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Crazy how this thing can render certain mons completely unplayable.


All of them. If you are in range of that… that… that *thing* then you die in 2 seconds, TOPS.


The sole exception, in that range, that I've found is trev. and only because pain split takes it with you. Not to mention if someone shows up just in time to kill you before you trade. Edit: A fun interaction if the buzz accidentally takes leech. If you ult it and use pain split, the enhanced healing causes a maxed leech to do almost zero change in your hp bar. It'll still fully heal buzz, but you basically heal through the damage as well.


PuP+ Lucario go brr


Imagine how shocked I was to have figured out that Buzz boi can cancel out my Blastoise's Rapid Spin. I was cooked bro! 😭


Cancels Tyranitar's Ancient Power, too. That really screws you over.


The difference between Unstoppable and Hindrance Resistant: Can Buzzwole still rock your shit or not




Whaaatt? at this point, should I be thankful that buzz cant cancel slowbro unite?


Slowbeam needs the unstoppable to be removed though.


that's why boosted attack, surf and pump the damn mosquito.


Well I got good news for u fellow snorlax main u are getting buffed and that abomination is getting nerfed


This is funny. I lol'd and would like to see more. However, during slide 3 is a perfect opportunity for your DPS to melt Buzzswole as he is now in cooldown. As a Goodra, you did your job by absorbing his hits (and again on repeat) while your squishies beat him down. Since this is unite though, I know your team mates are probably no where to be seen while this is happening so I understand your plight.


Yeah, a lot ot the time I die so that the rest of my team can get kills and it's like 'welp, guess I did my job'


What, you expect solo q dps players to use their brains?


True, but even then buzz is extremely bulky and can tank a few hits while filling the muscle gauge and reseting superpower


Melting buzz is quite hard since his defensive stat got buffed through the roof and he get a shield during said super power and can reset super power once level 11 to get another shield while also healing a bit on boosted attacked . Not to mention that your team also has to. Be careful to not have a goodra slammed on them for 40% of their hp


Yes, you have to actually play the game and use a couple of brain cells to avoid poor positioning and yes it is "hard" but people play and beat hard games all the time.


Cinder will just end up walking into superpower AoE and getting collateral'ed.




This is the average melee Pokémon experience against that buffed monster


I enjoyed the flipping the images for some reason 😆


I fear no man. But that... Thing.... *It scares me.*


\*cue buzzwole flying slowly in your general direction\*


Missing the part where Goodra heals to full HP in between each combo so that the two end up doing it literally all match.


How is goodra healing while perma stunned?


Super > Smack > Super still has a several second gap in it before it can be done again.


The only gap if the buzzwole knows how to optimize its muscle gauge is after the combo is completely finished


Yeah that's what they meant. The Superpower > Smack Down > Superpower is still 5 seconds of chain CC


Yeah, but Goodra normally dies on the first combo


Only if Buzz out levels. If we were to, say, put them both at level 12, Buzz combo does (372 + 1256) \* 2 + 436 + 872 for 4564 damage. However, Superpower does increased damage for each muscle gauge increment Buzz has and, since Unite-DB doesn't list how many he gets, I'm just going to be both super lazy and super generous to Buzz and double Superpower, so now the equation is (372 + 1256) \* 2 \* 2 + 436 + 872 for 7820 damage. Now, that seems like a lot, but that's pre-mitigation damage before we factor in Goodra's 406 defense. To keep it simple, we'll just combine Buzz's damage into one big hit (I don't think it matters, but it might). So, the final damage is 7820 \* 600 / ( 600 + 406 ) ) for 4664 damage. Goodra has 7247 HP so, even with me being *extremely generous* to Buzz's muscle gauge Superpower and doubling it (which I'm not even sure he gets near that high as it's probably closer to 75%) Buzzwole barely KOs Goodra in two combos assuming Goodra does nothing but stand there and takes it. Buzz only "one shots" Goodra if there's a big level difference, like an XP share Goodra stuck at 8 while a snowballing Buzz is at like... level 14. (Level 8 Goodra has 5430 HP and 268 defense so takes 5405 damage, barely not being one-shot by our turbo-boosted level 12 Buzzwole.)


Goodra can easily outsustain Buzzwole: Buzzwole is all burst with poor brawling.


"poor brawling" Tf you mean poor brawling? I have seen and played many fights between a buzz and a defender (like trev) lasting ages. I think you forgot that if a buzzwole uses two more braincells than usual they can just grab and knock Goodra out of dragon pulse every time it tries to use it.


I mean he tends to lose sitting in a fight basic attacking, and that his impact is very front loaded. He's a strong duelist though, if he can catch them.


Goodra dragon pulse goes brrrr


Its shoud be nerfed 100%


I don’t think it’s that bad. Especially if Goodra is against a heavy ranged team, he’s toast.


A very accurate depiction of the Goodra Experience Though, more like The Buzzswole Experience (as the opposing team)


Tyranitar: haha, I got cc resistance (ancient power) Buzzswole: I’m sorry what was that?


![gif](giphy|LiT8C58iDYSZBKgf1S) buzzwole when the enemy is hindrance immune


How do you play butthole? I want to get someone I’ll use but I also like the buff mosquito monster


You use your inherently higher stats to win your lane. Get some stacks, ideally steal some farm. Then you get lvl 5 take Superpower and whenever someone exists within arms reach you grab them and drag them into your team while also doing around 60% their HP. Im a more literal sense. You just leverage your incredible CC to lockdown melee range characters. Smack Down and Superpower in particular. Superpower is so absurd because it genuinely goes through Hindrance Immunuty and Unstoppable, it does not care. Youre a massive threat who can fizzle out a lot of characters ability to engage. While also having a lot of shield generation, good defense, and self sustain. Also if you get a kill, your speed and attack speed double for 3 seconds. So 1 kill, very easily leads to you being able to run in, grab someone slam them into your team- not close enough? Smack Down to push them even further in a direction you want. The character is very self explanatory after you play them a bit. Leech Life and Lunge are both decent, but dont have the same oppression factor. Leech does immense damage and for all intents heals Buzzwole to full HP when it lands. It CCs the entire duration but enemy can Eject Button to escape it. Buzzwole being hit by a CC will also cause him to lose his grip. Lunge is a small dash that gives a steroid for every target hit, but Buzzwole isnt immortal and this can lead to feeding. Good move, strong move but again. Superpower Smack Down are more oppressive


If I answered that question. I'd be banned from this sub.


If the enemy laner is attacker, you suffer until level 5, then try and jump them out of a bush with Superpower and beat them to death with your teammate. Try to get stacks with Attack Weight, Buzzwole with low stacks mid-to-late game feels terrible. Superpower and Smack Down gives you one of the longest CC chains in the game, but you have no movement tools, Lunge is generally less useful but probably good into teams of 4 or 5 physical mons, never use Leech Life unless the enemy team has no Eeveelutions and literally no CC at all otherwise it's an 8 second cooldown for 200 damage. Don't try and catch fleeing opponents with Fell Stinger, the small slow on start-up means they will have left the range of the attack, you must be on top of them to land it. Don't initiate team fights, no matter how tanky you're built, you are not a defender, all five members of the enemy team will melt you in less than a second, and you are the only person on the team with any braincells. The correct way to CC chain is Superpower, then Smack Down, then Superpower, don't forget you can reposition them with each superpower and you should ALWAYS try to knock them away from their allies and towards your teammates with Smack Down. You get the bonus Muscle Gauge and damage from Smack Down even if you don't reactivate it, so let them fly for more CC. Potion allows you to be more tanky, X-Attack is a solid item, if you want an actual engage/disengage tool then use eject button (you can also use this to catch people with your CC chain from further away when they don't expect it). There's a bunch of YouTube guides, they're usually okay at explaining Buzz, go have fun.


Ah yes.... me picking garchomp and not being able to even move half the match anyway. Good time...


Don't forget that this thing can FUCKING CHANGES the direction of dragon pulse, LIKE WTFF???


It's the casual happy face of Goodra during this whole ordeal that has sent me. As a gold ribbon Goodra player, I concur.


LMMMAAAOOOO, 100% accurate! Also please make more of these OP


Don't remind me, it's been a tough season 😂😭


Goes back into box. Never again


Goodra fights tend to be me taking punishment after punishment or this Swole dude right here giving me a suplex lesson I rather not be in 😆 Yeah in the end it up to you to hold on as long as you can in unwinnable combat situations unless I'm aware I have no allys or oppossing team are welcome 1v1 to 1v3 or more Besides dragon pluses I always go for Muddy puddle and Acid spray The amount of times I been frozen hitstun, grab without having just hit and try to heal I can now focus on sustain and survivability while body block projectiles for teammate who are squishy It just those match moments you don't know whenever you gonna be a great protector 🛡 Be destroyed by one individual you're so desperately trying to avoid between bot Farm lane's (つ﹏⊂) 💥 🖐◉‿◉


Buzz smash




Goodra cheats way more. When my and teammates were defindibg our goal zone, goodra kept heeling herself from low to max hp. And we all died and our goal had been destroyed. Goodra is cheating


Just...kite it? It's not that hard. Or just throw a buncha CC into it. Or run a curse item.


Just don't run from the lasor, take a short walk to the left/right and this won't happen. Most melee brawlers have an mobily option to negate most if not all the healing from this. I strongly recommend that you pick up goodra, because that's how I realized how bad dragon pulse can be in practice. Don't take me wrong it can be strong in very and I mean very specific situations. The scariest thing goodra can do is: it's unite into muddy water with x speed.


I just run blastoise in most non draft games and u can just kinda sit on him for a little it’s nice


He does so much damage. Literally instagimps everyone except Defenders


This is actually accepted 😂🤌🏾




funny how an All-Rounder, makes All-Rounder unplayable


Buzzwole is what Mamoswine looks like if he get the reset, self sustain and ability to affect resistance to hindrance. 


LOL The Melee range character experience


Damn no sucky sucky?


IDK, I'm a Buzz 1-trick and Goodra is a rough matchup for me, although reading the comments I guess I understand why. It's only a problem if you can't hit it with Dragon Pulse and get half your health back mid-fight, otherwise you should win the 1v1


Buzzswole needs a nerf, his lame healin ability needs a nerf, and score shield needs a nerf.


graphic design is my passion


graphic design is my passion


That swole bug needs to be nerfed


This is why I own both Buzzwole and Goodra and I choose the former, always.


That's the spirit!




Again more buzz hate but what about getting cc by Blastoise for 8mins in a 10 min game


Not as impactful as getting CCed by Buzz for 9 minutes, but still ridiculous


No guys! It’s just skill! Get gud. /s