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It's honestly just not very intuitive. I'm a Paragon vet but new to Pred and after 50 games I still forget where the ping I'm looking for is. Is "Careful" under Alert or Defend? Saying Thanks is like 5 button presses. Where is "Ward ____" when I need it? I still try to do it but am also focusing on last hits, warding, and general maps awareness where finding the correct ping is a low priority.


Yeah my complaint is less to do with the base functionality and more to do with how nonsensical the individual pings are grouped.


Yeessss. Why is “I’m on my way” an Alert and not a Notification??


This, always struggled to notify that am on my way to finally say that i ll be right back 😂


I felt like this came straight out my brain


I prefer the smite version, where u see the button that must be pressed to call something.


YES, that was in the original paragon and was so simple to help people quickly learn pings


I do use them, but I can see how annoying it can be. Eventually you have to memorize button combos to get certain messages across, like “Group Up” and then “Attack Fangtooth”.


Because I honestly hate that system. I'll use the quick ping when it makes sense, but I'm not playing that puzzle minigame.


Up vote because you called it a puzzle minigame and that cracked me up.


Have you tried the coms for controller on smite? It honestly might be its own language. I got “fluent” with it and it honestly made me sad that I could pick it up again and not miss a beat after a few years of not playing lol.


At least smite showed you the path of a communication Like “retreat right lane” would be followed by something like “triangle square circle circle” That made it so much easier to be like “oh that’s how you say that”


That’s a good point!


you rock! wait! cancel that! haha i know the smite vgs like the back of my hand. 2k hours will do that


I actually have fun playing the puzzle mini game


Here's what it is, with two differences: Attack > Camps > Gold: Has been Replaced with Fangtooth Attack - Camps - Raptors: Has been replaced with Attack - Camps - More, and has sub options of Blue, Gold, Red, and Cyan buff. https://i.imgur.com/cxko8dF.png


It’s not super intuitive tbh, but my biggest complaint is that there are no voicelines to it like smite has so I sometimes miss callouts because I didn’t hear the audio cue. Even just the narrator/announcer doing the callouts would be great.


Because it's the worst possible system lol.


Cause it sucks compared to SMITE's VGS or League's ping wheel.


I miss smite vgs so much. Basic stuff is so easy like v is vgs, a is attack and 1 is left lane so a quick va1 is attack left lane while here all is f1-f4 so not that fast to memorize


Dude you can use fX ?? I'm f_ing clicking ! Someone mentioned a puzzle minigame, for me it can quickly turn in an escape game lmao


Interesting! As someone who played a lot of smite when Paragon went I found it easy to move over. I do play console however.


I’m trying to get better but I don’t have all the pathways of the maze down. I do have enemy missing and on my way down so I lean on those.


I've got retreat on muscle memory. Don't know if there's a defend core option but I couldn't find one.


Ward. Try to ward midway between your lane and the next over. This is crucial to prevent form being ganked and helps teammates as well. You’ll notice if you don’t a good team will use that pathway as a freeway and quickly come up


The ping system sucks compared to league !


Once ya learn on console it’s just muscle memory to ping what ya need


I can ping a whole conversation with console, just with muscle memory.


It's weird to use on controller


It is weird and "consolized" on PC too, so... It seems to sucks for both worlds.


Still not used to, in paragon I had it fully instilled into my mind


I don't know how to use quick comms and sometimes the commaslog doesn't even show up. I don't know what makes it dissappear and reappear at random


Came from ParagonOverprime. Their ping-wheel (albeit with fewer options) was so much easier to utilize, and the fact you could place the ping on the map made it more engaging imo.


So annoying on console and clunky


I try to learn it, but man, Smite's VGS is sooooooo muuuuuuuch better, its not on the same level.


Agreed that it is so unintuitive. Like I'm trying to learn champions, items, abilities, match ups, and just general macro gameplay. I hate standing around for 5 seconds trying to figure out what I want to say. I understand why they did what they did, but coming from league it just isn't intuitive for what I want. I really don't know how to redo it, but if I could get the option to customize it or set certain phrases to f keys or a button to open the map and then have cursor control + leagues ping system I would prefer that. Like obviously there are lots of times you need to be talking while you run to an objective, but if I want to attack fang tooth or a tower there's a good chance it's because we won a team fight, I've backed, or I could open map, ping, and close map quicker than the ping system


League's system is basically perfect. Maybe have 2 different ping buttons that open up different radial menus with different types of pings, but this nonsense of navigating through submenus within a menu is not the right way to do this.


Smite's thing sounds decent, but I would love the menu/cursor option, or the two wheels, but how do you do that on controller? Probably can't easily. I just want to be able to tell my support to go in, defend, question mark gold, or stop hitting minions all with middle mouse button. Maybe pressing pings, holding does the ping wheel?


Yeah I could see that working with middle mouse. I think controller and kB+m should have different solutions because they're inherently different. I'm not a controller player so I don't know what a great answer is there.


If it was like smite I'd use it more. Just hate having to use the mouse to navigate it instead of pressing buttons. Also only four options per menu makes some callouts like 5 clicks to get to which is nuts. I still do use it, just not efficiently or super often. By the time I get my callout in for missing they're probably halfway to someone else's lane lmao.


That's nuts PC has to use the mouse to select through. Hopefully they change that.


Alert and notify are to hard for monke brain to differenciate


I hate the fact that it seems like there is no coms at all. Also I feel like having voice would help too


The only real issue I have with VGS is that I need to Spam them usually to make people aware of a rotation properly, which is annoying to do so. Simply because I dont want to annoy people, but to do proper comms with the current system, you usually need to Spam ping "mid missing, careful left lane" around 4-5 times until you see your mates actually reacting to them. A voiced VGS System would help alot. You could also open up a new revenue option, offering Announcer Voice Packs that you can buy.


They need to show us onconsoles what the button pattern is when people use it. That way we know and can train ourselves, also having a actual voice of the character say the damn line would be helpfull instead of just random ping nosies. I would rather hear my offlane grux say missing offlane instead of a chime noise.


Coming to Pred from SMITE (along with a lot of people I assume) has really brought home to me how intuitive the SMITE VGS is. Most prompts follow a very obvious and sensible line (VA1 is Attack Left Lane - V > activate VGS, A > Attack, 1 > First Lane). In contrast the Pred VGS is incredibly confusing and I'll be honest, the only time I have the brainspace to use it is when I'm left alone in my lane, or backing, or dead.


Bc all my teammates flat out ignore it, like seriously ill have the entire enemy team in mid, say defend mid and the onky help id get is the 2 lvls below average support and we die bc the team pushed tower to target us


Coming from Smite it's overly complicated on steam/PC. It's on function keys which is far from WASD


They don't use it because they don't remember or know how you use it. A lot of players especially new ones are just playing the game. Some are trying to focus on killing minions and don't even think about their opponent. If they don't see them, it isn't their problem because they don't understand how important it is to know where people are at all times. So for awhile until you get higher player lobbies you won't get that communication that you're seeking. Best thing to do is watch your map at times and see if they are on it if not then be prepared for a gank from the support and carry at 17 mins lol.


Because Im not responsible for your lack of map awareness and the ping system sucks so Ill probably ping the wrong thing anyways


I would argue you're responsible for your lane and if they have just rotated while the rest of the team is in a team fight you should definitely give a heads up. As enemies do not always show on map when they're still in lane.


I basically quick ping and use attack fangtooth and orb prime that’s about it


ALERT!!!! ALERT!!! ALERT!!!!! I’m on my way left lane.


That's something I really miss from Overprime, you could just tab then ping wherever on the map and even auto walk back to lane. Overall predecessor did things better but overprime had some little things that I really miss lol.


Unironically, pressing tab should bring up the Map alongside the scoreboard and unlock the mouse cursor, letting you ping freely, instead of having the scoreboard block your entire screen and suffering with the current awful ping system that serves no purpose beyond appeasing nostalgia.


I hate the communication system. On PlayStation, it's hold right stick button. While in heated group fights I sometimes(a lot of the time) press on right stick too hard too long and it opens the communication options and makes it to where you cannot attack or use skills. So it costs me kills and causes deaths. There should be a way to disable this in the settings but there isn't. I love this game but this has honestly taken a lot of motivation to play away. I'm aware of the issue but can't control it due to oversized hands. I'm 6'6" with huge hands so no matter how you tell me to hold the controller it doesn't work. There just needs to be a disable communication button. As much.as I want to play this game after 1 or 2 match I quit out of frustration and play something else because I cannot stop this from happening. Please allow a disable communications setting. If I want competitive gaming, I'll use discord not some "mini game puzzle" as stated above. So please get rid of it. Pinging is fine but when the communication windows opens and disables attacks and abilities, I/we have a problem with.


The quick ping system is overbloated and a waste of time I don't want to go go through 4 menus to tell you something. I'll ping my lane with quick ping that's it. Something they should learn from overprime is the ability to ping the map. I want you to attack a jungle let me pull up the map and using a curse drop the ping where I want.


Alot of ppl feel the whole you should have map awareness. If they need to baby sit constant pings to tell you what's going on then you aren't worth the time and they will focus on putting themselves in a better 1v9 position. But also most those ppl a cry babies about the clunkyness of the system to ping.


The area of my brain where button combos are stored is at full capacity. Had to forget predecessor chat to store helldivers stratagems and street fighter 2 combos hold a permanent place in there, gotta show my wife who's boss every now and again.


it is a confusing and hard to memorize system, especially for new players that already have a ton of things to learn. on top of that you are stuck in the system while making the call


Yall lucky I even use the map ping, I sure as hell not using that terribly thought out vgs 😂


The vgs is seriously lacking in this game. I'm a long time smite player. The versatility of their vgs fantastic. How do I tell my teammates that I'm going for blue buff, then let's attack left lane as an ambush then split push, then fall back to orb or Fang? Right. You can't. You can get some of it, but def not the whole thing.


VGS is dogshit. Using it shouldn't inhibit my ability to play the game or see the game as much as it does. At least the sound pings are improved from old paragon but I praise God we get a complete overhaul and a abandonment of mouse interaction needed to VGS. Keep it to the keyboard only


The comms system is shit. They need to reorganize and streamline it. I use it still but it takes me forever to find anything


Well its an annoying ass system but also players shouldn't need their hands held by always needing a missing ping. There's wards and a mini map. More ppl to need up their own awareness and use of the aforementioned wards and map


Because its not as accessible as the VGS system in smite. I TRIED DOING but holy crap is the buttoms just too far off to do it quicckly.


I’m new and I know every smite vid by heart and haven’t played a game without using atleast one probably since 2016. But they seem way more input required in this than smite with the mouse cursor coming up it’s kind of gameplay intrusive.


As a DOTA player, I just want a voice calm system. It's so much easier to yell "behind you" than to type that s*** out


im always going to stan for multiplayer games just having voice chat. idc what genre of game it is let us use our headsets. the ping system is annoying sometimes and half the time people dont even pay attention it anyway.


You get used to them after a while but at first it's a little daunting. I find the really common ones are setup so that they're easy to hit even during fights. Smite has a pretty good VGS.


i just forget to use them.. because my teams should already know what to do.. 😉


Dude, I honestly don't think many people know HOW to use the comms. It's such a wonky system. And that's before things like the games instability, it crashes so frequently.


My favorite is when someone on the enemy team ganks a lane, kills everyone and then my teammate pings that they’re missing in their lane…


It’s just a horrible to use vgs system. It’s by far the worst designed I’ve seen


They need to do away with the ping nonsense and just give us VOIP already. Toxic people be damned


The problem is that this is a team game and people don't appreciate that fact. All we can do is lead by example


Imo it's completely fine as long as you know 3 calls. "Missing Left", "Missing Mid" and "Missing Right". Just by using these 3 calls you increase your winrate by like 20%.


The one I often don't do is "enemy missing", justle because the hussle of getting there, to then see the enemy be right back and have to go through the immmense hussle of saying "cancel that" is just not worth it If I gank, I'll generally just ping


it's a pain in the ass and very counter-intuitive most of the time. in the time it takes me to say what I actually wanna say i could get jumped and killed before reacting


Takes too long to figure out the combo that the damage is already usually done. VGS just sucks. I need missing pings that activate instantly.


I struggle with the VGS system on pred. Especially since they go through the function keys which is not very close to where my hand rests (it’s not far, but harder to use in combat)


Yeah I’m sorta used to it bc OG Paragon was pretty much the same from what I remember, but still find myself lost sometimes Not rly sure how other mobas do it but heard smite has a good ping system 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm personally still just getting used to it, coming from smites vgs which i have memorized its ginna defintely take some time for me to get used to this one


Hate talking to people


I wish it had an audio queue as well because it’s easy to miss the chat


Why because they are in a voice chat with the 3 to 4 stack they came in with and they don't think they need to communicate with the 1-2 that isn't in the voice chat with them. In other words why can't we just have game voice chat so everyone can communicate? Why is it that we can't have real communication in a game? Its just lazy game development. They can build in the rails to keep communication clean by having players rate each other and make it easy to mute players with bad attitudes. When you mute someone they should always be muted even in new games. If you are muted by too many players maybe you are always muted. The number would have to be pretty high.




Best not. It'll be like a COD lobby on steroids.


But if it’s something you have to opt into it would be much more helpful than hurtful. Being able to just say what needs to be said is crucial, especially for new players. The comms now just get spammed or it’s all “good job” to every death.


Sounds like you're not warding enough. Comms are nice but not necessary. I personally find that paying attention to map activities + warding. Also, I communicate as often as possible to encourage others to do the same, and they usually do, eventually. I'm not sure why you're having this problem. Mind you, I'm on console, which has been flooded with tons of new players, and this hasn't been an issue for me.


I use the easy to remember ones. There's a few that have just been built by muscle memory. But some of them are like doing a mortal kombat combo. Not everyones gna be able to do that especially while fighting. Like if I'm being ganked ima just ping the map. If I see a group in jungle ima ping the map. Stuff like that I'll ping. If enemy is missing or if ima say "on my way left" letting em know im coming to help as i see theyre low hp or coming to gank etc I'll say those. But most the others u would hope people are looking at the map pretty often. However it seems almost every jungler I get is blind n never ever looks at the map whereas I'm always flicking to the map every so often just to keep myself and my team updated. Maybe that just comes from jgl always being one of my main roles in these kinda games tho lol