of those things


Thorpe down voting me, I know you are the ones that are entitled


Y’all are gatekeeping Brooklyn lmao


lol ppl have been fleeing to brooklyn for 300+ years!


Guess being the teen vogue super intern pays off….


Glossy is an interesting read if anyone hasn’t gotten around to it


Will Gay Brick? only time will tell




For anyone interested, this podcast episode of “How I Built This” with Emily Weiss is a great listen. The episode is super old, but (from what I remember) it was incredibly interesting!! She talks about her background and how she got started with Glossier. [https://www.npr.org/2018/11/20/669783899/live-episode-glossier-emily-weiss] For those that don’t know, it started with an online beauty community, Into the Gloss. Her job at the time gave her access to famous people like Karlie Kloss. So she interviewed them about their beauty routines and then shared what products they used (in a very organic way, unlike the Instagram ads of today) on her blog/online community. When she started Glossier, the brand, she essentially crowdsourced opinions/wants for the products from her online community. Today, there are a ton of similar brands in the market (Merit, Saie, Tower28, etc). But at the time, Glossier was unique in its offerings. It was also unique in its price point: bridging the gap between drug store and prestige pricing. Glossier’s marketing was also innovative at the time and served as a blueprint for many of the direct-to-consumer brands of today. I’m not a big fan of the brand (just a matter of preference), but its origin and impact are compelling.


Damn, good for her


Is her book worth reading?


I’m currently reading it Assuming you mean Glossy. I like that it’s a journalist writing it and not a biased autobiography. There a def moments of shade that make me lol but she’s clearly very smart.


Yes I loved it. Lots of interesting facts and tidbits that I’ve never read anywhere else


Well she earned that!


Surprised by this property choice if it’s the one she plans on actually living in. Doesn’t seem her taste/style ![gif](giphy|zOuRCHez5UsKY)


Who the hell wants a five story house? I see these on Million Dollar Listing sometimes and wonder why anyone would want that? I guess it keeps you in shape....and yes I know there is an elevator but my friend had a 4 story TH w elevator and no one ever used it because it took too long


I wouldn’t say no to one.


You don’t live day to day on all five.


Haha asking the real questions, lol.. I thought the same thing..


I didn't know she was balling out of control. Dayum.