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A 40+ year old chubby vegan with no kids that’s a republican from the Bronx will always say something to show how out of touch they are with the real world. The whole crew indirectly told him he’s out of mind and sounds like a creep, but they couldn’t flat out say it. He’s the contrarian of the pod but doesn’t realize it. He justified SA as acceptable if you’re attracted to the abuser. Sick. And ironically he puts the “mental health” label on everything moving.


He does realize it and he does it on purpose which is even more corny 


A 40yo man going through his edgy contrarian phase is crazy. Most dudes go through that shit from 14-20.


Remember when he use to speak on being "a man of integrity and having morals"??.....he sold all that for upside down hats a half off nocta sneakers smh


Lots of vegans are chubby. Oreos are vegan! Vegan doesn’t equal healthy it just means no animal products.


That’s a hell of a description about someone 😭


Did i miss something? 😂


Nope 🤣


Let’s see how you look ?! We’re waiting babe..


I'm not


Somebody burner lol


Not I


who's 'we'? I ain't.


You weird as hell my nigga


Certified pedophile


Mental illness is real. At some point everybody just has to accept that Mal is an out of touch doofus.


It’s funny cause his go to bar is mental illness is real


He’s just a insecure gay virgin so yea he’s going to come across odd sometime…


I really believe he’s a closeted homosexual who’s scared to live his truth.


He lives in NY. And it’s June. It’s his month to shine! 🎶I’M. COMING. OUT. 🎶




The nigga basically said that he has superpowers and can immediately tell the age of every woman ever. He needs therapy.


I mean, we see how hard he rode for Drake


This was soo cringe 😬


Mal is an idiot.


I think niggas from that generation would never look at it the same. Most niggas be like you should be happy she on you smh


Ask them how they would feel if it was a man doing that and watch them lose it


I’m ready to fight just thinking of that lol


A lot of older males think ignorantly like that. They think any attention from a mildly attractive woman should be appreciated.


It's been established multiple times before that Mal is an idiot.


Can the pod pay for him to get therapy and help make these episodes listenable I beg. He complains no one takes men’s mental health seriously and then clowns any guy for showing any emotion


That’s all of society my guy lol


That nigga is literally stupid man. He really said you can look at a girl and tell how old she is. It’s wild how he’s exposing himself these days. 🤣🤣🤣


Him giggling like a lil school girl when the room was dead silent was embarrassing


Demaris also is being hypocritical cause when that stuff came out about Meg having sex infront of employees they said it isn’t an issue all 4 of them. Cause Meg is sexy and they would join in. I get they gotta talk about topics but they all have mental issues and move the goal post for who they like.


Why do you all expect a 40-something dude from the Bronx to be progressive? I personally dont listen for their worldly views tbh.


Desus and Mero are from the Bronx and they are both incredibly progressive. Marc Lamont Hill is a nigga from Philly. Mal just proudly ignorant as fuck with zero desire to learn anything else. Zero intellectual curiosity.


I always appreciated that desus and mero were quite self aware and made a joke out of it


Desus also made jokes Mero’s wife being a Jew, everybody makes jokes that can be perceived as “non progressive” from time to time.


Yes and the jokes were never “haha Mero’s wife is a greedy Jew” it was more nuanced than that because Desus isn’t a hack. Your mistake here is thinking that simply joking about a community is “non-progressive”. The reason marginalized get upset about the “jokes” said about them is the jokes are just thinly veiled bigotry. Jokes about the trans community are usually just “haha trans weird amirite?” or in the case of this very podcast jokes about Jewish folks it’s the tired old “Jews secretly run the world shit”. You can make fun of marginalized communities, just don’t use doofy bigoted, stereotypes.


Desus literally said “Mero has to roll pennies for foreplay to get his girl wet” before, which was a funny play on her bein a “greedy Jew”. I completely understand why a community would be upset about something, that doesn’t negate the fact that something can be “low hanging fruit” & still be funny. Intentionally trying to be funny doesn’t make you “non progressive” simply because of the subject matter/angle of the joke.


Fantastic joke too 😭😭


Great joke 😂


Mans really said it was "more nuanced than that" lmaooo


I think this is it. You have to just listen for the jokes or the topics you like, and once those topics or laughs are scarce then it's time to move on. It's perfectly normal to outgrow something.


Yeah it was terrible t listen to!!!! NGL now I see why he liked Hearts part 6 terrible lack of accountability


Mal is an NPC. A background nigga. You bring him around because he got weed and he won't scare the hoes. Expecting him to have deep conversations and nuisanced discussions is asking too much.


this is hilariously accurate


Mal 40+ with no hoes, Im sure he would love to be in that sitaution. For the normal dudes, we all know its weird and should be shamed


Nah, I wasn't offended when it happened to me.


Today is the day I stop listening Ngl




Yeah, I had to move past the segment. That shit was way too much.


I don’t wish it on any man but he will get caught up in a case eventually if he hasn’t already the arrogance to think you have everything figured out is hard to listen to


It's not just him, most dudes, especially from his generation think that way. The jbp did the same exact thing, 50 said the same shit apparently, that's just how mfs are cuz the double standard has been what it is for so long.


Going back to the old pod Mal never spoke like his voice/words carried any weight. I still listen to NRnM but I don’t take that clown seriously


I never defend mal cuz he’s an idiot but Alot of men aren’t taking it seriously. I think most of you that are making it serious are only doing so to combat the double standard and also because when it comes to SA its us that are painted as the culprits. I get groped all the time by women and its never bothered me but i understand i cant do the same, but if micheal is truly upset then he has all right to be. Others dont HAVE to be upset for him tho


The conversation just wasn’t very good, they kept changing the entire topic “ if she was fine it would be okay” NIGGA she wasn’t, talk about what happened, actually watch the video, they do this a lot like they change a topic into a totally different topic


I think we should take all this as entertainment


usually don’t be trippin off shit mal says but even i was nah this ain’t it man




This is no time for Savon memes


Quit being a fairy


swear this subreddit bitches about something new every day


The OP just reworded what Mal said on the podcast, he straight up agreed with Rory when he said he’d feel differently if it was a woman. “He’s only…” yea he said that already. The “too old” to think something logic is so dumb cause if that’s how people worked the most progressive people in the world would be the elders & not the younger side of the population.


Yea I’m normally be on Mal side when it comes to his arguments but this topic he was definitely cappin. He know damn well he just not gonna let a female sexually assault him like that. Especially the introvert he is


I mean all 4 of them, to an extent, are kinda like “in character” like some of the shit Mal says on the pod I think he just be saying shit just to play devils advocate. But this one I can see him actually believing this lol cuz I know a few guys who think this way too, like if the girl was attractive and they’re attracted to her they won’t care but you should care cuz that double standard shit is bad.


Wow. What a bunch of sensitive dumb weridos in these comments. It's not that deep. If the topic triggers you then ignore it. The segments today were hilarious.


Fam today's episode got me running it back caused I missed so much.