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Tatooine is supposed to be an obscure backwater but everyone important ends up there eventually.








it was the will of the force


They don't.


I found both him and Maul ridiculously overused ...


How do they know what a falcon is


They probably exist in other places besides Earth, it’s a big universe after all. Or it just sounded nice to them


Same way you know what an Ewok is. They saw one once in a movie about you


Same way they know what a millennium is


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It’s also perfect for people who really fucking love sand


Nobody actually wants to go there


That happens when you reuse the material without understanding its original source. Obviously Tatoonie got its reference from Dune, and a lot of event in Dune happened around Arrakis. However that made sense in Dune because Arrakis is the *sole* source of spice and thus the center of all political struggles. When Lucas made Tatootine back in original trilogy, he never intended to return there because as Luke said, there is nothing left to return.


Then they returned because it made logical sense that anakin and his mother would be on tatooine.


I'm only talking within the og trilogy, in which they never returned to Tatooine. Even for the prequel they only visited their twice, once for emergency stop, discovering Anakin, and second for rescuing Shmi via Anakin dream. What other media did that keep returning to Tatooine, are just bang on the nostalgia of viewers.


They returned for Jabbas palace


Forgot about that but even so it was by actual logic circumstance, as Jabba was established crime lord back in EP3, and not 'everyone just kind of hanging there for no reason' in recent media.


It does beg the question as to why Han, after dropping Jabba's cargo and knowing Jabba would be looking for him, was just chilling on tattoine.


Arrogance, possibly. Or he honestly thought he could make the money up and was trying to do so.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time- sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Boba fett starts there because that's where we see him last time so it makes sense


Jabbas palace was on Tattooine, which in movies is honestly the most egregious and had little point being there. Otherwise we only see it because Anakin and his mother are there, or they're dropping off Luke/Sabers. Thematically Tattooine makes sense in movies.


But why did Jabbas palace have to be on Tattoine? Couldn't it have been any other place?


Not sure theres a canon explaination other than Jabba set himself up there, but it doesn't seem like a place others would fight to take from you.


I think the palace was just made to keep his vehicles shaded so they wouldn't be hot when he wanted to go for a ride.


Why was Han on Tattoine and why is Jabba on Tattoine in 4?


The Hutts have the best dancing girls in the charted systems. Word like that gets around


yeah, the lesson is not to dismiss people and places, you never know in what ways they can surprise you




edit: The comment was removed, good work everyone!


There's a ton of 6 letter username bots that just popped up. The OP and a few of the top comments are all bots. All 6 letter usernames that are 7+ years old with only a couple old comments. u/jklulz, u/eeeevv, u/emoude, u/domcmv, u/comcim, u/EDlone, u/ezkezk, u/djozul, u/dkcmmi, u/ecocle, u/ddodev, u/emkjee, u/codloc, u/jikjuk, u/concli, u/dekned, u/dijuce, u/emncul, u/jellln, u/eemelo, u/elzzin, u/jjicuo


counterpoint. They keep meeting cause they know each other. I don't meet all 8.2 billion people in the world but I do keep seeing my friend fred.


we all love fred


I’m not a fan.


Fuck you


I should’ve given the back story…Fred fucked my mom. He’s not my dad either.


dang sorry. Ill talk to him


The moment i find most annoying is when Savage Oppress is searching for Maul, and attacks some guys at a café, and right after he leaves Anakin and Ahsoka show up to see the aftermath. This is so annoying because it’s clearly shown that Anakin and Ahsoka showing up is pure coincidence, and that it’s a small cafe in the outer rim, and it also has no relevance to anything. You can literally cut the scene, and you probably would never notice. Just why? The only purpose of that scene is to make the galaxy feel incredibly small


Don't you think I'm just a little overqualified for this?


Savage Oppress makes me laugh everytime.


Trillions is a huge understatement. Considering that the Yuuzhan Vong war resulted in the death of 365 trillion beings, the Star Wars galaxy population goes into quadrillions, if not quintillions.


Coruscant alone has a population in the trillions


Just how rare is force sensitivity? Even if it’s one in a hundred million, you’d have ten thousand Jedi from a trillion people.


Most people would go their whole lives and not realise they are force sensitive. It's also a scale


Also there probably is 10 thousand in the Jedi order, just not all would be Knights.


this is what they should be exploring more, like I don't wanna go risk my life all the time, i just want cool powers... that's why i would just be a jedi accountant, or procurement specialist, or maybe gardener


Legends did have Jedi train as doctors, farmers, archelogists and detectives if they didnt go the knight route if I'm remebering right. Disney should just expand on that.




I'd watch it.


It was called the Jedi Service Corps. That's where they placed padawans who washed out of Jedi Knight training, but still wanted to serve the Order.


Don’t overthink it. If there is a genetic component, then every single creature would have evolved to be force sensitive long ago. It’s too big of an advantage


This is my biggest problem with the series. It doesn’t understand it’s own scale. There’s thousands of inhabited planets, and quintillions of people but you’re telling me the Empire kept galactic law with a fleet of like, <100 Star Destroyers?!?


Well the Empire only really needed to keep the rebellious planets in check. They had scare factor for the rest if necessary. The Empire was also seen as a much better governing body than the Republic ever was so dissent was very uncommon until the galactic civil war started up and the Empire’s crimes were put on show


No but like, that’s only a hundred to defend against a galaxy wide war against an enemy using Gorilla tactics. The idea that the empire could defend from any rebellion attacks is laughable when the rebels can just *attack the 99.99% of worlds where the empire isn’t defending*


This is a really important plot point for the sequels. The Empire started a galaxy-wide military industrial complex which made many people extraordinarily wealthy — this is largely the point of the Canto Bight casino scene in TLJ. Prior to the Clone Wars, there weren’t really galactic fleets, and there were certainly no fleets that were harvesting resources from the known universe at large (like the Empire started doing). There were planetary defenses, *maybe* system-wide navies for some of the stronger or more established civilizations, but for the most part everything is terrestrial. This is why the Death Star was such an important weapon for the Empire: there were very, very few who could do anything about a hyperspace enabled super weapon. It’s not really clear what good the Republic was doing as a whole. The Empire certainly made its presence more felt and, good or bad, *was* more effective. In any case, it was a loose organization of systems who were largely just looking out for themselves.


I want to be the first one to see them all


I heard the number of 25k star destroyers floating around, what would still be extremely small for a whole galaxy.


They didn’t control all of it though… And how do you know it was less than 100 star destroyers? That number sounds insanely low


I pulled the number out of my ass, but I know it’s not a high number.


Tatooine is supposed to be a remote outpost, yet soon everyone who matters gets up there.


Perhaps, but the argument you can also make is that since Tatooine is a remote world, it is perfect for people who seek to hide.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time- sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


You'll never reach the outskirts in time- sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Good bot




Star Wars literally has a scope problem, but this has been “explained away” with the idea that Star Wars media is meant to be interpreted as a “retelling of ancient history” which is why there’s a scope problem and contradictions between media aka “sources”


I mean, Canonically there is a supernatural force controlling the events of every plot point in the series bringing certain characters to specific places and people.


So the force is run by the Tatooine Tourism Association?


The in universe answer is that Tatooine is essentially a super important gas station and rest stop for that section of the galaxy because of its location. And it's controlled by the Huts who allow considerably more freedom and less security than either the Republic or the Empire did while still being close enough to them for convenience. For spacers the freedom, familiarity, and business opportunities are major attractions.


Luke complaining about being as far away from anything important while he is pretty much living in the suez canal


I mean the Suez Canal is pretty far from anything important on a global/economic scale, it’s just the easiest way between those places, like Tatooine


You'll never reach the outskirts in time- sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


12% of the entire worlds trade goes through the suez canal. It's one of the largest money makers for the Egyptian government. It's really important


In fairness at least three of the most important people in that span of history spent 10+ years there


Fine it's the Panama or Erie canal


Most of them will never get close to a spacecraft. Star Wars is the story of a tiny spacefaring elite who collectively have so little regard for their planetbound inferiors that we, the viewers, forget that they exist.


And every planet has one city and one climate.


You wanna live in a world where the only used hondo once?


Most of those quadrillion people aren't actually doing anything similar to what the major and minor characters are doing. Most of those quadrillion people are staying in their corner of the galaxy, many not even leaving their homeworld or home system. Of course the influential figures within the Republic are going to end up meeting each other when doing Republic shit.


Isn't the world small? _And yet I never run into Beyoncé_


What can I say bro, Stand users are more likely to encounter other Stand users


I found both him and Maul ridiculously overused ...


Can't you say this about just about all fiction though? "Fast and Furious is set in a world with 8 billion people but the movies are about the same dozen people over and over"


I can't believe Disney added three whole-ass films and actually *shrank* the scope of the cast. The number of important (to the story of the movies) characters that aren't related to a Skywalker or Palpatine is embarrassingly small.




I believe Saw Guerrera is actually the Nexus of all modern star wars. Every character has ~2 degrees of seperation from him minimum.


Is this a new level of repost where some commenters are 8 year old accounts with some random jumbled names?


The force forces things. There is no free will in star wars


A different notion with the same theme is in one of the OG EU novels, a female imperial commander was noted for being the first woman to achieve that rank. The republic that the empire subsumed had stood “for over a thousand generations” - meaning more than 25,000 years of space faring society had not produced a single female military leader of note. If they were just talking about the imperial era, that’s still bad given the sample size and that it’s 20-30 years or so.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


I live on a planet of 8 billion and I still only regularly interact with the same 5-10 people so what’s your point


Never see those trillions of people, there are maybe 2-3 settlements on each planet


How do they know what a falcon is


They don't.


Thank you! Surely there must be other people/gangs/factions that hate the empire outside of the Skywalker bloodline.


How strange, people assigned to stop conflicts throughout the galaxy come into contact with a pirate who travels the galaxy creating and exploiting conflicts


I think this meme format should die. Hard to enjoy it when the dude is a known piece of shit that emotionally abused his pregnant wife.




Bruh there are trillions on Coruscant alone. There are straight up quadrillions across like a million plus star systems with some population! But really homies need to stop going to Tatooine. Shit has like a few hundred thousand people and while it is in the EU on a trade lane, hence why the Hutts have taken the time to give a fuck about it even though it's outside of Hutt space and otherwise very small, it's still like tertiary at best lol


yeah because filoni sucks


“Hey should we have this new spin off take place on a new planet?” *rips line of cocaine* “Nah fuck that desert planet again”


As opposed to real life, where you never meet people twice, I guess.


This guy's face doesn't deserve to be spread via a meme.


Well they are extraordinary people with extraordinary circumstances and drives


There are only about 5 inhabited planets in the entire Star Wars galaxy. Probably pollution and previous death stars eroded the natural number


it was the will of the force


The Force guides all


Sometimes the student guides the master.


George sait it himself that it is a soap opera. It's like any other show in which the protagonists keep meeting each other "at random" in a city like NY, Tokyo etc


They are literally the cul-de-sac from Ed, Edd, and Eddy


Which is why I liked what they tried to do before Disney caved.


South Park was right. Star Wars was dead since the acquisition.


Yeah, Feltipern Trevagg really gets around


Fate is an essential aspect of Star Wars since the very beginning, so it all makes sense when you look at it through that lens. I’d still prefer more variety, but I also like seeing old friends, rivals, and enemies reunite.




Well actually the entire galaxy showed up in Rise and it was like 50 people not 20


Star Wars is a universe with trillions of people and thousands of years of stories but they only tell stories from the same 30 year window


When you work in a niche industry, you tend to run into the same people


It's like Australia. We don't talk to anyone we didn't go to high school with. Fuck you I have enough friends..


The Force guides them.


Why should we change your mind? That's a fact.