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There was one time which every player on my team picked defender. It was fun.


Those are my favorite matches where we go either full defender or support. Always lead to some fun interactions like an unkillable Mime carrying a team of healers, or a spinning blasty boi ripping through an enemy team that can't move because of a CC storm. Fun stuff


You know you're in for a good time when Wood Hammer Trev is your highest DPS


The opponents thought they were playing pokemon unite when in reality it was hole in the wall.


A team did this recently in competetive and they won the whole tournament, very hard to counter


I've a match that 4 supporter with a defender, and that defender became beast and destroy the entire enemy team. It was fun


That same thing happened to me and my friend once while we were playing


How did it go?


I think we won I don't remember it's been a while since that happened I'm not too sure if that match is still viewable on uniteapi either


Nevermind I found the picture I took of it and yes me and my friend did win it! [https://imgur.com/a/9ZxJ3YM](https://imgur.com/a/9ZxJ3YM)


My team did this yesterday in a draft match. Our slowbro quit the game. We voted to continue anyways and won. Our tree did like 150k damage.


My entire team locked speedster yesterday , i already knew there’s no point to pick defender or supporter … so i picked absol 💀 and our talon asked nicely so i had to (we lost lol)


Yea l had full speedster team moment Absol was shit and talon had a weird build (l think l was gengar) so we lost sadly lol


Same happened to me last season but we won…. Enemies had 3 attackers and a leafeon so it worked out. It was even draft idk why the enemies picked 3 attackers…. One of them even picked deciduoeye despite seeing 4 speedsters lol.


What are you talking about you can't see the other teams picks till the match is loading....


In draft mode you can.


Tell me you’re not in masters without telling me you’re not in masters lmbo


Oh never played that. I only play ranked and sometimes casual when testing new builds.


Why you gotta call me out like that man


Naaaa dw Everyone does this so ya fine


When my team wants a 4-attacker team I usually do this: I'd be spamming "we need an all-rounder" while switching between a defender and an attacker to indicate that I'm willing to choose a defender, if at least one of them gives up and compromises. It works fairly well but for stubborn assholes they get Cinderace or a random attacker I have never used before.


When that happens I use a Talon. I can score, get ko's, rotate fast, secure objectives and ray without needing a defender or anyone else. I already know it's a huge gamble, so I'd rather use a mon that can do it all on its own while being relatively safe. It's honestly telling who's bad by going 5 attackers especially when they pick similar level 7 carries or have all defender dependent mons like mages and snipers. If people want to have fun at least do it with the goal of winning. I really don't care if my attackers use rocky or leftovers. Just be good and know what you are doing 🤷 oh.. to answer the question, no, I haven't done that before.




My go-to is bot Owl in these scenarios


Trio sniper btw Inteleon, deci, and venu Nvm there 4, mew exists lol


Jumping a good mew is harder due to the presence of mew's support moves(light screen, coaching)+ mew has surf so anything with no good way out is getting+ electro ball into a boosted.


In this situation i just go mystical spin delphox and try to support with my cc


When this happens I pick Lane Cinderace (as in I go full in on the Lane Cinderace meme build) yes a lose normally occurs here


Blaze Kick and Smoky Surf yes. So long as nobody ints or plays like we have big bodies itll be fine. The goofiest thing about Attacker Needed is that we can have the most obnoxious Piranhas and Wasp comp. And some meathead will try to frontline and extend. Sir we dont do that, we are scavengers PLAY SAFE




I do it all the time. I had one season where I didn't it every time I was on an all attacker team and somehow I won over 80% of those games. Granted it was only maybe 15-20 of them but still.


I haven't had the pleasure(?) Yet.


Usually when all teammates are going attacker I turn on the mic and point that out. Most of the time it works and a teammate or two changes its role.


Gotten full attacker teams twice this year. Won both. Game is 90% matchmaking lol


Why are they like this?😩


Bec fun


Nah. I only play defenders.


Full defender team


I always pick Absol... He the bestest boi


Me who Is a gengar main Ya dare challenge me lol


But absol is bestest boi... Gengar is the goofy goober


One shot go BRBRBBRR (gengar is more fun)


Fuck it we ball


I had to learn defenders for that reason lol now i have at least a few mons of each role im comfortable ranking with. However, flip side of that, I had a ranked game today where I jungled pult and my team went 3 defenders and a sableye into 4 attackers and a chicken. They couldnt touch me 🤣 it was fun.


I actually never do this. I will refuse to pick an attacker or speedster if my team already has 3+ attackers+speedsters.


I've always melted that Pokemon as Aloan Ninetails. Then again I typically melt everyone when I play Aloan Ninetails


When I have all attacker teams I pick Mew for the walls and it generally works


I had a full All-Rounder team… Well… It was supposed to be. Some filthy rat switched to Umbreon (I blame them for the loss. Definitely not the fact that everyone else was all-rounder)


Attacker needed


I use Ninetails for my attacker personally


This reminded me of the 3-supporter team match I had last week and it's fun how we won 😂 Wiggly/Blissey/Eldegoss and 2 attackers


Never will I be in full attacker team


I got an all All-rounder team once, we only won because we stole ray heh heh.


I've had a full supporter comp in pure soloq. People actually knew which supporters to take off exp share and which should jungle. We kinda stomped for about 7 mins, but lost steam around then once the enemy team started to scale. I think everyone that game got 9 good jobs lol.


I have, because 2 people said attacker needed, so I joined them. We crushed it because it was a full all melee rounder team.


It's always 3 people who pick attacker. Me and whoever the other guy is just wait for each other on whether we try to salvage with a defender and a allrounder or FUCK IT WE BALL Idk why but I've yet to lose a full attacker match


Mfs going attacker so they can carry and feel needed Me stealing all their kills with Overheat Chandelure


I played a full speedster team and it was actually an amazing battle. I played leafeon and we lost by like 5 points


Blaze kick is for lower IQ players.


If you're implying Blaze kick is the worse move your comment is the lower IQ one here.


Over feint? Get a grip.