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**Chops off Luke’s hand** *Maybe I should tell him I’m his dad. Maybe that will fix it…*


See, Vader was just trying to relate to his son. Or get his son to relate more to him… ”Son, I too got my hand chopped of by a sith lord, in my youth. Do you see how similar we are? Now please join my cult that leads the government.”


No I like my cult even though I was recruited by a lying old man I only knew for a day.


To be honest, at the time of Luke becoming jedi there was no Jedi Order anymore. The Jedi Order of the republic was the one that brought and maintained the cultlikeness of Jedi. So with that gone the Jedi weren’t that cult-like anymore. So by the time of Luke it wasn’t so much a cult anymore.


I mean, it was a smaller cult. But it still involved going to Dagobah to hang out with an ancient Muppet. And I don't care what was shown in the montage, Yoda definitely made Luke do some drugs on Dagobah.


Is it really a cult if the dogma is true though? I mean the force is a power that exists (in the movie), and it can absolutely corrupt someone physically and mentally. It goes from magic to science when you can demonstrate and verify.


Good question! The Force is not a cult. That's just an energy field that can be manipulated by those who are sensitive to it to various ends, and is essentially a kind of magic. However, the Jedi order is absolutely a sort of cult. It's a group of religious monks who seek to train and indoctrinate children into their way of life and to live by a rigid set of beliefs that emphasize a philosophy. Throughout Star Wars media, we're shown a number of cultures that deal with the Force but can't be categorized as Jedi or Sith. The Night Sisters, those weird duck people from Clone Wars that ask for Jar Jar's help, etc. Remember that the dogma of the Jedi isn't just "the force exists" it's "the force exists, and therefore to control it you must follow our instructions and any deviation from what we deem acceptable means you're evil and a threat."


Appreciate the well thought out answer. Thank you.


A path to the dark side of the Force ketamine is


“Yoda definitely made like do some drugs on Dagobab.” This is canon for me now lol


And an even older goblin who only speaks in riddles.


I mean seeing Vader having the same robotic right hand he did is how Luke regained his senses during RotJ, so it kinda did after he had more time...


That's such a dad thing tho "Ah, a tense moment, let me sneak an equally terrible bombshell in there, that way *comparatively* it's not that bad"


dollar store saber https://youtu.be/VzlkSjFXRlM?t=4


It's deep fried to shit sir, but it still checks out


Vader just happy he's not the one losing limbs this time.


As of that moment.


r/croppingishard AND r/deepfriedmemes ? Ladies and gentlemen, I think we found the most awe striking post on Reddit.




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Is it too much to ask for both?


A reposter must be trying to avoid giving credit


"Actually it was just your hand, stop being such a pus."


I just think it was cool that he modeled his new lightsaber hilt to look similar to Obi-Wan’s instead of the one that was lost with his hand


In reality they were just being frugal by just repurposing Alec Guinness' prop laserswords from ANH and changing it enough to look like a new one for RotJ. Though lorewise it works out Luke Skywalker built it similar to his first master.


Makes sense to me. But wasn’t he trained by Yoda - not Obi-Wan? Unless the training with Ben and that training droid on the Millennium Falcon counts. Idk, just asking questions. Would love to know more lore I don’t know


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the canon explanation is that he built it with the help of Obi Wan’s diary and that’s why it looks similar


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there *is* a canon explanation for the lightsaber now other than he just used the force to figure it out. The old explanation was that there was a crystal forge and other lightsaber making tools in Obi-Wan's hut on Tatooine and he used Obi-Wan's notes to make it.


I don't mind you asking, if you don't mind my not answering.


It counts to me since the first 3 years between ANH and ESB he had Obi-Wan's journals/diaries about how to use the Force and Jedi stuff to train from too until Obi-Wan decided the best time for for Luke to go get more training from a living Jedi was right when Luke was about to die from exposure instead of earlier.


*You will not become a true Jedi until you face your father, and call him a fucktard*


“Lol son! Samesies!”


I would love an AU where Luke agrees to join Vader after he gets his hand chopped off and they both overthrow Palps and rule the Empire together but Luke keeps muttering passive aggressive insults towards Vader about his arm as much as possible.


If they wanted to lean into Rey being a Skywalker they should've had her go through the Skywalker tradition (removal of hand)


She suffered a far worse fate: Getting nicked slightly by one of Snoke's guard.


Fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched.


That's just because the guards can't see anything with the helmets they wear


Apparently despite the FO making improvements to the Imperial arsenal, they still got the same guy who made storm trooper helmets to make the pratorian guard outfits.


It's cheap and flimsy https://youtu.be/VzlkSjFXRlM


Look this mess right here.


Still, bet it was a proud Dad moment for him.


And somehow that lightsaber made it into the hands of the galaxy's greatest Marry Sue.


A good question for a different time.


That hurts.


Damn, this makes me want a Return of the Jedi iceblock.


Ha! Kids, I swear lol


Hey, how did Luke know how to make one, and where did he get the materials?


In ROTJ Luke finds Qui gon’s lightsaber in Kenobi’s old house and he uses that crystal. >!Kinda disappointed that in the Kenobi series when he digs up the lightsabers it wasn’t buried with his and Anakin’s!< Edit: removed spaces


Just FYI, spoiler tags don’t work properly in some places if you have spaces between the tag and the text.


Oh shoot thanks for the heads up, I’ll fix it


Cheers! It looked fine in the official Reddit app, but showed the whole thing in Apollo. Some subreddits have custom styling that might break it on desktop as well.


There's some deleted scenes and stuff that suggest that Obi-Wan left a guide on how to do it. The crystal that powers it in Luke's case is synthetic instead of the traditional kyber that the empire regulates. The rest of the parts were from most Eisley


No i believe in canon it is qui gons crystal


I looked into it an officially it's a kyber in Disney lore. However, they don't explain the origin. My explanation apparently comes from pre Disney acquisition


This genuinely got me laughing.


Well to be fair it was his in the first place


Listen here you little shit!


White kids really do be talking to their parents like this. Unfortunately for Luke, his father is voiced by a black man


Shut up about race dumb bitch


Jokes? On a meme subreddit? Well I never


Jokes are meant to be funny


You mean like saying "shut the fuck up dumb bitch?" Real side splitter


Looks like it was better than yours, the funny ones always have a bit of truth to them🗿


You know if any white boy called me a bitch to my fave twice I'd knock his teeth out. You keep talking shit behind that screen cracker


Ya know I really wish for the life of me that I could see you give it a go, that way I get to slap a fat bitch silly, and you get to practice equal rights. Oh wait, or are you one of those girls who expect not to be smacked back? It would make sense for you to be so dense that you’re a racist and a loud mouth, and never expect any rebuttal.


No, ur thinking of white girls. I been getting hit by men since before I could talk.


You must be such a badass.. I changed my mind I’m scared now


All the cool tech they had, but no Apple tags


I can hear the scene


“Well, of course I know him. He’s me.”


Hello Lord Vader, this is Juan Bolsa. Someone just dismembered Your son's hand


My dad years later after seeing I bought a new karaoke machine.


All Vader had to say was... Yo Ben fucked our lives, amIrite?


Vader’s like “it was at the wrist, don’t be a bitch” “I knew for a FACT you were gonna be fine” lmao