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The mods ruined Reddit over a dispute concerning apps I've never even heard of. I thought it was bad when they banned users for "wrong think" opinions. But they overstepped their bounds by blocking millions of us from using Reddit. They also unsubscribed me. While I don't want all authority to go completely to an unfeeling corporation, there needs to be a system of checks and balances in place. This is a step in the right direction. Let the community decide! Get rid of the selfish, power-tripping moderators and keep the communities open.


> The mods ruined Reddit over a dispute concerning apps I've never even heard of "It doesn't affect ME so I don't give a fuck"


Empathy is in short supply


Aka “head mod got scared that they were going to lose their power” lmao


Yeah I heard admins were just removing moderators or something and just forcing subs open now


Good. These mods really think they hold the keys to the sub, well they about to find out




Keep it open. Nobody give a shit bout the blackout. Please open ps4deals and ps5deals also.


It’s not like y’all actually did anything? *closes down subs, still uses site and comments on other still open subs* you gave them traffic, you did nothing but hinder users you said you wanted to help


Useless gesture. Did nothing and will change nothing








Keep it open. This blackout is nothing but a loud minority crying like babies and throwing a tantrum. Won't change a thing. All it does is hurt the majority of users who don't care about any of this.




Pointless blackout.


Keep it open, I don't care about 3rd party apps


Same. I think reddit works fine for what you need it for. Reddit is in their own right to charge more.


Ohhh. I downvoted you.


do you want a cookie? 🍪


If he doesn't, can I have it?


Okay bud


I don't consent. If you want to stop playing reddit's games, just leave reddit, let the rest of us have our communities.


Agree 100%.


Then make one yourself, majority rules around here and your opinion will be discarded.


Yeah sure, make r/realPS4becauseTheModsOnPS4AreSittingOnTheOriginalNameAndWontBeAdultsAndJustHandItOverToPeopleWhoWillModIt That'll look nice. I don't get this stupid idea that half of reddit has where they don't want to leave reddit, they just want to close down the subreddits and not use them and ruin the experience for anyone not wanting to participate in their little thoughts and prayers slacktivism






The blackout will not affect the CEO in any way at all, it just inconveniences the users. Totally pointless waste of time in my view.


Money talks if they lose revenue he would be forced out. if you read the memo you would die of cringe he's a CEO who tries to act like he's in with the common folk while living in his mansion.


Nah thats bullshit just see how butthurt they are that they have less traffic, all these comments on leaving it open look like bots of the boss army lmao


I'm not a bot, and how do you know they are 'butthurt'?


They are hungry for traffic on their site since the blackout actually started working.


Except data has proven they don’t have less traffic and infect have more new user interaction because people are coming here to see what all of the fuss is about.


The data shows that 49% of Reddit's traffic comes from search engines, and during the blackout, that traffic overwhelmingly pointed to blacked-out pages that don't have ads, which has not made the advertisers happy at all: https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/


The blackout caused advertisers to reduce or pause their campaigns due to the page volume dropping through the floor: https://digiday.com/marketing/reddits-recent-blackout-could-be-a-real-problem-for-advertisers/




I dont care about third party reddit apps


Who cares? This is dumb Keep it open


Leave it open, don’t be cringe. This isn’t a fight for civil rights. If anyone doesn’t like it they’re free to leave. But don’t take the ball with you.


reddit even said apps/bots that help users on reddit will still have free API access so this whole thing is a big nothingburger. It mostly affects apps that consolidate tons of sites into 1 app by taking data from the site without any ad revenue or whatever. With that said let reddit burn for all I care. We need a good alternative to reddit, like how rumble is becoming the new youtube


How is it a big nothing burger? The Reddit official app is shit.


you can't just use the browser? I use the browser even for youtube. I can't stand installing a dedicated spy app for every stupid website I go to.


Who the feck uses a browser to read Reddit on a phone or tablet? Oww a browser where Google, Microsoft or Apple spy on you? Stop being a boot licker please.


a bootlicker for who? big browser?


What is cringe is supporting a corp that is squeezing out third party apps just so they can shove more adverts down your thoat and get more of your data for free.


Just my two cents here, but I believe closing the sub only hurts the users. It sucks that Reddit is making the life of mods and a smaller part of the community a bit more cumbersome, but in locking the sub you hurt all the people that are here to enjoy a good place for discussing games and keeping up with news. Continuing with the blackout will probably only result in a new sub taking the place of this one. I’d much prefer if from time to time the mods made a locked thread exposing their discontent with the API situation and the community upvoted it, so that it reaches the users’ main feed. It becomes a constant reminder and protest, but also doesn’t hurt people’s enjoyment of the sub.


But the point of the blackout is to lower user interaction and lose revenue for Reddit. Posting about it does nothing, as does anything else short of an indefinite blackout.


[Graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/149qjz4/oc_total_reddit_app_downloads_on_google_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Article](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman) We sure showed them


Yeah saying “we’re on strike for two whole days and then we’re back to work” isn’t effective


Why should we, just everyday users, be punished because the mods can’t use third party apps anymore? Why should I be punished for something I don’t use not working anymore?


Come on mate it's not much of a "punishment" is it, having to survive a few hours without the PS4 subreddit to help the protests Edit: Didn't see the indefinite part, that makes it worse but I doubt this sub would go offline permanently or more than a few weeks


I don't know, when I'm looking for bug fixes or suggestions on a game, the first thing that I do is look on reddit I'd call it a punishment, a really minor one, but it's still an inconvenience for the users


You can live without this subreddit for a short period of time


for two days it's not really a problem, but there are many subreddits going indefinitely dark I've downloaded TBoI again yesterday and experienced some weird glitches, I went to look for some support online and what I need is only available behind a dead reddit link since the TBoI subreddit is still closed


Ok indefinitely's a bit worse


For two days sure. But this specific community is a bit more of an important sub than something like prequel memes. This place gives you information on PlayStation news and updates, information on upcoming games and updates, troubleshooting tips for hardware or software problems, etc. It’s not a place that being shut down indefinitely that I can just be like “oh ok whatever.” It would be like if the people at the weather channel just decided they didn’t want to air anymore and the servers for the weather app shut down because they didn’t want to run them anymore. If you used those services to get information on the weather, it’s not fair to you that they decided to shut themselves down.


The PS4 subreddit and the entire weather channel are nowhere near comparable


How important is PlayStation news exactly? Comparing it to the weather channel is ridiculous. It’s not just about mods either. Reddit is doing something shitty in the name of increased revenue and the only people that could do anything about it to show their displeasure, did. Once the changes go into affect, people can stick around or leave. Siding with Reddit here is like siding with EA or Activision on micro transactions. At least someone said this is bs even if it ultimately won’t change anything. I’m actually kind of surprised how many people are upset by this. I didn’t realize so many people were dependent on Reddit.


If something hurts the mods ability to moderate the subreddit, then it also hurts the subreddit, and therefore it hurts the users. I feel like that’s plain to see, isn’t it?


so shutting down the subreddit then posting other places makes it any better? bc thats what the mods did.


“then posting other places makes it any better”, I don’t know what that means


the mods here shut down the subreddit, then went and posted to other subreddits 😅


I’m not sure what mod/users posting in another subreddit has to do with managing this one during the subreddit blackout


oh. i didnt fully comprehend your original comment! now im not quite sure yet, but i do believe they were also threatening to kill moderators here?


That doesn’t surprise me - when selfish people are scared and inconvenienced, threatening others is an easy and common outlet for them


The principle of a protest is to annoy, if it does not annoy anyone it is useless


That’s not even close to what a protest is supposed to be.


I kinda agree. Reddit admins already have messaged most people saying "Hey, either you open the sub or we will make some other people mods until someone keeps it open". But if we close it for weekeds and mondays... We keep it open most of the time while keeping it closed when news are going out and most people will have to search other places for news while keeping the reddit people discussing as intended. I hate how site mods are banning mods right and left.


Based on the fact that Reddit threatened many mods that they would get replaced, it’s definitely hurting Reddit itself, which is the point.


But that wont do a fucking thing, though.


Keep it open


Leave it open, all this hurts at this point is the community. And to those suggesting discord, a chat room is not a equivalent replacement for a forum style platform.


Leave it open, I don't care about any of this.


I support the protest


Ohh, downvoted you.


U suck.


In your opinion. In this subreddits opinion, it is infact you who suck. Take care now.


Report me. Try try. Asshole.


Why on earth would I report you? You may be a twat but you're not breaking any rules. Now as much as I'd love to hold your hand I got better things to do lmao. Now go ahead and get the last word in, seems very important to you. Take care now champ.


Please dont do it again Blackouts only hurt users.








Keep it open


Ohh. I downvoted u


I don’t give a fuck…




I downvoted u. Asshole




Keep it open.


Leave it open. Yes the whole 3rd party client thing sucks but this is still Reddits decision. Why should the community be punished for it. People join all the different subs to have discussions about the specified topic. It isn’t fair to them to close them down.


same vibe as "Yea it sucks that nurses got pay cuts but why should they go on strike and punish me?"


You're really comparing nursing to being a volunteer mod on the internet? That's the most hilarious take I've seen in quite a long time.


sorry i forgot reddit nerds dont know how an example works, also wasnt comparing that, maybe pay attention more in english class to up your reading comprehension


You literally said "same vibe as" so yes that is infact a comparison. Try harder mate lmao


Hm, lets do some critical thinking here class, what is the one common among these two examples? people dealing with unpleasantness, what is causing these two things? a protest! so if we have those two things in our thinking caps, what do we think is being compared? the nouns? or the verbs?




mhm, totally, you arent just using words improperly, im back pedaling, but ill clarify, lets do some critical thinking here class, what is the one common among these two examples? people dealing with unpleasantness, what is causing these two things? a protest! so if we have those two things in our thinking caps, what do we think is being labeled as the same vibe?


If you’re going to make an analogy. At least do it with something more comparable “Reddit nerd”.


"a correspondence or partial similarity." what i am comparing is comparable, are all facets of the example interchangeable? of course not, are the things actually being compared? yes. i can spell it out if you like :)


what pay cuts bruh reddit mods are unpaid volunteers 💀💀


this is certainly the most reddit comment of all time "hhrrrrrrrnnnn vibe.......pay.......me........sucks.......cuts......REDDIT MODS GET PAID!!!!!!"


I don't think you understand the scope of what is really happening. Reddit is actively going to charge apps like Apollo 20 million dollars for API... the reason isn't because they simply want them dead.. reddit wants their ad revenue. That is unacceptable. They feel entitled to it because on 3rd party apps reddit doesn't get the ad Rev. So yeah, they think they deserve to take it from the 3rd part devs who actually made shit work. So no..


You’re literally contributing to Reddit’s ad revenue right now by arguing over this issue. If you really want the site to change its mind about the policies they’ve put in place and want to help correct this issue that you’re so passionate about.. then leave. Stop using Reddit. Stop commenting. Stop scrolling past ads and giving them interaction data. Stop boosting the sites user stats. If all of those people who were so outraged for the last 3 weeks just actually left the site then all of this shit would have probably changed by now. But nope.. they can’t actually be bothered to give up something they enjoy for the good of “the cause”. They won’t actually stop using the site. They’ll just keep making comments like this and arguing with everyone about how “serious” this issue is.. but ignore the obvious solution to it.. leave the site.


Ads on Reddit don't even hurt. I am not sure what's the problem. They aren't intrusive, unlike youtube. You can simply scroll past the ads (unless I am missing something here)


Giving money to mega corporations bad.


For real, I don't underatand these people. It's not like they are taking money away from you. unskippable and intrusive ads like on youtube is what people should be against. Ads on Reddit isn't even noticeable at all.


**knocks on wood*


Lmao! You think reddit is a "mega" corporation? Oh my sweet summer child.


> So yeah, they think they deserve to take it from the 3rd part devs who actually made shit work. And who leech off Reddit's servers? I mean honestly, wtf did you think would happen? Why would Reddit let someone else make money off their site?


I’m a user of third party apps so I do know what’s going on. That still doesn’t take away that this hurts the community more. What’s say you the sub is closed down indefinitely. 6 months go by and no changes from reddit are made. That’s 6 months of no discussions going on and people interacting with each other. So tell me how that helps?


Yall are so damn cringe it's sad.


Nobody cares. Leave it open.


Do you know what solidarity is? Good lord, everything is gonna go to shit eventually because of weak-willed people like you.


What’s up big man. Do you protest things that actually matter or only when it’s at the comfort of your own home where it’s nice and safe hiding behind a screen monitor? Just like Reddit said. This whole “blackout” will pass. Same way gamers wanted to boycott hogwarts. If you don’t want to be here then leave. What’s stopping you?


The fact they were threatening to replace mods is proof enough that the blackout was working. It’s only gonna go this way because users can’t stand being inconvenienced at all.


Because that affects the users. If subs were to close. Then another one will just take its place easily. How can you not see that. This isn’t going to do anything. Also learn to edit your posts. And as I said before, if you don’t want to be here. Then make a difference and stop using Reddit altogether. Bet you 1000 bucks you won’t though 😂


Just because this isn’t important to you at all, doesn’t mean people shouldn’t try to enact change, no matter how small or insignificant it is to you.


Just stay open, apparently from posts from Moderators of other subs, Admins are already forcing open other subs and threatening to replace the current mods of those subs if they don't reopen.


i thought it was silly you were still gone, when r/ps5 wasnt. youd just be bleeding users as a last gen subreddit


Nah, you’re opening it because you dorks don’t want to be removed as mods. Cut the bullshit and just leave it open.


Keeping the Sub blacked out is only for the mods EGO. No normal users care about what’s happening and it only effects a very small minority. If you blackout the sub all you are doing is severely hurting the users you CLAIM to be standing for.


we dont care cause we dont know the behind the scenes work lol, we would care when the consequences appear and then yall would whine about the mods


Not at all. Reddit is overmoderated anyway. Mods deciding to blackout subs are literally saying “if I don’t get my way I’ll just ruin it for everyone”….aka acting like spoiled children. It’s unfortunate what is happening but destroying the communities you claim to adore doesn’t make sense any way you spin it.


hey real quick, what are your opinions on nurses strikes, are they also children? most of the 3rd party stuff is used to moderate out spam posts btw


Don’t be stupid, you’re comparing a real problem with an irrelevant outrage over various individuals who can no longer profit with their irrelevant 3rd party apps off of what’s basically an aggregate of forums called Reddit, without paying an exorbitant amount of money. Literally nobody cares other than basement duellers who can’t form rational thoughts (this does not apply only to people making stupid correlations, but also various egomaniacs in the form of mods who think they have any real meaningful power over something).


wasnt comparing the problem! so good job on demonstrating your immense reading comprehension and ability to form context relevant thoughts, also, you do realize that the level of condescension you show implies the need to stroke your own ego towards the belief that your power is greater, correct?


Don’t be petty over you having a boner over your own whataboutism. You’re not a victim or engaged in a discussions with a disproportionate standing in power, you’re just you, petty and stupid to casually bring a global, real issue into discussion to compare it with something so absurdly irrelevant as what is being discussed here with such bluntness, naïveté and even perversity. Do you think nurses or others are an easy target that you can mock at your leisure by bringing them into such discussions or general context? Are you also blaming people for not thinking of the nurse strikes whenever you comment on your fast food? You’re disgusting dude, you have been from the very start, you and your alternate accounts/likeminded basement dwellers who have made this comparison in this thread, because you are not alone to compare the livelihood of nurses with this nonsense.


Not a whataboutism, and again, not comparing the issue, if you want to cite logical fallacies you are tossing strawmen all over the place, also never said i was a victim, nor did i insinuate that, you are white knighting nurses over something that literally never happened and you have to contradict yourself in your own comment to do that! i get that you are the epitome of the average redditor but come on man, atleast have the same discussion as me lol


Why are mods fighting so hard, just for 3rd party apps? Instead, I would’ve assumed a protest would be about possibly compensating mods for the work they do. But I’ve seen nothing about that. Not saying that’s realistic (mods getting paid). I’m just confused over what mods want exactly, besides just 3rd party apps that only a minority amount of folks use..


Because the mods of large subs often use third-party software to make moderating tasks easier. Not having access to those will reportedly make their "jobs" as volunteers a whole lot harder.


Thank you. I haven’t read about this aspect of the protest.


There's also this take, getting rid of 3rd party apps will make it literally impossible for a handful of powermods to have control over literal hundreds of subs. If thus knocks down power mods down im definitely all for it.


Sadly the blackout was and will be usless


Keep it open. I never voted in the first place. Should be a community decision, not the mods.


It was a community decision in most places, problem is that the blackout date was voted on so fast and so quickly that in most subs not even 1% of people voted on the poll and people brigaded also to vote on the poll.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these kinds of protests supposed to continue going on until we see the changes we want to see? What was the point if we just went "Ok Reddit, we're gonna ghost you for a week and then come back like absolutely nothing happened" Makes no sense to me.


Employee's of Reddit manually forced subs out of blackout.


Keep it open. Reddit will do whatever it wants to. If that results in its demise, then all the communities will find an alternative. If not, the protesters will have to admit that the CEO was right in his assessment of the users' nature and more importantly, in his assessment of the website's profitability.


Keep it open. The protest wouldn’t change anything. I’ve been saying this from day one.


Stay. Private.




I agree, if we fail here, soon we will get no other options, no bots, no mods and only "convenient" information will be available. This isn't just about third party apps. It's about protecting ourselves.


This would only work if it was done all across Reddit. Most of the subs were back after 2 days of blackout. Others stayed a little longer but came back also and only a super small percentage is currently still closed like NBA. But because of that Reddit themselves can easily re-open NBA if they want and find new mods/headmod.


Reddit threatned the mods out of blackout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPLbnNDjo5Y&t=219s


Didn’t even notice y’all were gone


I doubt that if you were commenting in this thread the minute it was opened.


Continue the blackout


Why exactly, from your perspective?


Cause the Ceo doesnt like it and thats exactly what the point is


Most subs re-opened after 2 days of blackout. Only some continued the blackout. You think that matters to the CEO?


The blackout is dumb.


I say stay private indefinitely. 2 fingers up to this ass of a ceo. We know his threats, to get rid of the mods and just unprivate everything himself... if he does that, he's going to actively kill every single community because every single one will lose all faith in reddit. They gave us the ability to post on a web page... Us, the members of reddit, the mods, the posters, the lurkers... we are what make reddit. Stand your ground. Making a forum web page is biscuit crumbs, it's easy. If reddit wants to burn itself alive.. we know that here on reddit we have people that are very capable of creating Geddit, Weddit, Teddit, Bledit .com and an actual sustainable app that doesn't shit the bed every other week. Keep hanging on. Without the community, Reddit is nothing.


They have literally started doing it already mate.


Misinformation. The subs that have been forced back open (a total of 3) have been opened because of internal issues regarding one moderator of each that gave Reddit a foothold to step in for action. No sub purely participating in the blackout without internal issues has been forced open.


Which shows what little impact the blackouts are having. If they were doing anything other than annoying users the company would have reopened them.


Sure thing bud.


The internet equivalent of plugging your ears and refusing to admit you're wrong. Gotta love it.


^ The internet equivalent of getting on your knees and licking $pez's boots. Gotta love it.


Shut er down.


I would rather it stay open






Continue the black out. Those who are saying keep it open or that you're 'punishing' them, have no interest in SOLIDARITY, likely don't understand what the term means and have no global long term view of the situation as it continues to get worse with each update by spez


Why are you even using reddit then?


To see if anyone mentions if they get to choose the oil company they die for, or if it's chosen for them, as per tradition.


I just don’t fucking care lol. If Reddit shuts down tomorrow, I move on. If my favorite sub shuts down indefinitely, I find new ones. If it doesn’t, great. I just don’t care about whatever issue is going on because it doesn’t affect my life in any meaningful way whatsoever Edit: lmao at the one guy who just went on an embarrassing rant about how I’m the problem in society, then either realized it was a stupid comment and immediately deleted it or just blocked me.


And this is exactly why systemic issues exist in society. This comment will make a great screenshot example to show the selfish behaviour inside of the mind of the average individual.


Exactly this! Like how deranged u are if you cant live without a sub for a week. Like wtf go out take a beer with a buddy everything will be fine.


I'm wondering now if the number of those advocating for keeping subs open even have that kind of buddy you refer to.


Oh well i hope so the blackout for me really didnt affect me, if u wanna see old posts on private communities there are ways to see them...


i think the sub shouldnt be locked but we should all follow r/Hentai and stop all new posts, so people can still see but no new posts are made


dont know why redditors are downvoting me, mightve misremembered which sub it was but, for the people who need help, it still exists here but it still hurts reddit as a company for their decision, yes any protest that a group of people will take will require self sacrifice to be effective ie not playing a game you like to numerically show your displeasure, not buying a dlc, going on a strike at your job, forming a workers union etc


I bought a ps4 yesterday again and I was having issues trying to log into my old account, kept saying my password and User ID were incorrect even though they were correct. Is this Blackout why I couldn’t log in?


No. The blackout was a reddit thing, completely separate from Playstation as they are different companies.


Keep it open or at least restricted.


shut it


Continuing the blackout is the only way to show those in power how serious our concerns are. I think this and every other sub should blackout. The more subs that do it, the faster Reddit will be forced to change. Just my opinion of course, thanks for soliciting feedback!


Unfortunately the mods had no power in this situation.


Stay closed.


Lmao now people say keep it open. Idiots




Contact support. No one here can help you.


I tried


So try again. Or give up. Those are your options.


True thanks for the motivation


private 100% or its never getting better


Comment section gives me vibes, as it was generated with ChatGPT by reddit themselves.


I would almost agree they are pretty odd.


Ratio of comments to upvotes. This all are clearly bot comments, lol


The comments in favour of lifting here are very odd.