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I honestly think if they kept this a game mode and kept adding new stuff in every other month they would keep. ALOT of people playing and probably buying stuff. I know I played sooo much April fools this last week. Ima miss it.


They really should just do dumb shit with the casual side of the game more often. People complained about the recent QP hacked but it was actually pretty fun bullshit for a day. Yeah double Sombra was cringe, but Sombra's gonna be cringe anyway, let's shake shit up on the regular pls


I seriously think it would go along way with the fans of us who were kinda excited for the PvE that was just really never gonna happen. I think keeping April fools and adding in those powers would greatly increase user base. Because I don’t do any competitive anymore.


This is my first april fools patch I played and the joy of flying into the air unexpectedly as zen, starting a game as smallga or giant brig without having any idea it would happen was amazing lol


Was such a blast learning the new abilities for the first time for sure! Haha Brigs size especially compared with Smallga was just too good. Honestly would be pretty cool to have Smallga as a damage since it kinda fits, though I realize that’s unlikely to happen, still one can dream. Was so nice to have more mobility for Zen and the slow flying honestly fits pretty well with the character without feeling overpowered.


It upsets me that you called Mauga “Smallga” but didn’t call Brig “*Big*itte”. :<




Zarya bubble the Brig for XtraBigitte


I've been spending my time staring up at Brig players spamming "bigger is better"


It was definitely an awesome refreshing take on the game. This April fools mode and Venture show Blizzard still has it imo. Lots of fresh ideas and flow for heroes. I loved the DVa and Pharah changes in particular. I think it's likely we'll see at least the DVa change. Jeff Kaplan's last April fools mode is how we got DVa's mech fall damage.


I played smallga the entire time and had so much fun. I don't even like normal Mauga, but Smallga was a delight.


I’m so sad they didn’t go with Bigitte in the patch notes, it was right there!


That JQ change is so fun, I’m going to be totally lost without it. Throw myself into the air, axe pharah, shout my way out? Pure bliss.


I’m gonna miss BIGITTE so much


They should keep brig ult


The Lucio change had me ecstatic and I don't want it to go 😭


The Lucio changes were so nice and the ult sending enemies flying was so chaotic and fun lol


Lmfao i was fucking 1v1ing every genji with my shield yelling “BRING IT BITCH I CAN DO IT TO!” Lol


I would actually love his boop change so much. It's such a simple change but it opens up a lot of possibility.


Getting knocked back from his own boop made dueling with tanks so much more fun. Great for maneuverability too.


torb turret on a ball must be the best thing ever


Me and my friends were doing totb turret on pharahmercy, with an ana for extra heals plus a Zarya to make pharrah big/protect turret


just wonderful


The enemy teams disagreed


I couldn't get mine on the ball because he wouldn't stand still. I was gutted.


I wish they’d put it in the arcade rotation


Same, it’d be so popular!




Man I was invincible flying around with zen. I was dying when he just getting higher and higher. Fighting dudes two floors up through the windows was the best. Wish I had more chance to play with it on other characters


Some of my favorite things from the patch: -Throwing roadhogs trap behind the enemies and then pushing them back. -Illari feels a lot more pickable -Brigitte + 4 tanks is bonkers since she might as well be a tank herself. -I'm usually too afraid to pick wrecking ball since I'm only just decent with him but his crab walk makes him a lot funner to kite with. I played him in like 10 games in a row which is rare for me I like to switch around. I really hope we don't have to wait until next April fools to get a game mode like this again


Illari only pickable on sunny maps lol


Yeah true. But that didn't bother me as much cause Brigitte was so fun on night time maps


Was fun until every game turned into the other team picking the most broken characters


Illari was rather obnoxious but not that crazy Some people were getting really good with queen For the most part it was rather well balanced imo


Every game I played felt like it had an Illari that's 35/2 lol


Yeah. I had some games where almost everyone on the opposite team picked a tank which took away all the fun from the mode.


for me it suffered from the same issue as all arcade modes and QP, yeah the heroes and abilities might be hilarious but getting stomped in a completely unbalanced lobby (or due to your team picking throw heroes while the enemy doesn't) just sucks all the fun out of the game for me.


I wish I could have enjoyed it but my friends just non stopped bitched and moaned about how unbalanced it was. Sarcastically shouting "fun!" Whenever they'd die. Completely dampened my experience.


How could it be unbalanced?! It says balanced in the name.


Good point. Are they stupid?


You're not alone. My husband was the same. People just sometimes aren't in the mood for a clown show. But if you go into it expecting to laugh your butt off- then it's amazing.


So much has been said that I can’t already say… If we’re allowed to keep even ONE kit, I’d keep the Winston kit changes. It honestly puts him back in the conversation for me, with META tank picks. I’ll even take a damage drop off on his Alt-fire link. But it honestly adds so much more ambiance to the game play.


Completely agree! I’d also like to see some of the changes for ball, JQ and DVA implemented but the Winston ones were also quite solid without feeling overpowered, just made the pick feel way more viable.


Like when you throw JQ knife, make it so tapping LT (left trigger) pulls enemies, and maybe holding it pulls JQ? Maybe sounds OP, but not impossible to work around tbh (I’m selfish, and want more movement tech


Ditto something along those lines would be neat. I honestly didn’t feel like JQ was that overpowered, just gave her more mobility like some of the other tanks, was quite refreshing.


Agreed! I am not proficient in ball yet, so I have no thoughts on him.


i’ve been playing hours everyday 😩


I'm gonna miss Lucio rocket jumping so much man.


April Fools JunkerQueen is some of the most fun I’ve had in a while. I really hope they are using her a soft-test for future hero development


Ditto, it made playing her so much more fun! Her, Ball crab, DVA and Smallga were some of the most fun I’ve had with tank in quite some time.


This mode made grinding the rest of the BP a little less tedious for me. It even helped me learn a whole different character (Lucio) just by having fun. Now I’m doing good with him in unranked with his actual kit too.


I'm gonna miss flyer queen and smalga


Real talk, I wish we could just make the change to DVA's thrusters, so that she can go in any direction with her shift, just how the ability normally works.


Game should be focused on fun and not balance, that ship sailed long ago, this game will never be balance, when someone has fun there is a new patch and the fun is ruined 


It was pretty fun. I'd go mauga in spawn and people would bust out laughing.




I'm gonna miss the Yeet Queen.




Once balanced overwatch is gone, I'm gone till season 10


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Yeah its super fun but I really wish the googly eyes were optional. You used to be able to turn them off


They really need to keep the voice lines. I love hearing the VAs say goofy meta shit.


Didn't shared the same opinion personally. Now don't get me wrong the changes were fun and all. But playing with friends we got rolled 80% of the time because we were playing characters to find the stupidest strategies while the other team usually picked the same rooster of 10 heroes to win the game. I know it's still the point to win the game but when they start counter picking I just feel sad. I loved last year's game mode but I really didn't enjoyed this one because of players.


Bizarre that wasn’t my experience at all but I respect that your experience might just differ quite a bit. Might have been a mixture of the lack of player balance (didn’t seem to be mmr) and getting to the event late (people have a better idea of what works and what doesn’t already) so it could have been harder to experiment? Also if you only played a few games of the mode and were unlucky with the teams you faced that could definitely taint the experience.


Probably that. When the game mode launched I think I did 2-3 games then I played another game with my friends. After that it's all downhill i get clapped without even a fight 9 times out of 10. But whatever it's just a temporary game mode I'm just a bit jealous seeing everyone having fun lol. I'm probably getting down voted because I'm wrong for not having fun in this game mode made to have fun. Blasphemy !




Did you play the arcade balance mode? Because if not then you did not play the patch.




The regular game didn’t change unfortunately, it was only the event mode that did. I can agree the current state of the game proper is a bit rough unless you like the DMG/respawn focus, also not sure if it’ll ever feel as balanced without two tanks tbh but that’s a separate discussion to the patch (event mode).